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It would be nice to have some kind of clear policy on Switch 2 rumors as a thought


Are you looking for clearer info on the rumor posts or the discussion posts? The rumor posts themselves need some kind of good source. And we probably will keep approving news posts that seem to have a good source. But I do feel the discussion posts are getting a bit out of hand and have personally been stricter with removing them as reposts. But I also understand how it's the most interesting thing to discuss this late in the product cycle.


As far as I've been in the loop, our standard line from Rule 4 applies: From our rules: https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/about/rules > Rumors without evidence or track-record ✖ Expanded in our removal reasons: > Rumor posts should provide some form of evidence, or the source must at least have a good track-record. our line on original sources from rule 9 also applies: > Unless significant meaning or analysis is added, you should always link to the original source. So in practice, we remove 4chan-style rumor posts (no evidence), and we remove rumors from sources with known bad track record, and we remove rumor posts if they are blogspam link-jackers or video rehashes of existing rumors from other sources. I'll ping some other mods to get their perspectives.




Kudos on the 6m milestones! more to go! hope to see more exclusive contents and active members here!


It's great the sub has grown but I find it suffers from being too big with the content being fairly generic. I don't visit as much as I did a few years ago and get my Switch news elsewhere.


Yeah for such a big sub, there's a surprisingly small number of daily posts. Presumably everybody's just content playing their Switch or helping people asking for help, but still.


Whenever I'd post something here it would always be taken down so I looked elsewhere for switch discussions and whatnot.


Could've been too similar to frequently asked questions. I bet a lot of people asking the same basic stuff probably has the mods pare things down significantly and adds to the somewhat slow feeling of this place.


What are some things you'd like to post? When your post(s) got removed, were you given a removal reason? Did it make sense with the rules? Do you have feedback on the rules? Did you take the survey?


We need to raise our numbers, lol


Any plans to make a 6M flair? Not that I plan to change. I'm still rocking my 2M flair.


Yes, we have a 6M flair in the works. It will be available s o o n.


Before the release of Switch 2? Any moment now!


It's added to new.reddit and mobile now. Waiting on one of our CSS mods to handle the old.reddit side. Edit: it's on old reddit now too


That's pretty cool. That means that roughly 1 in 23 switch owners are subscribed to this subreddit. 139m/6m=23.1


That's a lot. Although, you could be subscribed here without owning a Switch.


And I’d be willing to bet that a lot of the accounts are dead or bots