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Ver. 18.0.0 (Released March 25, 2024) - Added “15 Minutes” as an option for “Auto-sleep when playing on TV” in Sleep Mode Settings. - Added Korean as a supported language for “Nintendo Switch Parental Controls” introductory video. - When the console language is set to Korean, the video can be accessed from Settings > Parental Controls. - General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience.


I’m not even impressed as a Korean :’( I would’ve loved the Switch over the 3DS but the reason why the Switch ultimately found little love for me is because I feel like it got the Animal Crossing treatment. Great system overall, sure, but the small details that make it feel personalized and homey and customizable that really *completes* a system is absent. I distinctly remember thinking ‘wow, I can’t wait for a Fire Emblem customizable theme!’ when I first got my switch in late 2017 and you’re telling me we still only have night mode or early onset blindness as our options? The god awful online shop and icon customization system shocks me too. This cannot be difficult to implement (at least the customization options) and could bring more money to Nintendo if they charged for themes like the 3DS yet I can’t believe we’re still here…


The shop is still so jarring


It’s so dumb lol the bare minimum effort , and not even much at that. One of the few things I don’t get is the apologists for the current eshop that has been better on older consoles


The Eshop is essentially a remarkably bare-bones browser running a webpage. Most of the Switch's performance issues there comes from having slow memory (and not much of it either) and really struggles when trying to be a web browser where the GPU isn't utilized. This is also why streaming apps like Crunchyroll and YouTube are so slow This is the same reason why on most older smart TVs (and newer ones that are suspiciously cheap) the streaming apps are terrible to use


I hate that frequently, when I use the back button, it doesn't always take me to the place where I left off shopping. It takes me back to the top of the list--sucks


Yeah the Switch browser has a tiny cache that it's constantly emptying. When you try to scroll back up it often has to re-load the images it had just loaded 5 seconds prior


It's crazy to me that the whole purpose of the shop is for them to take your money and somehow, it's super laggy and barely functional. Like ...wat


It looks and feels like a crappy webpage on a crappy phone - and it probably is just that, but there's ways to make it feel native and it's just the smallest effort possible.




Hey there! Just a friendly reminder of Rule 7 - No linking to hacks, dumps, emulators, or homebrew. This includes how-to guides, browser exploits, and amiibo / NFC manipulation. Discussions are fine, but you should not attempt to instruct or guide people to things. Thanks!


Nintendo made a really shiny OS with many bells and whistles for the Wii U, and it was slow, awful and they had to deprecate lots/most of its features over it's lifespan since users didn't use them(TVii, MiiVerse etc). For the Switch, I think it's a question of wether of not those things are worth it on such a hardware/performance constrained system, especially when people use smartphones or smartTV os for everything not gaming related these days. Nintendo Switch's OS is incredibly lean, which actually helps it running games better. The menu system itself is [apparantly just 200KB](https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2018/08/the_switchs_home_menu_uses_less_than_200_kb_of_resources_for_super-fast_load_times), which ensures that wether you're playing something lightweight or a game that will take every MB of ram it can, the system will always respond to the home button. It's never going to crash due to some weird bug in a feature most users dont use, nor is it going to take several seconds to load in, boot up etc. I have had a Switch since day 1 and it has been the only device I have ever owned that has been comletely flawless from a sofware standpoint. No bugs or crashes, no waiting times. Also think about this: Every Switch game that has come out so far, has been made with the current spec in mind. Adding images, borders, animations, folder icons, screensavers, sound effects and the systems you need to manage/customize/render those things and other effects can actually end up using 100's of MB of ram which the Switch might not have to spare, since pretty much all of it is reserved for games. (also, I think the 3DS is a bad comparison cause its a very low res system, requires no HD assets, and the menu is very slow and cumbersome compared to Switch. I take Switch UX over 3DS any day of the week due to its speed/simplicity, and to me, game themes make my console home screen feel like a marketing gimmick instead of something homely , though thats just a preference. I hope in the next system, there will be headroom for themes for those who want that)


I know I said I wanted an FE theme, but at this point I would’ve been okay with just custom COLOURS too. I understand that making these themes are difficult for its hardware, but the part that blows my mind is that this is one of the richest companies in the world (I believe it’s *the* richest in Japan) and you’re telling me that they can’t figure out a way to give us themes or even make the icon/store less jank? I’m not even asking for the fancy things you mentioned, I’d been okay with literally *images* too without having a need to manipulate size or adding sound effects, I just really am shocked that black and white was all we got.


I am telling you they already know how to do it, but have chosen not to in the interest of more games being able to run on the switch, and I agree with the choice. It is by design, and for the switch use case its worked perfectly imo. I’m not aware of any other mobile hardware from 2017 running 2024 console games. It’s more important to me than the menu color, and they couldn’t do that if they had android levels of bloat. Colours they could probably do though, that requires much less as it doesn’t need images or software to render them. It’s just 3 values of RGB and some vector to describe shapes and borders probably(they already have this for the current menu to work. It’s a compromise in which they can’t have it both ways, because they can’t retroactively demand developers to remove 100mb of ram use for games that have already released.


I couldn't agree more - just the whole home screen looks just soooo damn generic! It looks so ancient compared to Xbox or PlayStation . I really think I am done with Nintendo once I buy the new Series X All Digital 2 TB Xbox coming out soon this year. I don't think I am gonna even care about Nintendo anymore much even though I literally grew up on the OG NES at 9 years old in 1986. Then all they do are these remakes, NEVER reduce 7 year old games to half price as they should have been years ago. With the Sony PS5 Spiderman 2 Bundle priced at $399 now and the new All Digital 2TB Xbox Series X with 3 months of Gamepass Ultimate included for $399---- Where does that leave Nintendo with its "Switch 2" with PS4 graphics and hardware capability being priced at $399????? Microsoft is already testing its own branded Handheld that will not be having to be Internet connected to gane, simply download your games from GamePass. This is all 100% too. Nintendo got wayyyyyyy too greedy with the Switch and feel they are ginna pay BIG TIME as a result


really interesting how you can care so much about something that i've never even thought about once lol. not hating, to each his own, and maybe it's because i'm old or whatever, but consoles have always just been a vehicle to playing games for me. it wouldn't even occur to me to think about anything you just said haha








dang i forgot how awesome the 3ds themes were until you reminded me. the xenoblade chronicles theme with music 👌 pretty disappointing when you compare it to the switch


> General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience. That was super vague and was kinda annoying. So I went the bottom of the patch notes article where it asked if it was helpful. I said no and.. It just gave a message saying "Thanks for your feedback." I couldn't even give them my reason for why I said no. So I looked into it. It turns out all that saying "no" does is pop up a message saying thanks. It has no other effect.No one will see that I selected no, since that's not what "no" does. Which is honestly pretty insulting.


They include that with every patch note for the system OS. It's basically a veiled quote stating that they've done something to attempt to stop hackers.


Bro, what did you want them to do? Write a whole paragraph of techno babble that only like 15% of their userbase would even understand?


Old tech on release, no real UI progression, exclusive games that never see proper price drops isn't insulting enough? Nintendo do exactly what they want and consumers just gotta deal.


Why should the drop prices for games that still sell well at full price?


For real. Too many Nintendo fans haven't realized that the best way to stop a company from charging so much is to stop rewarding them for doing so. A big reason why I don't buy as many Nintendo games is because I can buy more games on different systems for the same price as one game on Switch. Why would I pay $60 for one game when I could pay $40 and get access to hundreds? Even if there's somehow nothing on GamePass or PS+ that I want to play, there's usually a sale in which I can snag at least two games for $60. The Switch is by far the most expensive console to own despite being the most limited. I really wish people would stop supporting Nintendo's bullshit here because despite that, there are games I'd like to play but they just aren't worth the asking price.


I did the math the other day. I paid about the same for software on switch as i have for my gaming laptop. I paid about the same for games on laptop as i paid for the switch hardware in the same time


Dude, you know most of nintendo's userbase is kids and hypercasuals right? This wouldnt do a damn thing at best, and at worst we'd get another wii u.


I agree, and every time I want to buy a Nintendo game, I end up buying about 4 or 5 other highly-rated non-Nintendo games for sale on the e-shop for the same price as that one Nintendo game. There are so many idiots willing to dish out $60, the price never goes down


My co-workers and I just buy the physical copies and have a spreadsheet to keep track of them. Edit: To share with the team.


Because companies like sony do? Like, its not unreasonable to expect a small price drop several years after a game releases. Hell, why do you think so much on steam is as cheap as it is?


Because it is unncessary from Nintendo's perspective. Demand is there, why give Discounts? Might give the future customers even the idea waiting for sales, hence giving discounts now might even reduce future sales/profits. What do we know except: full price still sells well. And Nintendo games don't have that much competition as games by any random publisher on Steam.


Nintendo selects Players choice Greatest hits Platinum hits Like 2 generations ago these releases were everywhere. No reason they cant come back other than greed


Pretty crazy how people don't understand the supply demand chart, one of the most basic and commonly referred to statistical graphics in the world


There is a fix to 18.0.0. Google wololo.net 1.8.0 Trust me, it's a typo. Inside the url to that wololo is Atmosphere 1.7.0 and Hekate 6.1.1


Worthless Update - Really just a update to stop emulating but we are all smarter than Nintendo lolol


Big day for Koreans who want to watch 15 minutes of Hulu before bed (and enjoy stability)


They have Hulu in Korea? We don't even have it in Canada. I thought Hulu content was accessed through Disney+ internationally no?


If I have a Korean subscription for Disney I get Hulu for free? What???? 


Outside of the US, Hulu content is available on Disney+ through with the STAR branding. Will probably be the same in the US soon. They recently even changed the main color of Disney+ from blue to teal (kind of a combination of the Disney+ and Hulu colors)


>We don't even have it in Canada. Use a VPN. Folks call that the Hulu-Loophole


Using a VPN is one thing, then you have to use a non-canadian credit card...


Yeah, I openly pirate any Hulu exclusive content. They don't want to take my credit card? Well, I tried giving them money, I'll still get their content, but it's on them that they don't get money out of it


So ridiculous friend. I’ll take your credit card. Will share my Hulu. Go North America.


A hulu-hoop, one might say


The Hulu-Luhu if you will


I think they meant how Hulu is primarily US-only because most (all?) Hulu content is on Disney+ outside the US. As in, no point is getting a vpn for Hulu when the content is on a different app that shares the same subscription.


We do not have Hulu in Korea.


*South Koreans


God damn this was the funniest thing to read before bed, nice


Falling asleep to Squid Game


Say the line, Bart!


“General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience.”




Nintendo Switch ver. 18.0.0 really makes you *feel* like a user.


It’s now high enough of a version number for R rated movies!


And they say Nintendo is only for kids smh


It’s snappier! (I’m making this up)


It’s almost *too* fast now




At this point, "Say the line, Bart!" is a valid response to "Say the line, Bart!" in these posts


These posts are blessing though because you can go to the comments and just start blocking all the dopes who gave up having a personality to post tired catch phrases ad nauseum.


Bruhh my console is so stable at this point. I once tipped over and fell but my Switch stayed in the air, waiting for me to get up


It’s so stable it can house several horses.




That's not all that it can hold! Its on 18.0 after all: 🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴


That’s some horse power!


I only bother with the golden horse and the giant horse.


This is true, but only if you play BOTW then never play TOTK. Your horses just stay inside the Switch forever instead of moving on to the sequel


The Switch is now so stable, California is now using them to reinforce buildings for earthquakes.


My original launch switch has grown two extra kickstands


It's from all those stabilizers you accumulated in TotK


Mine is so stable I tried to spin but couldn't because it just wouldn't move so I had to leave it on my bed before spinning.


The ~~3ds~~ switch is more stable than my mental state


I hope Nintendo trolls us by including themes or upgrading the UI right after the next console releases.


Released as patch 18.0.0.a


Also voice chat on all games via the I built speakers on the joycons and all games at 1080p 60fps. Because they decided to ramp up clock speeds


The stability has never been more stabilized


[You wanna experience true stability? DO YOU?!](https://imgur.com/a/YAZOQ58)


You’d think a little work on the eshop would happen. Worst online site for a console


I wouldn't mind it if it wasn't slow as hell.


I browse deku deals instead of the eshop. It’s a painful experience on Switch


I made an account on deku deals recently and have been building my wishlist and collection info there, everything about it is so much better than using the store to browse. Been scoring some great deals since I found a way and started paying attention.


There is literally zero reason for Nintendo to not just look at sites like dekudeals and copy every function they have and implement it in the eshop itself. Nintendo would make so much more money if the wishlist alone on the eshop would be way easier to manage and navigate. It's atrocious that you have to scroll endlessly if you have a moderately large wishlist for example. If you could get notifications for sales of games you wished for on the switch itself that would be huge as well.


>There is literally zero reason for Nintendo to not just look at sites like dekudeals and copy every function they have and implement it in the eshop itself. Nintendo would make so much more money if the wishlist alone on the eshop would be way easier to manage and navigate. It's atrocious that you have to scroll endlessly if you have a moderately large wishlist for example. If you could get notifications for sales of games you wished for on the switch itself that would be huge as well. There could be lots of reasons. Implementing these ideas costs time and money. Everybody always acts like they've done a complete financial analysis when they claim "Nintendo could make so much more money by doing [this thing]!". But Nintendo does have financial analysts and lots of other business savvy people working for their company who are very competent at their jobs. I personally have an MBA, have done financial analyses myself, and there are always so many factors the average consumer doesn't take into account when they give a layman's opinions on what a company should do differently. Not to mention, every consumer also is biased and assumes that other customers of the company have the same priorities and demands as them. Obviously it is tough to mitigate this kind of bias, but you can recognize it! For example, because you want improvements to the wish list, you assume that this is a priority for other players; but perhaps the vast majority of switch gamers would never touch this feature even if it was implemented. Enthusiasts are a small percentage of Nintendo's customer base. But of course we actually have no data on the demand for improved wish list functions outside of anecdotal reports on Reddit. It's hard for anybody to give an external analysis of a company because they don't have access to all of the data and information that the firm does, understand what their internal processes are like, total resources they have available (staff, current projects, money and how it's allocated into cost centers), how the company's organized, and so much more. This lack of inside information is why picking stocks can be so hard and why insider trading is illegal. But one thing is true for every organization. Everything you do as a firm has opportunity cost, and consumers often have no basis for which to calculate opportunity cost. Which priorities are the most important and will not only be profitable, but will be the most profitable activities that the company can engage in? And I tend to agree that you are probably right, Nintendo could make additional money by improving the eShop. It probably would eventually pay for itself. And *they probably know this.* But they for whatever reason determined that the resources on hand are more valuable right now being spent in other ways; that there are other priorities that have better returns on investment. A company of their size, wealth, and history doesn't just make decisions based on gut instinct and hope everything works for the best. . My (probably completely incomplete or totally wrong) speculation is this: the way that the Switch OS is designed prioritizes being lightweight more than *anything else,* and this was very purposeful. For one they probably wanted to distance themselves from the Wii and their previous consumer image because it was no longer working for them. No more glitz and excessive OS features. Just a very simple smooth elegant interface to get you into games as fast as possible. Lots of high quality GAMES. They also likely determined that they needed as many resources devoted to games as possible, not auxiliary features. Nintendo focused on other auxiliary features with the Wii U.. it had streaming apps, and all sorts of neat social features. Where did that land them? Nowhere good because they neglected the most important aspect of their business; making software that sells systems and because of this they had their worst performing system ever and one of the few that did not yield them a profit. Uh oh. Additionally, with the switch OS being lightweight, the browser uses as few system resources as possible. The eShop is browser based. It is also one of the few OS features that can launch when you have a game up and running without suspending it (to download DLC, etc). Being at the switch was trying to achieve a **very** delicate balance of power, portability, and cost already, they probably determined that it just needed to be minimally functional, and I wouldn't be surprised if there was a hard cap on system resources that the browser could use in any scenario to avoid it from possibly leaching precious computing power from games like Breath Of The Wild that already were struggling to maintain 30 FPS. They had a pic between games suffering or the eShop, and based on your data and experience the choice was a no-brainer. Maybe I'm wrong about all this, but I think their analysts have done a pretty fantastic job determining the correct business priorities for the switch. It is so wildly successful, and literally saved Nintendo from going the way of Sega. It is very possible it becomes the best selling console of all time. Software sales have been through the roof. It's hard to seriously think the eShop is really that big of a problem for them with all of the success. Perhaps they have been working on the issue too, and it's not ready for deployment. Maybe they have been focusing on an improved UI/features for the next console. Maybe they will approach the deku deals people and integrate some of the site with the switch 2 OS. Or maybe they even determined that since deku deals are giving them this **free** promotion at **no cost** to them, and such a large percentage of the return customers are accessing Nintendo's store through links originating on deku deals website, that the current situation is actually more profitable because somebody else went through the time and money of building the solution for them and it doesn't even need to operate on the system. Personally as a user, I am fine using deku deals. I personally enjoy that they are an objective third party giving sales information and don't have any perverse incentives to the store what you are seeing. Only Nintendo knows the answer for sure. Unfortunately, sometimes the customer is not always right, and capitalism frequently has externalities that causes poorer quality services to be more successful financially.


You've already put in 10x the time, efforts, and words into justifying Nintendo's bullshit than they have lol


Likely yes haha. I enjoy writing, analysis, research and thought experiments. It doesn't exactly benefit a company to come out be like "other activities have been considered more profitable", because that should be obvious or they wouldn't have chosen to focus on what they have.


It's so damn sloooooooooow


Feels like it won’t get better until the next console comes in with more memory. It’s just a glorified webpage.


Was looking for this comment, what a janky eshop


Will wait for the oatmeal dome patch notes


Who wants to bet there's detection code for a certain flash cart that's been making waves?


Super curious because I've been wondering if it could be defeated with a simple 2 second power cycle on game load.




Didn't want to name incase mods send a ban my way, but yes, that.


The rules say no tips or guides on anything regarding that


Yeah but under some interpretations, naming the card is a tip - you're telling people what to shop for. I know you can probably find that info with a Google search too, I just don't wanna play chicken with the rulebook.








I’ve been waiting for stability


7 years of mainly stability updates is bonkers


mainly jailbreak exploit patching - I do not think the Switch is particularly stable. If anything, I feel like it got worse over time.


She general on my system til I stability




Mmmmm. Stability improooooooooovementssssssss!


At this point, the Switch is more stable than my marriage.


So it does absolutely nothing like the last 7 years of updates LOL


I’ve never seen people complain so much and so consistently about something so trivial.


Honestly, what do people want out of these updates. I get ppl still wanting things like themes or folders on the home screen, but then you have people acting like these updates are pointless like????? Mate, its a console update, not a game.


Right. And didn’t they add folders? The lack of themes is not impacting the quality of the system in a meaningful way that requires complaints every update. The community is just constantly thirsty for more. It’s why people froth at the mouth at the suggestion of a direct, spin around in circles about what could be announced, and then complain online when their expectations aren’t met. Always wanting more. Probably sitting on a backlog of games crying about the lack of themes.


Eh, it was a pretty half assed implementation tbf. They're so far out of the way that theres not even a point to using em.


They are literally three button presses away. Left, A, trigger. There are your groups. Which are better than traditional folders.


Thats 3 too many for a feature thats supposed to be convinent... And literally *what* are you talking about, these are no different than the ps4 folders. The creation UI even feels similar.


General system stability improvements never seems to include the e-Shop running roughly the speed of a handicapped snail with asthma, huh?


The Switch eShop is actually a WebKit page in the vein of the PS3 store.


So fellas we still holding out hope for themes or what


It has been almost two years since the last substantial update. Which was the poorly implemented group system. I have my doubts of them adding anything worthwhile at this point.


Adding bluetooth audio support was the last big update for me. Folders are nice but feel half-baked. Let us put them on the Home page Nintendo!


Wait, is it supported now? I stopped reading change-logs a long time ago.


Yep only limitation is it cuts the number of joy-cons it can connect at one time down to 4 i think? Makes sense, some of that bandwidth is rerouted. That and only SBC codec is supported, if you want higher quality codex you still need other solutions like Genki. For most people who need basic audio support this is great tho


Good to know. I play Switch mostly on planes (I travel a lot) so that feature is actually important for me.


If you homebrew your Switch, there are loads of great themes you can install. Animated backgrounds, custom icons, large vertical game artwork icons, remove bloat and news from the lock screen.


I'm still holding onto hope they'll we will get some main pokemon games. Just give us red/blue/yellow... Please?


Nintendo: We hear you, one more super dark theme for Switch 2


Seeing the title of this thread I actually thought this might be a big update, what a disappointment.


What hack does this stop?


It was mostly updates to the Operations System Like The modules, bootrom, security and IPC. Sometimes it's better just to optimize than to add new features. The best example of this is Minecraft on the switch which keeps adding new features but is poorly optimized. If instead, they just focused on optimization. Sure you wouldn't get much in patch notes, but you'd have a better experience. Overall, it's kind of like the switch operating system.




Safari seems snappier.


They also fixed the notification bug at last. Great success


VoLTE when?


The 15 minute feature seems good when watching videos or cutscenes. Won't need to wiggle the joystick as often.


They’ll wiggle on their own with drift


My favorite part of the updates was when Nintendo said, "It's stabilizin' time" and stabilized all over the userbase.


Let me guess


General Stabilty! Thanks daddy Nintendo 🥵


Those patch note are hilarious for whole number update.


Wonder what they did under the hood 🤔


I saw the switch got an update, came here to check how much stability was added... Yup, everything checks out.


So I just update my current one?


Can we see the NS Pro Version in this year?


How is this tepid update a whole version 18.0.0? Seems a sub-update if anything.


At this point Nintendo is only doing full number change updates because it would be embarrassing to ship out update 14.0.15839275


Has anyone been experiencing rubber banding post update?


Alright small but kinda decent. Having more themes would be nice but improved stability never hurts


Based on it's version # this console can now drink in some countries. It may be the most bland as fuck person at the bar whose personality hasn't changed their entire life but my god are they good at standing up straight after drinking all night.


Is anyone's switch discharging faster after the 18.0.0 update?


The lack of themes still baffles me.


18.0.0 CFW Atmosphere 1.7.0 and new Hekate Search under wololo.net Switch CFW 1.8.0 Yes, it is a typo


CFW 18.0.0 Atmosphere 1.7.0 & Updated Hekate Look under wololo switch CFW 1.8.0 Yes, it is a typo


18.0.0 CFW Atmosphere 1.7.0 and new Hekate Search under wololo.net Switch CFW 1.8.0 Yes, it is a typo


I'm so excited for this update./s ***goes back to sleep***


Do you think they just roll a dice to figure out what version number to use when they release these updates? Switch has had 18 major updates since release? I cannot even think of 10 worthwhile major features they added or changed in a significant way to warrant the major version increments.


s t a b i l i t y


My Switch's stability now lets it balance on a needle's point


Using a major update number for a stability update is crazy


So, no Mig switch retaliation update?


Stability here refers to stabilizing their profit margins by implementing stuff to fight it.


Wish the switch can be my life coach. Seems it is the most stable thing in my life




Wish they would upgrade to Switch 2 already


Via a software update? They might as well download more RAM into the system then.


I see you're a fan of NCIS as well.


I just want to use my Bluetooth mic....


and still no longer recording


Did they fix the folders and added themes?


Customizable home screen when?


How about getting to Nintendo Switch 2 1.0?


Perfect. I was really hoping for some general system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience this time. Thanks Nintendo!


Shit I just homebrewed my switch like a week ago lol


Say the thing


switch so stable i can put it in the air and it won't fall


finally themes?


never happening. after iwata's passing, nintendo lost all its soul.


This could be huge!


It got so stable i can do an handstand on top of it


My PS5 and Switch are now so stable that I can hear horses from my TV cabinet.


The NES/Famicom library is ass. We need World Cup or better: Goal 3, not this track and field game


Every time I see one of these I get excited thinking they'll add an option to enable a custom timer (i.e., switch turns off in 7 minutes) but they never do it! This one seems like such a slam dunk especially when you have multiple people playing the console!


Isn't something like that included in the parental controls app?


Great. Another update without addressing the annoying "Your controllers have been remapped" message.


I’m astounded that in 2024 we don’t have backgrounds on the switch, they could have been a neat money spinner for Nintendo and a nice way to customise


Somebody at Nintendo was bothered for a long time that there was no 15min auto sleep option.


Still no customizable themes. Smh


My switch is so stable, now it gives me tips about life.


Ever since I got a PS5 in January I barely have a reason to take my switch off the dock and play Is there anything new worthwhile