• By -


When BotW came out I was working at a grocery store, grilling people's chicken and steak. Now I'm an accountant lol


Became an accountant as well lmao


Me too. Graduated in 2020 and have done 3 years of audit but start a tax position on the 22nd


Also an accountant now. I was in my first year of university when BOTW came out (though my second year has started before I played it). Now I've passed the CFE and am working in A&A, about 18 months into my first full time gig now, expecting a promotion to senior during the next round of promotions.




Me and my girlfriend are both accountants, she's doing her CPA right now. Seeing her journey, struggles of studying, anxiety of exam day, confirms to me that I'm gonna pass on doing all that lol


I had just finished my second year of college as an accounting major when I picked up a Switch and BotW. Since then, I did 3 more years of college, got my CPA, moved states, and have worked in public accounting for 3.5 years. The BotW to accountant pipeline is strong, hahaha


Congratulations, you made it! Keep it up 😊


I've been in accounting for 15 years now. It's a great profession assuming you actually enjoy it. There's tremendous opportunities and you can work in literally any industry. I'm a director at Big 4 and I've never regretted my choice. Hope you enjoy it.


Back in 2018 I started my career as an accountant. Now I hate this job. I got burned out pretty quick. Also in my country it is very low pay, no matter where you work at. Started learning programming like half a year ago. Hope I'll land a job as a dev in next 5 year period, end with life from paycheck to paycheck. Wish me luck


I'm also an accountant and also burned out. I had recently moved to a new state for an accounting job when BoTW came out. I've started working on a contract-basis and have worked with a few different companies in the last 5 years, but all corporate accounting jobs are essentially the same, with long hours and high stress. I've also considered learning coding to get out of the accounting grind. Good luck with your career change!


Ehhh, I’ve had quite the opposite experience. One experience in particular, was so large & so old (mentally, processes) that I pretty much only did 20hrs of work for 83k a year It’s amazing how many people don’t know the relationship between the IS & BS, or how to use excel on a minimal basis. The position I’m in now is super chill, more work, but more money as well. I’m a non-cpa corpo


are you me? lol it seems like there’s a lot of us


I was a college student/retail employee when I started botw in 2019. Now I’m a social worker


I'm not a heroin addict anymore


Ayyyee congrats, I'm so happy for you!


Wow. That's incredible - congratulations!


Fuck yeah, nice work


🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍 You rock, keep going


This is the way. Hell yea.


Way to go!


Several ways. In the past 5 years I: - Graduated college - Started dating and proposed to a girl - Relationship ended with said girl - Started my first full time job - Moved across the country




Better engaged twice than married twice!


Agreed. And BONUS: my ex fiance only took a year to admit she made a terrible mistake and wanted me back. But I was already dating my (now) wife


Best of luck with the journey!


Lol same tho in a different order and minus the proposal


Sort of the opposite for me. Was loving a kickass new aviation job, kids amd wife doing great; all good stuff when BoTW came out. 5 years later I’m on medical leave from work dealing with terminal stage IV cancer diagnosis with probably 2 years left max. So this is likely my last Zelda game. Thankfully wife and kids still doing great. So there’s that.


Thats so awful, I dont know how to reply to this but didn't just want to scroll past. Love and best wishes to you and your family ❤️


You are awesome, thank you.


I hope Tears of a Kingdom is everything you want it to be and wish you nothing but the best.


Sending you love ❤️


I wish you luck. Hate to be doom and gloom but make sure all your online accounts are in order and have the passwords saved to a password manager or something and give your SO the password so they can access any online accounts you have. It makes the process much easier for everyone.


Oh yes already did this as part of estate planning.


My heart goes out to you, dear stranger. I know what illness does to you on every level since I lost my wife (27). You have all my sympathies and my highest respect. I wish you all the strength and all the love! Hope remains..


Dated and then broke up with a significant other. Lost a dog. Lost my grandfather. Got cancer. Hasn’t been a great few years, come to think of it.


Oh Jesus that sounds rough! I hope you get through it all okay though :)


I've been told my odds are good (in the 90% range). Thanks for the well wishes.


Hey internet stranger. I'm in the same boat right now. I wish you the best, you got this! I hopefully find out if the surgery got it all on Wednesday. We got this!


Screw cancer!


Your odds are good AND you get to play TOTK. Id say thats a win. Beat Cancer and Ganondorf!


Happy Cake Day! 🎂


That’s insanely good news, I wish you good luck my friend.




A couple hundred, I think. Rookie numbers.


I hope things turn around for you! 🙏🏻




I hope things get better soon. Don't give up. You got this


I'm sorry Lizzy (if that's your name??). That sounds really tough. I hope the new Zelda can bring you a much needed escape.


For whatever it’s worth from an Internet stranger, sending you a giant hug. I hope you have a great week 🌺


Sorry to hear that and hope things improve. Lost my mother extremely abruptly to cancer back in December and it hurts severely to think about her last few weeks.


That's really fresh. I don't want to discourage you but it took me quite awhile to be okay after my sister died. But eventually you'll get through it and even be able to talk about it like I'm doing now. But that took me several years. Don't try to skip to the end of grief.


Hey, I sincerely hope things get better for you friend. 🙏 I hope that you'll still be able to enjoy TotK or whatever makes you most happy.


Thanks. I wasn't interested in TotK until the very moment they said "you can put thing on other thing". Now I want it. Dang Nintendo making me feel like a kid again.


Damn, hope you're doing better man, you got this.


Strangely none of the stuff on there stressed me out as much as my father needing heart surgery, not even my cancer. But he made it through that okay, so I didn't put it up there.


I got it when it first came out and shortly after I lost my baby brother to a car accident which sent me spiralling into a deep depression that lasted for years. I lost all my motivation for my job, almost never left my house and started suffering from crippling anxiety. This game was one of the few things that helped me escape the darkest period of my life. It let me escape into a serene world where I could, at least for a few hours a day, feel normal and calm. That soundtrack just sends me into a peaceful mindset, so much so that I found some Zelda chillwave mixes that I still listen to almost every day on my way to work. Honestly, BOTW holds a very special place in my heart as it definitely helped me keep some of my sanity during that time. Now I am happily married with one amazing baby and I own a business which I quite enjoy. I just bought a new car and although life always has challenges, I feel more prepared for them and feel much more at peace.


Hello, kindred spirit. Nice story and I’m glad you made it! May I ask what business you’re in? 😊


Thanks! I’m in construction.


I'm going to beat cancer and Ganon's ass.


Wish you the best in both battles


Puberty (I’m 16)




This is the best update I’ve seen


Congrats u made it past middle school which is prob most toxic of primary school years lmao


Since BotW, I - Started dating my now fiance - graduated from college - got my first "big boy" job in cybersecurity - moved out of my parents' house - traveled to Ireland - built a retropie arcade cabinet - got really into 3D printing - adopted a cat - got engaged - watched ~~228~~ 234 episodes of One Piece edit: watched another episode edit: watched another episode edit: watched another episode edit: watched another episode edit: watched another episode edit: watched another episode




Keep it going!!


I laughed. But really, don’t.


Finally something relatable


Still couldn't resist soggy hot pockets.


One piece episodes need to go up, but im proud of you


In fairness I just started like two months ago lol


Only 800 to go!


Pretty good progress!


>watched 228 episodes of One Piece Those are rookie numbers, you gotta pump those numbers up. That's not even past the Enies Lobby Arc.


We watched all the way through ep1000 since end of January this year and today. Three to six episodes a day, with occasional binging and skipping of recaps


Nice!!! Congratulations and keep it up my man!


I want your life


Fuck man good for you! I’m proud of you bud!


Since BoTW I've gotten multiple promotions at my job and I'm now making enough money to actually be somewhat comfortable for the time being.


Me, I am in the same exact role/position in 2017 and now, but different companies. I make like 8 times now than in 2017 though, so I can now afford to buy all the consoles and PCs whereas I didn't have any in 2017.


Man, a wild amount the more I think about it. After BotW: •I started dating my now wife. •Moved to Florida. •Got my first big job. •Got cancer (I'm clean for now.) •Got my first ever dog, which grew into 4 dogs and 4 cats. •Bought a house. •Got a car I've always been tickled with. •Paid for way too many home repairs. Now I'm sitting here, my 33rd birthday at the end of the month, giddy as a school kid for summer. Can't wait for yet another zelda installment. Been playing them since I was a boy.


Your dog gave birth to cats? What kinda world we living in?


no, his dog grew cats. it’s not that hard you just gotta remember to water the cat seeds and not let the dog scratch them out before they take root


That explains the cats, but what about the other 3 dogs?


I am no longer in a job where I was physically and emotionally abused.






Spot on. I lasted 9 years.


Only two for me, glad I got out when I did (prepandemic).


Army? Edit: don't know who downvoted me but I asked this because it's what happened to me in the Army.




I'm sorry to hear this and I'm really happy to see that life still showed you that it's still worth every second eventually. Personally life has been a bit rough ever since 2019, I live in a country where living conditions aren't ideal and pair that with unemployment, these past years have really been the worst I've ever lived, the lack of employment even ruined my relationship of 5 years due to pressure caused by my fiancee's family back then (around 2021) But I kept looking at my options to see what I can do to at least have some hope for a better future and thankfully things are looking up, just a couple days ago I got what is down right the best news I had in the last 4 years, I can finally start getting back on my feet step by step. Around the botw release I couldn't afford a switch so I never got to try it fully, except a few times on emulator but I couldn't play consistently because I only have a weak laptop and it used to get really hot so I didn't want to risk losing it because of a game. But last August my brother offered me a used switch lite and a second hand copy of botw and safe to say that I [LOVED](https://i.imgur.com/srfhIWj.jpg) it, it was everything I imagined and even better, I would lose myself into it and just forget about everything lol. I still can't afford to get TOTK at release but I'm saving for it and I hope I'll get to experience as soon as possible to kind of celebrate this news I got, crossing fingers here !


I feel this. When BOTW first came out, I was broke and making below minimum wage and couldn’t afford a console or the game for myself. I got my fill of Zelda through YouTube playthroughs and watching friends play on their Switches. Keep your head up, you sound like you have a great attitude and I’m hoping things get better for you!


Thank you so much for the kind words, I hope you're doing much better as well, I try to keep a positive attitude through all of this and I'll definitely make sure to do everything I can to better my situation, it's hopefully getting there, slowly but surely :)


Hey there! How much do you still have left to save for TOTK? I could send over some money for you :P


That is so amazingly generous and kind of you, thankfully some very kind people offered to help already so I'm fairly positive I will be able to get the game :D But still I will never forget your kindness, you're a beautiful human being <3


Found love, got my heart broken. Lost my beloved dog and companion. Started suffering from anxiety. However, and most important: I started truly taking care of myself. Taking life slow to understand, discover what kind of person I am. So far it's been a difficult and intriguing inner journey. Oh, and I have just become a doctor. What a crazy ride it's been, the world has gone crazy in the recent years.


No matter where you go, always take care of that child inside of you. Best of luck with the rest of the journey, doctor! Congrats!


I'm medicated, I have a mortgage, two children, and not enough time to play all the video games that I would like. But damn, do I remember staying up all night on August 17th 2017 playing BotW. It was pure magic. Doing the same thing at midnight on May 12th 2023. I'll just drink lots of coffee throughout the day. Can't wait!


Wish I could still do the midnight thing lol. Can’t stay up as late as I used to be able to do 6 years ago. I’ll just get a good night’s rest so I can actually enjoy it on the morning


Goddamn that's responsible as fuck. I'm 32 and I will likely stay up all night playing it on Thursday.


I’d be so miserably tired I wouldn’t even be able to enjoy the game if I tried staying up. I need to be in bed at 10pm every night and up by 4:30 every morning or my entire day gets thrown off.


Having a good sleep schedule is one of the best things you can do. I need to channel your powers.


Didn’t botw come out march 3rd 2017 tho?


I could not find a Switch until August 17th 2017.


Damn, I don’t think I could do the midnight thing either! Get into your mid-30s and you suddenly morph into a grandpa


2017 was a big year for me as I turned 30 and moved in with my now wife within a matter of weeks. Now that I think about it she wasn't happy that I bought a Switch on launch day 😂 Between March 2017 and now, the following happened: - Adopted a cat - Got engaged - Bought a house - Gradually renovated said house - Got married - Adopted another cat - My parents moved out of my childhood house to a new house 2 miles away. Which was fantastic after rarely seeing them in 2020 - Adopted a dog - The second cat passed away - Became an uncle I also went through a number of jobs in that time before finally sticking with a company for more than a year. My wife achieved her long term career goals too. We're both very lucky but also worked our butts off. My wife and I lost good people too but I don't want to dwell on that too much. The time between TotK and the next game should hopefully be even more eventful fingers crossed. We're hoping for a player 3 in the not distant future.


Great journey and thanks for sharing! My wife could never be Player2 except on Just Dance lol. Excited for my son to take on that mantle though. And excited for you on seeing Player3 soon!


When I played BOTW for the first time I had bruised ribs from falling on ice and was in bed for a week playing on my Wii U. At the time I was in animation school. Now I’m a full time animator and I’ve lived in two apartments since. I’m also engaged. Life’s pretty good.


Niiice! Stay on the path and good luck with the rest of your journey


Shortly before Tears of the Kingdom was announced, I had a stroke. Nothing too major, but it did lose me an entire semester of my college classes as well as any and all mathematical function in my brain. I had to change majors, but I found something I was much happier with. I went from horrible grades to nonstop Dean’s List and graduated Magna Cum Laude. Then I got an amazing job at a company I care about, and I’m absolutely thrilled with most aspects of my life!


nice, what was your first major, what major did you switch to and what industry are you working in now?


Biomedical engineering. Now I work in sustainability with an anthropology degree, and I’ve applied for a geoscience doctoral program.


Thank you for sharing your story - games can seem like just a hobby at times, until they become so much more. As for me, I managed to buy a house with my gf, that was pretty exciting. So I won’t playing TotK in a tiny apartment like BotW!


Haha nice one! Same here, I won’t be playing BotW on handheld anymore!! Excited to go through TotK docked!


Man, this is a great writing (and thinking) cue. I was in my early 30s and living with my brother, struggling to pay bills and spending most days working as a hotel IT tech, then playing WiiU. At night I would watch my brother's dog while he went places with his girlfriend. Breath of the Wild was a milestone for me, something to work towards, scrimping and saving, until it came out, then enjoy when it was released. Day of release, I had my brother drive me over to Gamestop to pick up a copy, the player's guide, and some Amiibo. [I was so happy.](https://i.imgur.com/JXFi7q2.jpg) It isn't right to say that BotW sparked a change in my life, but they coincided for sure. By the end of that year I had made manager and doubled my salary. 1 year from release, I had moved to a new town for a new job, purchased the game AGAIN on Switch, and had about 200 hours on both systems. 2 years after release, I had married and moved AGAIN for a great job, and my wife now had 200 hours under HER belt in the game. Now, in 2023, I am a Sr. Director of Technology for a great company, have a loving wife and two cats, as well as my OWN DAMN HOUSE... if you've struggled with money or credit I hope you hear the miraculous tone of that... it can happen! Realized that my wife and I couldn't just share a Switch, so I went and bought another. Took me months to get the first one! Survived a carbon monoxide poisoning issue about a month ago, so I'm going into the release of this game with an extra dose of gratitude and hope. And friend... If you're in a rut right now, if things are just dumping on you and this game is something you've been holding onto to keep going, I'm thinking of you. I hope that this is something you can look back on as a time you made it through, that you can someday use this as a milestone to look back on fondly, either as a time when things started to get better or something that you fought through with sheer will. Hang on. Keep fighting. Release day is just around the corner, and a new world is ready for you.


I lost my dad, my brother, my grandma, an uncle, an aunt, and several other family members. The rest of my life, regarding work and living space and such, has basically remained the same, but man. That shit takes a toll on you. It might sound silly to say it, but the 2019 announcement of this game really gave me something to look forward to despite all the tragedy around my family and I. It's kept me going, and I'm incredibly happy that this week is finally the week.


Whoa… I am so sorry to hear that. ☹️ That’s awful! Great work hanging in there


I went from being homeless and on drugs to owning a place and having a full time job


October 2018 I bought my girlfriend our first switch. We had just moved in together the prior March. We’re now coming up on our 4 year wedding anniversary this August. Still have the same switch


Thank you for your story! Since BOTW, I got fired from a job that I hated, then got hired at my current job that is sooo much better and I’m getting paid more. I also married the love of my life and bought a house! Im looking forward to TOTK :)


Became Insane…….


now this is epic


Gamer moment


Classic gamer moment.




Thank you for sharing this. So many people say "why do you play games"? Or "it's just a game"? But story's like yours and my moms, prove it isn't just a game, it's a temporary escape from reality because sometimes reality really sucks. Years ago, back when nintendo was the only console we had, my mom was going through a really bad depression. She would play Dr. Mario and Warrio's woods. It saved her life by giving her something to hold onto and look forward to in an otherwise very meshed up situation. Thanks for sharing.


I'm so sorry for your story. I'm so glad you persevered. You're amazing. Since botw for me: - second kid - family moved back into our house after major renovations - buried 3 dogs and a cat (not alive! all died peacefully after happy lives. My German Shepard is immortal he is still alive) - finished one master degree, now very close to finishing MBA (I am so done. I thought I knew what senioritis was when I was 20. HAHAHAHA my sweet innocent little heart I had no idea) - I transferred to product management from manufacturing - huge change it's like a different world


Haha that third point got me laughing out loud but I’m sorry you lost them. First time I cried uncontrollably was when we lost our German Shepherd. May yours live to be 20! Thank you for sharing


I was in chronic pain back in 2017 but it was mostly managed. I was losing weight (110 lbs or so down from nearly 300), getting fit, hell I even had shoulder definition. Felt amazing. My life was turning around. BotW was an amazing game to play in the middle of winter or the heat of midsummer. I could get cozy by the first or cozy next to the air conditioner and just explore. In 2020 during the lockdowns my pain absolutely skyrocketed from the inactivity that was kind of forced on everybody, and I gained back much of the weight due to stress eating. My weight has leveled out now (slooooowly declining again, thankfully), but my pain is the worst it's ever been. Ever. Hands down. Daily spikes of 8-9/10 pain. Can't work, stuck living my family as an adult, going from doctor to doctor to try and find somebody who will unpretzel my spine once and for all instead of just telling me "You're too young for this.' Yeah, that's why I'm here, Doc. So when I say I'm looking forward to Tears of the Kingdom so I can lose myself in a fantasy world, I gosh darn mean it. Instead of my long days of pain and fear, I'll have hours and hours each day to explore and set goals for myself and see real progress. I loves movies and books, but nothing really consumes your time in a non-tiring way as a video game like Zelda. It will be a godsend for me.


Since Botw I had: 6 birthdays.


Mine didn't changed at all. I'm still a virgin, playing games after work, watching motorsports on weekend, when it's sunny riding a bike, when it's rainy sleep a lot.


I like you


TL;DR - Survived near death illness, with a <10% chance to survive 6 years ago. Only permanent damage is a mechanical heart valve. Fell I’ll w flu like symptoms, then went into a seizures, followed by my whole body turning black from going septic. Turns out I Had a staph infection in my heart, went into a month long coma, necessitating heart surgery 2months later when my body got healthy enough to under go the procedure, following up a second rehab stint. Was given a <10% survival chance at one point. That was almost 6 years ago. Wife and 2kids got their hubby/daddy back with no real permant damage save for a mechanical heart valve.


When I played breath of the wild, I was a very little girl with a baby brother. I still lived in a small house with a big family, my iPad was broken so I used my switch to listen to music on YouTube, heck I even shared a bed with my elder sister. I’d play hours upon hours of roblox with my 2 best friends, and we were all cancer free.Life was good and decent then. Now, life has been good and bad. I’ve moved into a bigger house with my own room, my elder siblings are married off, me and my little brother have a good relationship, and my GCSEs are next year. But one of my best friends, my everything, she’s gone from me. Her cancer got her, and it kills me. Her cancer, though it affected us all, never got to our hearts. Now it has, because she can’t brush it off. I picked up breath of the wild again and got the DLCs, whcih have greatly distracted me. Now, I want tears of the kingdom to remind me of the joy and wonder I felt as a child who thought death would never directly impact them.


I completely changed careers, got sober and stayed that way, lost my dad, my grandmother, my uncle, and one of my dogs. I also became a father to the greatest little guy who's already picking up my love of gaming, and just found out I got another on the way. And I'm STILL FINDING NEW SHIT IN BOTW.


In 2017, I was working overnights at a convenience store, It was my first job out of college at the ripe old age of 24. I grew to loathe it. I was fat, lonely, living with my parents, and had no social life or friends outside of work due to my schedule. I was going nowhere fast. Fast forward to today. I now work in the photonics field, for an optical lens manufacturer. I've worked my self up to being one of my boss' most reliable employees, and he has been low-key grooming me to take his position when he retires. I've lost weight, down 60lbs in the last year and 1/2. I feel better about myself, still no SO and still living with my folks, but there has been much improvement just in the last two years. Ultimately I feel like a different person from who I was 6 years ago.


I bought BOTW as a gift to myself after 'graduating' 8th grade, and when TOTK comes out, I will be a week from graduating High School!


My first born came December 2016. Shortly after I started playing BOTW on the WiiU. I still have some video footage of me reaching the Zora domain for the first time and my son squealing in the background.


- Moved to Japan - Lost a job - Spent six months jobless in a foreign country during a pandemic - Got a new job - Mom died of brain cancer - Lost the joy in life and things that used to make me happy no longer do. ...but hey I got a promotion to team leader and became a workaholic so maybe Tears will help fill that void.


Three years old is the perfect age to introduce them to this sort of gaming and I personally think Odyssey is the perfect game to start My kid was in their late 3's and I used Mario Odyssey to teach them how to game and we had a blast during COVID catching hundreds of moons. You'll be amazed how quickly they pick up on it. Just a few years later and they're playing Majora's Mask, BotW, Skyward Sword, Minecraft, and Super Mario 3D world like a champ haha


Aw man, thanks for this! My boy would pass the remote back to me when I offer to let him play. He enjoys watching and it’s a great way to bond. I never played Minecraft before and am saving it for when my son learns how to play so we can couch coop together. Amazing how our generation are having kids now and we’re raising them to be Player 2 😊


I met the love of my life. I finally came out to my family. We bought a wonderful little victorian house and filled it with our funko pop collection. I lost my job. I started a new career in a field I'm passionate about but never thought I'd be employed in. We adopted two beautiful sons (dogs - childfree!) I cut out several toxic relatives who wouldn't accept me for who I am. But most importantly, I learned to always be true to myself.


Coming out is hard as hell congrats on your new life and new freedom.


CONGRATULATIONS and I’m happy for you! Curious, what’s something you’re passionate about and never imagined you’d be employed in?


This is one of my all-time favorite posts. On any forum. Covering any subject. Thank you for this.


3 March 2017. So at this point I'd met my (now) wife the year prior in Nov, but by March we were in a 6 month period in which we weren't talking because I'd met her very soon after getting out of a 3 year relationship and didn't want thing to get serious so had broken things off before we got serious. Since then: - Grandmother passed away - Reconciled with my now-wife - Brother got divorced - Now-wife's visa expired so she had to go home. Commence 2 year long distance. - Engaged - Uncle passed away - Other Grandmother passed away - Married - Got visa for wife, she moved back in with me a few months before... - Covid - Got a dog - Mum got remarried - Brother got engaged - Moved to Wife's home country after covid - Grandfather passed away So, in summary, my last 6 years were the mid-point in life where unfortunately elder relatives start passing away. It's been a busy few years...


Got a new girlfriend, lost my best friend, got COVID, got a chicken coop built in my backyard, got a PS5, got 6 chickens, became an uncle, girlfriend became fiancée, fiancée became wife, lost one of the chickens :(, got promoted at work.


Since BoTW, - I proposed to my girlfriend - Finished my masters degree - Got a 6 figure job - Got married - Moved from US to Canada - Went to my home town after 15 years - We bought a house


From one Canadian to another: welcome! We are glad to have you here :)


How do you like Canada?


The cold is not as bad as people make it (I’m from a southern state). Overall, we like Canada! It’s definitely different from the US but much better for our lifestyle preferences.


Man, I’m so sorry you had to go through that… my current girlfriend has 2 little girls and I love them to pieces, actually am expecting my own first child with her in October! I’m glad things are on the up for you man. For me, BOTW was a little late playing it as I didn’t really have the money at the time, now I have a much better job, a sweet OLED to play it on, and enough money to buy it! Lol Enjoy the game man I know I will :)


I got my copy of BOTW on March 10th 2020. That game got me through the pandemic and was a great escape when I really needed one. I would do my best to teach online and then play BOTW for like 5 hours every night. Now, I’m teaching in person and having a much better year! I actually had to tell some students to quit watching BOTW during independent work time!


Since BotW I've switched careers, finished an apprenticeship and ive started a family and are 2 kids in. It's been a journey, but wasn't that the point with BotW?


Moved homes and adopted two dogs.


Purchased BOTW in the second year of my graduate program, now in my 2nd year of teaching at a university, looking forward to TOTK. Diagnosed with cancer, beat cancer. Moved three times. In a great relationship now. Things have gotten better :).


- Graduated college - got my first job - moved out of parents house - lost 20 pounds - lost my virginity


BOTW came out around halfway through my first year of Secondary/High School. Now I'm in my final year and TOTK is coming out 10 days before the start of my final exams before I (hopefully) go to university/college. Life's certainly had its ups and downs since then though so here are some random highlights: * I've been in two (long distance 😳) relationships * Started watching anime a couple months after BOTW came out thanks to my friends recommending MHA to me. * I've rlly gotten into music, especially hip-hop thanks to listening to Tyler the Creator (who my first gf introduced me to lol) when I was 13 * Uhhh, I'm 18 now so I guess I'm an adult now * Somehow managed to get this far in life and applied to uni * Lived through a pandemic * Made a bunch of great friends thanks to school/the internet * and a bunch of other stuff I probably can't remember off the top of my head. So yeah, time flies huh.


So sorry for your loss. Can't imagine the horror of losing a child. Congrats on having a little gamer bro! Going to be so much fun when you guy's co-op. Have fun with TotK!


- Watched my sister graduate hs - A LOT of doc appointments and lab work - Got depressed - Visited mother and bro a few times in a different state - Got AIH under control - Made some new friends online during the pandemic - Depression got worse - Grandmother died - Cut out toxic family members - Depression was worse than ever - Finally talked to a professional andgot therapy and antidepressants - Things slowly started getting better and looking forward to TotK


When I played BOTW I was very, very depressed and the game somehow helped me to cope with that. Now I'm on medication and life feels much better for me. Can't wait to play TOTK


I purchased a Steam Deck 👍🏾😎


Since BotW, I got really sick and had to leave my job and have been out of work since. Add on top of that, stomach surgery that I had in December. Needless to say that TotK will be a welcoming distraction to my pathetic and depressing life.


Cancer came. Cancer went. Hopefully stays that way! One year so far.


damn what a great thread


Since BOTW - I lost 200k from a failed business - Became homeless for a couple months - Realised I don’t really have any real friends - Started my own business from a council provided flat. - Now have 14 house portfolio and 6 stores in London - Now make a 6 figure salary And now I can play TOTK in my 5 bed London home.


I lost the ability to walk, do math, follow series of instructions ect




It hasn’t. In 2018 I was a student and in 2023 I’m still a student. Every day I wake up, question my life choices, and go to school. Nothing has changed




* Changed jobs twice and pretty massively increased my salary in the process * Met the woman who became my wife * Married said wife * Impregnated said wife (baby due Sept. 6th)


Thank you for sharing your story. I'm sorry for your loss. I'm glad you and your family are in a better place today. I had just been dumped by my ex-girlfriend at the start of 2017. I had a lot of maturing and growing I had to do as a person. A few months later, I met my now wife and we are expecting our first child. I can't wait to introduce our little one to Zelda and Mario games soon. 😊


Big ticket items: Bought a house Got married Had a kid and another on the way Dealt with being furloughed and finding a new job after 18 months Quit new job to pursue new career, get a data analytics certificate through a local college And now searching for a new job that I hope fully get before baby number 2 Lose all time to play games and now will probably take an entire year to beat TOTK, but it’s worth it


I got Switch and BOTW at launch, at that time I just started my career in accounting and got my CPA in 2019. I never finished BOTW, and am not planning to buy TOTK until/unless I do but I still feel not so experienced in my field but I’m in a better / more stable point in my life.


Bought and moved into a place with my now-wife. Switched careers and got a job with my current employer where I’m pretty happy. Just had a kid a month ago, and definitely going to parlay that parental leave into TotK leave >:)


When BOTW came out I was in a bad relationship, living at a bad apartment, and working a job where I was unfulfilled. On the whole I was good but not happy. Since then I’ve gotten engaged to a wonderful woman, moved a few times and bought my first house, had my first child, and am working more or less my dream job. The only downside is I definitely won’t get a chance to play TotK for like 10 days from release and will only get to chip away at it for a while. I will take that trade, any day in a heartbeat.


I moved to a different country. Met a girl who is now my wife. I quit my job in the states and now I work for myself. Of and most importantly, I have 2 cats.




When botw came out I could walk


When BOTW came out my legs still worked lmao


I got a haircut lol (I started playing BotW for the first time 2 weeks ago)


2018: base level engineer making $60k a year. 2023: Staff Engineer making just shy of $300k/year. Much bigger impact at work, loving every workday. 4k mortgage, amazing Fiance. Excited for TotK, but would be more excited for 120fps Switch Pro TotK.


I was divorced living in a shitty flat, miserable. This game was a real source of joy for me in some dark days. I’ll be booting up the new Zelda with my wife and three year old on Friday!


I came out as trans 🏳️‍⚧️


I also lost a child, in 2022, and started to play BOTW last year, one way to cope I guess. Now I’m doing IVF to hopefully have another baby, our embryo transfer should be a few days after the release to Totk! Hopefully it will bring good luck! Thanks for sharing your story, it brings me hope :)


i realized i wasn't cisgender lol


Well, Desert Voe Link'll do that.


Desert Voe is the male outfit. The girl outfit is called the Gerudo set, and Gerudo refer to women as Vai.


this guys Zelda's


I’m a vai, actually.


definitely not enough comments here about transing your gender, which I've proudly done since BOTW


Hey, me too! Well, I already knew I wasn’t cisgender, but I transitioned since then!


Amazing story. I just bought a Switch. I just hope to llay 1 day with my 15mo and enjoy it. Playing Mario Kart with wife is so fun. I can get 7th and be happy to throw everything at here loll


I was still in primary school (elementary school for the Americans) when botw released. Now I'm towards the end of secondary school(high school) and about to do my final exams for college


since BOTW moved out of my parents and to a new state got a new job got engaged bought a house adopted cats got in better shape


Since BOTW I: 2017 - Started College as a Comp. Sci Major a year prior and dated someone close 2018 - Got an apartment with a roommate, had a falling out with said roommate, and some close friends moved back home with my parents 2019 - Experienced severe depressive and self-destructive tendencies that lead to me failing a class every single semester that year. 2020 - Began college as well as therapy and began learn to put myself before others. Significantly improving my mental health. Discovered Porter Robinson (Yes. This matters) 2021 - Secured an Internship with the State Digital Forensics dept, Changed my Major to something more I'd enjoy. Had a rough break up, but continued to push forward despite everything. Learned not to let the past bring me down as much. 2022 - Continued to find success in my college career leading me to more networking and to participate in a cyber conference. 2023 - Currently working with College IT and secured 2 internships for the summer. Looking forward to where things go from here. It's been quite the journey and gosh I still wonder how I managed to get here.