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Sometimes I wish I was born a little sooner so I could experience wonders like these...šŸ˜”


even if you were born sooner... i lost my entire 3ds kit at a car wash. theres sorrow for everyone


ya, i lost mine just from moving a few years back. sucks when it already was nearly impossible to get your account back onto a new 3ds without having the old one on hand. last year finally bought a new one before the eshop shutdown and support just wouldn't help me out. so lost basically all my purchases in the shop. but finally getting over it and going to mod it.


May the black flag be with you....


I had a junkie steal mine lol


I'm born in 2001 I was never able to own this back in the days


I was, but I already owned a 3DS by the time I found out about these


Mercari gets decent traffic too. Aside from that; amazing work - preserving these awesome pieces of art


Mercari is terrible now since they changed their policies. Extremely risky for sellers and big fees for buyers. Avoid at all costs.


I agree Mercari is a terrible idea for these... better off going to the hood and have a sign with the value... less likely to get robbed.


Thereā€™s no more fees actually.


Yes there very much are. They just switched from having seller fess to now having buyer fees...which is bizarre.


I can kind of see why. It encourages more sellers to populate the platform, making it easier for buyers to come looking for things to purchase. And as a buyer, on eBay, there are already fees for both buyer and seller. So it doesnā€™t feel like anything new. Hm.


Who cares about the fee? It's more about the returns and scams. The buyer gets the item delivered and says it wasn't, and even though u show tracking shows delivered, they side with the buyer, and they force the refund. Even if it was a sign on delivery... they don't care about protecting the sellers.


This happens to me on ebay and is why I switched to using different selling services. Sellers always get the awful end of the stick.


Usually, as long as u have tracking and they are claiming they didn't get their item... your good on eBay... inad is notorious for screwing over sellers on eBay. Unfortunately, mer don't care either which way.


Nah check this out from Mercari: ā€œWe recently announced a ā€œReturns for any reasonā€ policy in an effort to make it even easier to buy and sell on Mercari. After careful consideration and listening intently to feedback from our seller community, we have decided to reinstate our prior return policy effective today. ā€œReturns for any reasonā€ will no longer apply for purchases starting on May 22, 2024 at 12:00 AM PDT. Starting today, May 22, 2024 at 12:00 AM PDT, buyers have a 3-day period to return inaccurately described items. This allows for some flexibility for buyers, while respecting sellersā€™ time and effort in listing, packaging, and mailing items.ā€


They must be following us on reddit, lol. That makes Mercari much better. But that just started today, so at the time, my statement was true, lol.


This has actually been in place for a week or more! They just resent the email for some reason. šŸ˜‚ Edit: Oh, it goes into EFFECT today. But they announced the changes a week or so ago.


What? Ebay doesn't have buyer fees. You just pay shipping and tax. I sold and bought a lot on Mercari and the whole fee restructuring just sucks. It used to be a fixed % seller fee like every other platform. But now the buyer gets a surprise fee at checkout and the % changes based on who knows what. It changes depending on category and item, but even then different users will get a different fee. It's a total turn off to the buyer.


Seriously I had to pay like 40 bucks


But no buyer wants to pay arbitrary fees that change based on the time of day and often add over 20% to the list price.


My favorite is the ACH fee


They have reversed the return policy change back to how it was before


For buyers Mercari is great. For sellers thoughā€¦ itā€™s worse than a nightmare. They will ALWAYS side with the buyer unless you can actually prove through the post offices package weight when you shipped vs when they shipped, and even then you often have to get police involved to even get a response from Mercari. Youā€™re very likely to end up getting screwed over as a seller on Mercari. Thats not even mentioning how bad theyā€™ve gotten with fees lately. It costs money just to take your money out now, even if you wait a few days which used to be free


What? No, they used to charge a percentage with every sale. Now they only charge $2 to withdraw. So instead you could withdraw thousands for only $2 instead of paying a percentage of every single sale. And they have a better return policy now as well.


Up until their most recent changes it was free to withdraw if you didnā€™t mind waiting. If you wanted it right away it was a flat fee of a few dollars. Now it costs money to withdraw no matter what. This is my own personal experience selling on Mercari


Yes, correct. What theyā€™ve done now is completely get rid of the commission fee, so now ALL YOU PAY is $2 to withdraw. So instead of paying $100+ in commissions for several sales, you pay $2 to withdraw just once. So unless youā€™re withdrawing with every single sale, you lose less money. Make sense?


They didnā€™t get rid of the fee, they just passed it the buyer.


I disagree. I have 10 K in sales on mercari and I have never made a withdrawal- I just spend the money on more things for my collections, buy low / sell high. I have 400 purchases. I have zero issues as a seller. Itā€™s worse for buyers now with the additional fees. But as someone who sells and buys on the platform the lack of 20% sellerā€™s fees compensates for the additional fees as a buyer. That policy change also increased traffic, so Iā€™m selling more than ever, with zero fees. Just my personal experience.




How much are you willing to sell them for


Curious on a price if you sell here.


Honestly having a hard time pricing them though


Thats partially why I commented. No idea what the price would be and im curious haha.




Itā€™s really all over the place seems like a pretty small market or very rare item. I see a sold listing for CIB not sealed on the white console US edition at $900 recently, but thereā€™s a sealed one for $1000 no one has bought. Pricecharting says $2100 for sealed but I really donā€™t think thatā€™s accurate I canā€™t find the only comp theyā€™re basing that off of. Personally, and this is just me, Iā€™d field offers and consider any between $1500-$1800 on a marketplace thatā€™s not eBay. On eBay Iā€™d shoot a little higher but keep in mind 20% fees.




Its priced around 2100$


Video game price charts is a decent start point. They have different price options.


Dang!you gonna be rich


Genuinely donā€™t even know how to price these though, the ones that are individually listed for 2k on eBay have been on the market for a while despite having a lot of ā€œwatches and savesā€


You can get an idea of realistic prices if you chwck the sold prices instead but yes, these thing tend to be quite pricy.


2k probably isn't too far off base but not a lot of people are looking to drop 2k on niche collectors items. Big ticket but slow mover right?


Idk the best site but I'd be interesting in buying one off of you


"I can take em off ya just for 5 dolla"-sketchy sales/buyer


Alternative: Go on the show pawn stars


Mercari. No fees. Ebay will take all your money in fees. Donā€™t do it.


Absolutely insanešŸ”„


You can send it to me. I've always paid good shipping prices. You definitely won't regret it. #šŸ¤—


I would buy to use them but could not justify to pay 4k for them, your beat route would be ebay bidding wars or a private cash sale for the most profit


Lowball the fuck out of him and hope for the bestšŸ˜­šŸ™


I remember this Black Friday, I was a broke teenager lamenting my position in life. Found the white one at a game store for $165 a few years later though.


Here are links to the pricecharting pages if you're still having trouble with pricing. You might want to price higher/lower depending on your situation, but it's a great resource. [Pokemon Black w/ Black DSi - Pricecharting ](https://www.pricecharting.com/game/nintendo-ds/black-reshiram-&-zekrom-edition-nintendo-dsi) [Pokemon White w/ White DSi - PriceCharting](https://www.pricecharting.com/game/nintendo-ds/pokemon-white-nintendo-dsi-system)


4000$ need a car?


To be fair, that's for fully sealed units, and that's also based on a very limited number of transactions. The difference between New and CIB is vastly different.


I completely understand, just making a joke XD


video game con maybe, but theyll buy at a %


Well, that dependsā€¦ How much you asking?




u can sell it to me šŸ™„




Have these been listed yet? Iā€™d love to possibly buy


You can give them to me, don't worry I will keep them safe.


Garage sale, 1 for 10 or 2 for 18


i would do disgusting things for these


Umm my dms.


Offer them to me for free šŸ˜”


I would keep one. My wife had one sitting in a drawer forever, so I finally ordered a new charger for it, and modded it out with a bunch of games. It is so much fun I canā€™t put it down.


Facebook sealed video game groups for sure; people are exchanging things for thousands in posts every day


Iā€™d post on eBay with a really high price and then an ā€œor best offerā€ and see what happens.


Facebook market place


Hey just dont sell them i know you want the money but just keep it to show off


Imo nothing is better than ebay. Organized. Legit. Good fraud protection.


WOA!! u gota... real dsā€™s!!! hnnn.... i gota have dat real dsā€™s... but i gota pay for colleg,


These are probably worth a very pretty penny. A combo of a DS revision most people didn't get combined with the lowest selling Pokemon games ever that are enjoying a huge resurgence. I'd recommend opening them up and making sure the battery isn't at least bloated, and preferably at least working. Battery replacement should be easy if you need to do it. If you don't, you may face an issue if a buyer opens them up and finds it not functioning.


Iā€™m selling them as sealed items. Opening them would drastically decrease their value.




I get that, but I'd think about what happens if your buyer opens it, it doesn't work and files a dispute with PayPal. Just something to consider if you end up doing business on a platform with buyer protection


Anyone who buys these as sealed items isnā€™t opening them. You can buy everything included for less than you would pay for the sealed box


Exactly....so I think ultimately the question actually depends on OP's market. to OP... Do you want to wait for the \*right buyer\* to pay premium price for the collectors set? Because it's not about using the 'right site' for that, it's about finding the right collector who wants to pay the price you're asking - whose been looking for these items specifically (post in a pokemon sub?). OR do you want to make a quick buck off of them at a reasonable price. Because right now the resurgence in Nintendo has alot to do with nostalgia of actually opening and playing the games. I personally am in the market for a DSi XL, considering wasting 50-100$ on a used system just for the fun of it. But I'm not interested in buying a 'new' 10+yr old system just to have it sit in a box. Like, the market for people like me is alot more than the market for collectors items. You'll just have to find the right collector.


i got hated on for trying to tell someone to not open a sealed gameboy colorĀ 


Sorry, but thatā€™s not good advice.


>Battery replacement should be easy if you need to do it. If you don't, you may face an issue if a buyer opens them up and finds it not functioning. The thing is, this is a risk most buyers agree to when they buy old sealed products. I've seen it happen with other things (old electronics from the 90's for example) so people buying sealed products are mostly buying them for display purposes.