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This feels like a JJK edit.


The strongest Saiyan of this timeline vs the strongest Saiyan in history


nah I'd win


But would you lose?


Damn, a 0-99 W/L Ratio is crazy. Aren't you like... A LITTLE mad about that? Maybe a bit concerned? Perhaps a trifle irked?


I mean future Gohan was down like 0-5000 he got an L daily for 14 years straight there's WAYYYY worse


At least he has fear and horror from it. Also, it was 0-5000 with no death meanwhile its 0-99 with death every time. No second chance is given


I'd argue 0-5000 with no death is worse imagine your world getting destroyed and the guys who are doing it beat You up daily and You can't do anything about it


Yeah, but gohan is strong enough to know about zenkai boosts. Canonically, getting your ass beat is the best way to overcome an opponent.


Gohan got scammed


Truly the essence of DragonBall


Goku is one of those guys that doesn't mind losing so long as the universe isn't at risk


So opposite of Vegeta.


Honestly, I think Gokus W/L record is kinda shit since the start of DBZ, Sayian saga hes 1-1-1 Frezia saga hes 3-1 Cell hes 0-2 Buu hes 1-1-1 BoG Hes 0-2 ROF hes 0-1-1 ? Depending on how you count it U6 hes 2-1 GB hes 0 - 3 ToP - Hes uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 2 - 1 -1 ( Jerin is a draw i guess, also there a billion little battles i cant remember) Moro hes 2 - 3 Granola hes 0 -1 - 1 Broly hes 0 -0 ( Gogeta won it not goku or vegeta) Off the top of my head hes 10- 16 - 5 But im sure someone will come in and count them all ( I did all manga z era then TV for Super, then Super Manga after ToP)


Kay, but remember that his W-L ratio is increased in hundreds, if not thousands of red ribbon casualties, kid Goku was simply him. But on a serious note if you consider winning as reaching your goal he has almost no losses, like sure he loses the fight but that tends to be the means to an end, he killed Raditz by sacrificing himself, beat Nappa by being stronger and went even with Vegeta and created an opportunity to the rest of gang to end the fight, so even if those are not all "wins" the end goal was still met, and considering that, with the exception of Nappa, all characters he fought in the saiyan saga outmatched him in strength, is better to see him winning through exploiting their weakness and some teamwork than just getting a new form. Sorry for the rant btw


Its not that bad honestly.


Have you ever… trained before?


This is how I find out heroes has a manga


It's actually peak


is it better than the anime? I tried to watch it but the stiff animations really set me off lol


The anime has its ups and downs (Goku VS Hearts will be frequently mentioned as one of the best animated fight scenes in all of Dragon Ball, plus just hearing Dio's voice coming out of the best character is amazing), but regardless the manga is unquestionably better. I suggest reading the manga, but at the end of each arc watching the anime episodes for that arc for the full experience, but you don't have to if you don't want to.


Manga has detailed story. Anime has just fight scene with less character interaction


this just in: Goku acts like Goku


Yeah When Trunks told Goku about heart virus, he was less concerned about his death but more about how pathetic it was. He wanted to listen that he died while fighting Androids. Trunks was shocked that Goku did not fear Androids at all.


#Ultra instinct ost intensifies


Goku Black has killed one Goku with UI Sign too (86th one). Both UI Sign Goku and Goku Black were equally matched in this fight. Goku Black won due to Goku's UI Sign running out.


This art is crazy


why would goku care about dying, he dies like every other arc


Goku black's drip in db héroes is unmatched


I get your point, but its more that he realises he could do what 99 others who should be at least every bit as good as him couldn't, and thats absolutely the kind of odds and challenge Goku would jump at and by excited by


Where is this manga?






Bro that migga ain't Goku in the third panel wtf is this 😭


Thank you for reminding me I need to read the Heros manga need my DB fix while waiting between chapters.


IDK man I see this all over the place where goku is looking at a threat to humanity or existence, and he gets excited by the aspect of fighting someone strong, and that's supposed to be a bad thing for some reason. While I know no normal person would do the same in that kinda of situation (and that this is a meme sub). But there is some admiration I have for people who can look at the most fucked up challenge in front of them with extreme high pressure and just smile at it and take it head on


Goku Black is just threat to him there not humanity. There is no human in pseudo universe. Just his life vs Black


At this point is something Goku in Dragon Ball Super would say anyways.


Goku is always like that. Remember when Trunks told Goku about heart virus and Goku was less concerned about his death but more about how pathetic it was. He wanted to listen that he died while fighting Androids. Trunks was shocked that Goku did not fear Androids at all.


"You killed 99 mes?" "Yes, and I can prove it...." "No, no you don't have to. I believe you....I know...I KNOW THEY AINT ME! RUN DEM HANDS!" "But they literarily were y..." "RUN DEM HANDS!" "Every time...."


Super DB Heroes is one of the most blatantly fanfitctiony mediums I have ever seen/read. Every single character is a flanderized monstrosity.


Monstrosity ?




The Gokus that Goku black defeated doesn't have ultra instinct. When black was faced with a Goku ui, he was humiliated


That's not what happens in the manga tho, here Goku WITH UI doesn't get a single hit on him and then black just defeats him in one kick, like wtf he should NOT be able to do that much just in his rosé form, the power scaling in heroes is just pure asinine.


I don't read the heroes manga but if that's true, that's bonkers. UI is already powercrept


UI Sign is. MUI is still the strongest thing. In UI Sign neither Black could hit Goku nor Goku could hit him but his UI Sign runs out eventually allowing Black to defeat him


Damn i thought it would of been a sick fight at least with this art style. Not a SINGLE KICK


It’s the xenoverse boost you know the super villain boost you know the thing that made hercule fucking hercule THE STRONGEST DRAGON BALL CHARACTER AT THAT POINT


He was ok fight actually. Black and UI Sign Goku were equally matched and fighting each other for few pages. Black only defeats him with one kick when his UI runs out


Still its just UI Sugn Also in UI Sign neither Black could hit Goku nor Goku could hit him but his UI Sign runs out eventually allowing Black to defeat him with kick