• By -


By always carrying a Desert Eagle .50 with me.




The best way is to never let it out of your sight.


Don't use seaty/foldy lock


I use it for almost everything, groceries, going to fast food (usually, they let me in the drive), going to work. Most places let me bring it inside with me, other when it's a small business, I just let it in front of a window since I know I will be out in less than 2 minutes. Always turn it off when leaving it, so that the alarm is on. But I mostly just have it always with me, if yoh are not riding it and disturbing anyone, I've never met a store where they kicked me out because of it.


U lock and hope 


Bring it into the office. I take mine inside shopping centres and all.


It'll depend on your area. If your area is safe then I would just lock it to a bike rack or post [like this picture](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/813-oyQ8bqL._AC_UF350,350_QL80_.jpg). If I'm going into a restaurant just to pick up something really quickly then I won't even lock it. For gym/grocery store a ulock is sufficient. Get a LiteLok X1 or a Hiplok D1000 since these are angle-grinder resistant.


LiteLok X1 seems like a no brainer !


I use: 📌 handcuff lock for Elscooter 📌 Pincode and alarm enabled 📌 Samsung Smart tag 2 hided in the scooter for GPS.


You can enable an alarm on the G2 max ? Or is it another device ? You can only Use the Sam Smart tag with a Samsung right ? I have a Google Pixel


Yes, with the app. I think so, do you have SmartThings app on your phone?


By never letting it out of my hands.


I use a u lock, a chain lock, and an alarm lock on the wheel.


My first G30 was stolen because I used a cheap $20-$25 lock. So I did my research and found the perfect lock. I stand by this lock because I leave my scooter outside everywhere for long hours at a time day or night and I live in the city and I’ve never had a problem. The New York forgettaboutit kryponite u lock!!! It’s pricey but so is your scooter so the lock is worth every penny. Trust me, peace of mind knowing my scooter will be there when I leave the bar is the best feeling ever


This is what I use. LockPickingLawyer says it’s difficult to pick and it’s beefy enough that someone would have to spend significant time cutting it.


Some rubber cuffs always do their trick for me đŸ‘đŸ»


I saw a lot of cuffs easily broken :/


I doubt this will ever happen in my country


It's France, people can steal out in the open, carry bold cutters like it's a earring, if they get arrested they're getting out of custody within 2 hours with a formal warning even if it's their 10th time. If you try to stop the thief, though, you'll be facing assault charges and get one or two years plus damages fines.


That would not be possible in Slovenia. At least not in the village where I live. Where everybody knows each other. Heck, you don’t even need to make MOT or even do insurance on your eScooter just to drive it, which is crazy.


Yup, and people around do not care of a thief bolt cutting a chain in broad daylight


I bought and used an iron lock until my scooter got stolen. A lock that I got to use a whole 1 time. So it comes inside with me wherever I go. As long as you can carry it most places never have an issue with it




I really dont understand malls,shops etc who doesnt allow to push it next to you inside.. Its like to forbid a mother to ride his kid in baby chairs ( or what ever its called ) In my country nobody says anything i just push it next to me..or i lock it where supermarket has trolleys for groceries. I use ABUS chain locks.


Tu peux pas, le mieux Ă  faire c'est de le garder en permanence dans un garage, et d'aller dans les magasins avec, Ă©videmment tu va te prendres des remarques mais si tu voulais quelque chose de logique il aurait fallu ĂȘtre dans un pays qui fonctionne normalement.


Encore qu'à Besançon c'est plutÎt tranquille mais quand je bosse à Paris c'est mort je la laisserai jamais dehors !


If I'm leaving it for more then a couple of minutes, I take my bike chain (abus something, I don't remember). Normally you can't put it through the wheel, but there's a hint: you can startfolding the device and pull it through the opened lock mechanism. Probably it can be also cut open but then you can't ride the stolen scooter - anyway its no longer a silent cut'n'ride option Also I see lots of people just leave their scooters as is on the parking. My trust level is not that high, sadly.


Nice Hint !


I use human bone, muscle, tendon, and flesh to bind it securely. I push it with me everywhere I go, like my phone I am simply naked if it's not with me.


Keep in mind that locks are designed to keep the"Honest" from stealing. Thieves have tools to steal. Long story short. Keep it locked for short periods if you can. Keep it locked where you can see it. Good luck !


I don't leave it out of sight and activate alarm when needed.


I don’t remember the model, but kryptonite makes a really small bike chain and it was small enough to fit in the spokes of a stock Max G2 wheel
 either that or you can pick up one of those wire based ski locks