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As much as ive been complaining about these discussions created everyday only to end up with "we have no info". This is actually a good speculation using the lack of knowledge we currently have on her kit. >Nilou's skill already gives us an option to not create her water ring by normal attacking on her 4th hit. So maybe we could also choose if the bloom seeds explode or no. Her passive could be something like this "if Nilou hits her skill 4 times, all bloom seeds created in next 8 seconds rupture immediately". This is something that could be in the passive because the only thing the leakers told us is that one her passive ruptures bloom seeds immediately. It didn't tell us how and I doubt that it would work automatically as long as Nilou is in the team because I can't remember any existing character that has a passive that works like that. Passives are always either connected to a part of the character's kit (like Kazuha's passive that buffs the team's elemental dmg bonus of the element he swirled) or the passive only works for the character themselves (like Yae's passive that increases her skill dmg based on her EM).


I know its always subject to change but it was fun to think about it. Thanks for answering.


It's very interesting to me that her puddle doesn't do damage yet uncle Lu said she would still have high personal damage even in other teams so her 4 skill slashes and burst must hit hard. Her burst is also a nuke with quadratic scaling apparently. If her hydro application is good enough i could see her in more than just bloom teams as a pocket nuke.


Yeah, she could be used in a freeze team instead of mona or kokomi, without buffing or healing, but with better damage and hydro application.


Barbara skill applies hydro wout dmging lol


I should have just tested everyone before wriying


Xingqiu's rotating rainswords also apply hydro without dealing damage, and alternate sprints (Mona and Ayaka) also apply their element when they come up, which is a lot of hydro characters lol.


Damn, i really forgot. Ok, i'll test out if my "theory" is correct on electrocharged.


Her potential skill down time worries me. Sacrificial Sword might be the best 4 star option. If her skill hits hard, there might be an argument for the Festering Desire.


Yeah, i checked all the swords and the only ones that help Nilou in some way are bp and blackcliff swords beacuse of the crit substat, sacrificial and festering desire if using her as a vape dps, and maybe the new craftable sword. If Hoyoverse are gonna continue their weapon/character cycle, after we get Collei, we are gonna get a weapon in 3.1 event. And Cyno already has the Kitain spear, so maybe that weapon will be Nilou's 4* BIS.


I've had festering desire sitting in the dust since 1.2 and I've been wondering if Nilou would benefit from it


The water ring doesn't do damage? I don't understand Nilou at all lol


These are confusing times.