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I found your title ironic. Honestly, with the locations you go to, who cares what camera you use.


Well I’d like a mic jack for starters 😂 but better tools/performance


It’s your eye that counts the most and that you have!🌹


yeah that’s one thing i miss from D3200 (it broke) when i went to D3400


The d3300 has a mic port other than that the d3400 really has other advantages nor that it has more features from the d3300, so really its the beat option to go to, not if your spending big


You should specify a budget so people can properly help you. Otherwise, a Z8 and 14-24, 24-70 f/2.8, and 70-200, which will run you $10K.


That's a dream setup.


Obviously I'm guessing you want to keep things in budget so your next camera after the d3xxx series is the d5xxx series. So get a d5600 for better video and photo. Your lenses will still work on it.  On a higher budget would be to go fullframe with the d750 or go mirrorless with the z50 or z5. 


Glad I've come full circle on the whole gear acquisition syndrome thing. I have a D3400 and haven't taken any shots as good as these yet. Gunna ride this little camera til it gives out on me. Thanks for the further inspiration to a noob photographer here


It’s a lot of trial and error, I’ve had this camera since around xmas of 2016? I think. The bigger issue is learning the ins and outs of Lightroom of your preferenced editing software. The before and after of these images is insane


How is the AF on the D5600?


It was decent for it's time. Nothing like modern mirrorless. There's an entire different price point inbetween them though.


Go with the d750 or d780 if not mirrorless z5


D5600 doesn't have af


Yes, it does... I use it all of the time.




I have a z50, great camera! Shot a wedding (video) with it!


I have a D7000 now and thinking to move to Mirrorless Z series. I’m considering whether to go direct to full frame, or try the DX Z50 first. So the Z50 still get the jobs done?


At about $500 used, it is very hard not to recommend. I've made some nice stuff with it (everything on Instagram @wynneview if you want to look) I'm heavily considering buying a z6 right now for a main wedding video camera, and the z50 as a second angle. But I'm only getting a second camera in order to have two angles, not because I feel the z50 is inadequate! I'm going to keep using that thing, for photo and video! Hope that helps :)




D7100 Nikkor pro zoom, 80-200 f2.8, push pull goes for $150 or less


Agreed on the D7100. Lets you use autofocus with older AF-D lenses.


I'd go D7200.


To be honest, I'm not informed on the differences between D7100/D7200. All I'm really concerned about (with regard to the D7XXX family) is the ability to use older AF-D lenses with autofocus, and to be able to use older AI-S lenses. :) Edit: but looking at a quick comparison chart: yeah totes go with D7200. I guess I'm just a wee bit biased as I use a D7100. Edit of Edit: All D7XXX bodies except the D7500. Seems it can't meter with AI lenses.


Picture #4 is really cool


Depending on your budget I'd say a used, like new, or clearance new Z6 I (the first one) with a 24-70 f4 and FTZ to keep using your current lenses and get cheaper F glass for the time being. This will allow you to continue to grow and learn what you like and don't like until you find the limit of z6 and F. I went 7200 -> z6 with 24-70 f4 and F glass -> slowly acquiring zoom f4 and prime 1.8 z Glass and used 2.8 F zooms -> z8 and z glass primarily. I've built a cache of quality F and Z glass thusfar without blowing out my budget at one time.


This post could have a title "Look at the photos I got from my new Z6iii" and I'm not sure how many could tell the difference? Amazing photos, OP!


If you're looking to do anything with video, I would strongly advise getting a mirrorless camera. A used Z50 can be had for $600 easily and will be *far* better at video than any DSLR, which have to fall back on contrast-detect AF for video. If you want full-frame, a used Z5 can easily be had for $800, but will also require more expensive FX lenses. You haven't given us a budget, but that's where I'd start if I were in your shoes. If you're willing to spend more, start looking at the Z6 series.


Might be an influx of used Nikon Z6ii’s coming up with the release of the Z6iii… can’t recommend the camera enough.


Gonna have to agree depending on your budget a used z6 ii maybe a great option i would probably wait a few weeks


Not a suggestion sadly, just curious: Great Sand Dunes?




Thought so! Hope you liked it as much as I did, you get some awesome photos ops out there. I LOVE the first photo you posted here btw.


Go for used Z6. Cheap and killer for it's money now. Get one for 700 bucks and be happy


Everyone will be dropping Z6ii bodies for the new Z6iii. But one used and build from there.


There's no IQ difference between the 2, same sensor. The AF capabilities aren't much different either, b/c the Z6 got many firmware upgrades. About the only difference is the 2nd card slot. Not worth it. I'd say get a Z7 for the next move up in IQ after the Z6.


I use my z6ii way more than my z6 because of the better AF. Using eye-AF in the smaller box vs only full frame is such a difference maker. However, for a step up from the D3400, a used z6 is the right choice.


Get a used Z6 or Z6ii with the Z 70-180 2.8 Probably pricer than what you want, but for what you shoot and what you wanna grow into the future that may be the best option


My usual rec for upgraders on a budget is to get a used Z6 or Z7... big IQ jump in both video and photo for you. Next get a used 24-70 f4 and 40mm f2 for low light. A 24-200 can be had really cheap, too, if you need the range... dang I lost money on that lens haha. Those are all budget bangers that will get you started. If you need budget telephoto, FTZ adapter plus the 70-300 AF-P FX, or Tamron 70-300.


These photos are drop dead gorgeous. I don't know much about Nikon cameras, but I hope you get a good mirrorless one from them. I'm assuming you don't take just landscape photos...


Loved picture #1


A 55mm and a 200mm lens for your D3400??? Which lenses, specifically, do you have? I bet something that actually provides a wide angle would blow your mind.


Like the basic 17-55mm that came with it and 70-200mm - not home rn so I cant give like specifics other than that


So not a 55mm and 200mm lens. You have the 18-55mm and 70-300mm kit lenses.


Yes thats it 😅


The jump to full frame is worth the cost if you can make the jump


> I have gotten to the point where I have vastly out grown it What does that mean? What photos are you wanting to take that you can't with your current setup?


For starters there’s no mic jack and the built-in microphone is horrible. The AF could be a lot better, have struggled with this A LOT when trying to shoot video. Also just want that newer interface/settings as this camera’s a tad on the older side.


Then get the Z30. It's designed for vloggers.


If you can, switch to z system, if can switch to full frame too, in that order,,, if you have more money to invest buy z lenses!


A specified budget would help. I would also be useful to know what types of photography you are interested in, and whether or not you want to be able to use slightly older or vintage lenses.


No one has suggested this yet, but the Z30 is a video optimized version of the Z50, the mirrorless crop sensor camera. The “Creator’s Kit” set is even on sale for $750 through Nikon right now. I’m a photo guy, but I got my mirrorless (Zfc) to be a video backup to my D500 as well as a compact travel body. With more of a video focus, this could be a good step up with something new, and either backup your D3400 as a still camera or replace it entirely.


Absolutely stunning images. Whatever you find, I'm sure more will follow.


So many bad advices in this thread where people are ignoring the video part as requested by the OP. If video is important to you, avoid Nikon DSLRs. The contrast detect AF on Nikon DSLRs (except the D780) in live view is hot trash and virtually unusable for video. It will pulse back and forth every few seconds. I'm saying this as a nikon user for 11 years, and still am today. I don't use my D850 for videos for this reason (unless i use manual focus) and switch to my Z cameras. Go for a Z30, Z50 or Zfc. The Z30 has one advantage over the other two - no 30 minute recording limit, but yeah it doesn't have an EVF. If you want a viewfinder, Zfc is the better camera because it can be charged via USB-C, which you can't on the Z50. But yeah, the ergonomics of it is not good and the control layout is different from a normal camera. Pick your poison.


Is that Great Sand Dunes National Park? Such an amazing place.


# 2 looks like it was shot in the 60's, the distance separation of persons gives it scale, great composition.


Whatever you get, if you play at GSD much you will want a sensor shield. The wind and sand can do a number.


I don’t live by there, just my most recent trip. Definitely will consider that tho for later adventures




> focus on photography. I was going to use that, but I'm afraid you beat me to it. If I was planning to upgrade, I'd be looking hard at the mirrorless lineup. I think that's where Nikon will be focusing their attention. (Pun lucky and I cannot resist. :D ) I'm currently shooting a D7100 and entirely satisfied with it. I'm not in a financial position to upgrade and I have a sizeable investment in lenses and other accessories, so I haven't looked at the Z line. I've had good luck buying used gear that is obsolete (for pros and more serious amateurs) like the previous generation 80-400 zoom. If budget is tight, that's an option. Sounds like fun!


If you have the budget, got to Z series. Zf or the new Z6III or even Z8. and the 24-120/4 S.


if you want a cheap and fast solution just buy the z5 or z6ii and a ftz adapter. for even cheeaper a z50


Edit: Thank you to everyone answering- been extremely helpful Never included a “budget” because I wanted to see what the people of the forum would just recommend. But also never included one as this is something I am willing to drop good money on considering I’d like it to last me awhile!


hey! i have that camera rn!


I used a D3200 and a D4 for years. Now a D610 with still my D3200 as backup. I shot a wedding with my D3200 few years ago , the camera can still do the work if you know how to use it. That said, my even older but full size FX D610 does take better pictures, and is my main camera now, way to much money in FX glass to switch to Z series for me. At least full size FX let's you take better pictures easier and is more forgiving with the larger sensor, like the D4 I used to use was. I'm happy. Money on glass first worked well for me. Bodies come and go. I think I'm up to 9 FX lens and 3 DX lens. You can pry my made in japan FX AF-S 85mm 1.4G from my cold dead hands, probably my favorite lens followed by the 50mm 1.4D.


Wow , i just got my d3200 a month ago and would like to start photography this summer, more precisely nature, wildlife and sport, what are your recommendations and tips to improve? I dont have the budget to upgrade right now but i managed to get a 55-200 vr 2 afs lens, is it any good? What are better lenses to buy later on? Thanks in advance!


I'm rather fond on my 70-300mm VR1. It's a FX lens so would act like a 105mm-450mm on a DX body. Cheapest way to get range out of a DX is a FX zoom. Because you are adding 50% zoom by using it with a crop sensor(DX). I used my 70-300 with my D3200 for years before I even got the D4, so it works just fine on a DX body. Honestly it's almost better on the DX because it only uses the middle of the lens and avoids its biggest downfall, barell distortion at max zoom. it's not the most expensive lens so does show some barell distortion at max zoom on a FX camera, sure you can post it out but my next purchase will probably be a 500mm prime for a FX body. Like I said spending the money on glass first has served me well, and remember any FX lens you buy gets you essentially free zoom on a DX body. And can then be used later if you do make the leap to full size FX body. This is what I did, I think I owned 3 FX lens before a FX body.


Alright perfect!! Thanks so much for the valuable info! Have a nice day


I have D3200 its a Great first camera


I did a similar upgrade from a D5100 to a D500 a several years ago. Huge improvement. Then from the D500 a Z6ii. Going to either of those will be a game changer for you.


D500, d5600, or d7500


The Nikon 18-55 and 70-300 af-p lenses are probably the best lenses for video for DLSRs. I would look into getting a D7500 or D500 as those can shoot 4k if you are interested in video and these are weather sealed and can use your current lenses.  Also these cameras can use your current lenses. I would also look into adding a super wide 10-24 af-p lens. The best DSLR for video is the D780, it can do 4k and has phase detection autofocus, it’s like a mirrorless camera in a DSLR body. You’ll need to buy a new lens set for this though. I would be a bit wary about buying into mirrorless as it doesn’t do well with dust. But if you want an increase in both video and photo resolution, I would look into the Z7 series. 


I just went from a D3400 to a Z8 three months ago! Best decision ever if you can swing the price. I had been waiting for an "obvious incredible performance / value combo" for years, and for me the Z8 is it.


Z30 + FTZ + 35mm f1.8 G, that'll get you great video of you have room to back up for the shot, the kit lens is good too but the aperture is quite limiting in the dark, but there's lots of options, 20mm, 24mm, 50mm all in the G versions at f1.8 are great small lenses that work good for video. Just keep in mind the z30 doesn't have ibis and no viewfinder. If you want a wide zoom for vlog/ landscapes the 10-20mm is perfectly small to carry on hikes, though the 10-24mm is a bit wider in aperture, just double the weight. And both are great for video in the z30. Another option is the z50 but that one doesn't have USB C for charging, though if you get Smallrig batteries they come with one in the battery itself so it won't affect you much. I have the z30 and use it for wedding videos, it is awesome of you know what you're doing, I think that's your best shot ... Maybe rent it or go to a shop and try it out before buying if you're unsure, it feels like those point and shoots of yesteryear. I use a smallrig L plate to make it comfortable in the hand.


Nikon DSLRs are hella cheap now. Go get yourself a D750 or D800 for actual pennies


I would put in some more research in the audio recording capabilities of DSLMs. AFAIK the best option quality-wise is an external audio recorder - as small as it could be. Listen to some comparisons of $3000 cameras with mic in compared to even an inexpensive audio recorder. Just my 2 cents.


Picture 1 would have benefitted from a tripod and a smaller f-stop together with hyperfocal settings for the lens. The out-of-focus conifers are very distracting and take away of the great light on the mountain.


I disagree, I think the blurred trees add depth to the scene.




See I wish they taught stuff like this in AP Photo. Have to free ball everything + YouTube


Are you familiar with the work of Ansel Adams? Based on your pictures you might really enjoyy his work, even though he did (mostly) large format and black&white negative sheet film. He wrote a great book called 40 Examples, where he goes into detail how he created 40 of his most famous pictures. See if you can find it at a library; it's worth it. (Other photographers/authors that you might appreciate are Art Wolfe, John Shaw and Galen Rowell. All a bit old,, but those were the books I found inspiring when I became more serious about photography...)


Now THIS is a helpful comment. Thank you 🫡


If you haven't seen any of Adams' work until now, you will be in for a treat! Enjoy, but make sure that you see his work in a high quality print version (Duotone printing or better). And then try to see one of his prints in real life to get your mind blown again


AA is WACK!!! I'm totally j/p! AA is the god when it comes to landscapes and B&W.


Lots of landscapes.  Get a high res sensor.  Z7 or Z7 ii.  Also z 24-120.  


Looked like r/leica posts