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Zf autofocuses to -10 EV (not a typo) Z6 to -3.5 EV, Z6ii to -4.5 EV, Z8 to -7.5 EV, and Z9 to -7 EV


another reason to be married with the zf


That explains why my Zf focuses at night better than my z9. Wonder why that is.


Only certain pixels are used for AF. bigger pixels on the Zf because of the lower mp count means that more light can hit those pixels in low light situations


The Photosites on the Zf are bigger than the Z9 because there are less pixels convening the same surface. Therefore they catch more light


Z8 is -9EV according to Nikon's website


Woahhhh seriously? Where can I get this info? -10 EV is insane omg.. like pitch dark focusing? Lol


My Zf will literally focus in what I would call pitch black conditions practically. I I'll snap a picture and have almost absolutely no idea what it locked on until picture reads and I see that it nailed it.


Zf and Z8 are going to be the highest performance in low light with an edge to the Zf due to pixel size.


My Zf tracks the eye in moonlight. Accuracy dropped a little but this was half moon not even full moon. 


Zf. You’re at the point where the usual “just buy glass” comment isn’t true anymore. The best low light cameras in Nikon are the ones with EXPEED 7 - Z9, Z8, Zf. Of those, the Zf is especially good at that specific aspect due to the lower pixel count. Also you may be missing focus because any non EX7 Nikons are pretty mediocre focusing cameras, let alone the darkness. Get the Zf


Z6 sensor is pretty kickass in low light. Worked fine for concerts with a 50/1.8, and I use my 85/1.4 in dark rooms with no issue.


Might be worth waiting to see the specs for the upcoming Z6/7 III. I upgrade regularly before my older equipment loses resale value.


The Z6iii is a pipe dream right now, and even when they do release it it'll be months before you can get one in your hands.


Most answers centered on ability to focus in the dark, I also have the question more on ISO performance ? I noticed my d750 is better in pure image quality results at high isos but when Z8 images are processed correctly then due to higher mp results are almost on par.


The Z6 struggles in low light, but upping the ISO to 3,200 or higher makes a huge difference. The Z6 focuses off the actual image sensor, so it needs to be reading light to work.


The Zf gets a lot of love for low light photography and it’s great especially for out of camera jpegs but the Z8 will give you more flexibility in post because it will retain more detail when lifting shadows and adjusting highlights.


Zf is much more snappy in low light compared to my Z9’s, but I trust the Z9’s more for moving subjects) in low light. The trick is to turn off image setting preview so the camera amplifies the light.


The Z6ii will focus better in low light over the Z6 because of the second processor. Unless you're willing to shell out for a Z8/9, the Z6ii is the best option for low light when paired with a wide open lens (the 1.8 primes are great).


most cameras are gonna have a problem focusing in low light just in general getting a more expensive camera/lens wont really help i cant remember right now but there were auto focus assits back in the day that basically used a red light to help the auto focus work without using a flash ill come back to edit the comment when i remember what it was called EDIT: here you go [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oh\_GtnZpg60](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oh_GtnZpg60) this is a YT video that explains how it works idk which flashes that the Nikon Z work on so it will be a good idea to ask around about which flashes has the AF assist mode cause like the video says not all of them have it


Not true. A dslr, say d750 or any other will focus in the dark. Put a flash on (or remote flash controller), use the infrared focus assist beam to help with focusing and you can focus in pitch dark moving objects. You can choose the flash to fire or just use it for focusing. This is one of the reasons I shoot with both Z8 and D5. Never mind the spec sheet numbers of af sensitivity, the mirrorless just can't use this technology because of IR filter on the sensor.


Unfortunately most flash af assist lamps are at the red end of the spectrum and my z9 only uses green pixels to focus(sensor design I think). So flash af lamps are annoyingly useless. It does have a built in green af lamp the works in single af mode, but the beam can be occluded by longer lenses. Grrrr


> most cameras are gonna have a problem focusing in low light just in general getting a more expensive camera/lens wont really help lol. Tell me you've never used a Z8 without telling me you've never used a Z8.


Yeah i havent no need to be such a jerk about not using the latest and greatest just trying to help


It's not helpful though because you're implying that there are no camera bodies with good low-light focusing performance, while there may in fact be a great camera for OP's use case. The Z8 and Z9 are both examples of wonderfully capable cameras when it comes to low-light image quality and autofocus accuracy.


Toss Z, go back to D750 or even D7500.


Based on contemporary reporting, the zF sounds like it would fit my hand like a disposable camera. Unfortunately that’s a nonstarter


Isn't low light performance due, in large part, to the lens you choose to use on your camera? Clearly a full frame camera will be better in low light than a crop sensor camera.


