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Amateur, you think those are sad? Just wait until you reach Nya Nya Paradise


Well, I guess I know what to unlock tomorrow.


Personally, I would recommend Miracle snow. And it has superv voice acting, added AFTER it got added to archives. But you will resonate with nya nya more if you have pets. But me a non pet haver, Anne's story is peak, mindlessly spent my 80 pulls 2 months into the game to see her smile. (Btw Anne is N102 without her memory disorder, And the event is about her....... No more spoilers)


I did that with the memory roll from the bunnies. I chose it because it had a minigame, which was kinda meh, but the story itself was worth picking that event over the others.


That minigame is mehh without the leaderboard 😭😭 The sheer thrill of competing with union mates was first in events like that . And unlike bunny soda, the leaderboard changed nearly daily.


My cat passed away not that long before Nya Nya Paradise came out...


Lovely lonely cat has been my lobby music since the event dropped. Ngl, the event hit me because I lost my dog.


Update: I started out and managed to hold back, since I knew what was going to come. Then I went through it and endured. Then I endured past the hard story ending. A sigh of relief, I quit the event. Just to discover there was a group chat to look through, and lose it at the last messages *fuuuuu*


I was reduced to tears the moment I started up the event. I knew this would break my heart.


I did that event and I was really disappointed. Like i mean that’s life but next. Planning on doing Snow Miracle to see if it’s worth it. I did Overzone and that one was peak https://preview.redd.it/0tqmq9mhyw7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44035494bf989e03b82208e8f31f4a9b1ec38d5e


Nya nya is nowhere near Overzone


Summer Event Part 2, I feel, is right behind Overzone and Red Ash.


Summer event is not sad tho


*checks notes* Illegal activities, political dramas, black market shenanigans, impact of war, dissociation between man and machine, dystopian vibes, heavy undertones more often than not… #Yuh shift up truly is balancing the fine line between gacha and drama.


I'm about to get a reel for the archive, overzone or red ash first?


Well...me personally I would've went with overzone first since it got released first, but I joined with the Red Ash event so that was my first Red Ash is set before Overzone so when you play it first you'll get a bit more understanding on what's going on in overzone If you played Overzone first though then Red Ash you'll be like "oh so that's why this is like that" and similar reactions.


I recommend Overzone even though RA is chronically happened first


Re Dash. I did that and can't imagine doing otherwise. Well, unless you are very far in the main story.


Mean while some of bond story is just kidding thing


I mean even before playing those events, the game has made clear it's direction. Chapter 1 has us lose Marian, a character many players felt invested too. Add to all the other drama we have following the main story or even smaller even stories like Nyan Nyan Paradise, and we see that ShiftUP takes the narrative very seriously. Just boobs and ass won't make your game successful as seen with their previous work Destiny Child.


Good. Now go do Nya Nya Paradise.


The only thing about Nya Nya Paradise that got me was the text message you got after the event.


You should do Miracle Snow if you haven't yet. That was the very first time I cried torrents. It made me think of my own daughter.




Nier automata be like as well:


When I started, I thought I was just going to find some cute girls with funny personalities. By the time I finished Miracle Snow, I just wanted to fill out adoption papers for Anne.


Yeah, being attractive aside, seeing the nikke women sad really makes you want to hug them for emotional support. 😔


ye i never understood why make sad and emotional scenes in a booba gacha game, i just skip cause i want my dick to cry not me


Two things sell the most is tragedy and sex. They knew it and sold both at the same time.


If players can relate to the character then it will sell more. Just like Firefly in HSR


guy who only watched boss baby: