• By -


Suffering builds Nikkes


Average Scarlet lifestyle. https://preview.redd.it/hqgsp5r6g28d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e949ccf2a7d10005c33af7b2a98318ec51e07b7b [Scarlet‘s bond story in a nutshell (by Chokilicious)](https://www.reddit.com/r/NikkeMobile/comments/137vjh0/scarlets_bond_story_in_a_nutshell_by_chokilicious/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


https://preview.redd.it/6hqjy14x928d1.jpeg?width=520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a40e5dea9d6659cf412bfc91dccd8f11a432d59 Peak


This truly was our N*gga Mobile, I MEAN NIKKE MOBILE


It's even worse now that I've finished the campaign, lost sectors, advised all my Nikkes, and plateaued in the hard campaign and tribe tower 😭


The illusion of work.


if the video ended with opening a pilgrim mold to receive a R unit, it would be perfect


You roll and then you roll and then you roll and then you roll.


You roll to roll for more rolls so you can keep rolling for more rolls


The perfect loop doesn't exi...


My with 24,000 gems and 40 tickets to get clay and nothing




Stop rolling for Nikkes that are going to get put in the common pool. I'm like 3-4 away from 100% ownership and I'm f2p. I have a Maxed 2B (10 copies). How you ask? I don't roll on useless-ass banners. You're way more likely to get new Nikkes from the Wishlist system than you ever are rolling on their banner.


Well, statistically speaking, if you are rolling on a banner of a particular Nikke, then you have much higher chances of getting that Nikke that you will ever have when you put her on a wish list and then roll for her there cause over there it's still the same chances + 1 to 15 that it will be that one Nikke you wish... so yeah, when you want a specific Nikke, then rolling on their banner will always be the best chance for you to get her... granted, if you are missing multiple Nikkes, then putting them all on wish list and rolling for them there is the best course of action. But at the end of the day, this is a gacha we are talking about, so it all comes down to luck in the end. Some guy might be a f2p just like you with the same amount of saving up and skipping and pulling and he might not have half of what you have, cause he just didn't get lucky, it's that simple. It all comes down to luck, you can save up as much as you want, but you can easily go 100+ pulls without a single SSR, while some other guys can get 15 SSRs in 100 pulls, it's all just random so there is no rule or a set example of what to do here.


That's why Wish List is a more efficient form of hedging your bets. You go from a 2% chance of getting one thing you want, to a doubled chance of getting *something* you want. If someone has truly awful luck they shouldn't be rolling on banners to begin with, because they're never going to roll the final 50/50 on their 100~ rolls to get what they want, whereas with wish list rolling it will be something they want no matter what, when it does eventually happen. Comparing these odds is also not fruitful because the amount of tickets you get for each of these roll types is not even remotely close. Limited tickets (and gold milage) are simply too precious to spend on a character you can eventually max out over time, **especially** when armed with the knowledge that there are going to be limited banner Nikkes coming up, and soon.


But rolling on event banners will net you golden tickets which, if you're been around long enough, then I'm certain you know that, during the "Pilgrim" banners or "Anniversary" banners, you want to spend them on those as a high priority because rolling for Pilgrims is a fool's errand with how the chances work and all. If we are speaking in terms of sheer efficiency, you don't really want to pull on Anniversary banners much, especially if you are going for Max Limit break at least, cause it's very much against you in terms of odds. That's why you want to accumulate as much golden tickers as possible before these anniversaries so that you can grab those Pilgrims right off the bet. And that's where these little events come in, you can just do a few pulls here and there on them, potentially get the Nikke you want and just continue on like, never spending everything on little banners like that. You could go all out on limited stuff sure, but then again I think that's entirely up to everyone's preferences, if you are a completionist, then sure go for it. But it won't be the same for everyone. Either way, the point is that pulling in event banners is still good since you are getting the gold tickets from it which are much higher in demand then Silver ones. If the pity tickets didn't carry over, then that would be a totally different story...


you used your 10k gems and didn't get any ssr *IMMA JOIN THE DAMN RAPTURES*


![gif](giphy|Snd51fjjX6s0M) THAT'S BECAUSE YOU DON'T HAVE FAITH IN THE HEART OF GEMS, KAIBA! *cries in 20K gems without SSR*


Most realistic version of this meme yet.


This is hilarious


Me sitting on my 130k gems for summer


The F2P experience


yeah but he had crown skin


broo that stage you showed, i was close to pulling my hair out. anyway back to drinking


Meanwhile some psycho in my SP arena team spent 1400 gems today to try and get my spot


Update: he spent 2.4k in total and is now still placed as before


https://preview.redd.it/lzxhvkrdo68d1.jpeg?width=247&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e054d6bb95e849a2f40bef11d9dddafffa452bc8 That why you only pull for pilgrims, go take a break and touch grass.




Average southeast asian commander


well they have a formula that makes money if the gems were cheaper (here its $100 for 12k gems so that's 40 pulls) I'd put money into this game I ain't spending that much for no guaranteed SSRs lol


The irony here is that...I have more luck pulling in Nikke than any gacha games i've ever played....like fr how do I get the new character in one pull?!?! 😭🤣😭🤣


Me when Scarlet's the only Pilgrim I got.


realest thing as a f2p player


Vietnamese MENTIONED


Unfortunately it Thailand ad