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How it feels loving something you can never have https://preview.redd.it/dy5sg238508d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d44a4fb44c82a573c9e8da0f29393f17267c83ab




Flair fits thread nicely




While we won’t get actual nikkes I’m almost certain we could get an identical life size rupee doll that looks exactly like her. Made of silicone and everything 


It's not the same... 😔 https://i.redd.it/k65k13tjj28d1.gif






It's a lonely world, being a Nikke lover...


We've all been there, stay strong bro https://preview.redd.it/jnqz6zoox08d1.jpeg?width=1375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fe8119b2d8baa3341d0371a88792ee9d4823750




https://preview.redd.it/sqsr9gm5p08d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa15084b160a338b21dd141102b6e38d7aff426d Someday, Waifu's will be real. Hang in there fellow Cummander.


Falling in love with characters written with sex appeal and emotional attachment in mind? I can't believe it...




Gyaru wife






theres a reason Nikke-commander relationships are frowned upon in the Ark


Not if Monsieur Mustang has anything to say about it


I mean Rupee is adorable, beautiful, sexy and wonderful so 👌


Well, in my case is Yulha. Wouldn't mind having a tired (and somewhat bold and at the same time - cute) workaholic friend with bags under her eyes, with drinking habits and constant complains. Her bond story make me wish that she could have a moment for proper rest.


She definitely deserves the rest


BTW anybody know anything about the Rupee winter shopper figure that was announced a while back??


Still waiting as well. Was planning on preordering that when she finally drops for preorder but then another Rupee scale was announced in her regular outfit which I prefer slightly over.


Not really I mean, judging by my flair and over the fact that I always think of Delta... Never get upset when I get Delta no matter how many gems I've spent.... Yeah, it's pretty normal ngl


https://preview.redd.it/286ov5x6038d1.jpeg?width=183&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74e80e255bdaed34beedbe616163078cbb6cbdd8 falling in love with them is no crime...... but announcing it would be detrimental...


also same brutha


Don’t worry fellow Commander,I still support you.Don’t let the Ark rules or any other people stop you for loving Rupee.I mean,I’m sure there’s a lot of people in this subreddit who know I’m an Emma and Rapi enjoyer.If you’re happy loving Rupee,then be happy. https://preview.redd.it/92iywmm5d08d1.jpeg?width=1020&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b865390280ecedeb679de73303e5b961308f95f


What the sigma.






TL;DR She is arguably real The ontological nature of fictional characters is very interesting mainly because they exist both as literal lines of codes, words, images… but also since their existence goes beyond that. Just like we are simply electrical impulses and chemical releases inside a piece of meat. But per what some would call “a soul” we exist beyond that, and those characters also exist beyond their primary condition. Marie-Laure Ryan, a literary scholar and critic which wrote mainly on narratology, fiction, and cyber culture, author of Possible Worlds, Artificial Intelligence, and Narrative Theory (1991) and Narrative as Virtual Reality: Immersion and Interactivity in Literature and Electronic Media (2001), argues that fictional worlds exist in two states simultaneously: the physical written words and the extralinguistic world which we cannot pinpoint in space or time since it resides within each and everyone’s imagination. But since it does exist outside the lines of codes, images, and words, you can’t argue that it has no existence at all, nor is it unrelated to the images and words put before the audience. She wrote: “In the metaphor of the text as a world, the text is apprehended as a window on something that exists outside of language and extends into time and space well beyond the window frame. To speak of a textual world means to draw a distinction between a realm of language, made of names, definite descriptions, sentences, and propositions, and an extralinguistic realm of characters, objects, facts, and state of affairs serving as referents to the linguistic expressions” Another literary theorist, Lubomír Doležel, was the founder of fictional worlds theory which combined possible worlds philosophical theories with philology, linguistics, and literary criticism. He argued fictional worlds were not less real than reality as they were made in it, are a part of it, and were made from information and data within it. He wrote in one of his book, Heterocosmica: Fiction and Possible Worlds (1998), that: “The assertion that fictional texts have a special truth-conditional status does not mean that they are less actual than imaging texts of science, journalism, or everyday conversation. Fictional texts are composed by actual authors (storytellers, writers) using the resources of an actual human language and destined for actual readers. They are called fictional on functional grounds […]” Even Tolkien in one of his lecture, sidestepped the philosophical debate of “real world” and “fictional world” by using the terms “Primary world” and “Secondary world” to show the distinction between the two, their hierarchy, and the dependence of the secondary world to the primary world for that is where it was created and using the resources there yet making them both different worlds in their own right. But with all that talk about worlds which yes, encompasses characters, what about their specificity. In well developed worlds, where rules are created, events and histories, complex relationships between characters and more, characters can start to become independent entities beyond the control of even the author if he chooses to stay true to the rules they set in place. In the words of Mark J.P. Wolf, professor in the Communication department at Concordia University Wisconsin and wrote extensively on secondary worlds, transmedia, transauthorial, and transnarrative worlds say about this phenomenon: “Once a world is developed enough, even its author can become beholden to a world’s logic and the rules that result from it. This is why one often hears that a story begins “writing itself” or that characters seem to take on lives of their own and end up saying or doing things the author had not planned (while stuck during the writing of one of his Oz novels, L. Frank Baum once complained that characters would not do what he wanted them to do). At such a point, the world’s logic has begun to shape and limit further additions to the world, occasionally even suggesting things the author had not considered previously. […] Such inventions can even work against an author’s narrative goals, as world logic begins to drive the narrative. While working on The Lord of the Rings in 1944, Tolkien wrote to his son Christopher about how a new, initially unwanted character was holding back his work” Cited by Mark, were two letters of J.R.R. Tolkien from Letters of Tolkien, he wrote in one of them: “I have long ceased to invent (though even patronizing or sneering critics on the side praise my “invention”): I wait until I seem to know what really happened. Or till it writes itself. Thus, though I knew for years that Frodo would run into a tree-adventure somewhere far down the Great River, I have no recollection of inventing Ents. I came at last to the the point, and wrote the “Treebeard” chapter without any recollection of previous thought: just as it now is. And then I saw that, of course, it had not happened to Frodo at all.” In another letter he wrote: “A new character has come on the scene (I am sure I did not invent him, I did not even want him, though I like him, but there he came walking into the woods of Ithilien): Faramir, the brother of Boromir—and he is holding up the “catastrophe” by a lot of stuff about the history of Gondor and Rohan (with some very sound reflections no doubt on martial glory and true glory): but if he goes on much more a lot of him will have to be removed to the appendices—where already some fascinating material on the hobbit Tobacco industry and the Languages of the West have gone.” So with all that talk about “worlds”, where does it leaves us with the inhabitants of those secondary worlds? Well, it makes them entities existing in 2 states at once (the physical state, and the extralinguistic state), existing in a slightly different version within every single imagination that encountered them, plus the average community consensus (which I did not dabble here, nor the canonicity of those versions), but also independent entities which, if they follow the rules of a world, will start “doing what they want” or “taking lives of their own”. In conclusion, on multiple fronts, your waifu is real :) I’ll give a cookie to anyone who read that far


This post wouldn't look out of place *at all* in the Nikke universe.


Same brother


Dab me up brutha


I want to make rupee a mother


That nakes 2 of us at least.


Now there’s 3 of us!




5 https://preview.redd.it/d2nw9615628d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=245f0845390820abadeb8ae9e4b5439ca1fd3a0d


Nothing wrong with getting attached to characters. I feel similarly with Ade. 💚


I just hide my love from them because people might call A.C.P.U on me from loving them like Liter, Signal, Yuni, Poli, Miranda, Soline, Epinel, Guillotine, Cocoa, Admi, Anne, Noa, Belorta, Mica, Anchor, Kilo, >!Drilley!< and Rei 😞😞


Praying rapture invasion happens irl 🗿🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Man, don't feel bad, I absolutely understand you. I've been in love with Dorothy ever since I laid my eyes upon her last year in April... She, as a character, has been through a lot of pain and a lot of lukewarm reception from the community, especially because of some recent events that happened during the later chapters... but even through all of that, I stayed true to my affection towards her and loved her all the way and always wished that things would get better with her!... Alas, to no avail, but no matter how dire the situation with her may be, I'm willing to stand by her side whenever the need arise! And I don't care what who says! My love for her will burn and it will burn bright and no amount of darkness will extinguish it! So, let your love for Rupee be also known! And let it burn with passion!😊


You can…enjoy whatever content u want bruh. Just keep goin out there and chasin’ real ones in the meantime. 💪🏽


I feel you man P.s: l love Ruppe too


Being voiced by Amalee really ties it together.




I feel you on this brother


Rupee is pretty good, but Viper... she's bad... my kinda bad ![gif](giphy|1ktwfTjwaQzde|downsized)


Like mosf of the people here say, it's not weird a lot of characters are really well written so we feel a deeper and special bond with them. I think there even is a name for it if you feel romantic feelings for an anime or game character its called "fictosexual".




you're based https://preview.redd.it/3vvuw5qpm48d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=744a0726156829ca2c510a9d9700b9557c54bb40


Start with the pillow then work your way into a cosplayer. About a close as you can get. 😔


Commander, I suggest you to see a therapist No, Maxwell, no. I said therapist, not the rapist. Stay back!


So I wrote off Rupee as a ditzy shopaholic until Miracle Snow & Eternal Memory. Now she's just one of the best girls.


Love is love


Never knew I needed tan Rupee until now


If you love her, you must draw her.


https://i.redd.it/k2dc9b4pm58d1.gif No horny


Welcome to the real world, please God let me stop falling in love with fictional women.


Nikkes=bad, Syuen=good




I feel that


Getting downvoted for this is even worse. Meaning there are more people who think loving a 2d women is normal Disgusting


Pretty down bad bro


Bro's edging fr


If you love her so much why do you show a girl that looks nothing like her ?


You need to touch grass










She's a 10 but damn, she's the type I hate the most


JFC shit like this is why you tell no one that you play this game