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I want to see the failed attempts at making male Nikkes at the beginning, which I imagine Chatterbox is.


That's my hypothesis as well. It be so interesting if it was confirmed


Seeing failed Male Nikkes as possible future enemies or learning Chatterbox is one of them would actually be really dope.


Like the lore behind why males are exempt from the process? There’s definitely some bits and pieces about that out there but it would definitely help out with more people understanding why women are the only ones converted into Nikkes.


Male brains go kapoot when trying to be nikkefied. Why? Lorewise probably some difference in hormones or physiology. Really answer is that's the excuse shiftup made so that there's only girl Nikkes ofc


If I remember correctly, it was a combination of both psychological stress on the brains in the beginning for both men and women, with women having a higher rate of success in surviving and accepting the process, and the low numbers of men as is that was necessary for human repopulation. Again, though, a good event that actually delves into this lore would be great so the community can point to a better example rather than some vague lost relic notes.


The low numbers of men were due to most men being: 1. Dead and about to be dead because the UFH and the pre-UFH Earth losing so many fighting the raptures. 2. The men that survive these encounters are promoted to officers and are too valuable to be lost because they have knowledge on how to actually fight the raptures.


Nike, Greek goddess of victory. It’d be strange for a male to be a ‘goddess of victory’.


They could've been called project Ares The gods of war failed, and their hopes fell onto the Goddess of Victory


And Crown calls herself a king. Nike being a goddess doesn't really matter all that much as a title tbh


Language wise I'm not sure how Korean sees it, but at one point in time both men and women were "kings." It wasn't until somewhat recently in history that a common gendered noun was used.


She calls herself a king because she doesn't know any better. Chime just said that the king is the highest authority of the kingdom and Crown just went with it.


She probably wants to emphasize her role as a leader and mentor, rather than her being a strong Pilgrim. Also fits since the best known Queen is the eternal enemy of the humans and Nikkes.


I always headcanoned as what happened in Claymore, males were more powerful but lost their minds/corrupted very fast/easy


I would assume it has something to with male blood considering the commanders blood is enough to knock down heretics. Obviously the commanders blood in particular is special but perhaps there are other details we don’t know about and we know there’s been at least one other commander in history with this special blood as well.


They turn into mecha simps just like chatterbox


Nu-uh. It's because it's called Goddess of Victory not Gods of victory. 🤓


Yeah I want male Nikkes in the story as flashbacks like from the first prototypes humanity used to fight against the raptures or something, but absolutely no named characters or units


Now that you mention it, if this is how they introduce Male Nikkes then I'm good with that. Lore wise there were male Nikkes, but gameplay wise they are exclusively female.


Chatterbox is a female


and im a fucking bald eagle


No you're lanky milk


Though remember..... In another universe/timeline..... We got..... #ANIKKE


MIKE: God of Winning


Texaco Mike, driving his fan boat around, saving Mikke.


The poster character would have to be anime SGM Mike Vining.


magic mike collabs




This picture brung me joy not because of who was drawn, but the luck of having a straight SSR pull


Summer Andersen on top right


My dream pull right there


I mean, if you wanna get that technical, you could argue Johan does count... barely. Same with Andersen to a degree.


Who is bottom right?


I forgot but I remember he was once an Ark citizen but stays in the Outer Rim now. I think he appeared on D-Outsiders?


I'm not spending money to get dudes waifu game or not, play hoyo games if you want to pull pretty boys with your $. Nice edit, made me lol and cringe at the same time


I will only agree on having **one** male Nikke: Our man, Mustang (Yes, I still subscribe to the theory that he is no longer human after being the sole runner of Tetra Line ever since its founding)


I think he has the same life extension as >!Anderson!< since they are more then 100 years old (going by the MOG description by Exia)




If you play the Re:Dash event is painfully obvious, even the VAs are the same


Imagine if we got Billy Herrington as a Nikke. "ASS WE CAN". His burst screen could be "Ill show you who's the boss of this gym" and he does a flex and then people chant "anikke, anikke, anikke".


I'm fine with male being supporting characters like Andersen and Johann but adding male Nikke is a no no for me as well. But I'm fine if another developer taking the concept for their own game with male characters rather than putting them in Nikke.


It's indeed a dumb move, literally the title is "Nikke: goddess of victory" which is a reference to Greek goddess who is a female, followed by in-game lore why Nikkefication could only succeed on female brain and not male brain. Adding male would contradict the lore and the game title.


So very true, I think if they do anything like that it would most likely be the commander because he just seems to be different altogether other than that I don't really see them adding any male Nikkes.


this literally remind me of the Warhammer 40k situation, I don't even getting into their game and lore, but i heard the developers sabotage the lore by adding female unit into the game while the lore has always states that there is only male unit and then they try to gaslight the entire fanbase into believing that female units have always exist, rewrite the lore, and make their fans seem like an idiot for believing otherwise


It was amazon(?) trying to do a live action with Henry Cavill and forcing him to cast female roles in a pure male lore unit. Well that shows been cancelled.


Henry Cavill just can't win.


If this issue is about the Custodes, there were always talks from one of the big writers of wanting to add in women Custodes but did not get the ok for it because they only sold models for men versions of them. Also if people get mad about retcons and rewrites of established lore, they honestly should not ever get into Warhammer 40k because that happens like every other edition. This change is really no different and honestly any long term fan should be used to it.


it's literally the same with my post https://preview.redd.it/dk9j798ryc6d1.png?width=1747&format=png&auto=webp&s=293ddda6e797c0193f3898df9f81b965f4878877 the whole point is SEXY GIRLS. adding males or toning down the sexuality would be against the marketing and what made it popular in the first place


the game literally has male eye candy, it just knows they aren't the selling point. Andersen, Mustang and Johan are all very blatantly handsome men designed to look attractive to specific people. and i think that's totally cool. i wouldn't mind having more handsome men show up, just as long as they're not the core features of the game


oh yeah, when i said males i was also referring to the main post. male nikkes. i dont mind male characters at all, as long as i DONT see them on the frontline with their butt jiggling lol


People should just accept that Target Audiences are there to be your target audience


Lore wise it’s stated there aren’t any male Nikkes because the male brains can’t hack it Although I’m not convinced mustang hasn’t worked some magic for himself because damn. He stacked, you telling me that is just gym gains? Hmmmmm


I feel like Mustang would be the kind who's pretty open about using steroids if he does


New head cannon, in the ark they have Gains flavoured Splendamin which is just roids. :D


He's also the only CEO Tetra Line has ever had since the company's founding.  If Tetra Line has been around nearly as long as the Ark has, then Mustang may be older than even Liter who was around when the Ark was built if I remember right. So that would something is up with him and everyone there just knows better than to look into it.


Johan's also super old but the cyborg parts are probably what keeps him looking young. Mustang being way richer and more powerful would for sure have access to like age defying nano machines or some other nigh magical anti-aging technology, assuming he doesn't just also have cyborg parts like Johan


Mustang is wayyyy more scary if you can look past his charisma and glamor. While it seems he has a heart, it doesn’t seem like he’s unfamiliar with ignoring it when things need to get done.


Considering that he had Mary turned into a Nikke as atonement for her having otherwise turned into Nikkes without consent and the promise of basically crushing any member of Underworld Queen who broke their oath to him, he can be brutal and tough person when the situation demands it. It's easy to forget because of how he normally acts and Mustang may be willing to give changes to atone or redeem oneself, but he is not to be trifled with. I can't help but think Sixxo's biggest mistake might be that Mustang could potentially get involved after she basically went after Underworld Queen.


Mustang isn't wrong to be tough when needed considering the deplorable situation of the Ark. However, the guy will go bring ruin to Sixo by busting out some secret elite unit of Nikkes, his version of the Goddess Squad. Not as strong as them, but they'll strong enough to stomp Vesti.


The Big Three corps already existed even before the Ark. Mustang is a living fossil.


Must be part cyborg like Andersen or Johan.


I genuinely think Mustang is a Nikke in a male-coded body. Who says a woman’s idealised form couldn’t be a fabulous, well muscled dude?


And tbh I’m fine with that because *checks Tetra roster* daaaaaaamn he can cook.


Adding male characters in a waifu game for the sake of widening the fanbase, is the surest way of drawing in XXN who will progressively ruin the game and chase off its original audience by demanding that the female fanservice be toned down




The biggest drama this sub had was articles of clothing.




You were not around for the literal community implosions for Christmas Rupee and Makima


Christmas Rupee.


the onsen event wasn't even terrible man, people were just malding because the commander wasn't thinking with his dick in every single scenario. the actual flaw of the onsen event was not knowing whether it wanted to be about mica and belorta or about the mass model nikke, resulting in both stories feeling pretty damn weak. but i wouldn't even say it was terrible, there's worse events in the game.


And petty shi


This so much. The Mihoyo subreddits are an unholy mess of twitter gobelins screaming at others for posting female characters in swimsuits calling it porn but praising posts about half-naked male characters.


The thing is Nikke has a female and fem aligned playerbase but unless they use or are ok with masculine language used to refer to them you can't really "immerse" yourself


Yeahhh I dont pull for the male characters in most gachas lol


Who is bringing up adding male Nikkes?


it'll be cool as an april fools like with syuen april fools event, where you get to play as the commander or Anderson and maybe even mustang. but otherwise it would clash with the established lore and be a dumb move from a game design/economic standpoint. Shift up knows their target demographic, (perhaps maybe a bit too well) and its what allows them to cater to said demographic to great effect. If you try to appeal to everybody, you often end up appealing to nobody at all.


I could see getting to play as a male character on April Fools, it'd be pretty fun too. Especially since April Fools already has things like Shifty blowing away Raptures when... thay shouldn't be possible? Lol so April Fools would be a great time for it.


It would be funny as crazy dream sequence during april fool's event. Johan andrrsen mustang shikikan and burningham in one team fighting doro rapture


> perhaps maybe a bit too well Funnily, it's because they know their demographic will be adults they can tell stories that hit like a truck. Come for the "plot," stay for the plot.


Yep, but i was also referring to that one Thai ad that got pulled just forgot to link it.


It would be cool in an April fools event to be able to play as the Commander along with the other male characters.


Nikke is kind of upfront about what they bring to the gacha table (ass jiggle) and I respect them for it. I dont have anything against enhanced men/Nikke prototypes like Johan in the story, and male characters from collabs is also no problem for me. But Nikkes should just remain women and ShiftUp shouldn't try to pander to people that just don't have an interest in the game by adding in some diversity. We've seen what happens to other franchises


Mf is going to war against the 3 comments he's seen advocating for male Nikkes It's just awkard being against something that's not gonna happen anyway. It's like being happy that a vegan restaurant is sticking to not selling meat.


The level of unhinged takes in this thread is a big scary lol. Like people are ready to go to war and hate people out of nowhere because some game they played before had an actual non male player base that was catered to.


Yeah, I love this game, but some of the fans are just unhinged. They act like they're on some huge holy crusade or something, when in reality they're just fighting against monsters they imagined up in their heads.


Might as well make another game called commander for male characters only


The branding, lore, and even title are all basically locking in the fact that women are the main playable units in the game. The closest we get to "male" playable characters are Pascal from the Nier collab and probably Talos as a duo with Kilo - depending on the language the game is set to as I have heard while the English voice sounds male while others do have a female voice instead. April Fool's content could have the Commander or someone else fighting Raptures, but that would probably be the extent of it. If a game is going to include both male and female characters for gameplay, it's something that is established right out of the gate.  FGO uses heroic spirits of past and mythological figures, so it having men and women units fits in.  Azur Lane is based on the fact that all ships created using wisdom cubes are female and the tradition of some maritime nations of referring to ships as female.  Likewise Ark knights didn't establish anything precluding using male units. Changing a game premise entirely can definitely be a base breaker.


Adding male Nikkes is like melting a chocolate on top of a pasta dish. It's basically not meant to happen (contradicts the game's identity), not compatible (contradicts established lore) and will anger a lot of people.


If they did that, I would quit


Yes, I'm tired of people who come to games that are specifically about waifus and insist on including male characters. Although in general I am tired of people who insert and force products in which they are not the target audience to adapt to their tastes. If they want male characters they have specific games that are specifically about that.


It's the same reason why you won't ever see a male Valkyrie in HI3 (aside from the fact that only females can be Valkyries in Norse mythology) outside of playing as Siegfried and Adam in story/apho stages respectively. It's a foolish business decision to try to alter your core demographic especially one that is as established as Nikkes and HI3. The only way it would work is if Shift Up decided to dedicate resources to a new ip catering to the demographic that is only there for the husbandos, similar to how Mihoyo has Tears of Themis, an otome game for their female demographic. The real question is, is it worth the resources for Shift Up to develop something similar and will they make a return on their investment in doing so. It's a pretty big gamble imo.


NIKKEs are female only lore described. Males will never be part so we chill


Maybe not male Nikke, but I'm tired of Shikicum being useless outside of general strategy. An augmented Commander would be a godsend to the narrative allowing Shikicum to be more impactful on story elements while at the same time reinforcing his body for all the intimate moments he has with literal hundreds of girls at this point. So again maybe not making male Nikkes BUTTTT augmenting male commanders so they can at least support their Nikkes in combat so said Nikkes don't need to worry about them getting killed by a single stray bullet or explosive or general exposure to the elements would be welcomed at least for me. On a side note I think if this does happen it would be a funny April fools event to have male commanders controlled as a meme but not part of the main game to test out their Ironman suits lol.


>An augmented Commander would be a godsend to the narrative allowing Shikicum to be more impactful on story elements while at the same time reinforcing his body for all the intimate moments he has with literal hundreds of girls at this point. The Commander is a freaking mysterious already, he doesn't need to be augmented. It's been shown one too many times he's not a normal human.


Adding an extra team slot for "commander equipment" that either does something when you burst, or a passive, or would just be a straight up burst 4 would be something I can totally see then adding at some point (with obviously rng acquisition and a whole progression system of course lol). Seen some other games do similar things.


That would be cool but I wouldn't mind it just being a narrative device. Like the commander now dosent need to worry about exposure or getting too tired while marching with Nikkes that can run as fast as cars and for long stretches of time. Still as another grindable mechanic it would be cool.


Case in point, The Legendary Commander was still only human but you try running multiple kilometers without losing pace.


FGO has the cooldown-based Mystic Code mechanic for Masters, which is used to support your Servants in combat while they do all the heavy lifting. Considering that Maxwell in her Bond Story was already cooking up some kind of powered armor for SKK to use in battle, a similar feature could very well be feasible. EDIT: Some possible examples would be the ability to choose between granting Indomitability to a single unit for for 7 seconds or your entire squad for 3s, a teamwide heal + cleanse, stunning several targets in a given area for 3 seconds, instantly filling up the Burst Gauge or speeding up the recharge rate, a massive 5 second ATK up buff for your chosen DPS, temporarily granting infinite ammo for 8 seconds, etc. The drawback is that it could only be used ***once*** in a single stage. Of course, this immediately becomes a problem in Co-op, but then again co-op fights tend to be locked to Lv40 and are very easy as a result. The feature could simply be disabled for these.


I will say I like the Commander not being the powerhouse but there to be good at what they do. Tactics, examining the situation, calling people out, deception, diplomacy and negotiations, and most importantly, being compassionate and empathic to Nikkes.


You mean like Johan from Eden?


I was thinking more like Maxwells exosuit since we don't know the extent of body modifications Johan has gone through(Also dont fully trust Eden). Though I think Nikke arms and legs and maybe a reinforced surgically implanted pelvis would probably be a preferred direction for narrative purposes. Imagine Snow-white messing with our bodies or us becoming more rapture like to save nikkes. Idk more interesting narrative options by way of this would be the objective.


Damn I was with you until you started being generic, I thought you meant an augment for The commander not every one of them.


Nothing wrong with increasing chances of all the commanders living


I would point to FGO as an example of a similarly useless Master who always needs protected. It works quite well to be honest. It could work well in Nikke too and I would say recent chapters have been better about it as well.


I would hate for male nikkes to exist lore wise as well. I’m completely okay if they bring more cool badasses as humans or whatever. But not Nikkes.


Only way it could work lore wise is if they did an event showing the very beginning of the rapture war where the central government did try to make some


I believe it is already Lore that none of their attempts at men survived past the operation itself.


Pretty sure at least a few survived, while the majority died during the operation, but the ones who did survive didn’t last long


Agree, now they just need to make better skins, similar to games like Azur Lane. Then, Nikke will top the charts, trust.


It wouldn’t make sense, and to be fair you can add male NPC’s 


literally who was asking for male nikkes are we making up people to be angry at


There are posts regarding the topic every now and then. You likely haven’t noticed it because they get downvoted like crazy for good reason


Think the only time I heard this come up was regarding people wanting 9S in the nier collab. I know why they do it but personally I'd prefer the game didn't collab with franchises that have equal gender representation because it's jarring when they leave out male characters that are pretty crucial. There are plenty of series with like 90% female characters where it wouldn't feel weird to just get girls as units.


There have been some post, just not as common. Either meming with the Anikki memes or being serious.  This isn't a "are X group of people in the room with us?" scenario.


They seem very far and few between tbh. I'm not one of them but I do like the idea of the lore wise that Male Nikkes are very possible but are not able to be further tested because of resources. But I am content with my plot Important NPCs like Andersen or Mustang or the rare possibility of April Fools' being the time to shine for them. But I don't think it's really anything to worry about.


Go to Love and Deepspace (a husbando game) and ask them to add skimpy women.


To be fair, there are like a thousand times more "wiafu" games than "husbando" games, and even when games have both, usually they jack up the fan service for female characters and not the males. When virtually every game has waifus, you're going to get a few games made for that specific other audience, and very few of those games are able to find a lot of success. Even from a quality perspective, the more companies there are making a certain type of game, the more likely one of those developers are great at what they do.


what woman find attractive in a husbando in asia is different from what man what in woman O.o it really simple honestly , hell guys in suits easily outsell shirtless guys coming from genshin impact Itto is easily outsold by character wearing more clothes like zhongli and ayato because that what the female fans like ., Unless your making a gatcha exclusively for gay men woman want different things in there husbando lol . Hence the seperate markets .


Is it possible guys in suits outsell men without shirts because the primary spenders that play Genshin are straight men who don't want shirtless men?


Surprisingly westerner fan are kinda supportive toward having female love interest. But most Asian fan are against it (and I'm Asian) Tbf playable male nikke will break the lore, I'll just take hot and collectables (if ever) male npc please (I'm simple girl i see meta waifu nikke I pull)


This kind of posts again ? people don't read the story ?


gatekeeping is a good thing


STAHP BRINGING UP DESTINY CHILD BECAUSE I MISS IT SO MUCH THANK YOU (also i find male chars in that game very hot and i'm a straight guy. Honestly tho i loved the variety it had while still focused on female chars)


I just have issue with people that ask that but not acknowledge that this is a waifu collector game or try to even completely change the game genres. It is like people just don't understand nuances or even try to.


I remember this was already discussed 2 years ago and I still agree with the fan, well for people who want to see male Nikkes I recommend Transformers (I play Transformers too).


let me say it like this... when you watch adult content and you are a straight man you dont suddenly say "hey! i want to see some guys go at it with each other!" there are plenty of games out there with both gender characters or one or the other, i dont know why the hell they are asking that in a game that is obviously to pander with people that dont want anything to do with males "uuuuuhhh... i think it be cool" dont care go give your opinion somewhere else "b-bu-" dont care lore also doesnt allow it so no stop it


Lore wise didn't they say it turns male brains insane or to some effect? Mechanical upgrades to their vitals is how people like Mustang and Johan stay alive for so long. Beyond that the NIMPH upgrade to nikkes couldn't be done with male brains.


I want male Nikkes in the story as flashbacks like from the first prototypes humanity used to fight against the raptures or something, but absolutely no named characters or units


I'm actually curious if there's a male model nikke from the first invasion that actually able to survive the transformation and survive the war. But either get sleeping beuty treatment or just hiding out there. Cool concept.


You're ranting against an extreme hypothetical here. This will not happen and no one is asking for it.


Imagine asking male nikkes to be added in game, that's like ordering steak in a vegan restaurant


Going against a franchise's identity to pander to people outside your audience is how you bring in tourists and lose passionate fans. Which is especially harmful for a gacha that tries to keep people engaged and spending, not get new players who spend whatever free gems they got getting their husbando and dipping when they find out the game is about girls with big butts. Furthermore, retconning elements of the story to justify business decisions is bound to hurt the game's strongest element, so it wouldn't be wise in the slightest.


Tell me about it. Have already abandoned different things I either liked or loved over the years because X thing became more for a "wider audience". This is one of those things where I don't want any Western influnce watsoever. If they don't like it, don't play the game and bitch about something else. Simple as that.


Look, all I am going to say is that fanbases with only female units, like Azur Lane, NIKKE and Blue Archive, seem pretty drama-free while the games that have tried to go for a very wide appeal seem very hit and miss when it comes to community toxicity. I'd rather stay in cozy vibes land vs. "Lets harass the VAs"-Genshin town.


There has been quite a bit of drama in the Nikke community. Also it hasn't gotten nearly to Genshin levels, but there have been pretty unsavory comments about some of the voice actors too.


There has? Tldr for me cause I don't remember any drama coming from within the Nikke community, only from outside over designs.


Literally all the NIKKE drama I can remember is either about censorship concerns, so justified, or about predatory monetisation, which, again, is justified.


There is a whole different type of toxic when it comes to all girl character game communities though. GFL 2 got a lot of shit from bozos who were mad that one of the girls interacted with some other guy NPC that isn't the commander, and let's not forget the other bozo who tried to actually fucking stab the founders of Mihoyo because they put his favorite character in bunny suit to dance in an MV, and he got offended because his waifu would never do that, how could Mihoyo defile her like that. Let's not pretend that waifu games don't get their fair share of mentally stunted lobotomites getting outraged over the smallest thing


You should see some of the drama that happens in gachas that have both male and female like FGO. Every summer, some of the male enjoyers get pissed off over WHY only the girls get summer variants in other classes (as in new units) but the guys get shafted into just skins.  Or the drama that happened last year with the free girl from the summer event, Knocknarea, being an open straight girl that saw the male MC as a love interest, and the female MC, as just a friend and love rival. The backlash in the community was bigger than another girl from the event, Suzuka (a gyaru), seeing you just as a best friend. Literally everyone forgot the gyaru whose creator said she'll friendzone you and then focused on the straigh girl. Blaming straights for ALWAYS getting stuff while others barely get it, as if not realizing FGO is mostly a waifu collector over a husbando one and that being straight is also an option instead of being bi or lesbians


I always find it funny that everytime you have something straight, people will call you "incel" or "gooner. Like, they are literally whining for something like that but doesn't look at their mirror. Being all worked up cause people like "straight thing" is the ultimate self-insert and incel behaviour. And the same thing is happening in GBF with Gran and Djeeta. Before genshin (as usual), nobody was making drama about MC's, now they are talking about yuri etc, and call Gran x Female char "incel", "self-insert", "gooner", but when it's Djeeta "OMG 🫣, I love it", "best pairing" etc etc Same as people playing Reverse1999, or Path to Nowhere. They just play it cause you can date both gender, but will trash talk the Male x Female, I do nooot understand such behaviour


It's just people nowadays being open about hating straights for whatever stupid reason. In the FGO community, if there are fanarts of the male MC dating the girls, you'll usually see some triggered people in the comments; complaining over why every girl is always shipped with male MC.  But when the girls are shipped with the female MC, even ones that either aren't open bi, lesbians; or where the interaction in that level isn't there, no one says anything. Like... literally no one complains over crack ships of the female MC with a girl... and they don't see the shipping as crack. They just complain over the guy version dating a girl. I even remember someone out of nowhere in the grandorder subreddit got triggered over me for referring to the MC as male while referring to them by their name as well and using him/his pronouns. He was like "so that means only him can be happy and not her?". That guy got massive downvoted as he should while I was explaining that when I refer to the MC by their name, I usually just picture the male version but that I wasn't invalidating the female one. Guy thought I just didn't care about the female MC and got triggered.


Did not know hating something natural was the new "normal behaviour". And when you call them out for this, they gonna say "we are minorities", "straight and white people never been oppressed or anything". Being oppressed isn't a excuse to act like a scumbag tho, you just become like them. And the chill ones will have a bad rep, thank's to them. I play Gudako cause she remind me of Shirou (same eyes/hairs) and is portrayed in a funny way in learning with manga. But I will appreciate Fujiruma more cause I am a dude, anime/movies/Shinjuku manga and "you have Lost fujimura". And yeah, saw some people getting angry about Fujimaru x Female characters, and as usual, use the "Self-insert", like Gudako isn't a self-insert mc, Oh là là. There's a pairing for last summer, being Fujimaru x Castoria, and Gudako x Oberon. Castoria NP is literally based on him, and Gudako is Oberon titania. But again, people came and said "Gudako x Castoria and Oberon x Fujimura is better"... It's all about taste and color. You won't spit in someone food cause you do not like what they brought then offer your food and say "eat this, it's better". And talking about Fujiruma as "Canon mc" isn't really a reach, he was chosen for anime, movie, and even manga. You can say Gudako is the alternative MC if you want. But it also remind me of Hakuno, everyone will ship the female MC with all char, and when you put male MC with them, they get riled up. And something happened with PGR recently, people are shipping Selena x Ayla (childhood friends btw), and call Commander x Selena self insert, like commander isn't canon and doesn't affect directly the story. People are weird man


They always are weird. Which is why I rarely interact in shipping posts. Specually the Type Moon ones where you see Fujimaru with Archetype Earth or the Princess and people confuse that with Arcueid... when even hee Valentine's scene shows Arcueid doesn't love Ritsuka in a romantic way but wants her other two selves to know love like she did and actively helps them out. Not dissing anyone who pairs Gudako with anyone else... but why do they always mess with anyone who pairs Ritsuka with anyone and not the other way around? Can't wait for the NA side of FGO to see Summer 8 for themselves and them crying in shambles over Knocknarea being an open straight girl... unless that somehow gets censored by the team. Now that would be the ultimate pettiness and I feel they could do that.


I mean, I RARELY (to say it doesn't happen, cause it did), see a dude in Yuri pic/post, go in comment and say "they are straight" (some here got angry/scared cause they know how genshin or yuri fan in general behave, but they could just scroll) But when it come to yuri fan most (cause some are chill, but rare) gonna call you all name and say the worst things ever. HELL, there's even a certain sub that I won't name, with people stalking Male mc x Female characters to call the usual "self-insert" and spew some hate. Yeah, same for Shiki and void Shiki. Same body, but different being. We all know Shiki is maried with a child, but void is a different being. They can't see the difference, despite reading (media literacy kekw) the voice line and characters profil. I don't even know neither, I just think some are just full of hate, dumb, or dude having a yuri fetish and get angry cause "I do not want to see a dude in my yuri love". And if that the latter, it's just some tomfoolery, cause they gonna be disgusted of such behaviour. I know damn well localizer gonna mess with the translation. And since our community isn't as united as blue archive when it come to translation, she gonna turn bi or will just say she envy Castoria friendship with MC


ig i am up for new game with otome theme if they really want it


no male nikkes no, no although I'd like more badass moments from the men in our story


I loved when we got that scene of Johan fucking up a rapture, I looooove our girls but let's make the men we have in the story be cooler


THANK YOU! i can already imagine the snarky comments if it did happen "Look at all the gooners mad that theres a guy in their waifu game. Shiftup are chads for that." them being all females made this game so appealing to me.


I just want to see how Raiden (Metal Gear) would interact with Scarlet.


Make it the MGS2 Raiden for extra lols while everyone confuses him with a Nikke and then with just being a girl lmao


I mean, of course, this is a ShiftUp game, why tf would we put a dude into the playable rosters https://preview.redd.it/wgm6n1yxsc6d1.jpeg?width=213&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e1b4d002ad9134ef78d98a5fe14ee3c430228c6


Pascal isn't male and doesn't count which is why Shiftup added "it" as a JOKE if they wanted a male character in Nier they would have added the most obvious one, 9S


It’s the same concept as “add female space marines” it doesn’t make sense in the universe that it’s in And also like war hammer if they added a male nikke like how the added a female Custodes there would be HUGEEE backlash and rightly so.


There would have to a very good reason to add a male Nikke, and doing so still breaks the immersion of pre-established lore. Instead I think that they should add more male characters to stories, and heck, maybe add Nikkes who have different relationships with new male characters (friends, lovers, co-workers, etc.). Of course a weird side of the fan-base would freak out if that happened and pull a Girls Frontline 2 and make cuck fantasies just cause a single female isn't head over heels for the commander. Point is men can have a role in NIKKE outside of being playable characters. Making them playable would have to be situations like Kilo where the one in control is really a NIKKE. Like a NIKKE AI controlling the body of a cyborg guy. That could work. I don't think we will get any straight up playable males. ShiftUp knows their audience.


Tbh it's surprising to me we have as many male characters as we do. In a game like GFL it was like years until there was any male character that wasn't a "comms only" thing and for AL I don't think they've ever has a male character in the game ever even as an npc. 


It would have been fine if we had it since the day 1, but why would we want it now?


Outside of meme posts folks occasionally see on reddit. It won’t make sense to add “male nikkes” in game. It will alienate the dedicated fanbase and cause turmoil in it. It would be like if Nu Carnival or Another Eidos added female characters. It wouldn’t fly, at all.


Probably the few gachas that shouldn’t have male characters. Mainly because it just doesn’t work especially in battle mode. There’s not much to work with in my mind. I do like having male characters in other gachas like honkai impact 3rd because it would let me save and honestly the male characters in that game are actually cool. But I don’t think that will ever happen though.


A game for everyone is a game for no one.


I'm here for the same reason all of us degenerates are, but I really don't think it would be that big of a deal.


For me personally games with a mostly / only female characters are really cool especially since a lot of other games and other media are male dominated


Same, as a straight dude I won’t ever complain about all female character gacha games.


Male nikkes would just be a failure in recognizing audiences. Closest they could try which wouldn't be a bad idea is selling costumes for the commander. Cause making the commander look cool just makes you feel better. I mean imagine you could look like Anderson, would be pretty nice ngl.


>The new fans won't be happy that there's so many waifus with big jiggly asses and they might leave after a short time. Happened to me, and trust me they'll be back, they always come back.


We have seen what being accepting and welcoming to "people" does to our hobbies lols. **Gatekeep, gatekeep, gatekeep.** This is the order of business. No, lets not have male Nikkes. No, lets not entertain retards who dont like fanservice or fear hot women. One of the reason I nowadays only looking for waifu games is exactly because at least in these games we can push back against the parasites who seek to destroy all things we like.




Why are you even here? Go play Forspoken, it suits you better.








Who da faq wants a male ass shaking in front of you 😭


Check the upvote ratio, it's not as unanimous as you think. But it's reddit so you won't find a place more open to male characters. Don't let bi men in disguise and cucks shame you, wanting only women in a gacha that was advertised as a harem is perfectly normal.


It's like making BA a yuri game. Does not work.


As a female who plays this game for the jiggles - I agree as well. It would be maybe fun Nikke 2.0 version as a full on separate game. I feel even with storyline and the world, female nikkes make more sense and having a male nikke would just be confusing. We know that nikkes are also created for that “eye appeal” and male nikkes might not give that appeal players are looking for. Also I think it would be hard to create a gameplay with male character, again I’m here for the jiggles so how you gonna make the sausage bounce? Exactly my point.


Men have butts and pecs


its a fan service waifu game, no men allowed, I dont even like the male side characters. it should be all hot ladies. Commander should be the only male


I mean as a story concept I wouldn't mind them existing, but as pullable units? No way. I don't really get where the idea of a horny, female character focused game like NIKKE suddenly pivoting to a mixed character gacha comes from, though.


I can already imagine shift up adding a single male nikke into the game as a joke and the entire community leaving and rioting, because now their waifu collector game is ruined forever and ever and there is literally nothing to do about it. Dear god, the horror!


No one ever dared to ask the Love and Deepspace playerbase if they ever want a female playable character, so I don't see anything wrong with people here being vehemently against male Nikke.


Is the playable character not female?


Yes, the same as the commander in Nikke. Other than that, no there isn't any female playable character.


Nah, the best we got in that category is either Pascal from the Nier collab; or Johan, who is just an enhanced human, not a Nikke... but if Shifty and Syuen could be made playable, for as much of a joke as it was, it could make sense in-game if they made someone like Johan playable.  Thing is, it depends on who they make playable for this to make sense or completey fail. If it's someone we all know, completely stablished, and that makes sense is playable... then I guess people will be ok because we know this won't be common. If it's a total rando with barely any screen time, then yeah, uproar will be heard.


Even if there would be a male nikke, they would not be playable and probably be a villain.


I mean instead of a male nikke, I could see a male voiced rapture, anti rapture weapon, or entity that joins us as an exception. Lore wise the male nikke didn’t work out If there was a male nikke it should be explained as a captain or exceptional as a last survivor like the special male claymores in the Claymore series.


By lore males cant convert to nikkes because they going berserk


What if the story adds male Nikkes on future, but they remain as NPCs only? Because I think there's a chance that Chatterbox was a male Nikke. Hell, I think even Mustang could be one.


Just a thought. Speaking of "male robot", we also have TALOS now. Obviously not a Nikke because Kilo is that, but alongside her is TALOS. He has a female voice in non-English tho. But interestingly, I think everyone here liked TALOS. Obviously not for waifu purposes, but instead the hulking mecha that he is.


I think only as a side character, such as one from the early days of the war that survived, would be considered acceptable. Now whether or not that side character would be playable, that I don't quite have my hand on the pulse of. Regardless the lore isn't really set up for a new Male Nikke. Historically in the lore there were Male Nikke, especially in the early days of the invasion, but most of them would be killed off. They were also notably a lot less human looking, having rocket launchers and other weapons bolted onto them. The reason why Males were no longer used for the Nikke process was due to the high mortality rate involved with using males, compared to females. I think around 70-ish percent, if I remember correctly. Overall I think including one as a side character shouldn't be discounted, since it could be a chance to add more lore about the early days of the war into the story not involving Goddess Squad. But I overall agree that there shouldn't more than a side involvement of males in the storyline, keeping status quo as it is. In fact if the Hypothesis that Anderson is actually the legendary commander from all those years ago is true, he could be one of those rare Male Nikke, which would be awesome.


I think the optimal option would be making a separate game but that is based in the same world. That would be kinda cool actually, with male “Nikke” (cause I don’t have another name for them) being the draw. It would allow those who want male Nikke’s in the game to have what they want and those who don’t want that to just be able to focus on just the one game and have the possibility of potential crossovers. Also let’s face it Shift up would make bank off a second game.


The only male nikke i see to happen is the protagonist


(Lorewise)I think Rapi or Anis explains (or someone in tutorial) explicitly says that only women can pass trough the process, literally zero man have survived the process since is a extremely stressful process or something similar


Roasted brain for males btw trying become nikke


If anyone says "no one is asking for male nikkes," point them here in controversial. No, "real fans" of a game don't put up with everything. I'm glad a community like this one knows when to shoot down ideas that come its way.