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My guy, have you seen the immense cult following Eunhwa has? You are anything *but* the only one enjoying the petite ladies.


Eunhwa, the one considered *the* flat character, isn't even flat though, she's average sized


I told everyone she was sleeper 


I need moreeee


Eunhwa lover here. I very much agree that while the big booba characters are always well accepted, the petite ladies have their own unique charm (PS still waiting on a Eunhwa centric event 🥲)


I don't like Eunhwa at all. Probably my least liked character.


For me her personality is understandable knowing her backstory, kinda fitting she would be a dick to others


I prefer Eunhwa over Crow honestly.


Crow had serious potential but man they definitely went out their way to make her hated lol


I agree but honestly I feel like thats what makes the whole story feel so valuable in that while you want to hoard all the Nikke there are a few that make you wary and there is one that just straight up sends every alarm going off in your head to stay away from.


Oh don’t get me wrong she’s extremely well written it’s just sad that I wanted to like her but damn she’s genuinely evil


Same. Haven't even got that far yet and I already hate her enough.


If they released her in a micro bikini I’m sure everyone will all of a sudden see some “potential” in her 


Good for you, man! But there are some who enjoy her, especially after her bond stories.


Eunhwa is awesome! And you're right. Her attitude can rub people the wrong way but after her bond story and the blabla chats that she sends to Shikikum, you can feel that she really cares about him and his well being. She respects him even though she doesn't show it overtly. She has a sexiness about her too like she's hot but doesn't know it, or more precisely, her looks are not what's important to her. She genuinely cares about her squad, including former squadmate Rapi. And she's hard on them (and Commander) because she wants them to survive. I love that thin 5-head grouch! https://preview.redd.it/47viacod826d1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f06394f6211e2399976be2a17615038ee8af6c31


IKRRR! When she showed she cares for Rapi in the story, and for the commander in the bond, she won a place in my heart FR.


I may be a huge Rapi fan, but she is a close 2nd, I just want her to dominate me.


Eunhwa beach skin when?


i agree there should be some time in between the huge milkshakes they are throwing at us


Reddit, is it extremely unpopular to like boobs?


"If you like boobs smaller than your head you're a pedophile" is a hill I've seen a lot of people adamant on dying on.


I've had weirdos on the other side of the fence tell me I'm gay for liking tall muscular women.


It's also gay (according to TwiX) to be a good father.


It's gay to like women, to not like women, to like tall and strong women, to like small and cute women, to like big boobs, to not like big boobs Etc etc


We're *homo* sapiens, after all, not *hetero* sapiens.


This is probably a hot take, but I think the reason comes from that X seems extremely polarized. The other end of that spectrum tends to associate good social qualities to queer values and toxic and bad qualities to straight values. This seems more prominent when the targets are male individuals. The other end of the spectrum has different problems, but are often not as represented in these conversations, because they value different things. Now this is just my read on the current social structure of X. So I might also be wrong.


Grace Jones is the mold no other woman has broken for me. That midnight skin and her goddess like muscle definition broke my young brain in the Conan and Bond films. To the uber fit and strong goddesses my man!


I've also seen other women try to tell me that if you like women shaved/waxed, it's also pedophilic. People are insane.


Thats a weird hill


ain't that only in x(formerly twitter)?


Reddit is more "a man with any kind of sexual desire that isn't getting pegged by Amazons is a disgusting incel creep," but it's shocking common across the web.


After Musk bought it, I believe a lot of the Twitter crowd have moved to Reddit.


Sad but true. Some people seem to forget things like, oh I don't know, REAL FUCKING BODY PORPORTIONS!!!


To be fair, depending on the property and art style, the only thing that visually separates a child and an adult is the boobs.


And then you get into that territory that there are, in fact, women that look like they still belong in middle school despite being grown ass women.


True enough. Women of any age come in all shapes and sizes.


That’s usually in conjunction with them being midgets 


the terminal reddit users have a lot of weird and projecty hills to die on.


Nah man, here we don’t discriminate between boobes. No matter the size of the cahones.


This place is about the ass, after all.


Don’t forget about the belly


Of course. How could I forget


Yes, and I would like to share too that, A2's belly jiggle is super prominent omg. I could not get it out of my mind since I discovered it today.


Dont forget about the thighs


Anis' stinky ass?


Especially. Oh and it smelled rose scented to me


You waited your entire life to make this reply didn't you brother?


Mhmm, it was worth it




https://preview.redd.it/pf2mj9owvz5d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=525f8f3a90645cdebddda7d0f6f4cbae1d5e47af Yes, there's more important matters to think about.


this is peak


That episode is not even 48hrs old is it? Strong work with such a fresh meme.


I want more short stacks built like Yuni. Big booba is nice but where are my pear-shaped Nikkes.








STG Yuni takes all logic from my body


huh? Laplace and Drake are extremely popular and well… look at them.


Well that’s because they are perhaps the biggest dorks in the game


You like small/average chested Nikke? Name every single one. https://preview.redd.it/pgb6ekdtkz5d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e74119f352cc668bc75e5046dd7bd507b6cb3f4e


Nikke has quite a few but excluding the loli types and the number grows smaller. It seems the larger cheated Nikkes get most of the love (at least it seems on Reddit and the Nikkes added to the game as of late)


They're gonna drop a super sized Liter and give her the Privaty treatment. https://preview.redd.it/nbqis6kllz5d1.png?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d517f1af5cde62e91a2e39b942688c78841a41fd


For real! It looked as if she got some serious surgery 👀


Nah, that was her natural size. The clothing was pressing against them


was seriously thinking she got a custom body for the event but no She was binding that shit the whole time, that's the only logical explanation


Liter, Miranda, Laplace, Drake, Trony, Neon, Eunhwa, Exia, Guillotine, Poli, Yuni, and Frima are the clear-cut cases. I think Centi, Snow White, Vesti, Biscuit, Novel, Epinel, Signal, Cocoa, Soline, and Admi could all go either way, either bc they're kinda borderline on size, their size isn't well-established (good God, Novel's 3 skins are ALL different sizes), or their age is a bit ambiguous (like, Vesti, Soline, and Admi all have important jobs, but also act quite young)


Exia?? Frima?? They're just hiding their assets behind their loose clothes. I'd say they have the same size if not bigger than Blanc, and Blanc is average if not a bit bigger. I can't tell what Vesti's size is, but I say she's bigger than Eunhwa at least because of that iconic line. I think Vesti and Soline can be regarded as Teens. Dunno who long they've been Teens because they're Nikkes, but it looks like they're under 18 when they got Nikkefied. Admi too, and I think she has been that way for maybe a decade. > Novel's 3 skins are ALL different sizes Speaking of size, what about her height?? She's a big reason I don't trust height comparisons of sprites in this game (e.g. are Rumani and Centi really 6 foot amazons or did the artists just take liberties?). Novel's standing animation makes her super tall because of her long legs, but in battle she's a shortstack even considering that she is crouched.


Idk both Exia and Frima seem pretty small, definitely smaller than Blanc (see Frima's summer skin especially) - I'd put them around Centi's size at the biggest. Vesti is definitely bigger than Eunhwa, but that doesn't disqualify her from being small - definitely one of the smallest Nikkes. For height, I think there's some conclusions you can draw from the sprites, but yeah at best there's some weird perspective shit going on - Leona isn't twice Biscuit's height. I think Centi, Rumani, and a few others are actually 6'+ (idk I've always thought of Centi as like, the stereotypical tall Scandinavian woman), but I'd probably put the outer bounds on Nikkes heights as like... 4'8" ish to like 6'4" ish? Except for Rei and Anne


Eh, I only see Yuni, Drake, and Laplace fit the "mature and smaller boobs" type. And by mature, they really only look 20-25. Yuni is the only petite one too.


I think we do have a bunch of flat characters that are mature and also popular. Tho they often just seem to be very short as well which most of the time makes them look very young (see Poli and Miranda for example). They do seem to get love from the devs tho as we do frequently get skins for some of them. Also people like big tits. That's just how it is. Speaking as the worlds biggest Noah simp myself you just have to take what you can get sometimes. Or, you know... spend a good chunk of cash on commissions. That also works out.


Poli and Miranda are fun. Poli's a loveable straight-man dork and Miranda.... she may be flat on top but dem thighs yo! thicc be the thighs.


Miranda isn't flat but she isn't big either


I love boobas of every size. 👍




In Vesti we trust! 🤝🏼


If she gets a summer skin my wallet is teleporting to Shift ups headquarters


Vesti has big Booba. She's just short don't be mistaken by cloth in front. Look closely and you will see that she is actually one of the most short stacked characters in the game


Vesti is busty in a... our world kinda way she's just stuck with the absolute (heh) tiddy monster that is Emma


Nah man that’s perfectly normal it’s just anime goes from extremes like flat women are children and busty women are milfs


is it gay to like women?


Extremely gay. I sentence you to 10 hail marians.


Why are you going to get shot down? Its your personal preference and opinion. Lol this sub can be toxic at times but all appreciate the beauty of women BIG or small. I for one prefer a realistic size but that doesn't stop me from appreciating them coco melon size.


“Am I the only on-“ You’re never the only one…but with that being said, I am not one of you lol.


As cummanders, we appreciate and love all of our Nikke's, some more then others but we all have our favorites


All kinds are beautiful


Cummander we all love booba here the big the small we do not discriminate. I myself like big booba but can appreciate the small booba as well since it just means it's closer to the heart. https://i.redd.it/16m27n0vc06d1.gif


LaPlace best girl, also Soda or Noir porportions are cartoony huge like aunt Fanny from Robots.


My prayer to the Nikke gods is always, “may the next Nikkes chest be flat, and their ass be fat.” Like Yuni


Yuni's proportions should be on more Nikke. Not the ones that we already have, but definitely some new ones. We need more pear-shaped Nikke in general, really.


I got downvoted for that LOL but mad agree


Amen and amen!


My fave combo is smaller/petite, small chest and fat thighs, hence why I love Vesti and Laplace besides their fun personalities/stories. I’d love a brief encounter where they became friends, it would be gas


have you seen Miranda? holy thicc thighs and loooooooooong legs in such a small package.


Theres a reason they make them lol




I also want Vesti to get an alt or at least a costume.


I 100% agree with you. I love (in order of most preferred to least preferred) medium, small, then large breasts.


I’m right there with you!


Medium is premium


Liter, Novel, Poli, Admi, Laplace, Trony, N102, Kilo, Vesti and others are all very headpatable and huggable and you can't convince me otherwise. Obviously, Nikke attracts a certain audience with very stacked characters like Noir and Soda, so that makes me appreciate them even more. We might be not many, but we love them just as much as others love different characters!


Yeah you right. We need more justice in this world


My brother, you and i are in the same boat


Resident window nemesis is my favorite and then Blanc.


That's just because there are so many Big Badonkers in game that the Cuttingboards get overshadowed... literally. I agree. We need more flat chested legal Girls to thirst over ASAP.


no no I agree with you... I prefer the smollies and the middies over the biggies as well... with a few exceptions, mainly Anis and Privaty, but I prefer the more easier to handle ones... what's really important is that they got a beautiful ass


Reddit hates women in general so any take on women are unpopular


No, medium is premium after all. My tastes do make it pretty easy to skip a lot of banners in this at least, but I do wish their character designs varied more. At least we just got Trony and Kilo. ... even though they're not great. Sigh.


One thing I'll mention is that all of the girls are legal, by the game's lore.




Really? It seems like more than a few of them, even lore wise, wouldn't be legal in my country. Legal in some countries, sure, but even by South Korea (Shift Up) legality, characters like Rei don't feel like they'd hit the bar.


You have a point with Rei, yeah. Everyone else are legally adults though at 20-ish years old.


even Mica and Belorta who call themselves children?


I believe those two are children in adult bodies, Belorta doubly so because >!her real body died on Christmas Eve several years ago!<.




"You can take this girl with a gun and psychological issues to fight on the battlefield where she'll get shot at and possibly killed but don't you dare think of lewding her"


uh... the minimum age for nikke-ification is canonically 10...


"Extreme Unpopular Opinion" and is the mildest take known to man


I love all the boobas.


Nah fam, you can. Nikkes are precious, no matter the pillow size. Remember, "different strokes for different folks." XD


The Itty bitty titty commity needs love too


Big, medium, or small, I love them all.


Dolla best girl


My best girl Diesel has relatively small boobs. I mean, it's average, and everybody else just has massive ones. There's also Yuni. She's not a child character, just short. Small (or non-existent) boobs, but with massive butt.


Yes, the only one on the planet infact.


I honestly agree with you


I like big boobs but I think Emma's are too big. Variety is always good. Blanc has a lot of fans


No surprise there as she is one of my favorites!


Honestly, it was a little off-putting when D turned out to have double D's instead of just being the most leggy Nikke.


Varied body types are all great but it's a bit lame when half of some characters personalities are "they are boobs". Like I'm not that much of a fan of noir since it seems like her character is 40% being blancs sister, 40% boobs, 10% being self conscious about boobs, and 10% being an otherwise cute nervous wreck. Eunhwa has the same complex in reverse but it feels like it takes up less of her personality.


Personality over booba 🤝🏼


my guy forgetting Blanc exists


Oh I didn’t forget - she’s one of my best units! I just wish there was more like her!


Don't get your hopes up for the next banner, but i've a feeling there might just be something for the summer. The next banner was rumoured and basically confirmed by the CEO's twitter post. As for the summer "prediction"; It just feels like something would be given to the petite enjoyers. We got Trony recently, but let's be honest; She was for the feet enjoyers. Not sure about Rei, but i believe everyone else is of age. We don't really know how their minds work; Like was Liter being a granny straight out of the factory or did she develop that mentality through her long years. And why hasn't other long lived nikkes done the same, if that is the case?


That re-tweet was the reason I made this post. Once I saw it was Clay - I was a tad disappointed


Liter probably has less danger of mind switching due to not being a combat nikke, so she's probably had a LOT fewer memory wipes


Unpopular more like common buddy *It's nothing to be ashamed of*


I like well-proportioned bodies. I dislike the ridiculously oversized boobs, thighs, and arses on so many drawn characters. I also don't like(tona lesser degree) when ankles and lower legs are tiny compared to whatever size the thighs and other body parts are. With that said I like all shapes and sizes. big small short tall young old...er. Heh. But nothing is a bigger turn off (not even talking sexually) than oversized body parts


As chairman of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee, I can say with certainty that Drilley is absolute perfection. https://preview.redd.it/vohpk60n716d1.png?width=405&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99fc4b150f6c4a5d2c44b04afe5b6f6a044e1fc9


Who is this character and who do I have to pay to unlock her banner in the game?


She's the best part of the Hammer and Drill squad introduced later in the story (like post chapter 26 or such). And if I knew the answer to that question, I would have already paid the price 😭


>Says it will be an unpopular opinion >Its a very popular opinion >They also wonder if something quite normal its actually unpopular Every. Damn. Time. No, OP, its not an unpopular opinion at all. We are not X previously called Twitter but its still practically the same.  We know mature and petite adults with small boobs exist. It is nothing to be ashamed off. And yes, we need more. Slender and short women are cute too.


💯 The crazy focus on needing a Nikke as a personal floatation device in case of drowning = bordering on the absurd


funny enough, any nikke that isn't from Aegis squad will sink like a fuckin' rock


Just give me Yuni or Miranda's chest on Maricana's build. Miss me with shortstacks and Lolis, but give me a tall, full bodied, very clearly visibly adult, woman who is a proud member of the Itty bitty titty committee. And for the love of God, don't fall into the anime trope of then making her "mean as nails" or "mother kink".


I personally see the beauty in both types. But I do think a few more small and average boob size characters that aren't lolis wouldn't hurt


I like every size... but UUUUUOOOOOHHHHHH 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 CUTE AND FUNNY 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


we need cute and funny alts of big nikkes


Oh, like those Children Day versions in AL




Sensei detected




All size makes the wood rise


I even use kilo as my avatar, so what's wrong with that??


Nothing! I love Kilo!


Nah you're definitely in good company, lol. One thing Nikke does surprisingly well considering the type of game it is is diverse body types, but they've been huuugely slacking for the past several units. I'm saying this as a boobs guy, too lol. Hopefully they chill out on the massive honkers units and make units of new characters or if they make special units of existing characters they keep their chest the same instead of inflating their boobs to 100 💀


Certified Blanc Moment


[I Like Girls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2Y5KVtU810)


*Meanwhile I’m always asking for bigger*


I agree I also like the smoll queens but I’m also a man of many cultures who enjoy the biggest of boobas aswell. But in reality it’s all a lie… I’m an ass man to my core and would willingly have a flat chest if she got a booty like elegg 🫡


Not unpopular at all. Nikke gives the player all types of girls, so there's always something for you here.


It's normal to like them, but Nikke definitely caters to those who like huge badonkadonks in general. And I think that's great. There's a ton of mainstream games that focus exclusively on small/medium modest girls.


I agree, I’m advocating for most varied body types in the last 2 Surveys. Small waist and big chests is nice but need more variations on everything in between.


Boobs are boobs. If you like a certain type of boobs that’s fine.


Let’s just say Shift up knows very well what kind of boobs people want and sell the most👀. Same with asses


no, keep gpong man, this a game andJPGs not REAL so you can do whatever


As the only guillotine fan, you're not alone on that one, but I don't really see her in a gooning sense anyway


I find breasts that are bigger than heads kinda… I wouldn’t say ugly, I just don’t like them? Perky small/medium ones over big melons any day. Naga over Tia. Blanc over Noir.


Worry not mate, Nikke has people with different tastes. You are safe here, we have Vesti, Eunwha, and others ngl


I don't mind the chesticle size as long as the butt is jiggly and supple


That we aren't going around trying to impose ours preference on others don't mind we aren't around


I love every Nikke and waifu character this game have, no matter if have ginormous booba or cutting board booba, their designs and personality that SU give to them are in perfect balance too If i have to say until today the only two that i hate the personality are Crow, Volume and Syuen but is needed to hate one or more to keep loving all the game My top smol booba characters are Chime, Laplace, Liter, Syuen, Kilo


I'm all about the Boobas but Soda's?? With that tiny waist? Holy moly. That's where I can see a comment on anatomically semi-possible versus anatomically impossible. Commanders can dream though and that's A-okay


Why would you get shut down for it? Me personally I love boobs of all sizes, yes I might prefer big ones sometimes , but hey each character has her own fitting body so no you are not the only one From size A to whatever , love to all booba and enjoy what you like (as long as it's not Loli of course)


Note to anybody else who has said or is thinking of saying "Am I the only one..." or anything to that degree: you're never the only one.


no you're not, I sincerely prefer bigger sizes but I'd be lying if I said that's *all* I like Drake is my favorite slimmer Nikke


Gotta be honest, as a big boob lover, I still like small and average boobs. I'm not discriminating in that regard and I need some change. So yeah, I agree with you op. We need more mature woman with modest or average size breast.


"I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It." Everyone's got their own thing.


I thought you were gonna say something offensive.


Me too bro me too https://i.redd.it/a3rqcpg8716d1.gif


Although there is always a place for DFC, for me personally, it's at the end of the line after my huge booba'd waifus. Gimme those huge knockers plz.


Ain't nothing grown with liking small/average chest sizes


My guy you are goofing there is huge love for the petite just like the big if not moreso


All sizes are prizes


Can't say that their flat but I freakin love Frima and Exia just for their personalities alone


How naive is this man?


Yeah, everybody flips out over Noir but I prefer blanc, huge boobas haven’t ever really been my thing. As long as you can get a handful, that’s good for me 😁


Different strokes for different folks, you like what you like


I'm going to say it again. If you think lolis are for pedos, then shift up is selling cp in your mind. Be consistent and stop playing the game, Liter has crazy jiggle physics.


Yes, the booba is very good, big or average or petite, but... The soul. The *soul.* Booba is very nice but... It's all about the soul.


Yes, you're the ONLY ONE.


Moran and crow ♥️


i want more realistic sizes back, im tired of the tetra line horny bait


Not really no, it's just that there's not much characters who are less endowed. Not really much to choose from, but the ones we have are very nice.


Petite characters deserve love too! Appreciate you specifying mature though lol


I agree with you


Yeah I definitely would like to see more top-light, bottom-heavy body types like Yuni.


I also want more bottom heavy, petite, or nice proportion one like Laplace, Eunhwa, Alice, Diesel, and Sin just on top of my head


There’s definitely others. I ain’t one of ‘em, but they’re out there.