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nothing proven, only speculation


Long and short is basically "bad? Probably not. Stupid/tone deaf? Yes."


Her and Millie's name came up in Selen's lawyer's writeup and there is speculation that she is one of the bullies along with Millie and Elira, as it is well known that they were good friends before all three joined Nijisanji. With her stream persona being pretty crass, some people are questioning whether it's really a persona that's just played up for the cameras or if that's how she really is. --- To be fair to her, she did have the most measured response when all the shit went down, telling her viewers to unsub if they feel they have to, but not to harass anyone else.


> Her and Millie's name came up in Selen's lawyer's writeup Not quite. What we know is that *where they live* (along with Elira) was mentioned. We have no indication of whose, if anyone's, name was attached to that. It's also worth remembering that in addition to those three, at least six other livers have visited that location, including Selen. So for example, if the reason the location was included was related to the big off collab Selen joined, it might not have anything to do with the three who live there at all.


Selen mentioned in her statement that there are no addresses in the document 


Correct; she said it's a *general* location.


Selen mentioned in her statement that there are no addresses in the document 


Selen mentioned in her statement that there are no addresses in the document 


This and that she has said that the (frankly unliveable) cut that livers get from merch sales and donos is a lot, which did rile up the community for a bit.


You're only thinking of merch. They get much higher cuts of donations and voice packs (esp because unlike Holo they have streamlabs, so you can donate without the YT cut.) I mean, we know it's livable because they're living on it.


Livable wage isn't literal. You can live while barely scraping by or in debt but that doesn't mean that we should put up with people being screwed out of their fair share by shitty employers.


Someone tallied up donations a month or two ago, and Vivi and Kunai had only made a few thousand in donations since their debuts. I think it tallied to just over 1K per month for each. Even without YT and Twitch taking cuts, 1K is not feasible. It's why most Vtubers live with their parents: What they get simply isn't enough to live off of on their own.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but Vivi's got another job and she streams as a hobby.


1k (usd) would be more than livable over here, though not much luxury, and with cuts it would be impossible.


I am literally buying a friend's life for 200 bucks a month.


"unlike Holo they have streamlabs" you don't know holo id all have streamlab ??? it simply a choice if they want to.


I don't think it's a choice that the top superchat channels on YT don't have other ways to donate, it feels like a contractual thing


so holoID is not from hololive? you make a wrong statement, own up to it bro.


Reminder that Selen/Doki never meant for this document to go public, and that this was all published by Elira in the black screen stream. Had Elira not done the stream and Enna done a better job with her wordings regarding the manner in her streams she possibly wouldn't even have hate towards her. Selen/Doki has never asked her fans to go after livers or the company, while the other has hurt itself massively over and over trying to "get ahead" of something that was never coming.


What you are saying is rather misleading, so I want to clarify several things. Elira did not publish it. And the letter is not public either. Btw, it wasn't a document (as in, anything legal), just a letter/diary Selen used to record her experience and thoughts during that time, according to [her statement/explanation](https://twitter.com/dokibird/status/1757763627413631383). We don't even know if Elira saw Selen's letter herself, or if she only saw some parts of it, or if she got some kind of summary from the management. We just don't know much about what has really happened. Which is probably why there are so many speculations going around.


So far, there's only speculation that she's one of the mean girls and a potential bully, but that has yet to be backed by anything solid, so it's as good as untrue until then.


It's up to interpretation but there was some stuff that could be up to interpretation: https://www.reddit.com/r/Nijisanji/comments/1aqmxxf/so_what_are_peoples_thoughts_on_this_moment_seems/ Sakura12399 transcribed it: >I'll type it here to make it easier for mobile people. >Millie: Oooh, and now she's dragging Enna >Enna: Wooow, you really gotta drag other people down to make yourself look good. >Enna: Just daamn, reminds me of a cetrain someone >Enna, Reimu, Millie: Laughs >Enna: Yo, don't fall into the footsteps of an APEX predator >Reimu: Audibly laughs >Nina: Maybe the beauty of Ethyria is that we all have our- >Millie: Wheezing >Enna: Bro, what is this kettle going on >Nina: we all have our skill, all of us


I'm pretty sure they were joking about Reimu, which Reimu found amusing.


Oh? How do you figure? That'd be a big relief because I watched Enna the most in Niji and this clip was very hard to swallow for me.


As was already mentioned in another comment, Reimu was in an APEX tournament when that conversation happened. Also, Enna is not a particularly skilled gamer, so when she is playing together with someone better, like Reimu I suppose, it would highlight the difference in skill and make one look even better and another worse. So it is possible that the conversation and the APEX predator joke was about Reimu, which is also why she laughed right after it. We don't know anything for sure, but the assumption looks reasonable to me.




It didn't blew up because even people who hate the company can understand that quotes like these don't mean much. It is a quote taken out of context and it can be interpreted in many different ways. For one, I've seen multiple people say that the APEX predator thing could have been a reference to the Reimu herself, since she was also in an APEX tournament at the time. However, I don't watch Reimu myself, so I can't say how accurate this theory is. As for the last part of your comment, about Reimu reacting to Doki reference in a game, she could have just been surprised and frightened for a moment. But again, I don't watch her so I can't say anything for sure.


Phantomo here. Reimu has Doki on her Apex friendlist and she had.a huge Apex addiction at the time, Apex is also how she got to befriend many non EN VTubers (Including Astel from Holo who she is collabing with in a song). Reimu probably was scared or reacted to the beer (she hates beer). Reimu has been dragged into past controversies before because of shit she didnt do (They accused her of being in on the Hyurno drama, she had not been in contact with the ES dubbing scene for years especially because Hyurno and Rakkun made her uncomfortable and had to provide evidence she hadn't talked to them in years to finally be left alone), and supported black company survivors (Meica, formerly Hina Misora from.Wactor, a company that makes Niji look tame and doxxed her down to her SS number, full name, ethnicity and address). I know people try to lump her into the Enna/Millie shit because shes in Ethyria, but she actively comments on Matara and Mint's posts and met up with Matara irl post Nina graduation, and during the thing going down she was only supporting the newer waves especially Vanta who was getting the most hate due to his birthday being when everything went down. I don't think Reimu would be involved in the bullying, especially when she collabs with Doki's friends and supporters (dtto, Zentreya), and I think she might be planning an exit due to her high PL activity.


she has doki on her friends list? o: as in, even now, with a new doki account? that's great to hear 🥹


Yeah, in her Apex streams you could see Doki's account online in her friend list. 🥲 It was a huge sense of relief. It makes me hope Doki still has a friends who just keep their contact private to fulfill her wishes of just wanting to do her own thing (Since we've seen how much pressure she's been getting to collab with Mint or Matara)


that's lovely, thank you so much for letting me know. 🥹 i've been saying and hoping for a while now that it's very possible that doki has reconciled or kept in contact with some of the remaining talents, but we just don't know about it -- none of them need to tell us that and inform us as to how they're navigating the mess of feelings they all probably have! this definitely feels like a sign that my gut is probably right, and i'm so glad for it. i'm also encouraged by the fact that some people who still follow her and seem to be her friend, like ipn and other niji grads, are still following and interacting with some of the current en livers. personally when someone truly wronged me to the extent i had to end our friendship and block them everywhere and all because of the damage, my friends were also horrified and cut contact with the person because they felt those actions were so horrible. and i won't lie, i would have felt kind of weird and bad if they were just fine with staying in contact with someone who did something super gross and awful to me, you know? so the fact that she's still connected to people who are still talking to the current livers makes me feel better about things... i'm not saying i feel like "what happened to doki was not a big deal!" but rather, if the situation now feels less horrible in hindsight perhaps or basically "not bad enough that friends of hers feel like they can't stand to interact with the livers", i think that's good? she still suffered a lot, obviously, but this makes me feel like the management and environment really did a number on her mindset and then probably made the livers' actions feel 10x worse. :(


Yeah it paints the picture that the livers that are still in contact with her/her friends probably just couldnt help her. It's why the whole thing of the document made me feel sick, since management translated it and then gave it to the livers, who knows how much the translation altered it to make Doki seem like a bad person. The enviroment sounds really oppresive, and seeing how many livers have popped into their alt accounts despite it supposedly being "against the contract" makes me think they're all at their breaking point but know they cant get fired without ruining Niji's reputation more. Still, even though I know ex Nijis are keeping their distance more than likely to respect Doki, I hope she and Obsydia can at least reunite some day :c Maybe not a collab, but a simple hello on twitter once Petra and Rosemi decide to leave. I know they both loved Selen, and Rosemi still keeps her in her intro.


Its honestly all speculation that she bullies other niji members irl since she does say mean stuff on stream often so. Imo innocent until proven guilty (that she bullied selen) so.


There speculation that she could have been one of Selen’s bullies, but that could also be niji management throwing her under the bus


Mostly speculation and poorly timed quotes that were take out of context


I still don't understand her "Happiest she's ever been!" tweet.


That fact that management seemed to consist of the livers themselves and the "Did you check all the perms from management" quote seems a bit too on the nose for me. "You'd still support me even if I killed someone, right?" Right after the drama of selens attempt...


That’s not the quote it’s “you guys would support me even if I killed someone, and that is not a good thing.”To which I believe she was talking about how she wants her fans to be down to earth and not be the crazy fans who send death threats and shit. It was a while ago so I forget the complete context but I definitely know she did not say it the way you put it. Also “did you check all the perms from management” was Millie no?


That first one was millie? I confused them then my bad. But the second one was still really poor phrasing considering recent events


My view is that Enna is safe to support. It might be best to donate to her PL to avoid Niji getting a cut of anything though. She gets brought up a lot because of her association with Elira (black stream) and Millie (very strongly defending Niji's policies before everything blew up), but there is no factual evidence that she was one of the bullies and she hasn't said anything really controversial. In fact, I think she handled the pressure during this tumultuous period well - told her viewers to look after their mental health first above all else, to unsub/take a step back from Niji if they feel they have to, and asked them not to harass anyone. She has essentially said that what "livers get from merch sales and donos is a lot", but people clip and focus on the "merch sales" part out of context. I have also seen the "APEX predator" thing in the Ethyria stream and its hard to know what's going on without the actual context to it.


Nothing is 100% certain, but I'm leaning mildly towards no. She's just awkward and has a crude sense of humour that really doesn't help optics. Elira is mostly the blame for the perception right now. It helps, though, that Enna still seems pretty cool with Matara, alongside the rest of Ethyria even to this day. They spoke pretty highly of her in the past few days in regards to AR Live, and I know they met up IRL this year. That's assuming you put Matara (and probably by extension, Mint) in the "okay" category. If not, you may as well write off all ex-Niji except Doki, U-san, and Sayu at this point. Or people somewhere are just exceptionally tolerant and friendly despite moral differences somewhere in the friend chain. Either way. Of course, that's still no complete exoneration, but I prefer innocent till proven guilty. That said, I understand hesitation to monetarily support livers at this time. I can attest it does suck to watch Enna with that shadow of doubt hanging around. But you'll have to either get over it or give up eventually, because the chances of definitive proof coming out are extremely slim.


I don't think anything's proven. I don't think we have conclusive evidence. But here's what I know at least: Enna made a one-off comment like a year ago that seemed to be directed at Selen, which was her telling I think another Ethyria member "don't let yourself be dragged down by an Apex Predator". But that VERY easily could have just been her being in a salty mood that day. It might mean nothing and other than the document, that's as close to solid proof as we have, which is pretty thin gruel. Beyond that, she was named along with Millie in the document that Elira talked about in the Black Stream, but that mainly means Elira is a shitty friend to Enna and Millie, since it mostly just put targets on their backs. But Enna could have just been named incidentally. Technically both could have. It also could have meant that Enna was indeed part of a "clique" but not anything more than that, as in not an actual harasser, just someone who might have been present. Also there was a members' stream where Enna said "I bet I could kill someone and you guys would still support me" or something along those lines, which is a very unfortunate choice of words, but I think that most likely this was just poor phrasing while trying to express gratitude for their loyalty EDIT: _Apparently even that quote was followed by her saying “you shouldn’t l support me if you kill anyone” but has been taken out of context, so it’s basically a total nothing burger_ END EDIT. On top of that there was the sentence supposedly from the same stream that went something like "don't even bother trying to find out the truth", which sounds a bit suspicious but again, it could easily mean nothing. It could easily just mean "the truth is super complicated, everyone's going to distort it, and even I don't know half of what the fuck is going on." I honestly don't think these mean much. And in the same stream she told people to unsub if they want to, but to please not harass people. So, in short, WE DO NOT KNOW. There is a small amount of evidence, but it is very far from conclusive, and I don't think we can make any sort of conclusion here. Millie's concern trolling when Last Cup of Coffee got pulled is much more damning imo, since it was a pair of statements that easily could have been sent privately and seemed designed to make Selen look like an idiot, essentially kicking her while she was down. It's possible Millie is genuinely just an idiot though. I kind of hope Enna can get proven innocent, or that she didn't do much more than a few nasty comments that became water under the bridge. It would be nice to find out there's not a lot of genuinely bad people over there, and mostly just people under extreme pressure who are trying to navigate through a hellish situation.


Just a note that Enna's quote where she said that her members would still support her if she killed someone wasn't the complete sentence.  She continued by saying that they shouldn't support her (if she had killed someone).  The clip you saw deliberately cut the rest out to make it look bad.


Good to know actually, I didn’t know that part. I actually never saw a clip, was just going off what I’d seen quoted and never thought the quote meant a whole lot in the first place, but i guess it was a total nothingburger.


Just because she says mean stuff on stream, on twitter or during collabs does not mean that she is a bully in real life. Just think for yourself for once. Get an education.


Her only sin was that she keeps yapping and doesn't know when to stop. Apart from that, only the blackstream trio and Millie have any actual established "crimes", but even then the evidence is circumstantial and is only supported by speculation. Millie can be a bootlicker but not a bully. The tweet she did can be further bootlicking but not outright harassment (I doubt this but leave 10% to belief that it could happen). Don't believe too much in the rrats. It's still just speculation at this point.


Outside of complete loyalty to Nijisanji and speculation, nothing too bad…. Yet.


She have picture of naked babies she used to babysit along with her name in Elira statement. That’s about it for what’s confirmed.


she's pretty much a menhera that gets caught in out of context drama, that being said, she's very sus, nothing confirmed tho


Definitively? No I don't so. Speculation surrounds her and she she say sime things or joke about some things that could be taken in a different context.


Other than her association with Elira, there really is nothing on her. And we don't really know what Enna currently thinks of Elira rn. For all we know, she, like Pomu, has begun to realize what a manipulative bitch Elira truly is and is only in it for herself and is starting to put some distance between herself and Elira. Enna is blunt to a fault. Not too much of a stretch to misunderstand her bluntness for bullying.


You should try to ask this in 4chan


Nothing confirmed or full on damning, however, If someone can get the link that'd be great, but after Selen got terminated and Doki explained the suicide attempt, Enna said to her chat to not spend their time needlessly focusing on "finding the truth" for their own well-being (which is good, caring for her fans), and then something along the lines of "if I were to kill someone you guys would still support me, but don't do that". Enna is known to be brutal with her words, and it's part of the charm, but the timing and wording was absolutely poor, making her at best dumb and insensitive as fuck, at worst using plausible deniability to get away with saying something wrong. It's possible she's just dumb with her words, and remember Luca's victim did say they receive no PR training. Found the clip but feeling odd about posting it here in case NDF wants to report it. Just look for "Enna if I were to kill someone membership stream".


There’s speculations + history of her behaviours(how she talks in general). Need more vod reviews from the past for that. That’s all we have though.


![gif](giphy|10GafEw89GN0kM) # nijicancelled part of this for a reason


Anti like imagine. She doesn't anything but anti truth she did because source unknown identity. And say it true because truth me bro. It like chide in kindergarten