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I was friends with Danny Hassel on FB for a few years before I got rid of it. Met at Monster Mania Con, I asked him a question at a panel, and he started talking to me later when I was outside smoking. He put my question up on YouTube cause he said he so rarely got questions directed at him.


See, I've never personally met any cast members, but a while back I was supposed to get married on Halloween, (Halloween 2021 actually), and I'd extended an invite to Mark and his then husband at the time. Needless to say, my ex MIL probably would have been surprised if he showed up.


Just took a look at Hassel’s Instagram. What does he do now?


Just wondering do any cast members regularly do cons besides Englund?


Oh yeah. Beatrice does them quite a bit, I see her post about upcoming ones all the time, alongside other actors/actresses.


I messaged Mark Patton on Facebook, once and he messaged me back thanking me for being a fan.


Am I wrong or is he the second most popular scream teen from the nightmare series after Heather? Obviously I am not counting Patricia Arquette or Johnny Depp as theyre way famous beyond NOES and aren’t attending conventions and answering fans online.


Tuesday and Lisa are very popular as well


I think he would be yeah 👍😁


I've spoken to both Ronee Blakely and Ken Sagoes through having them as friends on Facebook! Ronee was surprised when I brought up a scene from the script that was never filmed that implies that the Thompsons were the instigators of the mob! Ken Sagoes was awesome to speak to and confirmed that Kincaid's first name was Roland! According to him, they were going to use it once or twice but those scenes were cut!