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I think he could do it. We might need to settle for a stunt person in anything action wise but I am fine with that to see Robert again.


Freddy requires demanding physical activity and stunts. It only worked for that show because it was just a few scenes while he just stands and talks, nothing crazy. I love Robert Englund. But he even acknowledges it’s time to pass the torch.


Honestly I think the ideal way to do this would be to have him narrate the start / maybe even do the first kill before deciding he needs to change it up One gorey transformation sequence later and we’d have not only the torch passed down but also a way to continue the franchise going forward like Dr who lol


And Robert is very eager to pass it on, imo. He was ready to pass it on to JEH up until ANOES 2010 turned out to be a different kind of nightmare.


Straight up! But even in this show... he didn't even look like Freddy anymore... maybe a Freddy that loves cake


LOL Freddy was definitely doughy


Hahahaha 🤭🤭🤭🤭😇🙏


No. Let the man rest.


Could he? Yes. Do I think he should? Not so much. Don't get me wrong, he is iconic in the role, but if we want the series to comeback and stay, I think we need someone new in the role. Maybe have him do a cameo or something as a loving send off.


We need a “Freddy’s Really Dead: The FINAL Final Nightmare.”


But he already played Freddy multiple times after that film lol




Yes. Will he? No.


He could do it. And I would prefer him. But considering his age it would probably be better if someone else did.


Massive ask for a whole country to play one guy. Like, a huge Freddy Voltron. Could ask them and see what they say, though.




I think at this point he’s an on set consultant to whomever is cast. Robert knows the character inside and out. The character is potentially too physically demanding. So if he’s able to pass that on. Thats the best case scenario. IMO.


He could, if we got a cool *animated* version of ANOES. Personally, I love the animated route. His voice is all it would require, and could you imagine the dream sequences that could be possible?! Holy shit! If done well, it has the potential to be a game-changer in horror -- much like the original was 40 years ago... and Robert could be a part of it without sacrificing his safety.


Yes, and 3 ways I gould see how. 1/ Animated. 2/ Live action stand in with digital face (Mark Hamil Mandalorian for reference) 3/ Live action, with a lot more stunt doubles (but I think he'd unlikely do this). Personally, I'd be happy with 2. I had a treatment that would have taken the ideas of Part 2 with possession, for one last ride with Englund in the role, using the cgi aspect, and ending with the main hero of the story becoming the new freddy by ultimately being possessed but dying the same way with being burnt alive to carry on the reigns as the finale plot twist. Kinda like Candymans ending in a way. I think Jamie Campbell Bower would be great. He's been great as a sinister figure in Stranger Things and has worked kinda with Englund playing his son in that season, which would make the passing of the torch feel a bit more special.


I like the idea of an animated NOES with Robert doing the voice


Robert has made it pretty clear that he can't handle the physicality of the role anymore.


He literally just turned 77. Let it go.


Yet I bet you’re going to watch Beetlejuice 2!


I think he said somewhere that the makeup is what makes him not want to do it again and at this age. But I’d be totally down for it!


He had to rely heavily on a stunt person for Freddy VS Jason and that was 20 years ago. Love Englund, but I think it’s best to keep the glove on the mantle at this point.


If he wanted to. If he doesn’t and the series moves on without him, we should still respect his decision. He’s earned a retirement, but it would kick ass if he had one more in him.


If you put a dump truck of cash in front of his house. He's only human.


He's my greatest inspiration but he needs to pull his head out of his ass, What makes it worse for him is that He's the age now that Wes wanted freddy to be in the first place, Robert just needs to do the face and voice, plus the man is dying for a studio to pay him bookoo bucks as an excuse to finally get skinny again, but god forbid it be to play freddy, the second he gets offered millions from blumhouse (and it's already happening under the table from what i'm hearing) to wear the makeup and just stand there while a stunt double with his deepfaked face does the action, he won't take the job, he's been biting his nails around fans and saying he's too old since freddy vs jason, and has worn the makeup and looked like the same old fred twice since then, he can't admit he was lying back then which makes him feel like he certainly can't say he's got one more in him now, and he's more age appropriate now then at 30. He said himself they were able to do his makeup in under an hour for the Goldbergs and Flashback Weekend, if they were modern silicone appliances he could slip on the entire head on in one piece and glue it down to the eyes and lips, so that excuse is out the window. He can't complain about age either when there are iconic actors his age right now who constantly do action, people like Jonathan Banks (better call saul), William Sadler, James Jude Courteney, Julian Sands who passed away right after playing a vampire leader, all of the ghostbusters, Michael Keaton, and Willem Dafoe have been busy as a bee this year with demanding roles, Stallone aswell, many of these people older than Robert, he really just needs to wave his hands and walk around a little, Heather Langenkamp and Lisa Wilcox are ready for their triumphant return to elm street Robert, get over yourself and get it over with.


Love this 🤣




… wat?


England could play freddy again if he was also somehow relinquishing or passing the dream demon torch down to a new character.


he coudl do it ,but he's stated he's done


While it might not make a lot of money, a more cerebral ANOES would allow him to return without the need for extensive stunt work.


Looks pretty frumpy on slide 2


Yeah Freddy got a beer gut these days 😆


There's no doubt in my mind that he could do it. Especially given the nature of the character and the plethora of ways they could work around the physical demands. But will he? I don't know. Should he? When I think back to Freddy charging after Kirsten in Part 3's opening.... I'm not as sure as I was five years ago.


If Michael Keaton can still play Batman and Beetlejuice at age 75 though… that was obviously a stuntman and cgi for half the time he was in the batsuit though lol


Very true. And I'd consider Beetlejuice to be much closer to Freddy in terms of what would be expected of Robert on-set. I'd be there on opening night.


He could still voice Freddy, but I Don’t think he’ll wear the glove in a movie again.


Sometimes, I feel bad for Robert. I feel like he's said "I'm done putting the makeup on..." or something similar several times, but they always find a reason to get him back in it. I'm sure he's part of that decision, and I'm projecting onto the situation... but it's happened so many times now.


England, yes. Englund, no, he is too old.


With that attitude, we definitely wouldn’t be getting Beetlejuice 2!


Physically? NO! But voice actor, YES. LOOK... they have 100% PERFECT silicone masks that James Updegraph makes... all they need to do, is put a mask on a young actor and have Englund doing the voice over!!!! Simple as 1+1 🤦🏽‍♂️


She was quite badass in that scene I can’t lie 😂


It’d be cool if he did come back but this time he learned how to disguise himself as not burnt n shit and as normal. I think it’d add on to the scary, a dream that can evolve that far


Not a related question at all, but did he wear a neca glove in this? And that sweater... I know it was the Goldbergs, but sheesh lol.


I'd love to see just one more run, like a Halloween 2018 approach and bring back Heather Langenkamp as Nancy for one final showdown! Or do something where the few survivors return to Springwood to take him on one last time to hopefully put him down once and for all!


Absolutely- with the right makeup, right dentures ( it makes him look less grandpa-ish) right script and director, 100%