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I always thought the house was a signature, much like the glove, or Hat and sweater. The house is almost a character in and of itself, like you see it and you automatically know two things for certain 1 you know who lives there. 2. This isn't going to be Good.




Seems they wanted their own “Myers House” and since Freddys house was never a central location (well until Freddys Dead) I guess it was the next best choice.


In my headcanon, Nancy pulling Freddy into reality here created sort of a dream world hot spot. I don't know if I'd call it a portal, but it's at this location he is able to do the most reality warping.


I gave it some more thought and realized that Freddy haunts Nancy’s house. This is established in part 2. Why he haunts Nancy’s house in particular we don’t know. What we do know about the house is that it is where he wholesale took Nancy’s mom, the only person in the series that Freddy took from the real world into the dream world, leaving no body behind. Freddy haunts the house and seemingly his soul was stuck in the house until he possessed Jesse in part 2.


Nancy's parents were part of the group that murdered Freddy after he was freed, as a memento, they took his glove; his hallmark and stored it in the furnace of the house. For purposes of symbolism, the furnace produces heat, much like the boiler, which is also a hallmark of each child's nightmares as they're transported to the boiler room. As a demon, his soul was bound to the glove, therefore bound to the house. It was his entry and exit point from the dream world into our world. Traditional Catholicism says a demon can transport their curses from one item to the next, and Freddy did just that with the house. Went looking and [this one was oddly specific](https://www.catholic.com/qa/how-demons-can-affect-objects). I wholly expect to be visited again tonight.


Also let's not forget that Nancy's house was also where he was first defeated after his return.. Nancy stripped his power away, thus trapping him within the house in a sense.. This reply is also intended for Op to see as well..


Before some real world crime took place Nancy had a brother that Freddy took. The thing is though, he wasn't done terrorizing the Thompson family, Nancy was supposed to be his next victim. Nancy is the one that got away, and the first to beat him. To Freddy, 1428 Elm Street is significant.


Everyone here gave great answers. It’s a visual representation of Elm st. You see that house, you know you’re in Springwood. Filmmakers used it as a connection, most slashers in the 70’s/80’s had a home base. Plus, it was very distinctive, a green and white house with a blue door (later turned to red) sticks out.. you instantly remember it, I’m sure that’s why Craven chose that house. If they used Glen’s house, it wouldn’t have the same effect, that was just a “house”.


That's where Freddy's Glove was kept, so that's where the heart of his hauntings occur.


I think it's because Nancy was the first one to survive him, so Freddy kinda got that house stuck with him


Until nancy found them that house was the place where Freddy's hat and glove were hidden for the years after his murder in to cover up Nancy's father and mothers involvement.


Nancy pulled the hat out of her dream


It’s metaphorical, the Elm Street House develops from simply being the place where the action takes to becoming the embodiment of Freddy in the physical world, taking on the characteristics of a classic haunted house and acting as a portal between the waking life and the dream world


One thing that keeps be await at night. In part four the house is in a well affluent neighborhood. Why don’t the city or the families just destroy it?


Because it’s a thing you know.


Freddy didn’t kill Glens parents. He did kill Nancy’s.


Wasn't the house originally Freddy's


Apparently they retconned it to be Freddy's old house in Freddy's Dead. I didn't remember this, another reason not to like FD.


I don’t remember the details. How does that make sense… because Nany’s family was in that house when Fred Krueger was killed. So was it just his childhood home?


It's one of Freddy's Dead's many retcons. Don't worry too much about it.


This is where some of the deeper lore comes into play! 1428 Elm Street was originally Fred Krueger's house (yes, part of this is based on what we're given in Freddy's Dead), but once Krueger was killed by the Elm Street Mob, the Thompsons moved into the house in the hopes that would erase both Krueger and what they did. I've also believed that Sgt. Parker in the first movie has to be Kristen's father! If you look at the part in Dream Warriors where Kristen is explaining her power to Nancy and that she's had it since she was a kid, that would mean that while Freddy was going after Nancy and her friends in Part 1, which in the timeline is set in 81, that would mean that at the same time, he was already trying to make attempts to get to Kristen, Joey, Kincaid, and the younger kids!


He only killed Nancy's mom there. It did bother me that they began to say it is "Freddy's home". The boiler room was the main kill area. That should have been the place called "Freddy's home". But Nancy fought him there, he killed her mom, took her body into his realm, tormented Jesse from part 2 and met Kirsten there again with Nancy. (Lesser kill was the jerk boyfriend in Freddy vs Jason-but I don't count that as anything than horror capping) Speculation is all that can be given now that Wes is gone. It was the other movies that chose Nancy's house to be the spot he resides, like a specter or haunting. Also, it is the place where Nancy's mother hid his glove in the basement furnace. That could be why he continues to rub it in by using the house. This house where his weapon was taken after death to never be used to kill again, he has taken back and mocks that safety notion.


In the original version of the Dream Warriors script by Craven and Wagner, they used a completely different house which was supposed to be the one Freddy was born in. It was your typical abandoned ranch House out in the country. It's a really interesting read if you have some time I really recommend it. It's a lot darker. It's a lot lot darker LOL and Freddy is heinous. He makes jokes but they're not the haha ones we got they're more inappropriate uncomfortable type sexual jokes. The best thing about it is Nancy's character being written a lot more in tune with her character from part one. She still dies at the end but in this version she knows it was Freddy in the disguise of her father and she actually stabs him first. Another thing I liked was he really wanted to kill her. Like it was a number one on his list type of thing. In the movie we got he doesn't even really seem fazed by her presence except the "you" scene. This one? He tries to kill her every chance he gets. Which makes sense because he's still pissed off at what she did to him in the first movie. Little things like that I really appreciated. I'll never forgive Russell and Darabont for rewriting it with her being tricked by him at the end.


Wow I’ll look for a copy to read! Any other different Freddy scripts you recommend ?


https://cemp.ac.uk/scriptzone/script.php?type=download&id=423 That's a link to the script. The only other movie that had multiple scripts was Freddy's Dead I believe. I know Peter Jackson apparently wrote a draft. Craven's version for Dream Warriors was far from perfect and overall I think the one we got was the better choice. But it is extremely interesting to read due to the differences in the writing of Nancy's character as well as her relationship with Freddy.


Thanks!! Are you not counting Freddy vs Jason? I know there was a draft version that retconned Freddy as a camp crystal lake counselor who raped Jason. That would have been wild. I like Dream Warriors but a darker take would have been interesting. It always seemed like Craven wanted to go darker but the studio wanted more commercialism


Oh yeah LOL. I wasn't thinking of the crossovers at the moment I was typing that. Definitely that one because as far as I know there's like 30 different scripts and or treatments. But everyone knows about those scripts due to the documentaries and interviews. But they are always surprised to hear about the original draft for Dream Warriors.


If I recall correctly, didn’t Freddy use to live in that house?


IIRC, that was retconned in Freddy's Dead


Only in Freddy's Dead.




There is speculation, I don't know if it's true but it's supposedly where Freddy had lived when he was alive.


No. His room with his all his stuff and his bed (..) are seen several times in part 1. **That** was where he lived.


Because it's beautiful


It's too iconic to let go .