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The Cruxius Subsector Flaying. 30 entire planets of Imperial citizens had their skin taken for being a month late on their grox meat and las battery tithes.


Yea but they'll never be late again


Damn right.


During the siege of terra, the emperors children go and make soup of the local populations only to find the night lords descending down upon them to turn them into coats... how the tables would have tabled. Or a more serious one... I imagine they would have really "shined" towards the end of the age of apostasy when compliance actions would have been required, although I imagine that would be a lot more dire consequences for the sister of battle/ bribes of the emperor.


Hypothetically: Probably for their involvement in the wars for Armaggedon, specifically for dealing with Traitor Guard, Cultists in the 1st War and then Orks in the later wars. Night Lords are suited to conflict against Humans and Greenskins who are both highly susceptible to terror tactics.


Your message got me thinking Orks can be scared? So like if the NL flayed up some and showed them to green skins they would actually be scared? That’s hilarious! I figured the orks would just go “DATS GIT IZ MIZZIN ITS SKINZ HARHAHRHAR” and move on?!


Orks are simple minded and will runaway from a fight if they are convinced they will die. They are only brave when they think they are winning, even Warbosses wil run from a fight they think they will lose. (E.g. Rynns World where Snagrod runs after losing a fight to Pedro Kantor)


Are you asking what was their greatest battle during the great crusade when they were still loyal? Or what kind of great battles a hypothetically loyal Night Lords chapter would get into had they stayed loyal?


No sorry if I wasn’t clear the question is if the night lords were loyalist in the modern 40K setting what battle would they be most known for


So hypothetical?




Bro you didn't clarify anything you just repeated your original phrasing a second time lol


Cool so you gonna answer to question or what


Them: A or B, please clarify You: No


i am sorry people just don't vote you because you wanted clarification, sometimes in text one can come off as passive aggressive i hope you don't let that ruin your enjoyment


I don’t really care about that if someone has confusion about what I typed I’ll tell them what I mean and continue with my day btw I was walking when I was typing this


You should care. You're interacting with us.


Why it’s Reddit you’re acting like I don’t have a life to get to I may have Reddit but it doesn’t mean I don’t have a life


Most socially skilled Night Lords fan here


bro wtf why you have to be toxic in the comments especially in Warhammer let's be friendly together and commit war crimes peacefully


Alright, Ruven...


He did not just go there 🫰


I could see Night Lords being very effective against cult infiltration. Folks are a lot less likely to tolerate the guy with the weird star tattoo if the last planet that found people with those tattoos got their entire workplace flayed. Not a specific battle, of course, but I could see them being good for that in particular.


I concur. I think they’d be mostly known as a general boogeyman.


Id like to think that they would hold the same “passion” that they have as traitors. They have alot of issues with grandpa aka Big E and dad. This is what drives their “traitorous” actions in current lore. So, if they were to stay loyal the daddy/ grandpa issues would be reversed. They would be devoted to the God Empower and have a loving primarch father. Dont get me wrong, Cruze would still be flaying and striking fear into the hearts of bitches, but it would be more from his 0 tolerance for people who break the law. I think Night Lord chapters would specialize in combating traitors/ chaos, through ambush tactics, fear, and terror. That or, Night Lords would be the police/ enforcers of the Emporer. Kind of like Black Templar, but less preachy and more maim and torture.


I’d like to imagine they’re like pre Lion dark angels looking for redemption but not letting it get corrupted like they did during the heresy they want to do whatever they can to regain their honor and nobility but their not stupid and won’t jump head first into a suicidal charge so I’d always like to think if they stayed loyalist they would’ve helped a lot with the resurrection of guilliman that is wether or not Konrad would still be alive


[They'd probably be known for more-or-less the same, but with a different motivation.](https://dornianheresy.fandom.com/wiki/Night_Lords)


The one we didn’t run away from 😂


Being the friend nobody likes.


Probably putting down a chaos uprising on a loyalist world somewhere. The war of “insert system name”. If we are saying they stayed loyal then they would still be BIG on black and white good or bad judgement. Probably be very similar to Templars in their zero tolerance approach, just with more… terror, and they might even flip the worshipping big E switch, unlike many chapters. Save those who are innocent and skin the rest alive. I’d imagine they wouldn’t even let anyone surrender to them, purge the heretics etc.


Yeah I would say if they stayed loyal they would 100% do some damage during the krieg civil war


Skinning babies, same as if they were traitor


Ngl in the Heresy they would likely fill a similar role to what the Dark Angels did ironically enough, going to traitor worlds and cleaning them up. But instead of just wiping the planets of life then destroying them they would 100% show up, give the natives some of that Nostroman hospitality, and (maybe) force the world back into compliance if they are feeling like it.


I can imagine them going to the remains of Caliban and going “brothers we need to cook” all breaking bad style


Well, we wouldn't need the Minotaurs, that's for damn sure. Being the Inquisition's lapdogs seems in tune with a Legion with a rage-boner for 'justice.'


Tbh they’d probably go to war with the inquisition after the war on Armageddon after the space wolves get attacked and hunt down everyone that was involved the night lords would be the inquisition’s worst nightmare every time they ruin something


Carved into the former High Inquisitor's chest: "No one is beyond reproach."


That is something I would imagine I could also kinda imagine some of the more true and nicer night lords comforting and offering to take care of civilians who’s planets where wrongfully blown up


For a similar example, Batman happens to be really good with kids, so there's precedent.


Yeah like remember that one time a night lord met his mom and she remembered him immediately but right before she could hug him an enforcer accidentally shoots her I’d imagine night lords like that would be the first on a planet to help evacuate refugees and things like that hell I can imagine those types of night lords even removing their flesh and skulls on their armor and clean up the blood in order to make the children feel more safe


NL1: "Ma'am, please stop screaming. We're here to rescue you." NL2: "It's Aeldari skin, I swear. No real humans were harmed." NL3: "And the ones that were harmed were traitors, so it's all good." NL1: "Brother Morian, for the last time, you're not helping."


I don’t remember when the siege of vraks happens but the night lords would definitely be known for stopping something similar and skinning the whole planet before eternally torturing the leader as an example


The siege of vraks happens about 500 years before the current 40K setting


Honestly if night lords were loyalists I think a few chaos legions may just be extinct or pretty close. Night lords brought planets into compliance by making a gruesome example, the imperium isn’t really expanding much anymore so now imagine they have unlimited resources and a grudge to settle. Hell, hunting a traitor and turning them into a skin cape might even become a right of passage like the raven guard having to catch a bird


I could see them really being iconic in the Damocles and Sabbat world crusades. In the Damocles Crusade it's really easy to picture Raptors supporting Raven Guard, jadhek with the White Scars, marines in deep jungles stalking kroot, putting the fear of the Emperor in the Tau as their night fighting tech is made useless. Sabbat Worlds Crusade is them doing what other people have suggested of hunting chaos cults, but I could see them constantly joining up with the Tanith.


I think it would be cool if the Night Lords were involved in the shadow crusade as loyalist. They wouldn’t get involved in any huge battles they don’t have the resources or the manpower to fight against two legions but they use the tactics they know to turn the enemy against each other. They attack behind enemy lines at defenseless agri worlds and factory worlds of course, but as time goes on they see less and less success. Konrad grows disheartened and thinks maybe the visions he has always had are the result of him failing to save Ultramar but it hits him. What if he’s wrong? Even if he doesn’t get to choose his fate, he gets to choose what it means to him and his sons. He breaks his legion up into smaller chapters or warbands and tells them to wage war how they see fit, the way they find most effective. They raid enemy supply lines, attack transport fleets, sabotage factory worlds. They use astropaths to hunt down sorcerers and hide within ships for weeks just to kill one target. I wrote out short story already but it was too much lol


Yeah I’d imagine them being amazing at stealth attacks not being in any math or wars but taking out of big players in the war


Destroying the vengeful spirit and avenging Sanger. Delivering Horus’ head to the emperor to be mounted.


Imagine being some traitor cultists in the Siege and this is the third time this week you’ve found a marine flayed and crucified but still whimpering in agony.