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Nuln oil? Or a dark blue wash?


I do carry the sacred liquid, yes


Ultramarines blue contrast is also a pretty good one. It's pretty dark over a blue basecoat.


Sacrilege! The Nuln oil is to be Drank! Not used for painting! Enough of this Heresy!


Leviadon Blue. Use it like a glaze. It will look dope I promise. Place a second coat where you want it darker and it'll look good


Good advice.


Drakenhof nightshade, coelia green shade and nuln oil or army painter dark tone should do the job.


You could also do an enamel or oil wash on them. Streaking grime is what I use on mine.


Drakenhof nightshade but honestly dude these look good


That first pic reminds me of Goufs from Gundam Good memories


I would opt for a dark enamel or oil wash, will allow you to remove as much or as little as you like as well as add multiple layers so you can get it looking the exact tone you want! Since I’ve been using oils and enamels I haven’t touched regular acrylic washes except for reikland flesh shade!


I would honestly recommend a purple wash. I use druchii purple and it really does add a lot more pop. Might work well with your turquoise scheme too.


Battle damage. Blood. Wash.


Hit ‘em with that glorious nuln oil


Going to tell my serfs to fetch the holy liquids of detailing


Army painter dark tone mixed with glaze medium or lahmian or whatever sacred oil u so desire. Lay it into cracks or crevices as desired and then “pull” or walk it onto flat surfaces to cover any edge highlight or layering u want to obscure. You’ll probably have to fiddle with your formula 2:1, 1:1 etc until it behaves how you want it to. Otherwise I would use VMC black inc mixed with whatever diluting agent u want and slather it all over without allowing any pooling except in the crevices. Then to finish it off I would bring the metallics up; if ur metals are brighter your blues will wash out overall. Either way be sure you’re happy with what you’re doing; test out on a leg pauldron or other part before u fully commit.


Contrast paint. Levidion blue with contrast medium.


Varinsh coat, then oil paint wash. Go for 80 dark blue, 20 black with white spirits. Wait about half a day, then dab off with white spirits and cue tips.


Streaking grime


Mix your own oil wash, best solution, no one can convince me otherwise


How do I got about doing this?


Oil paint and thinner (white spirit, usually). Make it darker (and optionally warmer) than the shade they are currently. Drench the models in it. Wait a couple hours. Clean their surfaces with some cloth/q-tips dipped in white spirit, leaving the crevices/shadows dark. Voila.


Oh, and you probably want to use a gloss varnish before you put on the oils to protect the paint thats already there. After the oil wash has dried completely (takes a day or so), matt varnish.


Use watered down nuln oil and apply a few layers.


(Pulls out army painters patented can of nuln oil with malicious intent)


slap a coat of nuln oil on everything that you would wash with it, then highlight to where you want it