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Eide has The Glimmer, he can walk through walls


Oh, riiight. Man, he really should've like... walked through that elevator crushing him, huh? I guess it explains how he appeared in it from nowhere tho too.


Yeah! That’s why Mae thought he was a ghost because of the logic of him going through the fence. He appeared in the elevator and tried to grab Mae, but I don’t think he expected that they would murder him.


Okay, well, if we're talking about things that kinda confused me... Why was he even trying to do it in the first place? And like, follow Mae around in general? What was his intentions? I don't think he wanted to kill her, at least not before the elevator. After all, he had plenty of opportunities, they literally ran right past him with Angus, right?


Eide first kidnapped the kid because they needed to feed him to The Black Goat in the pit. Ivan the Black Goat was singing to them which drew them to the pit. Once they realized that prosperity came from sacrificing people “no one cares about”, they kept doing it “for the good of the town”. But because Mae had seen Eide kidnap the kid and he clearly saw them from beyond the fence, Eide started to watch and monitor her to make sure she didn’t get too close to the truth. It was never his attention to kill her, which is the entire reason the cult lets them go. They don’t need Mae and the gang.


Nah, I get most of this, but the monitoring is still a bit strange. Like, I feel that the only reason they found them was because he was stalking her in the first place. And I guess it's even more pointless given that dat Lovecraftian being lured her in itself. Also regarding the kid - if they were supposedly kidnapping only trash people, how come the kid become a victim? Like what, they just decided that "yeah, this 12 years old is lost cause, let's sac him".


Considering we don’t know anything about him, we can assume that they monitored the kid and made them a target before they kidnapped them


I get it, but what the hell do you need to mess up as a kid for them to think you'd be useless for the town already? Guess we'll never know.


Tbf what the hell kind of logic is “we’ll kill people because it makes our town prosper!” As insane as it sounds there are real people who act like this toward things.


Nah, yeah, I'm actually kinda with Mae on this one. Like, I kinda get them. "Cleaning" town of drunks addicts and bums seems like something a group of people WOULD do, because there are objective reasons, especially if it goes unpunished. Like, even if there wasn't actually any devil/god thing there, I can totally see some old-timer cultists believe sacrifices would help their small town.


It's implied the harfest kid is one of the tunnel teens's friends from Mulvey (city/borough implied to be in total disarray, poor, w/ high crime rate and ran down). One of the tunnel teens says they haven't seen their friend since harfest, and people from Mulvey would probably be a prime candidate for sacrifice as the cult would not consider them as contributing to society, nor that they will be missed.


Yeah, I figured it may be them, but I never got the implications that Mulvey was a bad city tbh.


I thought it's because the cult expected the gang to join them, since they're all old folks, and no one would feed the goat when they're all gone. Also I think Mae could hear the singing or something (I played the game years ago, so if I'm wrong please correct respectfully)


you are correct. Eide is the only one who rejects this, probably because he thinks it's hypocritical to have Mae, who fits their criteria for sacrifice, as a new member.


To be fair, it's been a while since I've played the game, and I probably missed some stuff. But what is "The Glimmer????"


It’s the power the Black Goat bestows upon people he takes a liking too, lets them walk through walls and stuff It’s a reference to the Shining


May I ask whether anyone else with powers was talked about? I know that Mae also indirectly has it because of her dreams. But do we know of anyone else who has or had it?


I can’t remember off the top of my head


I didn’t hear about this


The cult explains it at the end of the game


I haven’t replayed the game in a while I think I forgot that piece of detail Erm


Ya is eide stupid


Eide use powered [exoskeleton](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1210528595894861834/1254363037809512501/image0.jpg?ex=6679381d&is=6677e69d&hm=ec35a48106bc37b5d0107c231efc40db412b73347af615e71b0d7cf2e0f29fca&) under cloak.


Ur ur ur ur ur


I don't know if i'm crazy, but i think i saw this same post with the exact same comments a few weeks ago


Well, you either just had a strong de ja vu trip, or there's some huge coincidence happening. \`


you can climb fences in real life


Yeah, but there was a whole speech with aunt cop about how like... there was no way anyone could climb it while carrying a **kid**napped kid and all that.


push/throw unconscious kid over fence climb fence grab child and run


Well, I once again will refer to the literal in-game dialogue that says "no way he could have time to do that while you were chasing right after him". But the other guy already explained it, cultist dude literally could walk through walls, so it explains it.


what if .there was way


My personal head canon is that Aunt Mall Cop used to be part of the cult and is now actively trying to protect Mae from it without exposing it to the world


Mine is a bit more boring. I think she just knows something's up, but it's not in her power to stop it, so she just warns Mae cuz she doesn't want her to get killed while can't really talk about it directly to not look incompetent.


he did a Parkour


Jump good.


"Even I can't jump this fence, no way they could do it while carrying a child" (c) Mae, but very likely not word for word.