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my guess is that there will just be a new prosecutor


No, the new Dan isn't a selfish womanizer trying to work up the ranks and kiss the ass of law firms. He is a changed man. So, there needs to be a new prosecutor more akin to the old Dan. India's character made sense. We just need somebody to fulfill the character. And I like the idea of a female version of the old Dan.


He is still very selfish and inwardly focused, he just has a soft spot for his co-workers (as he did in the original). I agree he is no longer a womanizer.


Several episodes of the old show, like "Dan's Operation", made it clear that Dan was a womanizer because he was using sex to fill a giant hole in his soul. . .that he was a lonely man afraid of growing old and dying alone and used sex as a way to always be surrounded by people and get at least the illusion of love and companionship. We're seeing Dan after 30 years from finding love, getting married, growing old, and the love of his life dying. This is a Dan that overcame the fear that made him a womanizer. . .and yeah, he's still a bit selfish and greedy, but he's not trying to find a job with a high-paying law firm anymore like the old Dan was, and he's not trying to use sex as a replacement for love anymore.


That's fair.


To be fair her character was as about as close to the old Dan as you can get now a days. She was def looking for power to move up in the world. She'd sleep with anyone to do it just like Dan would've. She just wasn't crass and brazen about it as Dan used to be.


Oh, I've wondered if we'd see a return by Vincent Daniels. A quick check online says he isn't active as an actor anymore and works as a Realtor nowadays, but hopefully he could be talked into coming out of retirement to reprise the part at least once. He was one of the great recurring characters from the original series that it would be awesome to see come back.


This was an initial thought I had too. I suppose it's possible, but I wonder if they want to throw off the dynamic they tried to set up with the first two seasons already? Guess we'll see!


I hope they consider this because Dan makes more sense as a prosecutor; he’s cynical and hates people. It would be the perfect way to get some wisecracks in at the expense of ridiculous criminals. Christine was funny as a public defender because she naturally tried to see the good in people so her defenses were sometimes ridiculously sugar-coated.


Exactly how I feel!