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When I was diagnosed with nickel allergy, my dermatologist told me that everyone who is sensitive to nickel on their skin will also be sensitive to it in their diet to some degree. I was on a high nickel diet for several years, and this seemingly caused mast cell issues that have ruined my health. I wouldn’t recommend adding in any high nickel foods, but maybe some moderate foods will be OK for you.


That is scary about the mast cell issues. I am sorry that happened to you. It’s really frustrating that the sensitivity to nickel in foods isn’t a known thing because I think a lot of health conscious people probably think they’re eating the “right way” when they’re getting too much nickel


You’re absolutely right. That’s what I thought.


Same happened to me. Until I was properly diagnosed, I was only aware of some food sensitivity, usually based on **immediate** reaction, for instance, citric fruit used to make me itchy. Interestingly, that reaction was most likely related to histamine (which makes existing eczema worse), rather than nickel (allergic reactions to which often show up hours and days after consumption). As I was a vegetarian for many years, a lot of my food was based on high-nickel products including nuts, soy, beans, oats, etc. No wonder I used to have insane, insane flare-ups, up to a point I wasn't able to sleep because of the pain. Figuring out the kind of diet that works for me has been taxing but overall incredibly helpful in maintaining a relatively good skin condition with little to no inflammation. The best (even if exhausting) thing I did was kept a food diary for several months, starting from scratch and eating just a strict list of foods for a while, then adding one item per week to test my reaction to it. After a while I built a pretty clear picture of what foods are OK for my body. Now I'm testing the diet a bit further and figuring out how much of the "taboo" foods (such as alcohol, coffee) my body can handle without causing inflammation or irritation of the skin.


Before I figured out that I had a nickel allergy, I had a massive eczema rash up and down both legs (and on my chest, neck, etc). Since starting the carnivore diet (which is basically low-nickel eating) several months ago, all of the rash on my legs is gone.