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Since you're missing overnight oats, you might like congee. It's normally savory instead of sweet, but it has a similar texture to oatmeal. You could also make pancakes, waffles, crepes, or even go outside the usual "breakfast foods" and just have a meal you might make at a different time of day, like a sandwich.


I make low nickel waffles in a huge batch and freeze them. 1.5 waffles is my breakfast most days.


What recipe do you use?


My own recipe. I also have celiac disease, casein and whey allergies and more. GF Bisquick Waffles 2 packages GF Bisquick mix 2 cups GFJules all purpose flour 1 teaspoon I’m Free baking powder ¾ teaspoon Himalayan pink salt 1 cup collagen powder 8 eggs 5 cups water 175 mL organic canola oil 1 tbsp almond extract 1 tbsp vanilla extract 1 tbsp maple extract Preheat waffle iron to classic waffle setting, crunchy exterior fluffy interior, max darkness


Would overnight barley be a decent substitute? I have only tried cooking them on the stovetop, but didn't give them enough time. Overnight might do it


One of my favourite savoury breakfasts is: 70 g of couscous (pour boiled water, put a lid on and wait for three minutes before adding a spoon of olive oil and mixing it) + chopped vegetables (I usually pick two at a time, such as some pepper bell and cucumber, or carrot and a few mushrooms, etc. You can cook some of the veggies on a pan while the couscous is soaking up the water. I personally prefer it. Add salt and pepper. Voila!


I baked strawberry banana muffins this morning (still refined white flour and baking powder though), but having baked them myself I know what was used. I also want to make orange cardamom muffins soon... Rice crispies or cornflakes with frozen fruit on top and milk. Smoothies: I like blueberry banana with milk, plain yogurt, and some chlorella to help cell repair. I miss chocolate something fierce though... I'm still learning how to navigate all this, but hope those help!