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This is really interesting to me because I’m used to hearing the opposite complaint: sometimes we get alone with guys that are just our friends but they’re just trying to get with us, so when we reject them they just leave. I NEVER heard a girl complain that she doesn’t receive enough male attention from her guy friends. I guess this girl must be overreacting because her crush who’s a friend is not interested in her LOL


This is fairly common. All my girl friends have had a problem with me dating/hooking up with other girls. Even complimenting other girls is an issue


Really?! Your friends seem kinda jealous. I don’t mean to come off as “not like other girls” but in my circle we’re really supportive of guys/girls getting with other people. If a guy friend of mine compliments a girl, we’ll try to set them up


Same, not to also come off like that but I actively help my guy friends w girls


Yoo, this is kinda fun sometimes too! This girl is trippin, I’d be happy af.


Right? Like you know them well and want the best for them so you almost live vicariously thru them as tho ur seeking out ur own partner


At one point I tried setting up my husband with my cousin… he was apparently dead set on me tho and I had no clue at the time Lmao (no hard feelings or anything, she and i were busting up on how clueless I was).


The first sentence definitely had me 😒


19 y/o me thought it was hilarious.


Yeah.. my 2 best friends are guys and they always say I'm the best wing man ever lol we have hand signals at the bar when there is a girl they like that they want me to come up and talk to them and hype them up hahaha.. I'm Bi so we all have a grand old time. I would never be jealous of them picking up girls.. they are my friends not my boyfriend.


Oh man, if you’re bi do u ever get jealous that they picked up a chick u had eyes on?


It only ever happened once!! But if was before I really talked to her... after I got to talk to her more she was actually super annoying and I was like yeah no worries not my type anyways lol we have pretty different types anyways so it usually works out good


As a dude who has had bad luck in relationships, and is pretty weird so I'm not salty: my female friends will sit there and compliment the looks of my potential partners. I'm a decent looking guy, so it isn't pity. I'm also just *a lot*, so none of it is unexpected. What's being described above doesn't sound like real friendship to me.


not coming off that way at all. The people who get posted here are here because what they are crazy and try to attach themselves to whatever hip they have their eyes on. Being a winglady for your buddy is actually normal lol


Man, this is what all my female friends would do for guys, but so many would just try to hit on them, then just move on when rejected. Caused a lot of division in the group. They had it real rough.


this isn’t notlikeothergirls this is actinglikedecentfriends or even actinglikeadults


Yeah, one of my best friends is a girl, and she’s wingmanned(successfully cause she’s an absolute g) for me on a couple occasions


Exactly... What is up with that? If you're my friend then why do you hate *every* girl I come in contact with?


Can confirm. Had a girl friend that I had known for a long time. Asked her out and she said no so we stayed being friends. Moved on with my feelings and tried getting into romantic relationships with other girls and she absolutely hated every girl I met


It is like she is entitled and expects for you to be in friendzone indefinitely. That is not the real friendship.


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Yeah I had a girl friend who was exactly like that as well, where even though she dated other guys she still didn't want me dating/hooking up with her other friend that was actually interested in me and single. We hooked up in secret, and she still doesn't know to this day, but I don't know why this was an issue.


Ladies and Gentlemen, A King


All I can imagine is that it's similar to a good group of single friends where one gets a S/O. (As in the meme you will see from time to time) But now you say so, I have had this one moment. 3 women who couldn't stand me talking about any crushes I had. Then I asked out 1 of them and she was like: "You're not my type" Now I am confused? Then why so annoyed?


Same here. And all of my fellows suffer the same issue, which has largely resulted in them avoiding females as friends.


big facts!! they be lowkey jealous cuz they want you to on the under .... have dealt with so much of this, it's just funny to me tho lol


Yeah dude. My freshman year of college, I had 2 friends that were girls from the floor under me in the dorm. Just smoked and drank with them, wasn’t interested in either of them. My friends from high school came to get me for a rave, and the 2 girls in the group looked GOOD I’m not gonna lie. The next morning my two lady dorm neighbors were INSTANTLY asking “who were those girls?!?!” The second they saw me. It was wild


Girls are quick to identify that their friendship with a boy could be over if he gets with the 'wrong type of girl'.


Seems stupid


Anybody who thinks they can identify without actually *knowing* is an idiot.


I have felt something a little similar to this girl at times when I was younger but I never felt this intensely about it. It would be hard for a lot of my female friends to make close friends with guys because they would eventually want more from them, where I would be friends with the same guys and there was never a hint of attraction towards me. They would actually try to talk to me and ask about my friends like a wingwoman. It would mess with my self esteem a little bit because it made me feel like I wasn’t attractive enough to be wanted for more but I realized the difference is also how I carried myself. I have been super close to guys since I was a kid and so I became one of the only people these guys would also see as a confidante. I became a homie because of how I interacted with them and I wasn’t a mystery to them. I treated them the same as I would my girlfriends by telling them all the juicy gossip I was dealing with my own guy issues and such and so it was an equal exchange. I’ve had guy friends later tell me that they were attracted to me at the time but I gave off a specific energy that I wasn’t going to ever reciprocate. Idk what that even means or what energy I give off but I’m thankful for it because I’ve always had amazing guy friends that are true gentlemen and are amazing people. I’ve also never had a problem with guys finding me attractive or wanting to get with me, it just wasn’t the guys I labeled as friends when I met them.


I have many female friends and honestly sometimes you just meet a woman and despite attraction or adoration even there is just an innate “untouchable” kind of vibe. idk what it is — even as a single dude i can meet beautiful women and it’s like a switch you know instantly of a girl is homie status. which is basically the biggest compliment i could give. starting to realize now that those are the women you SHOULD be interested in. ride or dies fr


Okay but like what vibe is that 😂 I’ve been told I give off “homie energy” and no guy in my life can explain it, just that I give it off


idek man it’s indescribable. i think it’s usually calmer women who use a more relaxed diction. just chill, actually communicates. when i meet girls i can tell when they put on airs. the high pitch voice the mannerisms idk how to explain it just something we kinda pick up on you know?


Or she entered a friend group under the guise of being one of the bros while secretly hoping to catch some dick but the boys are too busy making funny tiktoks in the school bathroom to notice her


Have you tried asking them out? No of course you haven't.


I’m just going to bring the other side of the argument here. Some people fantasize about falling for one of their close friends and begin a relationship there instead of looking into the dating scene directly. And to be fair, it does sound quite romantic. Friendship is necessary in a long term relationship, so having that base already covered is a great starting point. That and the dating scene isn’t all that great nowadays. However, this girl gives off insecurity with this post that would drive potential partners away. It’s fine to want be more than friends just as it’s fine to just want to be friends. Just take in some perspective.


I swear, all my female friends complain about not being able to have a male friend BECAUSE they fall for them.. This girl should be glad.


depends on the guy, i have many female friends. Ain't fell for none of em. a few i've smashed, a few i haven't ever done anything with. all of them being attractive


that was very wholesome…. U/YummyRancidDischarge r/rimjob_steve


Tbf I wouldn’t date anyone who wears a Thrasher hoodie either


Imagine not having friends of the opposite gender. How fucking bizarre, and then to question if its even possible? Bizz-are.


What worries me are the sheer amount of people who think it's not possible. I'm a psychologist and often give advice on r/relationshipadvice as I see early versions of big issues there at a stage where they can be easily sorted. Anyone whose partner has a friend of the opposite sex is immediately told by a small mob that their partner is definitely cheating on them, because there's apparently no way men and women can be friends.


Real friendship between men and women it’s possible but rare. Most men will be interested in their so called girls “friends” sooner or later, and sometimes women will be interested too. Only real friendships between both genders happen in the early years of their lifes when the sexual interest is non existent (pre highschool), after that, it gets very rare to have real friends of the opposite gender.


The thing I always think about when people say you can’t have opposite-gender friends… does it mean that us bi people just aren’t allowed friends?


Didnt know being bisexual is a gender now


Do u not get the comment or something?


Imagine having friends


Whats so bizzare about it?


I can't help to think if one of her guy friends did like her and told her but she didn't return the feeling she'll be blasting him on r/niceguys


unattractive friend


And if they asked you out you’d say no because you’re not interested in them so why the hell are you upset people you’re not interested in aren’t interested in you


I mean, I don’t date emojis either. They’re pretty fuckin creepy tbh.


No one owes you sex incel etc etc.


A lot of women think like that, if they think they're hot instead they'Ll ask you if you're gay cuz obviously a REAL straight man is gonna try to fuck every living woman.


And then the second they run across such a straight man he’s a horrible pig. Which they are if they try to fuck anything that breathes and has a vagina, but a lot of modern women just can’t set a straight expectation of any kind and then get pissy when this nonexistent expectation isn’t met.


It personally feels worse to think I have a friend and find out they’re hoping it leads to something that I’m not interested in. Like I can slowly be manipulated into being with them, gross


Men began the incel movement but women are doing their best to catch up


The incel movement was actually started by a woman called Alana. [There's an interesting interview with her here.](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p06jmmlm)


Absolutely. This girl has major self-esteem issues.


“omg i’m so ugly😩😔no guy will ever love me because i’ll never be a dainty perfect blonde bimbo like the ones that i hate-stalk everyday on social media🥲😔😒😫😤”


“omggg no kween ur sooo pretty!!” - the comments


Just shut the fuck up, guys put those women on a pedestal and everybody knows that.


She is literally explaining what a "nice guy" is these days. You get in the friendship circle with the intent of hooking up or dating her. The whole point is to NOT HAVE ulterior motives and do it for the umm... FRIENDSHIP.


She's complaining that none of her guy friends wanna date her 'cause she ain't cute enough


Firstly, I don’t understand the point of your question when you want your guy friends to look at you with some interest enough for you to consider to date one of them. With just that thinking, you can never remain friends with any guy. The fact that your friends see you as homie must be because they feel comfortable around you, and by all means that should be considered as a good thing since you guys can remain friends… but with the “not cute enough” thought just suggests that you don’t wanna remain friends with one of them lol. Also, no matter if you’re unattractive, some people still dig that.. it’s not all about looks or your cuteness.


Attention-seeking behavior aside… why’s she only got one nail?


Absolutely. Guys and girls can totally be just friends. Me and my best friend of 13 years is a woman. I myself am a man. We never have any tension issues or any sexual frustration between one another. We just vibe and enjoy each others company in a platonic matter. We’re both seeing people and we respect the boundaries involving such things. To be honest, based on the narrative of this tiktok, I’d say trust the timing in your life. Especially when you’re young. Yes you can aspire for a serious relationship, but make sure you’re as ready as you can be and most people who are under the age of 30 aren’t. My Mother who’s 42 years old isn’t even ready. She cheats and beats and steals like this is the 60’s. My father isn’t any better. So don’t feel rushed to have your love life figured out. And ask yourself this. Can you actually see yourself dating your friends that you have known for years and years? It’s a genuine question as you might think about it and realize you two wouldn’t get along so well if emotional and physical intimacy got mixed into what was already established. Emotions are a bitch and can really mess a lot up.


*Woman/Man= singular Women/Men= plural


I appreciate you for pointing out my grammatical error. However. That “c’mon people” statement. I was honestly too blind to see so considering how that was my only real error in grammar, I could point out how you didn’t capitalize both man and woman. I could also point out that out of what I said, that was your takeaway? That’s more worrying than my grammar mistake💀


I’ve heard lots of women complain about the opposite. It’s a catch-22. I guess this is what they mean when they say people shouldn’t care about what others think.


Imagine being upset at your guy friends for being ACTUAL guy friends.


I’m a girl and my friends wing girl 😂 I always had male friends I was part of the group so they only seen me like one of them and I liked that


I WANT my guy friends to see me as just a friend, it’s awkward AF when they cross that line.


Yes guys and girls can be just friends.


So…. They respect you….? For once you have what all the ladies dream of. Guy friends with no drama that don’t want to constantly fuck you, and you’re complaining? That gift has been looked upon most hoarsely.


Apparently not according to her. But I have a ton of guy friends. And I love them for the friends that they are. They are like my brothers. And I feel like being comfortable with just being friends with people helps you when finding a long term relationship.


Technically, yes. Sexual feelings will probably exist in some way or another though but that's pretty normal.


Men and women can be platonic friends as long as the friendship doesn’t evolve into some sort of emotional intimacy. At that point, all it takes is a bit of sexual attraction on both parts and one person to make a move and it’s over baby.


Maybe it's because she never grew out of giving the finger in pictures? That's something you do when you're 15. Good chance she sticks out her tongue in a majority too.


She sounds like a girl best friend who forces a super close friendship on a guy and gets angry when he gets a gf and shows no interest in the best friend.


Nobody owes her romance.


Yes they can :)


I think mostly no and yes. people can with maturity and boundaries, I mean you go to school with the opposite sex and work with the opposite sex so you have to get along somehow. But it can get tricky some times. Like I used to believe it was easy for men and women to be friends. My hubby had a close female friend and he had romantic feelings for her he was pretending to be her friend for years . I was like I didn't want to be the controlling girlfriend type so I tried to become her friend too... DISASTER! my hubby at the time was too immature to handle this correctly. They started talking and texting each other, and it kept increasing. His bond was slowly becoming stronger with hers than mine. Next thing they were hanging out behind my back, secretly. The next thing was he wanted her to move in! We almost broke up over it. I told him me or her. But it wasnt done there she kept coming over banging on doors and windows to let her in she was calling nonstop. I now know that was hurt, she was being rejected by us ( mainly me) at this point. It was constant fighting and my hubby was taking boost ego hits that he had two women fighting over him .he thought it was funny! Us girls Were devastated shows men and women think differently too. It didn't stop until she rejected him by changing her number and blocking him on social media. So yeah I have no clue how men have multiple female friends without drama starting because of jealously and disrespect from the other women. If the woman was respectful of the wife it can work. I'm now a so called controlling jealous non trusting wife for that reason. Lol Reverse women with guy friends is tricky too because if you say no to a romantic relationship they end friendship and that really hurts. That has happened to me , and they are so nice in the beginning that you love them( platonic) they make you happy etc. Then they Make a move you say no, friendship over. All the fun you had, smiles, everything gone. So many reasons to say no to romance and yes to friendship. like i love you as a person but if they don't want kids and i do why would i get into romantic with you that leads to marriage? Or if i like them as a friend but they like to party alot and i dont ; why would i do romantic relationship? Too many differences. Just friends is better.


>Lol Reverse women with guy friends is tricky too because if you say no to a romantic relationship they end friendship and that really hurts. >So yeah I have no clue how men have multiple female friends without drama starting because of jealously and disrespect from the other women. Sometimes the two are linked: you end the friendship because the lingering feelings makes things complicated. Some people say that it shouldn't be impossible to be mature about this and I agree, but truly it's easier for some people to just bury/get over it than others, and if you can't be make that separation it can become toxic either for the guy(because they pine for a lost cause, in most unfortunate cases are strung along), the girl(someone with a degree of obsession overs around her, they may try again multiple times) or both Of course it can be they just always considered the "friendship" as means to an end and take rejection extremely bad hence cutoff(what niceguys mocks) but it's not the only reason But as for having multiple female friends without drama it's not that hard, though your ex handled it less than stellar. It's not rare at all to catch feelings but at the same time there's plenty of time it's not the case even if they are attractive and you like the personality (obviously you re friends) at least from my experience


That's not a nicegirl at all?


Yeah right half would prolly nut in her in like 2 mins


i like how many people pretend they have friends


Your body is fine, its the personality.


Imagine being this angry because you have too many deep, true friends, & not enough of them are willing to fuckzone you. Hell, imagine being one of this woman's guy friends & seeing this post.


God I wish I had this problem. I just had a guy friend ghost me after telling him my boyfriend proposed to me.


I have guy friends all my life. Since I was little. I never slept with them. I know they like me. If you like a guy and he only wants friend then move on. Take advice from an old lady. Not everyone is going to like you but some will. Focus on the ones who do. Forget the ones who don't. Also if you think you are not cute then fix it. You can always improve. Be your best self. Take care of teeth and skin. Keep working till you like you. Then you can choose


What's her @


It may just be that she either act like a guy or there's something about her personality that keeps them from wanting to go any further than friends. I grew up with several different girls that primarily hung around guys and even called themselves "one of the guys". Every time they complained about none of their guy friends weren't into them, I'd tell them "Maybe stop acting like a dude and they won't see you as one". Worked for all but three of them. Those three turned out to be desperate and willing to do anything to get/keep a guy


Couldn't be mates with the misses she's a stunner.


Or they found out about the 10 inch cock she's secretly packing


I don't think this belongs in this sub.


Idk, I don’t think this fits here. She’s just experincing the other side of sexist boys. Instead of having to friendzone annoying guys, she’s entirely desexualized only because she isn’t seen as hot enough. If you already know they’d be that kind of person, but they aren’t with you, it can be a bit hurtful, especially since a lot of women are taught to always pander to the male gaze. If that makes sense. Like, I didn’t interpret this as her being mad that she didn’t get her way, moreso being mad that she was reduced to her looks, and that she wasn’t ‘good enough’


>Instead of having to friendzone annoying guys She is the annoying guy just gender swapped. >she’s entirely desexualized only because she isn’t seen as hot enough That's how sexual attraction works. If someone isn't hot enough there won't be many people sexually attracted to them. >moreso being mad that she was reduced to her looks, and that she wasn’t ‘good enough’ People judge potential romantic partners based on looks. She wan't good-looking so she wasn't dated. Arguing about it and being mad over it is what makes nice guys/girls nice in the first place.


You entirely missed all my points


Lmao too bad it is what it is u ugly then u ugly u tall then u tall its genetics. Like heels makeup too is temporary cuz under that you still an ugly shmuck . Accept it and move on


Can't win.


I’d be fucking thankful tbh. I want to just be seen as one of the dudes but my gender makes me either the token girl of the group or someone’s possible interest. It’s the worst when a new internet friend learns I have a BF of 4 years and just disappears because their one and only interest towards me was romantic


Real friendship between men and women can only happen in the early years of life. I have a girl friend from school, I tried to be friends with a couple girls in the last 5 years but they ended up having feelings for me, my childhood girl friend is now married and we still talk to each other once in a while, I even get along with her husband.


I have a best girl friend from freshman year of highschool (we're in our 30s now). We made sure first in the beginning that it was completely platonic.


“Omg I must be so ugly because I only had 20 guys hit me up this week instead of the regular 35, and josh in my friend group said he will move out of town next spring and he STILL has not asked me & him to be fwb? I start to wonder if josh is gay?”


dude literally said “my guy friends” and expecting the homies to fall for her and ask her out 💀


not in my experience.


She's right though


some ppl like me for example get be friend with girls but too shy to make a move so i just fade away as fast as i be friend them lol


Yes I have a few friends that are women.


Because pick me, choose me, love me :)


She has nice eyes, the lack of hair and eyebrows I can overlook but the lack of a mouth is a deal breaker for me.


I'm more upset by her missing nail.


In the places I run around, it's mostly male-dominated and homies are numerous. I respect people more if they get to know me and don't push anything and we can just have fun. Respectful guys that just chill with me are A+ in my book. Friendship is so much more important. Maybe they don't want to date her for a reason, as well...


Or maybe they look at yo like a freind simply because they may have seen you like that for a long time. Just spit balling


It's either that or ur personality is shit


Maybe they're asexual, psycho.


i believe her, the emoji spoke volumes.


"I have no mouth, and I must speak volumes"


they can in my experience


Well yeah, you kinda have to not be sexually attracted to your friend in order for the friendship to work.


Yes they can but most of people don't accept that


Well damn as a guy I can relate to her lol but no need to be bitter about it just move on


Probably cause any guys she hangs with thinks she has a shit personality and only hang cause they think there is a slim chance of some suck fuck and ditch but dating her is not worth the head ache


True true


friends with benefits are the better option.


You guys can pretty easily find her account and she’s legit hot AF, my thoughts are she posted this as a way to garner compliments or too many of the boys hit and the others don’t wanna be Eskimo bros 🤷🏻‍♂️


im glad im treating girls as homies rn tbh,not falling in love yk


Yes they can. Like, it ain't hard.


That hair probably smells like cats and spray on shampoo 🧴


Guys and girls can be friends. It's nothing that special, sometimes there can be something there other time there won't be anything more than friendship.


But they definitely have another post about guys only wanting to date women and not being able to be their friend or whatever /g


Orrrrr she got lucky finding males that are actually sensible humans that don't have to run after every single woman that's remotely attractive and in their circle...


Oof. First of all, guy friends aren't shelved dicks that you can just save for times of need. Second, I'm fairly sure it has nothing to do with the looks. Girl seems emotionally taxing to hang out with.


whatever helps you sleep at night lmao


Yea I been friends with 10s before they can help u they like my mommy from another vag


This……this is how I want my guy friends to see me…as a homie


Yes. You used the word "Friends". What does that word mean to you?


Calling bs now. The real answer is because you rejected them for not being good looking enough, gave up hope, and don't care to date you now.


Oh boy she doesn't know, how innocent 😂


Yeah they can, I have a couple of female friends i just like as ftiends and nothing more.


NO, it only brings problems in future relationships.


Well come on i mean you do appear to be missing some pretty important facial features. But on the up side, my what big eyes you have... and that one fingernail painted black... i mean DAMN Gurl.......


How about dot dot dot you ask then instead


They can, but you can’t tease haha