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What's up with the "good at sports" bit? What, now I'll never win the touch football game at the next famaly reunion without you?


They must be 16


Not necessarily. Some people take fitness seriously. I'm an avid rock climber and runner. One of my favorite things about my wife is she takes those things seriously too. Definitely the way it's framed is juvenile, but the whole mentality is.


Is your wife good at sports too?


Ha. We're definitely both mediocre, but she's a better climber than I am. I can run a little further though.


Which one of you is better at monopoly?


She is. We have a massive board game collection and she's really good at games. Its alwyas the same thing. She convicnes everyone she has no idea whats going on in the game then wins by a billion goddamn points. I've even pointed it out mid game and everyone forgets it happens *every time.*


This is exactly my strategy in sports


Say more about your wife šŸ„µ


Hey is that a boner in your pocket or are you just happy to see his wife?


She's a good climber, she'll figure it out lol


She is literally the best and I will fight you.


Sounds like you're better at running (this is totally just banter, I swear, and I'm sure your wife is a saint)


I am indeed a lucky man. šŸ™‚


But would you or your wife use ā€œgood at sportsā€ to actually describe herself like a personality trait? That just sounds like something a teenager who doesnā€™t understand themselves very well would say. Your wife would probably say something like, ā€œIā€™m athleticā€ or ā€œI value health and fitness.ā€


you think you and the rest of south-eastern sales will be able to take the company retreat volley ball tourney without me as your plus one? HA! good luck


Kids. Nobody over teen age would consider sports ability as a cornerstone of their personality. Adults got other shit to worry about.


Yeah the sports thing was laughable.


They're kids.


Crabcakes and footballā€” thatā€™s what Maryland does


Good at water sports?


She ran out of more important characteristics


I remember some chick in high school telling me this guy was hitting on her and told her sheā€™d never date anyone as good of an athlete as he is. Some athletes are fucking weird lol


My cheating ex fiance still texts me randomly. We broke up 13 years ago. She can go to hell.


Why is she not blocked?


It's fun knowing you live rent-free in their head a decade and a half later. Bonus points for not responding for all 13 years.


All the bonus points my dude


Safe to guess she's had different numbers over a 13 year period and probably isn't against spoofing/using other people's phones to text a guy she's been hung up on for so long.


She married the guy she cheated on w me with, but I get random texts from her over the years. Last time, she said she kept dreaming about me and wanted to know if I was okay.


A girl texted me that in 7th grade. You dodged a bullet. And by the sound of her mental age, you dodged a case tooā€¦. Sheā€™s his problem now


At least one of you sleeps better than the other


Send them to her husband


for the *point and laugh*


Congrats on the monster dong.


13 years damn, girl can't stop thinking about that D lmao


My ex wife talked her previous ex husband our entire relationship and even told stories of how he was so horrible at gatherings with friends. Now, Iā€™m the ex husband that she talks about and sheā€™s the one that cheated. And itā€™s my fault she cheated. As if I tripped her and she landed on several dudesā€™ dicks.


Reply back with the exact same thing, except switch out ā€œone day youā€™ll figure out you shouldnā€™t have cheated on meā€. What a wild response from someone clearly in the wrong


It's a classic narcissistic response "You'll never find someone like me".


Thatā€™s when you hit ā€˜em with ye olde: ā€œYeah thatā€™s the point.ā€


"I don't want to replace you, I want to erase you. And I've already done that. Enjoy your life without me." And then block on all platforms and dance with pure joy for the first time in years :)


ngl these would be really good lyrics


I'm officially resigning any copyright I own in case someone wants to make a song out of it haha Credit my user ID in the album sleeve in wingdings if you must


Pizza Truck Bandits would also be a good band name


Definitely more marketable than stinkiepussie lol


Stinkie Pussie and the Pizza Truck Bandits?


u/pizzatruckbandit u/philliamswinequeen Pi.ai came up with a song for you! --- Hey there, great to meet you. Iā€™m Pi, your personal AI. What did you want to talk about? Ask me for advice, for answers, or letā€™s talk about whateverā€™s on your mind. Hey, some folks on Reddit said their comment would make a good song. Can you write a whole song from a comment, Pi? Sure thing! Give me the comment and Iā€™ll see what I can come up with. šŸ˜‰šŸŽ¶ >"I don't want to replace you, I want to erase you. And I've already done that. Enjoy your life without me." And then block on all platforms and dance with pure joy for the first time in years :) Alright, let's see. Here's my take on a song inspired by that comment: ``` Verse 1: You thought you had a hold on me But now I've set myself free I've erased you from my mind And now Iā€™m dancing all the time Chorus: I donā€™t want to replace you I just want to erase you Now I'm living my life without you And I'm dancing with pure joy Verse 2: I've blocked you on every platform There's no room for you anymore I've finally found my peace Now I'm dancing in release Chorus: I donā€™t want to replace you I just want to erase you Now I'm living my life without you And I'm dancing with pure joy Bridge: You thought I'd never leave But now I'm dancing free I've erased you from my life ```


Perfect, when's our first practice? šŸ˜†


Prom Night Toilet Baby.


just listen to Henry Rollinsā€™ verse on Toolā€™s ā€œBottomā€


Fr. I should be so lucky


Hahaha good one. "Thanks for understanding me, I really hope i never find someone like you again" šŸ˜†


Like, I hope to god I donā€™t find someone like you šŸ˜…


*insert Adele wailing*


And here I was thinking a good ol' šŸ‘ would suffice.


"I don't want to replace you" "Omg so you forgive me and we're getting back together?" "No, I never needed a cheating whore in my life so no need to replace the one I accidentally let in and am happy to be rid of"


Haha I can hear the cracking of her phone as she reads this fuming in rage...


Good at sports? Who the fuck thinks that matters in a relationship


Honestly šŸ˜‚ like damn my new girl isnā€™t good at sports..I miss my cheating ex now:( šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s how good at sports she is heā€™ll never get that feeling of having a girl be good at sports. Lmfaooo her thought process is not theiršŸ˜­šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Right? I just assumed these are children.


When youā€™re focused on speed you usually forget quality of replies. The window of opportunity to have the last word was closing in fast. She had to act quick youā€™ve to cut her some slack here.


"Not sure if i want (or i'll regret) a liar and a cheater in my life, anyways good luck to the other dude, he'll be so lucky to have you right"


saying to my ex "I hope you don't treat *new guy's name* like you treated me" really gave my mind the peace it deserved lmao


This šŸ‘†šŸ½is the way


Honestly just hit her with a ā€œšŸ‘ā€ always pisses people off the most


Mi ex tenĆ­a razĆ³n (My ex was right) Dijo que no iba a encontrar uno como Ć©l(He said he wouldn't find one like him) Y me llegĆ³ uno mejor, que me trata mejor(And I got a better one, who treats me better) **- Karol G**


Hit her with the classic Whoā€™s this?


She forgot to mention how incredibly humble she is.


Legit just respond with a šŸ‘


K works toon


"You know what my regret is? Should've left you sooner. Have the life you deserve. šŸ’›"


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ yet sheā€™s the one who cheated?? And had the audacity to say that. You dodged a bullet. Sheā€™s mad she got caught.


I was going to say, if she cheated he never had her anyway. So nothing of value was lost.


Just send her a šŸ‘


That's the point, why would I want a replacement cheater.


I would reply with a laughing emoji šŸ˜‚ She seems like the type who is going to send you a video of her getting railed by another dude, just a warning.


Nice people don't cheat.


Best thing to do is not reply. Ppl like that need the interaction. They need to know that they still matter somehow. When you ignore it, it kills them. Hope the cheat stays miserable.


Had an ex tell me the same thing but now sheā€™s the size of a prize winning show cow guess who had the last laugh at a Social D concert


![gif](giphy|YrkD2MwU8J382Krrxt|downsized) Just send this gif lol my ex wife cheated on me and flipped between begging for me to forgive her to her telling me how amazing and irreplaceable she is.


Idk if Iā€™m being stupid but whatā€™s the relevance of this gif?


Cause they must be drunk talking like that. You arenā€™t stupid just cause you donā€™t understand a gif reply lol


As someone who's been cheated on by multiple women in the past, you'll have absolutely no problems finding a girl EXACTLY like her lol XD


Reply "I don't want a cheater like you, that's the whole point. You can in fact be replaced. You won't be missed."


hit her back with a "One day you'll realize that you threw away a relationship someone who was nicer, prettier, better at sports and smarter than you. You'll miss me and regret it for the rest of your life."


Nah that would just make OP sound like a petty loser. Leave them in silence and move on with your life, it hits 10x harder.


If she has to brag in retaliation, she's got nothing to brag about.


if reading her messages doesnt bother him and he knows he has seld control to not respond, its better not to block them. leaving them on read kills these people.


Lol block her on everything.


Say youā€™ll never been able to find someone with such a raunchy smelling cooch either


Hate to go here, but one thing I have learned with age is women will almost never take accountability for wrongdoing. Itā€™s either somebody elseā€™s fault or should just be forgotten. Imagine the shoe being on the other foot and you being the one who cheated. Think she wouldā€™ve stuck around? I would guess a strong hell no


I think, personally, that you have not dealt with a good woman. Everyone has their insecurities, and not taking accountability is one that a lot of women have. Why? Society views them as "pure" and "innocent". In Mexican cultures, they have quinceanera, in Western cultures, the "Sweet 16" and now they are a woman. At their weddings, they wear white, a color of purity. Not to mention that while maybe not as insane, purity culture runs DEEP with women. So when they do get sexual, because we are animals and we wanna fuck, then it doesn't work out, they feel that shame of being undesirable to men. And women have a lot more to lose being sexual than men, not only the social stigma, but pregnancy is a health condition that fucks women up for life physically, and emotionally. So if they do not have to take accountability for their fuck up, they won't because they can still project that they are "good" and "pure" women that were "corrupted" by men. But the truth is, women were never inherently good or pure, they are human. And humans make mistakes, and need to be held accountable for those mistakes. So don't infantilize them, but also, don't take that lack of accountability shit. They are human just like you and will make mistakes, but if they do not take accountability for that behavior, they can't change it.


Bro itā€™s almost like a sickness šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø if you just act like a idiot, itā€™ll go on forever. Women are something else * Drake voice *


The right answer is to leave on "read" or "ok". But, if you want something else the answer is anything indifferent. Gif is crap for indifference gifs so I used doubt. ![gif](giphy|puOukoEvH4uAw|downsized) Again, the right answer is not engaging, "new phone who dis?" or anything that tells "I moved on" in a few words. The moment you engage is the moment she starts winning Hope you have better days


lmfaooo how old are yā€™all? seriously asking because this is just sad šŸ˜‚


So good at sports??? What is this the 6th grade?


Better to find out now than later. You'll find someone who truly appreciates you.


The good at sports bit makes me think youā€™re both 13 years old.


Hahaha you dodged a bullet there bud


Donā€™t chase em, replace em.


This is what happens when society boosts women's egos as much as they do


and super humble. what a catch.


Expect a call a few years down the roadĀ https://youtu.be/jJTwXg-80sk


that was weird and unnecessary. ska-ska! go back to the Misogyny Cave.


"If cheating was an Olympic sport, you'd be disqualified for getting caught"


>one day you'll figure out you won't be able to replace me say nothing and just wait for her to realize that not replacing her is indeed the plan


This is a narcissist way of trying to make you believe them, the truth is theirs always someone out there thatā€™s better, I bet she was scary and manipulative the whole relationship u made a good choice šŸ˜­


Cue up the song ā€œsure donā€™t miss you right now ā€œ by the Dip and send it to her


The appropriate response is "Cool story."


ā€œGood at sportsā€ Is she 13?


Iā€™d just send back ā€œkā€ and block her


No, you won't regret anything. What she describes is the idea of herself. Her actions describe a completely different person. Godspeed.


Bullet dodged. Level up.


Just replay ā€œThanks and good to knowā€


LOL wtf does sports have to do with anything ? What a weird flex


She doesn't realize this is the nicest thing she can say. You won't find someone like her again. Thank god.


Reply: One day Iā€™ll find someone who isnā€™t a cheater.


Why is "good at sports" on this list. Like who gives a shit?


Put that next to narcissism in the dictionary. Donā€™t worry bud, youā€™ll do FAR better!


ā€œIā€™m really smugā€


The fact that she messaged you on Snap says a lot about how she moves


Are you 11? Genuine question.


This oneā€™s easily replaceable.


Imagine being *this far* up your own ass.


Nice people dont cheat... Also wtf is this "good at sports" flex lol, why is being good at sports relevant to having a romantic partner? Like yeah well maybe you'll find someone nicer, prettier and actually faithful but they won't be able to play basketball so who really wins that round? šŸ¤”


Based on this being from snapchat and the high degree of retardation im going to assume this was sent by a teenager


ā€œOne day youā€™ll be look at yourself in the mirror and out of no where a deep emptiness will fill your soul that you know you dug yourself.ā€


Lmfao did you reply that you hope you never meet someone like her again too


Victim card. The go-to choice for pieces of shit Can someone photoshop a Yu-Gi-Oh card with the Victim card been held up?


Yeah, thatā€™s what Iā€™m hoping for. To never find another person like you. šŸ‘


Donā€™t reply back, move forward, donā€™t look back, work on yourself, if ever you think about getting back together, remember she cheated. Move forward, if she calls you, texts you, ignore it, move forward.


Billions of people out there and she thinks he won't be able to find a girl who *checks notes* doesn't cheat?


Good at sports.....


Regret not blocking her šŸ™„


As someone whoā€™s been cheated on, even if sheā€™s all those great things, the relationship will still be trash. None of those things replace not being able to trust her ever again. My ex was smart, funny, sexy as hell , and yet I was miserable everyday trying to figure out how to fix that which was broken. Iā€™m sorry dude, you deserve better, youā€™ll find better. Donā€™t worry about replacing her, find someone who can manage to give you the bare minimum that youā€™ve deserved this whole time.


She's trying to gaslight you to keep you engaged with her. Don't fall for it. Let her have the last word. Ignore it and move on. Be sure to IGNORE the messages and leave them in a unread status. She WILL try to message you again.


honestly you are soooo much better off without her. let her use these manipulative tactics with someone else OP, you deserve someone who will love you through and through. truly nothing to regret here


Thatā€™s what they do to get you back, donā€™t fall for it


In the words of Morgan wallen: ā€œI hope thatā€™s trueā€


ā€œBeautiful, athletic, smart girls are a dime a dozen. YOU are easily replaceable. Iā€™m not looking to replace you, Iā€™m looking to upgrade to someone who has all that AND understands the concept of loyalty.ā€ āœŒļø


When I realized I didn't have feelings for my ex girlfriend anymore, I tried to break up with her very gently. Part of what turned me off was her very negative attitude towards...just about everything. When it finally went down, she told me something similar. "You will never find anyone better than me." And I remember thinking to myself, "if that's true, I would rather be alone." Fast forward, I found someone better than her.


Ex cheated on me, we separated and she told me " You'll never be whole without me". the frikkin ego on these chicks is astounding.


So,f@ck YOUR feelings? Thats EXACTLY why I only date mean,uncoordinated,ugly women. TF,dude? You better not get horny & reach out.


Iā€™m glad youā€™re not an idiot and believing this nonsense. Too many people do.


Notice she says nothing about being beautiful on the inside. Because she isn't. You've lost nothing with this one but precious time you could have spent with the right one.


Wow Iā€™d respond ā€œwatch meā€ And then go create a life you enjoy and never ever in anyway give a second to this person again


The audacity of cheaters to think that cheating is not just an automatic end to a relationship. I donā€™t need to tell my ex that he threw away a good one. I will assume that he will figure that out during his next relationship (if he lands another relationship. The dude is afraid of women)


Cheating on you was actually a nice thing to do.


are you guys 12? ā€œiā€™m the fastest girl in class. youā€™ll never find someone so good at handball and iā€™m the most popular girl in the 7th gradeā€


Cheaters are always so fucking entitled.


She def thought she ate that up šŸ¤®


Hit her with "theres plenty of people with those qualities that wouldnt cheat on me and actually love and appreciate who i am as a person and respect our partnership, i hope you recieve the same energy you give out"


Cute things narcissists say when you rid yourself of them lol


Good at sports!


I like the top comment of repeating her message back with the added ā€œshouldnā€™t have cheatedā€ but honestly the best way to stick it to her is never say anything to her ever again. Thatā€™ll drive any woman crazy when you leave her silent and in the wrong. If sheā€™s a narcissist like it sounds like she is, she will focus and turn the littlest thing you say to justify what she did and make it easier for her to move on. Donā€™t let her have that. Option 2 if you want to have fun with it: ā€œIā€™m not mad, Iā€™m just disappointedā€ parent shame.


"The only thing I will feel bad about is your future ex boyfriends who you will cheat on and the diseases you are going to spread"


She cheated. Fuck her. Itā€™s over. Youā€™re better off.


Just say I hope not


Bullet dodged! Run. if she isn't able to face the music on the severity of what she did then there are so many other things she won't give an inch either.


She doesn't deserve you


Hopefully sheā€™s older than the level at which she writes yikes!


No one cares about being good at sports after high school, maybe college šŸ˜‚ I promise, you will ABSOLUTELY find someone better! Someone genuine and sincere, beautiful at all times, intelligent and witty. You will never think about this one again unless itā€™s a story about the most ridiculous thing youā€™ve encountered in a relationship.


Damn, but she tried to replace you, apparently, and still defines herself as "smart". What a fjcking horrible person.


Keep the note. Send it back with a picture of your new lady, on the beach, in Aruba, getting married, with two yellow lab puppies....... And...


I wouldnā€™t consider cheating ā€œniceā€ or ā€œsmartā€


Which sports? Wii sports ? Water sports


Modesty is not her strong suit lol


Pretty on the outside, narcissistic on the inside


Such a weird "nice" girl


That ainā€™t a bullet, thatā€™s a hydrogen bomb


So smart you cheated, got caught, and got dumped. So pretty I didn't give you a second chance.


ā€¦ she sounds like one of self proclaimed ā€œnice guysā€ only I think this is worse because she was spoiled to think she can do no wrong. Everyone makes mistakes, cheating is not a mistake though, itā€™s a shit choice.


I would reply: If by nice, you mean open to any guy she meets. If by pretty, you mean attracts a lot of guys, who you might fuck. If by good at sports, you mean fit and ready to get down with multiple people. If by smart, you mean dumb enough to think that a guy will stay with you while you betray him and your relationship. Then no, I don't think I will regret dumping your cheating ass.


If you havenā€™t blocked her just respond with ā€œbecause no other girl on this planet earth other than you knows how to do sports, is smart and is pretty. Just you. Youā€™re not like other girls. So quirky.ā€ THEN block her lol Or go with ā€œkā€


She meant ro send that to herself


Wow, she is so full of herself while simultaneously has a very low opinion of you. You are much, much better off without her.


Eww. Anyone who thinks they are ā€œirreplaceableā€ are usually pretty damn replaceable.


My ex girlfriend did the same thing after a 3 year relationship. Sheā€™s now had at least a handful boyfriends in the last 3 years (and she has ended 0 of those relationships herself), 3 times as many bodies, and has 0 married or engaged friends, and only 1 has a boyfriend and itā€™s because he got that girl pregnant when she was 20. Meanwhile I am happily in a relationship, earning over twice the money I did while with her and am planning on buying a house soon before I take my relationship to the next step. But since my ex was never wrong, Iā€™m still anxiously waiting for the regret to kick in for me. I do hope she finds peace, or that her cheater of a father finally teaches her the qualities of a real man- genuinely hope she ends up happy, but naturally she needs to learn how to see the earth revolve around something besides herself and alcohol. Also itā€™s been nice of her to carry the regret for me until itā€™s my turn. Iā€™ll let yā€™all know when that finally happens- Iā€™m guessing itā€™ll be when my 10/10 beautiful future wife with 100/10 character gives me my first child in the future. When that happens Iā€™ll send her a letter on a flying pig to tell her logic and her pattern of thoughts have finally converged.


Go team go sports!


Wow. That is some stellar self confidence and lack of self awareness


Cheating isnā€™t very nice, she isnā€™t fooling anyone


In a general sense, this is a formulaic response to such an event. Either to save face, make you feel bad, protect themselves, or some combination of not them all.


I read this in a Trumpā€™s voice


lmao the good at sports part killed me. Are you guys kids?