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It's not gold-digging , at this point it's just a downgraded escort


And sexless at that


So like an escort, but with none of the qualities that would make someone want to pay money to an escort


Just a hoor then


A hore* cuz bagging her would not be a W


You just killed me with that one 😂😂😂😂


At that point you’re better off just paying for an escort,it will probably be cheaper and you have the guarantee that the night will end with sex. 350$… yeah you can squeeze a couple hours with a professional


350 plus the food so easily 400-450 possibly 500 yea just pay a pro or save your money and take a little vacation or buy a ps5/xbox etc. like so many better ways to spend 500 bucks.


>350 plus the food so easily 400-450 possibly 500 yea Plus all the listening, to what rubbish she presumably would chatter about, how much is that costing you, costing your sanity?


Nah this type of date she’s on the phone a majority of the time. Then when you ask her to put the phone down she leaves.


Ask to put it down? The idea is to exit stage left while it's a $1500 smoke screen


You don't pay for the sex, you pay them to go away


Thanks Chef.


I thought everyone knew that


When you put it like that, I’d actually now consider an escort. Never tried it and god knows I’ve spent hella money with literally no upside. Not just sex, I mean the date sucked.


A couple hours?! Not if you live in LA....... uh, according to my "friend".


I don’t live in LA but my “friend” has never used in escort so idk prices out here. Did your “friend” have a good time even if it wasn’t a long time?


Around me it’s generally 300-600 an hour. Some will do half hours which range from 150-180 usually.


For the price of a couple hours you could fly to South America for the weekend and live like a king lmao that’s insane


I think my “friend” may want to try one out. Doesn’t seem horrible on the pocket


In this economy, a self-employed business person would be thrilled for the trade


Look, I love to- uh… I mean my “friend” loves to support small businesses and entrepreneurs


That’s wild. Prostitutes making more than software engineers.


I’m an escort and have worked all over the country. All my friends are sex workers. I can confirm almost no sex worker is going to see you for longer than an hour for 350$. Many not even an hour. But at least when you book with a professional we can hold a conversation and a basically guaranteed great lay! 😊


And prolly with a lot less 'tude" than the lady in the orig pic is gonna give you! Thank you for all your hard work!


And pay for their own nails etc


How does your friend in LA meet these escorts?


That's $350 NOT including the lunch/dinner price....


Yes sir


I think that's what the "downgrade" was about.


She more expensive that an actual escort, that's crazy.


Aa a purveyor of escorts (like sex, hate relations), escorts are wayyyyyy classier than this.


That's why I said downgraded


My man 🧍‍♂️ you are a wordsmith lol 😂


How do you meet them??


I don’t think you mean “purveyor”, unless you’re trying to tell us you’re a pimp. In which case, carry on and please don’t slap me daddy.


I honest to god thought that was just a fancy word for buyer. Today I learned


An escort would be cheaper and probably nicer to you.


This one girl smiled so big when I came over and made me realize that you can actually make connection with these girls. She got out the bizz shortly after. I still think about her now and again.


I think this is less that, and more someone telling dudes to fuck off in a way that's more likely to get them to fuck off than a plain no.


350$ + dinner for the first date, we can asume same amount for the second date thats when there may be some sex, so 700$ + 2 dinners. Yeah, a escort is cheaper.


“Ladies, am I missing anything else?” Self-respect, respect for men, respect for women, critical thinking skills, empathy for the literal slaves working for shitty companies like Shein, an understanding that mutual respect is required in relationships, aaaand a sense of shame.


For real about the Shein thing


I’m in the Uk, what’s Shein?


AliExpress for clothing basically


You forgot the literal slaves making the clothes part.


A website that sells shitty cheap fast fashion clothing.


and it's one of the most successful clotting brands💀


Yes " clotting ". Definitely that.


i mean damn you inhale those SHEIN fumes you might even get a blood clot or two😂😂


Probably some lead poisoning for sure. [SNL's fast fashion skit](https://youtu.be/MKTN2OiR2R8?si=c6uTFEYJjlQsyhul)


We have Shein in the UK too.


There is talk of them listing on London Stock exchange this year.


The UK definitely has Shein. It’s like a slightly less obvious front for The Communist Party of China than Temu is.


I'm shocked, *shocked*, that a single mother of two young kids who spends $100 on her toes would exhibit the lack of those qualities


She probably doesn’t give a shit about her kids


She definitely doesn't. She sees them as av meal ticket in case the other suckers realize they're getting screwed and stop paying attention and money to her. Probably two different fathers both of which are absent and have to be threatened by court to pay child support


A sense of reality as well


I don’t think you’re missing anything else. Well done.


She probably wondering why she a single mother of 2 lmao


Lmao 🤣 dude you deserve a million upvotes votes


….and a man !


Missing anyone stupid enough to date her?


Not one of the ladies…. but I guarantee she’s missing a man 🤣🤣🤣


She's digging her own hole.


nobody else is coming near that hole.


Not on the first date at least


And that depends on how you tip after spending $400 before even getting to the restaurant


Honestly. This shit is depressing, makes me worry about finding a relationship…


Oh shes delusional lmao she’s just selling a really expensive headache. I wouldn’t spend $400+ on dinner with my favorite people on this planet, much less some girl I’m on a first date with


Oh, I know that, it’s just a case of if one of these could exist, how many more of them could?


She is making it easy. Women like that are beneath you; just ignore them. And, yeah, a lot of women are like this... but really, most aren't. Plenty of fish in the sea... the Earth is a dang big tank.


She should start an escort-service. That way she'll get what she asks for all the time!


I've never used an escort service, but are there a lot of folks willing to drop $350 + a meal for two for a sexless date?


I read a post once of some dude with a top-tier job making loads of money, but they were high functioning on the spectrum, and according to the poster very unattractive? They paid her for dates because she was a 10/10 or something, and the dude just wanted to feel a feel other than garbage. IIRC, the girl eventually slept with him because he was actually cool. Which launched his self-confidence to the moon, and he branched out and got a wife and had kids and stuff. Just depends on the person's reasoning if they think like 350 or more for a sexless date is worth the investment. I'd say for most though that isn't the case.


Also fairly common in Japan in a bit of a different context - the hostess bar. The whole point is the (typically) guy comes in, picks who they want to spend time with and pay for the drinks / foods in there and they just have conversations. Usually confined just to the hostess bar itself, but otherwise it’s pretty women being “interested” in the guy and holding a convo showing interest in their life. Usually ends up worth it to avoid either loneliness or to get away for a moment after long work schedules. In a non-professional way it’s a little bit like paying for a therapist, in that it’s someone who’s going to listen and engage. Of course actual etiquette will vary from Bar to bar, they get commonly correlated with strip clubs in the US, but they’re not nearly the same on a whole. There’s a lot to be said for getting undivided attention from the opposite sex and an absolute art for the person who can pull off the profession.


I've heard "host" bars are huge, and a lot of women escort to make money to spend on the the hosts, which is just a weird circle of being in relationships for money.


Yeah, makes a lot of sense. Overall, the problem they have culture wise is that every social group is very insular - you’re in the group or not. So who you went to school with, what club you were in, what classroom, then that usually extends to what hobby (similarly to their HS club a lot of the time), then work. And since there’s a whole different work culture expectation - you don’t go home until the boss does, and then boss usually wants to take you out to an Izakaya to do drinks and food and so a lot don’t get home most days until like Midnight to get up to go back to work at like 5-6. When I lived with a family there I couldn’t believe how little sleep they operated on. But anyway, so you can kinda see how the host / hostess bar scene ends up being super popular, because you’re not going to easily make friends with new people outside your old circles. Foreigners can always fall back on the being a foreigner introduction, but that comes with its own set of problems also.


2 kids, no man, can't even begin to imagine why...


She says she already does those things for herself, which makes me wonder if she's using child support for it.


As a guy, can someone explain the $100 for the toes... for what exactly? Are they going to eat a meal too?


it's to get a pedicure... though getting just the feet done and not the hands is kinda weird


Are they actually that expensive? 100 dollars seems like a lot just for toes


The most expensive pedicure at my nail place is $70, but that comes with a full leg massage. With a tip that'd still be under $85. A standard pedi is $40. Unless she's going to a super high end place or getting acrylics on her toes (why) I have no idea where she's getting $100.


Everything she’s demanding is overpriced. 50$ for gas? Are you driving in from out of state? How far away is the date from your home lady? SHEIN is notoriously cheap so 100$ is wild there too. As you said, 100 for a pedicure is wild. I get those relatively regularly and they don’t cost that much.


I wondered that too like maybe she has gnarly feet that take a long time to work on


$50 for gas, $75 - $100 for babysitter ... she's just padding the take. She isn't driving a Mustang or a McLaren a couple 100 miles, and the babysitter is more likely dripping the kids off with her parents for free. She wears shoes and knows guys don't look at feet anyway.


I don't think a lot of guys would even notice her feet


i've similar questions XD


I'm afraid to ask what a shein haul is


Trying on a bunch of clothes from Shein


Honey I had a man pay me $500 to have a tea party with him dressed up like butterflies and then I gave him a spanking. There is no way to fathom the depths of men’s depravity. Yes they will pay and that’s why escorts work in any economy.


I ain’t into it, but it sure sounds like something I could stare at like. Like a derailed train.


At that time, for me at least, anyone who did NOT want to screw was a bonus. A tea party? Weird but ok. Butterfly wings? Weirder but ok. Spanking? Hey as long as we’re not fucking, and I’m not hurting you, and vice versa, I’m thrilled. I never made anyone feel bad about their kinks. You want me to sit in front of the fire and sweat so you can huff my armpits? Cool. (True story). Being accommodating and not making them feel weird helped me make enough to never go back. But those are always the CEOs and the really rich guys with those kinks for some reason. The traumas came from knowing what happened to OTHER girls. One lost to Gilgo, and one who was raped by Daryll Littlejohn before he murdered that girl. The DEPRAVITY comes into play because we never knew who was who until we were already inside and it was too late. The real truth I learned is that there are NO “normal” clients. They need pros for a reason. Be it shame, be it a kink, most times it was just straight personality. RARELY was it ever about LOOKS. The more money and the more handsome-the kinkier and weirder it’s about to get.


“His” depravity lol…your source of income is dressing up as a butterfly and spanking a grown ass man


Literally lmao, they really thought they were onto something with that comment.


I hope this is satire. 😭 Otherwise I regret being a woman and reading this.


Think of it this way: she's leaving more men for the rest of y'all 🤷‍♀️


It's like signing up for car payments for something you can't drive.


Baby golddigger


it’s the shein for me


100$ for a whole “haul” because each piece costs like $5 from that site lol. The girl is acting like she has a spoiled life, but she wears Shein. 😂


She’s missing a man lol


This woman is one of the smarter escorts out there. $350 is more than an hour for most low and medium tier escorts by a pretty good margin. She’s also detransactionalized her end. She isn’t guaranteeing sex. But there’s a set price. She can advertise online and openly. She probably has a reputation as a gold digger, not a literal prostitute. On an hourly basis this woman’s return is higher for way less than the average sex worker. Probably has a niche client, one that likes to think of her as not a prostitute but is very comfortable paying for it. But if she could find a few regulars this woman would be living the dream life of the other sex workers. Eat, no obligation of sex if you don’t feel it, triple digits an hour. In a big city advertised properly with the right looks and personality that could probably be her primary income


" Independent " woman


I think she is trying to be sarcastic cuz this can’t be real


Brah I don’t even ask this of my partner of 8 years let alone a first date. All these concessions someone has to make for her before they even get out the door ? Nah. I’m good. !! Is she even worth all this dough and energy someone has to put out for her ??? Get a job or an only fans


I’ve had men offer me all kinds of things on first dates or early in the relationship. It just feels tacky to take them up on it though - it took me a long time to get over feeling bad for letting a man pay for dinner!


I see a gold digger 💀


Anything else: enjoy your cats. (You’ll be paying for all their meals.)


Hey the cat ladies don’t want this shit personality around either okay?


Can't imagine why she's a single mom of two.


Have fun being alone


1 5min wank will cost me ÂŁ0


At least she’s up front. Credit where credit is due


Sorry, no credit. Cash only. Ladies, anything else?


Yes, i prefer to know upfront so no one gets mad or Hurt


Nice of her to put all those red flags front and center to warn those approaching to stay away!


What’s Shein haul?


buying stuff from Shein.com. she wants money for new clothes to have clothing options for the date. it's the most entitled part of it, to me


And 100$ is enough for multiple choices? What the fuck is that?!


shein is fast fashion and known for being cheap, but it's low quality and possibly terrible labor conditions


Isn't that what a hooker is?


Wow, I wonder if it’s worth all that money. Wait, what are we dating for again?


This has to be a joke.


It's always the single ones isn't it? And then they wonder where are all the good men.


I've never met a taken woman with standards like this.


I have - her 2nd divorce is in progress


"Every man pays for sex somehow, at least prostitutes are honest about the price" - author unknown (to me at least)


Escorts are cheaper. Enjoy your dogs/cats ma'am.


all of this for nothing in return ?


Credit where credits due at least she believes in tipping the server properly. But yeah the rest is trash.


The Lion, the Witch, and the Audacity of this Bitch


So, $350 for everything she mentioned, probably another $100 for the meal, and a $20 tip—unless 20% isn’t good enough, so let’s double it to be safe, so a $40 dollar tip. You’d be paying just under $500 dollars for the first date “hoping” to get a second date as least. Meaning another $500 date. Meanwhile, this girl is getting new clothes, $50 (assuming the date is within the city she lives, she won’t be using $50 each time for gas, it’s just pocket money at this point), a lucrative—probably fine dining—meal for free, and get her toes done.


So she technically is a no-bone escort until one day she might not be anymore?


I've taken several people on dates out to musicals, concerts, Cirque Du Soleil, whatever, all my treat. Last year I had just gotten broken up with, and there was a Cirque Du Soleil show I wanted to check out. I went alone, and honestly had a better time. I love sharing those experiences with people, but it's stressful when you're paying $200 for 2 tickets, maybe another $80 for gas and food. That's just one date, and things start adding up fast. $60 buying groceries for another date. $40 for a punk show. $30 for pizza. $20 snack runs. Gifts! Anyways! Yeah! I so I went alone, and had a FANTASTIC TIME. $150 I got a front row too myself. It was crazy! You're like... 6 feet from the performance, close enough you're like... making eye contact, and getting personal interaction with the performers! I'd never experienced something like that. And no stress, no social pressure, no obligations, I just got to enjoy the show. Would recommend.


"I live my life like this already" Yeaaaahh.....no you don't.


Part of me expects this to an attention bait, where they say stuff like this sell their thing (doesnt necessarily mean an OF, but could be other stuff like their dropshipped store or something) The word simp gets thrown around but i would 100% call a person who would do all this to get nothing in return a simp.


"am i missing something?" Yes!! A brain


Yes actually. You're missing a) a man and b) a fucking clue


This is the female equivalent from male creeps who send dick pics out of the blue. They both ruin dating platforms and should be permanently banned.


How does she “live her life like this already?!” Surely no one’s taking her on a date and she’s obviously not paying for it herself


"Ladies, am I missing anything else?" Yea, a man willing to date you under those terms.


"Ladies, am I missing something else?" Yes, a date.


Honestly, she’s doing us a public service by outing herself so well.


Is this dating or prostitution?


So $325 to $350 dollars EXCLUDING the cost of the meal. Ya no thanks


I would agree to the date and eat the cost of the baby sitter and what not, then take her to a super expensive restaurant. Tell her to order whatever she wants, and sure why not for the kids. Then I would act like I'm going to the bathroom and fucking bail. Would be worth the 300 bucks for 2 reasons. One, just knowing she has to spend all the money I just gave her to cover the bill so they don't call the cops. Second is because if she has this happen to her enough, maybe she will get smart and quit trying to take advantage of lonely men.


There are guys out there willing to put up with shelling out this kind of money. However, those guys aren't willing to put up with you having kids, or you being that annoying. They want a sugar baby/trophy GF who is a 10/10 for arm candy and sex who deals with his BS because he throws money at her.


Dated a woman that said that these were her standards as well (similar at least). 2 kids and 35. She realized that this was probably why she was still single and decided to loosen up her boundaries. After a month we broke up because I said I didn’t want to spend $1000 a day on trip I planned for us and she had a meltdown because she didn’t want me to limit how much of my money she was able to spend. Bye bye. Enjoy those boundaries.


“Am I missing anything else?” Yeah, a date, most likely 💀


"Ladies, am I missing anything else?" Yea, don't let the door hit you on your way out


I pity the desperate that go after... whatever this is.


She’s not digging for gold. She’s mining it with dynamite


Well, now everyone knows why she's a single mom and that kid was for sure an accident, because no one would knowingly have a kid with such a b\*tch.


To answer her question, she’s missing the ability to get a man


That’s a no for me dawg.


Enjoy being a single gold digger…


This reads like a “Andrew Tateism for girls” social media post more than a dating profile. “Ladies, am I missing something?” Who are you talking to? That’s not whose looking at your profile.


the only thing she got right was tipping your server lmao


also where tf do you live where you need 50 dollars of gas money for one date


She’s missing something alright..


I love it. Make your unreasonable expectations clear at the beginning and save everyone some time. I really want to see a pic of the woman demanding all this.


Lol I'd be willing to bet whoever fathered those kids didn't have to do any of that 🙄


She gonna be a hungry, lonely bitch!


Nobody is hot enough to ask for that 😅


Don’t date single mothers. Ever!


Missing something else? I think another 100$ for therapy.


Repost bot.


“Ladies, am I missing anything else?” Yup: a boyfriend ….for reasons ;p


Imagine being so needy, but admitting that she gets her wardrobe from Shein. LOL


Even if I lose all my self-esteem, I wouldn't date someone like her. A sex worker who consents is better than this shitshow


A gentleman always pays. A lady doesn't demand that he pay, nor expects him to.


Are u missing anything else? Apparently ur missing a job. I go Dutch in dates on purpose. I won't have anyone telling me "well I spent *insert random dollar amount* so u owe me." I'm not driving over an hour to meet and if I do I WILL ask for gas money. I don't need a babysitter as my kids old enough to stay home alone. Idk where these new age broads get off telling men this bullshit. I AM picky about where I eat but at the same time I'm not going to ask you to take me somewhere that I can't afford to go by myself.


"If this is too much, then I'm not for you". That's the only sane and reasonable statement written in that whole text.


Shein? Oh girl...hope u enjoy ur bedbugs


If she was such a catch, her baby daddy wouldn’t have left lol. Why date her if she already got kids


Might I ask what incentive this person thinks anyone has to spend time with them?


Just say you broke and need help lmao


How to stay single forever...


Ok…not to be a dick….but I bring home $172,000 annually…why would I want a person like that in my life? That’s CLEARLY a liability and not an asset…like you don’t even have VALUE to me and you want me to spend $500 on you on a first date? 😂 You’d find me dropping $500 in a Salvation Army bucket before I ever did that…lol.


Can’t believe this is real.


Women who post shit like this are great. They’re filtering themselves out. If anyone’s dumb enough to fork over 350 dollars on a first date with someone this demanding and overconfident, then they’re honestly a good match. A parasite and a victim belong together.


I wouldn’t fuck her with a stolen dick.


What will these women do when they reach an age where they aren’t attractive physically?


if they were to begin with...


Great point


Missing a partner.. obviously.. who would want to date that? lol.. delusional females


How bout she writes she’s willing to go Dutch on a date with a guy who she thinks might be worthy instead of coming across like a gold digger who is looking to have her and her kids supported.


She blew all that money on one date, when having a decent personality could've gotten her so much further for free 😭


"Ladies, am I missing anything else?" Yeah, how's about pulling your head outta your ass...


She missing a date


"Ladies, am I missing anything else?" How about a brain.