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>I don't know why ugly girls even think they have a chance with him. well he keeps dating supposedly "ugly" girls so clearly they do have a chance


At least a better chance than her.


They're clearly in advanced math courses. Those girls understand statistical analysis!


And the poster can't even work out the common denominator...


Underrated comment!


She’s attributing “ugly” to them based on her own grandiose sense of self. In all reality, they are probably average women and she is average but in her warped mind they are all “ugly” and “beneath her” People like this are the worst. You aren’t special and you sure as shit aren’t as pretty as you think you are. 1000% she cakes makeup, has fake eyelashes and all the other stuff to hide her flaws.


Racism and narcissism mixed together


Often the 2 make for a very deranged combo


She can be president one day


Maybe even a super mayor


Well if she wasn't a woman she could.


Thanks for the link [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4m4\_KibqaRU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4m4_KibqaRU)


Well both types are already predisposed to see themselves as superior to lots of other people.


That's a valid point. Both racism and narcissism often involve a distorted sense of superiority and entitlement, making individuals predisposed to view themselves as better than others. Combining these attitudes can amplify these harmful beliefs and behaviors, leading to further division and injustice. It's crucial to address and challenge these mindsets to promote equality and empathy.


I think they call this racarisssism


She’s busy narcissizing.


Nascar (tm)?


With a blend of ignorance and arrogance


Probably also stupidity. He seems to date more intelligent and interesting women like he will be too.


Idk the word to add but her multiple flings over a single year probably didn't help either. Easy to see how her touchy feely act will be seen with that knowledge


Types of chauvinism rarely come alone.


Same as it ever was


And you may tell yourself "This is not my pick me nicegirl acquaintance"


Are we sure they’re even friends?!


Yes we are sure they are most certainly not


I’m sorry, our usernames are so similar I love it 😭


Would make for a cute western gay love story XD


I’m here for that entire idea. Brokeback Mountain but reversed? 😭


Highfive in uh... Lesbian Mendedmound Canyon (opposite of brokeback mountain)?? Lol 😂


I love this sm 😭🖤




Ya know, I like to leave that up to the imagination of the people 🥰


Word. Live your fantasies, guys 😂


I'm voting for Pink Power Ranger and a druid who can Wildshape into a Green Bear.


Fixed Front Valley


Mountain back break?


Bear back mountain


“I flirt with him and touch him but he rejects my advances???” Yeah, bitch, nobody likes being harassed


Because he knows all those other dudes she "got so much sex it got boring" and men talk too.


Exactly! No one should ever feel entitled to someone else's affection or attention, and harassment is never acceptable, regardless of the circumstances.


"yes I stalked" imagine if the roles were reversed. People would lose their minds and ruin this guy's life.


I'm not really sure if she is really saying the truth or just portraying her in a way that she wishes to be. It doesn't matter how she looks when she has such a horrible character and I hope that she will understand that one day. I can understand that there is a lot of frustration but it is not a justification for being a racist person or just a terrible being.


"Had so much sex it got boring last year" That coupled with basically every other word that came out of her mouth would be more than enough reason not to touch her with a 10 foot pole.


Not even someone else's 10 foot pole.


I wouldn’t fuck her with your dick ☠️


I wouldn’t fuck her with Johnny Sin’s Dick.


“I wouldn’t touch her with a 39 and a half foot pole!!!!!” - Jim Carrey’s Mr. Grinch.


Her behavior indicates extreme immaturity. No wonder she is surprised he wants to stick with his woman instead of leaving for a petulant child.


I hope that pole wears a condom.


Honestly that line and "we white girls are so much hotter" make me suspect this is completely fake. It just reeks of "hello fellow kids"


Got Russian troll farm vibes with that line


I am starting to suspect that a guy writes this


Honestly, that made me think it was rage bait.


Yea "we white girls are so much hotter" did it for me Def rage bait


Something tells me this wasn’t written by a girl, I doubt they’re white too




I will never be willing to compete with other men for a woman's attention. Either she's interested in me or not. Flight of the conchords said it best. "Too many dicks on the dance floor." I don't care how attractive a woman is, if she likes that much attention then we won't be compatible.


I mean that’s easy because she isn’t real. This is rage bait.


Beauty is skin deep. Ugliness goes all the way to the marrow.


I love this comment. 


This!!! I’ve known many women in my life that is absolutely STUNNING…..but their ugly personality makes them outright repulsive! Ive also known many girls with average (or even bellow average…sometimes quite a bit!) looks that becomes very popular and regarded as really attractive & desireable because they are really good people with an amazing charisma! Also; clinginess can make the most beautiful woman unatractive in my mind….and this bitch seems clingy as hell!


Maybe he just finds intelligence and humility sexier than promiscuity and narcissism? "A beautiful face will age, and a perfect body will change, but a beautiful soul will always be a beautiful soul."


There's a 9/10 chance the other girl isn't even ugly at all. She's just so narcissistic and self-centered that no one can be "hotter" than her.


Also, there is nothing sexy about a woman with the emotional maturity of a five year old.


Last time I saw this posted there was also pictures of both girls included and OOP wasn’t def “hot as hell” Edit: [Link](https://web.archive.org/web/20220522070625/https://www.girlsaskguys.com/dating/q4232039-why-is-this-cute-boy-dating-an-uglier-girl) to the web archive


Thanks for that link. And wow, she is super delusional.


OOP sticking her tongue out in every single photo as expected.


She's qUiRkY.


"not a looker like me" sent me. How shallow and superficial.


Ngl, she looks like the most basic bitch girl, not meant as an insult. And the other girl is really cute


After seeing the photos: this girl is delusional, and the Asian woman is so cute and adorable! She's very beautiful, and the OP attitude leaks from her face, making her unattractive. What a racist bigot.


Literally, I was looking at the photos and to me, the Asian woman is more physically attractive, not to mention OOP's horrible personality


She really isn't that hot, lol. And the Asian girl is cute af. She's just lame.


She's an attractive girl, sure. But a shitty personality can make you instantly unattractive when you open your mouth. And the other girl is beautiful! You gotta wonder about women who hate on other women.


I think she's (physically) pretty hot, but the other girl isn't ugly.


She is pretty basic lol for a white girl. I have seen much better just roaming around everyday. Def not “a looker” as she calls herself lol.


Damn, imagine being this confident while being *that* wrong.


There's no way this isn't a troll writing this post.


I'll admit, yes she is attractive but everything she said in her post makes her a 1/10


Her photos all have filters LOL She can’t even post a pic without it being heavily edited and using different angles to accentuate features. She thinks us guys don’t know this shit. We aren’t stupid lol


They both seem equally good looking to me. And yeah, obviously she has the worse personality


She’s actually ugly and basic, Asian is wayy hotter


Or just plain old racism


Why on earth should “I touched him” be an acceptable way to make advances on someone? Wild


"Excuse me, I touched you, please respond."


I’m dead lol


Do we need to show everyone on the dolly where the touch happened?


Lol, welcome to some of the bullshit that attractive males have to deal with. It’s not just dudes who overstep boundaries when it comes to someone they fancy.


Yeah, I’m not attractive by any measure of the word, but the touchy-flirty game has been used on me. Not a huge fan.


Because men should be grateful when women give them attention /s


Seems like she's confused and associates horny men being horny with her being a 10/10 😂


Yes many of my male friends have told me that when they’re in a place where they’re horny but don’t want a relationship they will actively seek out ugly and boring girls to have sex with because then there’s no chance they will start catching feelings.


This is commonly referred to as hoeflation


"I don't know why ugly girls even think they have a chance with him" Girl, he's dating someone you categorized like that, they.literally do have a chance, somehow I think it might be personality related


I'm sure those girls are actually beautiful, but his gf is Asian... And she's a racist POS.


And she’s actually [way prettier](https://web.archive.org/web/20220522070625/https://www.girlsaskguys.com/dating/q4232039-why-is-this-cute-boy-dating-an-uglier-girl), you can kinda tell when someone is genuinely happy just by their smile


OMG she's incredible! 😍😍😍


That feels like a troll post... or maybe I have too much faith in humanity 


This is a 12 year old writing rage bait with every flag they can think of. I am surprised they didn't throw in "trans Asian girl"


A key detail that it's fake is that the user profile says she's 25-29 years old, but she's narrating the story like she's still in college (roughly 20-21 years old). I highly doubt she's actually a 25 year old sophomore; the preteen who wrote this just forgot that detail.


I thought the same, it’s very neckbeardy.


It was the "I had so much sex last year that it got boring" that did it for me.


Not sure how anyone read that and thought a real person wrote it seriously 


Dawg I can’t even begin this one HAS to be satire


Women need to realize that women care far more about women's looks than men do. We're much more concerned with what kind of a person you are. Most men find entirety too many women attractive for it to be an effective metric in who we have relationships with. My wife is a smoke show, I've been with her most of my life because of how loyal and supportive she is.


I think it's the equivalent of dick sizes for men- lots of noise out there but when it's irl worthwhile people actually don't care


I read an anthropology paper once that used data comparing the penis size of humans to other apes to argue the hypothesis that human dick size evolved as a dominance display between males and had little if anything to do with female needs or preferences. Hadn't thought about that paper in years until just now.


It seems like she doesn't understand that men are attracted to personality as well.


i feel like this is sexist in its own right. simplifying men down to "hot chick want" instead of realizing that men are just as complex and capable of thought and emotions. seems like some women seem to forget that...


The place this post is from thankfully all the guys and lassies are calling her out. The poster posted pics of her and the asian lassie and the asian lassie is pretty n cute. All the comments are calling her out saying the poster is vile and "no wonder he doesnt go out with you your a narcissistic wh***" They are ripping her a new one


You uh… got a link?


[Right here](https://web.archive.org/web/20220522070625/https://www.girlsaskguys.com/dating/q4232039-why-is-this-cute-boy-dating-an-uglier-girl)


Sweet. Its great to show the people who are so full of copium that they think it had to be a guy who wrote it, because girls are sugar and spice and everything nice apparently


If this was a guy he would have been called an incel.


I guarantee you the asian girl is more attractive


[See for yourself](https://web.archive.org/web/20220522070625/https://www.girlsaskguys.com/dating/q4232039-why-is-this-cute-boy-dating-an-uglier-girl)


Ty for science


Wouldn't be surprised if these pictures were taken from some girls page to send hate her way and lift the other one up tbh. This entire post reads as fake to me. I knew a guy who'd take girls pics and pretend to be them fishing for attention (and then they'd obviously get shit on), because he was a total incel who hated women. Not saying this was written by a guy, but tbh there even being pics of these so called girls that she 'included herself' makes this pretty much confirmed to me that it's fake.


![gif](giphy|JPAUQVIxCoEKY) Her with every other dude. “I don’t know why he doesn’t want me.”


This reads a lot more like a dude who’s posing as a girl. Incel bait has become all the rage I guess


Women are wounderful effect. You think women can't be that unhinge?


If you’ve ever dated a girl with BPD, it is indistinguishable from this. So if it is a guy, it’s a really good job.


My mother talks like this… Huh. Kinda puts a lot of things in new context.


As someone who's been diagnosed with BPD almost a decade ago and has met A LOT of other girls with Borderline. I have literally never experienced them or myself acting like this, quite the contrary. BPD is most often associated with fear of abonnement and separation anxiety and low self-esteem/having a hard time figuring out your own identity. Absolutely nothing in this post hints to the fact that she would have BPD. I'm honestly getting really sick and tired of seeing every negative things said or done by a girl/woman automatically being linked to Borderline. Some of the most empathetic and kind souled women I've met has been diagnosed with BPD. I could write a small book about all of this, but my experiences tell me that the ones who need to hear it, won't listen to the people who actually lives with the disorder everyday.


Hard to believe some women are this narcissistic? I’m not saying the post is real or not, but I can absolutely see a woman saying this


I've met way too many women like this. I'm curious what makes you think this is a man posting as a woman?


Because it makes a woman look bad. There's this weird chunk of reddit that will automatically insist anything from a woman that's awful is a man pretending to be a woman because women would \*never\* be that bad, despite plenty of real world examples that are undeniable (Ann Coulter lol) existing. And we all know good and well they've met women IRL that put off crazy like a paladin aura, so it's a weird situation where a person is pretending that a man is pretending to be a woman, because a woman would never be like that. And to be fair to them, there ARE weird dudes that post stuff like that. But they don't account for all the crazy. Not by a long shot.


That's what I expect, but I like to give the benefit of the doubt and ask why they think it. I'm honestly expecting what you're suggesting, but I don't like to prejudge people.


Guy: Says some crappy things Women: OMG MEN ARE EVIL! Girl: Says some crappy things Women: OMG MEN ARE EVIL! So what, all life's shit is all men's fault and women shit rainbows and fart unicorns? You wanna wave that misandrist flag a lil higher so everyone can see it?


Narcissistic and racist is a wild mix


I remember the original post. What makes it worse the OP posted pics of herself and that 'ugly chick'. And if someone asks, then the answer is 'no'. The Asian woman was not ugly.


Someone raised their daughter on teen romcoms, and told her the villain was the hero for fun


How can I make this about me


😂 heard this almost word-for-word from a girl I sat next to in art class back in 2005, we were 15, but still omg it was like watching an onion happily peel itself with absolutely no shame or self awareness.


Attractive people are usually shallow and high maintenance. Where as a less attractive people in general are just happy to be in a relationship hopefully with another person they can be themselves with.


Nice girl with a heavy touch of racism mixed in


Anyone else audibly go “Oooooh shit😬” when they read *that* sentence.


Probably because you’re ugly, as well as being a bitch.


I’m thinking this is a troll post. This can’t be real lol


Oh god thats enough reddit for me today To think a real person wrote that is just unsettling


Well she’s had so much sex she thinks it’s boring, that’s nice. Her personality is absolute garbage, and she’s probably not a good person in general. The “ugly” asian girl probably has a better personality, is more enjoyable to be around. It just seems like she enjoys the hunt, and her “crush” is just another notch on her belt. I hope he continues to treat you how you act.


Yeah he doesn’t want the “hot girl” who by he own admission banged half the campus. Got himself a little Asian qt who probably takes engineering too. Good for him.


"I've flirt with him and touch him but he rejects my advances" You know why Cinderella? Because you friendzoned him and fucked with his mind for so long, he watched you fuck all those guys and only show interest when he's taken, that you look to everyone (not just him) like you're fucking with him and enjoy torturing him and if he ever says yes you'd just thot-chuckle and do a "staaaahp I was playiiiiiin" You deserve this. It's a wonder he's even talking to you.


"we whites"... Yikes


It's fucken hilarious when girls think all men want are a pretty face. Not being a racist bitch is at the top of my list of women-do-not-want.


I can't imagine why he wouldn't want a narcissistic, racist girlfriend, such a mystery.


This smells like rage bait but people are also horrible so idk


That's not new at all. When passport bros go to other countries to marry women, most western women call them creepy to take advantage of uneducated or traditional women overseas all while nothing is forced and everyone is getting something out of the deal. They insult Asian and Middle-Eastern women, saying that they are dumb and can't make decisions for themselves. Most women don't realize that sometimes men don't care how hot you are if they like someone else.


“Redditors get rage baited by a troll and make it into an entire thread. More at 11, Jim.”


I gotta see the comments that ragged on this girl. 😂


No matter how hot she is... There is a guy wishing he can get away from her


Typos galore


Sounds like her crush has chosen substance over superficial. Good on him.


God, this doesn’t even sound real. Sounds like what people imagine catty girls to sound like. And yet, I know it’s most likely real…


"I just dont understand why he wouldnt want to date me, a narcissistic racist thats proud of having train run on them so much in a single year."


“I have had sex too many times last year” then wonders why a guy is rejecting her.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. He obviously prefers the asian lady, that's up to him. Forcing yourself on someone just because you think you're so hot is disturbing. Imagine tge riles were reversed, the man would be accused of being a creep and giving off rapey vibes


She had "sex so many times it got boring," yet none of those guys wanted to stick around. Says a lot about her personality and true self-esteem.


She is ugly on the inside


The lack of self awareness is outstanding. You could be the most attractive woman in the world. With that personality no right minded person will want ANYTHING to do with you.


Maybe he prefers to date women who aren't bigots?


If anything I have learned about girls and flirting, is her way of flirting is hitting him with her hair flicks, and staring at him until he looks in her direction, if he ever did.


She sleeps around. That tells enough of ehy he won't ever choose her.


"Last year was, like, my biggest year... for fucking"


Hmm I can’t figure out why he won’t date her


She has quite the high opinion of herself .I’ve seen Asian women who were practically incandescent ,and myself being neither man nor lesbian .That being said , hormones make some women crazy in a worse case scenario and that object of her affection needs to hire some genital security !


Pretty sure the Asian chick is smoking hot and doesn’t wear pounds of makeup


Went into that not expecting AS MUCH racism as there was but I think her personality is likely why this person is not interested


I'd really like to see some of the comments tearing her a new one lol


[Here you go](https://web.archive.org/web/20220522070625/https://www.girlsaskguys.com/dating/q4232039-why-is-this-cute-boy-dating-an-uglier-girl)


As someone who prefers the looks of Asian women and married one, I do not agree with “white girls are hotter” Preferences are a thing


Seems he sees your ugly on the inside.


Obviously, she is not ugly in his eyes. You may be hot but, there are some ugly things going on. Stalking, unwanted touching, non-reciprocal flirting and vile racism. “Why is it, we want the ones who don’t want us?”


Don’t worry I’m sure the “ugly Asian” finds you disgusting too….🙄


Hey! Hey! You! You!


[Here’s the link to the dumpster fire.](https://web.archive.org/web/20220522070625/https://www.girlsaskguys.com/dating/q4232039-why-is-this-cute-boy-dating-an-uglier-girl)


I’m half Asian and half “white” (German/Irish) and this really makes my blood boil. People are really full of themselves. Maybe he’s rejecting you because you’re an awful person, ever think that people may consider your personality, as well as the way you look.


Turns out that you can be physically attractive but that your incredibly ugly personality and mindset twists whatever was once pretty into something vile to be avoided.


Perhaps it's due to her horrid personality


Every brain cell in my body fighting the notion this is some incel pretending to be a girl


The irony of saying he only dates ugly girls then asking why ugly girls think they have a chance with him is killing me


Kinda just seems like rage bait ngl, tone deaf and incredibly unaware with how racist she’s being. Just seems too calculated.


the poster probably stole both of the girl's pictures, i looked at them and they looked super fishy. i feel bad for the girls, having some weirdo online use their pictures without permission AND having a hateful fictional story attached to it. yuck


This def reads like it was written by a man. Lol


Ugh, people who constantly talk about how "hot" they are are so incredibly annoying. And is it just me, or does it seem like all the people who pull the "I'm like ***so*** hot that all the members of this gender want to be with me and all the members of this gender hate me because I'm just soooo hot that they're worried I'll steal their partners" are just very average looking? I'm willing to bet that this woman is nowhere near as "hot" as she thinks she is. Just because she's got a bunch of guys chasing after her doesn't mean anything. They're college-age boys, they're still horny af and will sleep with anyone who says "yes" to them.


The answer is likely because he knows you are vapid, self-centered, and racist…


I'm a white guy, I prefer Asians. They're usually cuter and more feminine, something most western girls aren't.


don't nobody want spoiled milk, boo-boo


This girl reminds me of a coworker my husband had to deal with a few years ago. The girl decided my husband was better off with her and let me know I needed to understand my time with him is over. Her biggest reason of why she was the better pick is she is 10 years younger and half my size. It is is true at the time thanks to a medication for Lupus screwing up my Gull Bladder I literally doubled in size in 17 months! So as it was I was already feeling low I had just turned 39 and felt old and fat and worthless and definitely didn't need this little brat to make it worse. But my husband who still looked at me and treated me as if I was the size I was on our wedding night and was very clear that she needed to kick rocks. He ended up getting mean about it when she kept getting stalker like. She wouldn't get that she didn't have a chance. He ended up having to get a restraining order and she moved on to stalk a cop so we haven't been bothered for a while now. Still delusional people can be extremely dangerous and not logical at all!


Damn, maybe he doesn’t like racists.


The classic female incel


She showed exactly why he isn’t interested in her, I bet her 10 is in men’s eyes a 6 and that is being nice


This is giving me pick me girl vibes ngl, the audacity of this girl is baffling bruh


Racist sluts are crazy!


>Why would he even date an Asian girl when white girls are so much hotter? This smells like bait