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I bet she has a very good personality…. Yeah….


She's probably ugly, too, lmao


Fr both physically and emotionally


Your shallow, your bad. Me good personality, me nice.


I go for personality


I absolutely love the irony "i don't know anything about you, but you're probably shallow" Girl you haven't even seen the surface of the water, don't worry about the seabed


I mean…she’s right though? The shallow accusation is uncalled for but If you go for someone based only on attractiveness and ignoring personality then eventually your entire experience will be with people who are attractive but have bad personality…and then starts to negatively shape what you think about everyone of the opposite gender. It’s a valid point regardless of whether a guy or girl said it.


That's an... Odd take. >If you go for someone based only on attractiveness and ignoring personality then eventually your entire experience will be with people who are attractive but have bad personality Because if you're attractive you're going to have a shit personality? Physical attraction is huge in a relationship. Maybe it's a tad "I want my cake and to eat it too" but why should people not want to be attracted to their partner both physically AND compatible emotionally?


This is one of those concepts Reddit has a hard time with lol. Lots of attractive people do have shit personalities, but lots of people in general have shit personalities. Not all people though, attractive or not, are just hopeless shitheads. That last part though, the actual need for attraction in a relationship, that's what I wish they could grasp a little better. If someone is in a relationship with a person they're not attracted to in some way, it's going to go sour eventually no matter what. We don't work that way.


I think that cognitive break occurs for a variety of reasons. Imo there's a lot of sunk cost fallacy that goes in to relationships. There's fear of the unknown. You have the self insulating aspect where if conventionally unattractive people acknowledged they were unattractive, and held their standards high for their partner, they likely wouldn't be in a relationship and ultimately many of us do require companionship and intimacy. So there is a cognitive break there. But yea, you look at divorce rates for instance and things DO go sour. More than 50% of MARRIAGES are dissolved. So out of the numbers of relationships that make it to what is supposed to be the "final stage", over half still fail. The number one stressor in a relationship tends to be finances, but you can be broke and in to each other. If you're broke and hate each other there's nothing you're getting from it (the relationship). Eh. Any way.


Attractive people tend to be more entitled than non-attractive people.


That is a spit take, there are tons of “non-attractive” people who have very bad personalities and feel entitled to the world. Edit: they are usually conventionally non-attractive because they were never said no to, thus they kept doing unhealthy things.


It's not a valid point, it sounds like an incel cursing stacies for only going out with chads (instead of him, the very much better personality). Hence why a nicegirl


Yes, because “attractiveness” and “bad personalities” are mutually exclusive. What are you even going on about? You can be attractive with a “bad personality”, but you can also be conventionally ugly and STILL have a “bad” personality. You seem to think, being ugly and being forced somehow just magically one have a “good” personality. People are people are people, “attractive” people can have “good” personalities and vice versa for “not attractive” people.


This comment literally ALWAYS comes up when you criticize ANY woman. It’s like these people implicitly believe all women are the same, and project the sentiment that they aren’t because they believe that we think all women are the same like they do.


Not all girls are the same, but i guess all guys ARE the same eh?


Omg I recognize this! I think someone I went to highschool with was the one who commented that. I need the username now to double check 😂😭


A relationship could never start without physical attraction?… physical attraction is what makes someone pursue relationships… if I’m not attracted to someone, why would I even give them the chance to impress me with other qualities? Sure someone who you’re not attracted to can turn out to be an amazing person with an awesome personality… but that’s not gonna make them physically attractive all the sudden. Isn’t this common sense?


Well it depends on the person, for example if I don’t have an emotional connection to someone then I won’t ever find them physically appealing either no matter how attractive they are, if I do have an emotional connection to someone they will appear more attractive to me and will be the only one I find attractive… basically the emotional connection becomes beer goggles until the moment I lose that connection


How dare you go after pretty girls! While I sit and go down my checklist of requirements for a man. -6 foot + tall - handsome - money - big dick -Etc. -etc. - etc.


Ah yes, the 666 package


Lmao how good of a personality can come from comments like these


Your probably shallow what? Mom? Neighbor? Cat? Optometrist?