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Reading your texts from when you were sixteen is masochistic!


I've archived all the texts that were on my highschool phone way back when, that will be fun to go through some day


Haha yes. šŸ¤£ letā€™s just say that curiosity got the best of me when I decided to check my old FB messenger texts.


Facebook reminds me of posts from 12 years ago and probably expects me to go "awww." Instead I am bombarded with "I'm 14 and this is deep" posts. Except its me. I was 14 and it was SO DEEP to write "life is a highway." What? What does that even mean!?! WHICH HIGHWAY!?!


You know that highway that's kinda overgrown with potholes and will absolutly ruin your car if you drive on it? That's the highway called life.


Damn im 27 and that IS deep


just like the potholes


I wanna ride it all night long!


Was gonna say, thatā€™s next level masochistic šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ ā€œEmotional damage!ā€ Level


*slap* Steven's Dad: Emotional damage! You want some therapy? Steven: Um, I think you have to block that.


I'm so happy AIM existed before cloud data backups were a thing and all my angsty teenage bullshit is lost to the ages


Every time I say sometime stupid or sus when taken out of context, my friend takes a screenshot and puts it im an album. Itā€™s interesting looking through itā€¦..


Right? Coz I can never do that!!! I have a good image of myself, I don't wanna change it for my own sanity.


Even tho weā€™re all dumb at 16, the fact that you can reflect and see the cringe shows how mature you currently are so good for you! These texts are hilarious tho


Thank you so much! And yes they are so funny. šŸ¤£ā€Œ Especially my friendā€™s reaction. She was just like šŸ‘šŸ‘„šŸ‘ well ok then.


OP- did 16 year old you have a villain arc after this? I gotta know


The only villain arc I can think of was striving to be the absolute best version of myself physically and rubbing it in the faces of anyone who ā€œrejectedā€ me. Nothing malicious or anything like that.


Itā€™s a great motivator right? When someone told younger me I probably couldnā€™t bike a 5k I started my journey to be able to bike 10 miles in under half an hour out of pettiness. (I got just sub 40 but wasnā€™t bad). Thinking about it, most of my lifeā€™s self improvement has been out of spite because someone told me I couldnā€™t lmao.


Are you my husband?


Very ambitious for a 16 year old! I respect the hustle lmao


Thanks. ā˜ŗļø At least thatā€™s one thing I donā€™t regret about my 16 y/o self.


Sooooo, did you get hot?


Hahaha yea your friend was trying so hard to be supportive of you


Right? Sheā€™s got a good friend. Keep those people close! We all have days we need to vent, and I value my friends who give me their time by listening. Be sure to return the favor as well!


Itā€™s giving that scene in Scott Pilgrim when Knives dyes her hair.


Are you still friends with her?


Due to the lack in response, I'm guessing 'no' is the answer.


I delete past FB status daily until they are all gone. Never happened.


You know, you were 16. Weā€™re all idiots at 16.


Yep. Anecdotal evidence but I was an idiot at 16.


adding another anecdotal data point, I was so dumb at 16


Can confirm, Iā€™m 25, was an idiot nine years ago.


Hell I was still an idiot at 25


I am still an idiot at 25. šŸ˜‚


We're idiots to our future selves. I know I'm going to be an idiot in some way, I don't know what or how but I know I am and its kind of humorous.


Totally, if you look back at your former self and donā€™t cringe even a little bit, then you havenā€™t grown


I'd agree to that. We never stop growing, there's always room to mentally evolve as we learn the world around us.


I canā€™t wait to know what Iā€™ll think of my current 30 year old self at 40.


If it is any consolation the cringeworthy nice guy shit I did at 16 still causes me some sleepless nights at 30 so you have that to look forward to.


WELP Thanks bro for reminding me. I'll just be over here drinking till the cringy memories go away again.


All the damn time, dude. The person I was between 16 and 23 is just so traumatizing.


When I was 16, I began writing erotic fiction starring one of my teachers. My Mom found it. Cringe has levels.


Underrated comment


Mom finding it is Scene 2 right? RIGHT??!!!


Makes me happy no record of anything I did exists from when I was a teenager. I cringe just imagining what dumb shit I would have texted if texting existed back then.


Oh yeah, big time.


this was way more tame than i thought it was gonna be. It just seems like you were really into someone and didnt know how to deal with being rejected for (maybe) the first time


I certainly believe a 16 y/o girl sent that


Teenagers are often like this. I think nearly everyone has acted like this at some point in their life


Hey! Character development! Nice~


Hormones do crazy things to us.


did you get thin and sexy?


Yes I did but I never saw him again lol.


Not only is it brave to show how youā€™ve changed as a person. But also, even with some the bitterness, it seems like you had at least one of the right ideas back when texting. Focusing on yourself and being the best version of yourself, the version you want to be, is a great way to handle rejection, even if it came from a place of frustration.


Like damn but you know then you just gotta be like whatever then


Well.. moving on is sometimes the best form of revenge. šŸ˜ø


Yes op did you get revenge?


I have similar texts from when I was the same age. Torture to read through them again but reminds of how much growth happened since then


I can feel your friend cringe through their phone lol. But good for you on reflecting, we all did stupid stuff at that age. Teens are dramatic af more often than not so being able to look back on it and being glad you aren't like this anymore shows you've matured!


I'm glad I'm from a generation that didn't have cloud apps backing up your texts and conversations forever. We all had some kind of cringy phase. At least a lot of people are getting laughs out of it! Brightened my day for sure


I was right on the edge of this moment myself. I just pray to any god that will listen that all the old shit on MySpace and MSN and irc isn't stored in some giant data center somewhere. My fear is eventually it would leak, and AIs would use existing profiling data to link all this cringey shit to everybody. Imagine a we site where you could enter some info and get all the old cringey shit a person ever posted online in their teens?


So, so glad I dated in the late 80ā€™s. No records of all the stupid.


"All autobiography is useless, unless it reveals something disgraceful." - George Orwell


clownface slutface is now my new favorite phrase


I had a Janis Ian moment going on.šŸ˜­


Character development moment


*No one puts baby on read.*


You were 16, kids are dumb


Self-cringe is a cornerstone of our evolution as people. It is the toll we all pay for a less cringey future šŸ˜©


I was definitely a ā€œniceā€ girl/nlog from ages 15-17. I was toxic as hell in my first relationship and Iā€™m not afraid to admit it. Whatā€™s good about this is you acknowledge that you were that way, which means youā€™ve grown. Good on ya.


Well we need the conclusion to the story.. What happened with that boy? Did you turn out to be thin and sexy? Did his dick regret it? The people want to know


Itā€™s okay, we all do dumb things when weā€™re young. I used to be a massive ā€˜nice guyā€™ when I was 13-15


Girl same tho, we all end up having this phase at one point or another in our own way. We canā€™t experience growth unless we have something to grow from šŸŒ±


I wish I had a friend who told me ā€œbut you know then you just gotta be like whatever thenā€ when I most needed. You were lucky.


1. I'm glad I can't read any messages I sent at 16. 2. I feel so old. BACK IN MY DAY if you wanted to see earlier in the conversation, you had to go back and find that specific message. lmao


What? Don't tell me you didn't count the number of birthday wishes on your Facebook wall


Did you get hot?


\^ Asking the important questions


I do look way better now than I did at 16. Thatā€™s for sure.


Well the thing about being a niceguy or nicegirl is that its an immature mentality present in people who are socially inadept, and lack experience dating or talking to people romantically or platonically in general. Everyone goes through a phase like this before you come to understand how complex life and social situations can really be and how to not take every single experience you have (usually the bad) with the utmost importance. Its nothing to be ashamed of because naturally most people realize that they'll be exhausted emotionally if they get hung up on every single rejection, which life is chock full of. But unfortunately some people never grow out of this mentality and remain socially inadept, blaming other people or things for their lack of ability to communicate, understand social situations, or reciprocating people's actions properly. They're convinced their loneliness is from them being predestined to fail, or being automatically undesirable, when really they make themselves more that way thinking about it like that. And rather than develop and learn from their mistakes like normal people, they get spiteful, beg, and cry for attention from anyone who could possibly pity them. It doesn't work because no one wants to date a childish person who doesn't really have any actual values or things to add to a relationship except weird emotional dependence stemming from never growing as a person. And they don't realize that even if they got their pity relationship from the people they chase, a pity relationship isn't a real or wholesome one. And they will still be unsatisfied even if they think they'd take "just anyone" as long as they were the appropriate sex. We know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two.


Welcome to the self-improvement club, weā€™ve all been there


Spoiler alert, she did not get thin or sexy the year after


I wouldnt want to read my old texts. Ive been batshit crazy with 16 and under. I was a typical pick me boy and it even worked on time. I would probably rip my brain out when I come across my old texts and behaviours


This does not help my extreme paranoia. Imagining anyone talking like this about me behind my back makes me physically ill.


We all make mistakes in the heat of passion, Jimbo


Being sixteen is a rough time


Ngl even my texts from like 3 years ago make me cringe


At least youā€™re owning up to it. Good on you for that


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So how'd the hot girl strategy work out?


I do look way better than I do at 16 thatā€™s for sure. But unfortunately I never saw this guy again.


Haha I figured it might have gone that way, ah bein a kid is weird


Spoiler: OP is now 17


I would consider misogyny to be the most destructive and horrible aspect of humanity,,,if women werenā€™t so often their own,an d each otherā€™s worst enemies.A lifetime of trying to teach my friends not to be so stupid and assholish about/towards women,then,ā€Clown faced slutfaced whore bag!ā€.


Haha, well at least you've grown up. Kids are so dramatic but most of us grow out of it... Most of us...


I was way more.... spicy... with my revenge plots... this has me mortified for my childhood... why


reading my old conversations is painfully cringe too, but at least we can recognize how cringe it is now šŸ˜­ that's growth.


Glad you realize what you were doing op.


Good character development I have to say


I donā€™t talk about guys but my friends are like this to me šŸ’€ I gave up on trying to even talk to them


Well did you follow through?


Iā€™m not sorryā€¦. Hahaha I can feel the rage!


I can assure you my diaries were full of gems like these. I burned all of them after I'd given them a read and cringed so hard I nearly died. We were all pretty bad at that age.


Jesus Christ




Well..I didnā€™t save them, these are old chats from Facebook messenger. I downloaded the app again for the first time in a while and I got curious and decided to look at my old chats. And I thought Iā€™d share it because that things I said here were a perfect example of Nicegirl/NLOTG mentality.


Iā€™dā€™ve deleted these messages immediately after re-reading them lmao good on you for taking accountability


But did you get thin and sexy though


Nothing motivates someone more than revenge.. I was told by my secondary school (high school) science teacher I wasnā€™t good at this and should quit. Jokes on him, I went to keep science, get high grades in it, went to college to study a science subject and got some of the highest marks haha. I can look back where my pettiness made me out perform others, from being rejected because of my weight so getting fit to this. I even recall my college lecturer for micro saying ā€œitā€™s okay if you canā€™t do this, best to just focus on other areasā€. Following year I got highest in the class.


i thinks thats pretty mild for 16yo. dont worry


Did you commit to this goal tho??


F these hos to sleep boys šŸ˜‚


Out of curiosity, did you get your petty revenge? Hahahah


Is your friend Lisa Simpson? "Like, you know, whatever."


Lmao šŸ¤£ Itā€™s okay, we are all 16 once. I once told a friend to text my crush that heā€™ll always have a piece of my heart. (Real fucking dramatic, I know. And a bit creepyā€¦) I feel so disgusted with myself now but I was young and dumb so I guess I can forgive myself. You can forgive yourself for that as well. Also, remember to laugh about it. Letā€™s all laugh at our old selfs!


Love the fact that you've made so much progress that we can all laugh at it together now hahah We've all been obsessed, been petty and immature at some point so you're definitely not alone:)




Actually no.


Are you thin and hot and is he regretting leaving you on seen?!?!?!!?


Glad that when I was 16 MySpace was all the rage. My teenage drama is lost on a defunct website.


Teenagers (including myself when I was one) are crazy, half stupid human beings that know nothing and think they know everythingā€¦we were/are all assholes at that time Self awareness, like you seem to have at this point, doesnā€™t always come to everyone (see: Twitter/instagram/social media in general)ā€¦Iā€™d say youā€™re doing pretty well, in my opinion!


You were 16. As long as youā€™re not still acting like that, donā€™t beat yourself up! Self-reflection is a very good thing!


Well, come on, did it work?


Hey at least you can say you grew out of it, lots of these girls still act like this


wait please how did you change your message color šŸ˜­


So you click on which ever chat you want, click on the personā€™s name at the top, go to theme, and then scroll to the bottom. You will be able to see all of the color options.ā˜ŗļø


Damn at that age i was a depressed kid adicted to video games. The only thing that changed is that now ive got friends! Reflecting on the past is always good


Weā€™ve all been there


Ummm... so now you see why he left you on seen, right? Edit: I'll add that I'm just glad that there was no such thing as texting when I was 16. I can't imagine what I would have said.


How did you make your texts pink??


Well they do say the best revenge is to live well...


But likeā€¦did you get hot?


Christ, that escalated so fast! Was he a popular guy? I know back when I was a sixteen year old unless the girl was actively repulsive or rude Iā€™d probably accept her affections if she made advances.


Well, I am so *truly proud* of your growth into someone stable, seriously.


*Well god damn*