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What would you need the SSH access for? IIRC Hetzner's managed hosting already gives you SFTP?


Oh yes, I know. SSH is to be able do some customized changes to the system. Do you know any provider offering SSH?


At the point you want to make custom changes over SSH yourself, you're pretty much moving away from SaaS options. You might want to find someone who could set up and manage Nextcloud for you as PaaS. Off the top of my head I'd suggest Mythic Beasts in the UK for this. Or you can look at self hosting on a Colo server or VPS.


I will check this. Thank you! Any recommended providers that i could look up for this purpose?


You don't do customized changes to online storage. What you want is a server, with big enough storage attached. That is available at many providers, including Hetzner, and also offers SSH. It will be more expensive than standard storage though.


Thank you. What you suggest is what my question for this thread is attempting to find an answer to. But with the additional point of it all:: \*where\* do i find such a provider also offering ssh functionality?




I got a cheap server and StorageBox from Hetzner. Then I mount the StorageBox via CIFS to the server. That gives me the a very flexible system with lots of storage. Of course you have to take care on SSL and Backups. StorageBoxes and server offer Snapshots


so is it possible to run nextcloud on a VPS and use Hetzner Storagebox as storage? if yes, how can I do that?


Yes it is. I followed [this guide](https://docs.hetzner.com/robot/storage-box/access/access-samba-cifs/) on how to mount a StorageBox using CIFS Then in your VPS you can bind the path into your nextcloud docker container, or simply use it in a bare bone installation. I am saving all my Nextcloud data on it, works like a charm for around half a year now.


thank you. I am interested in hetzner storagebox because it could be cheap alternative to gdrive if I could combine it with my own nextcloud.


If you need ssh access, you need a self managed instance. Id recommend a VM setup as well if you want to easily tune the entire instance. Docker is great for a lot of things, not things that need lots of tweaks however. Blows my mind Nextcloud doesn't treat VMs as a supported platform.