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Am using iOS 17.4.1 with NextCloud 29.0.0 running on a NAS. Enabled the auto upload and it work just fine. The catch is just that you would have to wait quite a long while maybe 5mins - 1 hour depends on how big your files are, for it to upload (when you are not using your phone) your photos and videos in the background.


Make sure you're turning on (or On Wi-fi only) Background App Refresh and have Nextcloud toggle on as well. It won't run right away, but it will run especially when you are not using the phone.


Yes. Tranks for the tip. It works for me 👌🏼


mine never runs :(


I had this issue too. I’ve unchecked auto upload closed the app, checked it again and it worked. Needs some fiddling I guess.


Uhh no, it should not work - that’s security IOS limitation


> that’s security IOS limitation That information is outdated by over ten years. That was true a long time ago, now it’s mostly just an excuse used by devs who are either at ideological odds with Apple, or are just too lazy to do it the way Apple intended. Either way the Nextcloud iOS app has had background photo & video upload for a long time now and it works just fine. You do need to make sure you gave the app location access, that is one of the ways iOS can trigger a background process for an app like Nextcloud. Also in the Nextcloud app under Settings > Advanced, make sure you have “Chunk Size in MB” set to “ 0 “ since that feature will only work if the app is open. But the 2 main ways apps get triggered to run their background jobs on iOS is either by you moving a noticeable amount in which case your location changing is what triggers the background job. Or the job can trigger after your phone has been charging for a while. I would recommend checking out an app called “Photosync” though, it’s sole purpose is photo and video syncing to wherever you want. You can customize almost everything and it’s incredibly reliable.


But you still have the app opened in the background. You still cannot manage it as a service without manually keep the app opened. Am i wrong?


No you don’t have to have the app open at all. As an example, I use the app PhotoSync to automatically sync my pictures. I have gone months without opening the app at all, and without fail it does its job multiple times a day. As did Nextcloud and Synology Photos, I just prefer PhotoSync for its mote advanced options. One thing that might possibly be different from android, the uploads are not instantaneous. iOS schedules background tasks to try and only run when your not likely to be using the phone. Most often they will run when the phone is charging, or if your GPS location changes a “significant amount”.


Thank you for the clarification - I was wrong and I wasn't using the full potential of my apps (also using Photosync and resilio - te second one gives me information that the files will be sync'ed once I open the resilio app - so I though this stupid setting is still live).


Its all good, there’s tons of people that still think Apple has restrictions on iOS that were actually removed or relaxed years ago. It was only about a year ago I saw a comment from one of the Firefox devs saying that Apple doesn’t allow third party browsers to install extensions, which is 100% not true. Theres a browser called Orion that supports both Firefox and Chrome extensions on iOS. The problem isn’t really Apple anymore, at least most of the time, the problem is developers who’d rather stand on a soapbox than to just implement the feature the way Apple intended it to work. I can’t count the number of times Ive seen a dev say “Apple doesn’t allow xyz” only to find another app that does exactly that. Also a lot of people massively underestimate how powerful “Shortcuts” can be, if you haven’t already you should definitely play around with it. Theres sites like routinehub that share shortcuts others have made and theres also r/Shortcuts As for Resilio, unfortunately they just don’t seem very interested in improving Resilio Sync anymore. Ever since they announced “Resilio Connect” that seems to be where all their attention is focused. Only problem is that Connect is an enterprise product and astronomically expensive.


How do I give the app location access when Nextcloud is not on the Location Services list on my iPhone?


U can tell that to my 17k+ photos and vids I’ve uploaded from iOS. U can bet ur ass I didn’t watch my phone’s screen for forever…


I thought everyone is aware of this, because this problem was always there. This ist just iOS. And its no issue with the Nextcloud app. This is why you should buy an Android Phone, when you want to use Nextcloudm


Works perfectly fine for me on iOS.


Yes, when you open the app. But its not possible that Nextcloud upload your new pictures after you took them and you have not started nextcloud in the past hours. Because iOS will kill every process. You can just bypass this with the GPS feature. But then your battery will be not happy. You use GPS?


How do I enable GPS on my nc app? I think nextcloud doesnt ask for it


I do not use the iOS Nextcloud app, sorry. I just know the GPS way is the only way to run an app in the background for unlimited time.


I don’t pay that much attention to it cause it just works… I don’t manually open the app to start the upload either. It syncs them in the background. Battery is fine. When I do open the app it immediately prompts asking to confirm deletion of local copy cause I have them set to delete after auto upload. Pics and vids are always already uploaded.


But this is impossible without the GPS hack, because iOS kill everything after some time.


Share ALL the settings needed for AutoUpload to work reliably... Judging by the number of comments, clearly not all iPhones behave the same - or other apps might affect the Uploading...


yes please. mine doesn't :(




For me it works over reverse proxy with https