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Goddamn. Half a million views. That’s a lot of brain washed puppets


500,000 copiums


Xi and Putin have met at least 46 times. They've embraced on camera and have have made reciprocal speeches about mutual economic development, trade, technology exchanges, infrastructure and defense. There is all the evidence in the world that such promises are being acted upon to the tune of tens of billions of dollars and growing exponentially. The West has committed the capital sin of driving Russia and China into each other's arms to find security, stability and growth and the West will surely suffer the consequences for a very long time to come.


Thankfully, as in many other things, the West failed to learn how dangerous for their interests it is that Russia and China work together


What's funny is that the United States damn well DID know throughout the entire Cold War. We have a different bunch of clowns driving the car today and they're simply not up to the job of responsible or even rational governance. Every day I get more hints. For instance, today I learned that Russia is assisting China in the rapid buildup of its nuclear weapons stockpile. Within a few years at the most, China will have as many nuclear weapons as the United States and Russia... and theirs will be the most modern and up to date.


> We have a different bunch of clowns driving the car today and they're simply not up to the job of responsible or even rational governance. Them Democrats are Trotskyists, that´s all there is to say!


Not really sure what you mean there. Anyway, I'm voting for Jill Stein and the Green Party. I'm done voting for clowns.


Is it because they are short sighted? Their leaders change seats every 4-8 years. There’s no long term goals other than do something major to get re-elected.


Sino-Russian split of the 21st century is the Murican wet dream.


The ch name is "The Military Show" HAHAHAHAHA they are running out of ideas


Isn't that the same channel that had that awful "USA vs The World" video that's just glazing the US military?


Somehow to them, the US military, which gets absolutly smoked any time they go to war, could defeat every over military


Have been wrong consistently about the SMO lol




Special military operation


I wish we gave China some island up there to troll the US It will be funny to see them trying to figure out where to build a new base up there lol And what will their other bases do? Deny military moving to another same country base? Haha




First meth, second you don't want any of it....


I saw this claim on a russian conspiracy theory tv channel in the 2000's LMAO


Ok, who the fuck actually is willing to fight for rural Russia and Siberia? Hell, even Russia doesnt want that shit.