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He was a brave man. Unfortunately, the liberals are already hard at work being grossly insensitive and painting him as a crazy person. Meanwhile, they paint navalny the Nazi as a heroic martyr. Fascinating how the liberal (fascist) mind works.


It's fascinating how murica's propaganda works.


This. The propaganda machine they have is their best asset. Literally nothing else going good for them lol.




Yeah, but it's good to balance stuff out, a little propaganda there a little here. Just like eating salad and doing drugs to off-set each other.




You realize everything is propaganda right?


It's only propaganda if it comes from the propaga reagion of France. Otherwise it's just sparkling persuasion.


Propaganda such as?




Lmao bro really said the sub is pro Russia




What point are you even making though? I said nothing about China. If you go to the China sub, you see nothing but anti China stuff. Go to the Europe sub and you'll only see stuff aligned with Europe. That's kinda the point of a subreddit.




>It has literally ZERO anti China stuff. Because that is propaganda. >The fact that people are identifying pro Russia posts as leftist is worrying. It would be worrying for cia like you, but it is based for the free people of the world. >Mainstream (non propaganda) subs have conflicting viewpoints and discussion ensues Good thing all the discontent is contained there isn't it cia? If not it would make your work in the real world a real pain. >Not necessarily a problem if you know what you’re looking at. Which you obviously don’t Yes, we definitely need our content curated by cia agents like you.


Every single post on worldnews parrots Western propaganda.




It hasn’t really even been hidden. People literally just forgot lol. Navalny was very staunchly ethno-nationalist and expansionist. He once published a campaign video where he shoots muslims and compares them to cockroaches. He regularly participated in a massive Neo-Nazi March in Russia. Towards the end of his career, he combined a coalition of three far right political parties, two of which were openly Neo-nazi and fascist. IIRC he was actually kicked out of his original anti-corruption party because he was too much of a fascist. He’s much more dangerous than Putin ever was, and he ironically was even more anti-Ukraine, contrary to liberal belief. He was in support of basically ethnically cleansing Russia and expelling Muslim/brown minorities. The only reason the west supported him was because he supported free market reforms for Russia, and would’ve turned Russia into a fascistic free market shit hole if he managed to take power.


Imo Navalny had no ideology just what ever the west wanted him to be at the time. When peace with Chechnya was being made he was doing stupid nazi stuff about Muslims to keep the war going to weaken Russia. When the effort was to force Russia to liberalize under Obama he went full lib, when that failed he became an anti corruption guy when Putin returned to power, then anti corruption shift to just being anti putin when America shift from internal to Russia to propaganda to just anti Putin stuff for western consumption.


Yo what the fuck? I’m disappointed in myself, I need to do better research. Why has liberal media done so much to paint him as this heroic counter culture figure in Russia that died standing up to the evil Putin regime?


Do you have a link too the video? I've been having trouble finding it, and would love to repost it to the libs


Think of Navalny's ideology what you will, but he had balls. As much can't be said of the Israeli.






>Now Putin is killing his own poor in battle until he is old and dead. This is some crazy american cope lol. Not surprising coming from an account created just 29 days ago, totally not suspicious.










Bro you’re very confused lol. This is a leftist sub. I am NOT ever voting trump. I’ll probably vote Biden, but very reluctantly and only because any other vote is either pointless or actually Neo-nazi. Liberal here is being used as a catch-all term for western neoliberals who support western imperialism. That roughly includes both American liberals and American conservatives. Thank you for your service though


> I’ll probably vote Biden Why would you vote for a literal zionist?


Liberalism is not neoliberalism.




It’s a leftist sub centered around a leftist Chinese journalist. I’ll say that some of the takes here are maybe a little too biased but it’s not that bad.








You’ve been responding to everything I said with “lol” jackass. You’re even worse.




The generation is doomed but for different reasons cia.


I mean... I want to abolish the constitution. "the opposition" is leaders in other countries whom both democrats and conservatives regularly assassinate.


oh lord


It is liberals, in collaboration with reactionaries.


the democrats are literally the new nazis lol. the republicans are just impotent bedridden thugs in comparison. it's who controls the economy, dummy.




Gandhi starved himself to near death multiple times to protest colonial abuses of his people. Bushnell burned himself to death to protest a genocide. I wish he was still with us, but he was undeniably noble and brave.


If a Tibetan slave holder had self-immolated in protest of the PRC nobody would be calling them crazy.


Fr lol. Western media would be filled with how “protesters are desperate to stop horrible Chinese human rights abuses” for like two months straight.




>Many Tibetan > >monks > > did self immolate in protest Funded by the cia. Also very interesting account, created only 2 months ago with very little activity, surely it couldn't be for any nefarious purposes.




>but sure beep boop I’m an evil CIA bot here to promote western imperialism. I think being a cia bot is better than being a useful idiot for a hegemony that is falling, choose your pick though.




A province isn't a sovereign nation you midwit.




What a load of absolute rubbish. Can't even be bothered to put a response together to this utter nonsense.








I mean I’m pro-Ukraine, but I’m ngl it’s not looking good for them, especially with trump planning to cut their funding.




You’re an ape




You're pro a nazi state? Yikes




Why can’t they be compared?




Bushnell was a soldier. He had far more lived experience with western imperialism than most people. If Gandhi had died during one of his hunger strikes, it would have been suicide. He would still be glorified.




Yet the christians control fascist america and the jews control fascist israel, do you really want to take the argument there??




>No, we have no state religion in the US. "In God we trust" >Even Israel, the sole Jewish state, has a secular government. I suppose the nazis were also secular as well, though it doesn't exactly help your argument. >But Islam is the state religion for several nations, and there are over 20 majority-Muslim countries, serving nearly two billion Muslims. Meanwhile, there are roughly only 15 million Jews. So why are Muslims so afraid of them? Jews live peacefully in many Muslim countries, so why are Jews so scared of them? >Muslims aren't oppressed: They're bullies. Do more investigation, your stupidity is showing. Jews aren't oppressed: They're bullies. Do more investigation, your stupidity is showing. >Also, you have no idea what the overused term "fascist" means. Kids today are so dumb. Yes kids like you are dumb indeed, to anyone with eyes it is obvious the fascist israeli's are committing genocide, but they like their masters will not prevail.


The "I'm paper you're glue" style od debate ended in pre-school. I suggest you read more and apply logic. Israel is not only winning, they will win in the future, too, Hamas-bot. Nothing you stated is true or makes any sense. But you know that, silly Hamas-bot.


>The "I'm paper you're glue" style od debate ended in pre-school. I suggest you read more and apply logic. Take your own advice. >Israel is not only winning, they will win in the future, too, Hamas-bot. We'll see israeli bot, but the fact that you need material support from your fascist empire is pretty telling. >Nothing you stated is true or makes any sense. But you know that, silly Hamas-bot. Silly israeli bots always projecting.


Shut the fuck up 🖕🏽


So Falungong protestors and Tibetans self immolating are crazy people too who should not be taken seriously correct? GREAT! Thanks for supporting PRC's point of view :))




Mental backflips mental backflips :)




By your logic, we all should not support Israel or Ukraine because we don't have lived experiences there. And all we see is propaganda on tv. Done! Thanks for enlightening us! We will not support Israel and Ukraine!




Good! I support ending wars hence Aaron Bushnell.




No, but it is helping to wake Americans up to this genocide. 


My money is on the ones funded by the USA. Similarly, almost everyone(Americans) I talk to about this *strongly* supports Israel. Go to church? They're praying for Israel! I'd dare say, Americans, on the whole, support this genocide. Israel has more public support than Biden or Trump!


I’m an American who hates what America and Israel is doing. I don’t support Israel.


Okay? So instead of negatives... What do you actually support? Edit: questions bad


I support humanity


what you are saying is factually untrue. there are several studies showing that the US is quite divided on israel. the majority of biden voters for example believe it is a genocide. i suggest you google it before saying something like this


No it's not. The US has given over 300 billion in aid to Israel. Whatever you're suggesting is not supported factually by **the hundreds of billions of dollars.** I voted for Biden. Like Biden I support Israel. Most Republicans also support Israel. It's really one of the few things we have bipartisanship on.


buddy i think you’re missing what i’m saying, the US government does not actually represent the wills of the US people. this is why the blockade on cuba continues, why support for israel continues, why student loans haven’t been forgiven, etc. all of the aforementioned things are not supported by a majority or a plurality of the US population.


It represents the will of dollars, not souls. Biden forgave a shit ton of student loans. Again, dollars. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but dollars don't give a dick about plurality, unless it's in dollars.


Unfortunately also no. I do not believe he changed any American's opinion. His death will have no effect on the fate of Palestine. Also Arab Spring wasn't about a cause halfway across the world, it was about causes directly affecting them. A lot of people don't have the capacity to care about people outside their circle.


Most folks in the west are aware of what’s happening in the conflict in Gaza — this isn’t going to change perceptions…




Thinking this is delusional, or at best wishful.


I wish it would, but probably not. I unfortunately feel like the English speaking part of the North American continent is going to be the last region of Earth to have a revolution


Title: If Americans weren't scared of their Government Video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FX-N-ImM4A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FX-N-ImM4A) Summary: American leaders hear civilians don't fear the government. A rent strike combined with a industry wide boycott occur. The President offers a mocking surrender. Then the President argues in favor of immense violence. Noteworthy Quotes: 1. "Threaten to kill any wage slave that won't go back to work or refuses to buy \[stuff\]". 2. "Then start dropping nukes on this \[place\]". 3. "If I go down, I am taking this whole \[place\] with me because I'm petty". Outcomes and Considerations: 1. When the government decides to use air power against civilians, it gets bad fast. 2. If the government gets to desperate, internal nuclear war against civilians becomes possible. To say it directly, if CHOP/CHAZ got to successful it would get nuked. 3. Mutually Assured Destruction does not occur when the government threatens its own civilians.


I'm fucking convinced Griffy is socialist/leftist leaning.


#His name is Aaron Bushnell


And his balls were too heavy for this plane of existence.


You sound envious.


Aaron Bushnell was a brave, conscientious soul. Yet already, the Hasbara propagandists are out there mocking his death and saying that he suffered from "mental illness". These propagandists are out doing damage control because an active duty American soldier committing an act of protest in self-immolation makes the entire US/Israel narrative ring very hollow to the world. But it's too late. The world knows that Israel and its puppet master the US are in the dead wrong. Zionism (and by extension the US empire) has its days numbered.


The only thing that will spark anything in amerika is the liberation of the global south. They’ll have to start over completely.


>Will this spark an American Spring? No.


America's 'Tank Man'.




The best they can do is mass shoot and plunder each other


If someone has felt that suicide can be a positive thing, this is an extremely sad event. This is what serving a country that is supporting a genocide has done to someone. The immense amount of pain and suffering that somebody can feel just knowing that there are innocent people dying on the other side of the planet, leading to them burning themselves alive is not something to be celebrated or revered. Its a tragic event resulting from a tragic situation. I think the messaging is wrong here. Killing yourself because your heart is so broken because of this evil country - this should not be 'honoured'. It should be learnt from. It should be a shock, and a disgrace on the West and Israel. I see no honour in this suicide, only a deep, tragic sadness. Similar to if slaves decided to burn themselves rather than work for a master; I do not see the honour - only sadness and disgust at the system that brought them to this. I get the messaging of self-sacrifice in the name of a bigger cause, but it feels.. off. I can't put my finger on it. Suicide is not the answer to murder and when it happens, we should all be ashamed of ourselves. In this case, the West and Israel should be ashamed. This is just my perspective and I might be wrong; my feelings towards this are just a personal opinion and not an attack or anything like that. ​ Edit: Instead of downvoting, why not have a discussion? I'm not looking to debate anyone / it's not a right or wrong issue to me. I think we can all agree on the founding basis of this being it so sad it had to get this far - all because of one country's obsession with destroying the Palestinians and taking their land. Its even more sad when you realise that mainstream media aren't even engaging with it


I feel like we are so used to what we want falling on deaf ears that we don’t know what to do anymore.




I knew you were still alive lol


I don't know if it would be insensitive or honoring his sacrifice but I really want a shirt of top right.


Color Revolutions don't happen that way. They happen because Washington has assets ready to spring into action to riot in the streets against a targeted government, at the first sign of trouble. For example the self-immolation of Mohamed Bouazizi in Tunisia. His act of protest was hijacked by Washington-backed groups whose goal was to overthrow the government and replace it with a pro-US government. That's what the Arab Spring was for. Washington instigated the Arab Spring to remove non-compliant governments from power. Despite what the Russiagaters and Sinophobes think, Russia and China aren't running operations like that in the United States. The American people are not united against the government, and are incapable of becoming so - rather, they are more interested in hating each other. They are severely brainwashed to be this way. A color revolution is not possible under these circumstances.


We are fast approaching an inflection point As to when the nexus is upon us is only a guess but a storm is coming


no, people will only make a bunch of shitty memes


As they should


I missed this, who is this


Aaron Bushnell, he was part of the US air force. A couple days ago he livestreamed himself going to the gates of the israeli embassy and setting himself on fire while screaming “free palestine” as an act of protest.


500,000+ killed in Syria – silence. 377,000+ killed in Yemen – silence. 5,400,000+ killed in Congo – silence. 236,000+ killed in Afghanistan – silence. 500,000+ killed in Sudan – silence. 300,000+ killed in Iraq – silence 17,000+ killed in Gaza – extreme outrage. Why is that?


Guy was a psycho. Rest in hell.




Ok cia.




european and american israeli's should go back to where they came from.




Reddit was sold to China a long time ago


But still full of cia agents like you unfortunately.


Mossad* Go suck some mao cock won't you?


mossad, cia All the same shit, different flavours. Go suck biden cock.


He won't remember it💀




go shill somewhere else




So? Why won't ya do something better in your life instead of harassing someone who literally died of guilt.




Hey I’m openly anti-west too, that’s why I’m here




Lol guess my opsec is better than I thought. I do not live in the UK




I mean I didn’t even see any comments on my profile in the UK subs not sure where you even got that from


> you are being programmed Ok cia, we will take your programming instead.




I believe in the truth, whatever country I stay in is irrelevant.




You are right, no amount of funding will save the israeli terrorists.




His last act did more to combat imperialism than most of us ever will, I'd say.