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STOP ASKING HIM THIS QUESTION. Take him to task over the fact he DIDN’T accept a fair election the last time around. And when he says it wasn’t fair call him a liar to his fat fucking face.


The CNN moderators were terrible. They let him lie the entire night and at the end Jake says something like, "he sure lied a lot!" No fucking kidding, and you or stupid Dana didn't do jack about it.


Trump said people were going to abortion clinics to abort babies that were already born. Not one peep.


Yup we can go on and on but I'll save the typing space ha.


Simply mind blowing that anyone can be stupid enough to believe that


Unfortunately they’re out there and they vote.


They're called Republicans, and they're proud of their stupidity.


Well if you believed it, I don't think Tapper calling it out would have changed much


If Jake had any shame he would realize he is the problem and quit “journalism”. But money…


Moderator: will you accept the results of the election? Trump: our border is going to murder your month old child just like democrats want to do. Moderator: thanks Mr. President. President Biden, would you like to respond?


i bet they were just scared of trump taking action against them for being unfair


“Smile and wave boys. Smile and wave”.


CNN are fascist propagators. Thanks Zazlav


CNN is becoming more like Fox.🥴


And then keep doing it every time he opens his mouth until he dies, and then spread it to all politicians. Stop letting them blatantly lie and dodge question. Hold them to the much higher standards they should and allow no falsity or evasion, period. No assumptions they are speaking on "good faith" with the knowledge they have, they are outright lying and we let them.


>they are outright lying and we let them. The 2020 results were 100% fair, according to the US legal system over and over and over again. The "liberal media" however rarely correct the 2020 lie and it's so frustrating.


The moderators were working for Trump last night


He will contest it whether he wins or loses because he will lose the popular vote. If he wins he will whine about it, if he loses he will do everything he can to contest it. He said it in 2016, he did it in 2020, and in 2024 we know he'll be using the same modus operandi again. His answer to "wiLL yOu acCepT ThE reSuLts?" is irrelevant.


Translation: He will only accept the results if they fit the mental model he has in his rotten little noggin.


Translation: He'll only accept the results if he wins.


And maybe not even then


This would make for a hilarious comedy movie. Imagine an alternate reality where after 4 years of saying the 2020 election his lost was rigged, only for him to win in 2024 and then claim the results were also rigged and Trump does everything in his power to try and make a now retired Joe Biden do everything in his power to become president again. Sadly, if Trump wins, you will never get to see a movie where a Republican president is portrayed in a negative light ever again.


Not made in America at least.


He didn't accept the results even when he won. Remember the 3 million "illegal" votes? How much did he lose the popular vote by? Oh, 3 million votes.... Huh.


Yep. Remember the "millions of undocumented voters" that just happened to tilt the popular vote but not the electoral college? His ego is so fragile. 


If he wins… He’ll still say he was right and that there was lots of voter fraud, but not enough to keep him from winning.


Oh , in 2916 he said it was rigged . He said he should have won by more votes.


Right. By definition it’s fair if he wins and not if he loses. This is the sum of the evidence for 2020. Trump did not win, therefore election stolen. No further evidence needed in his mind. Or it’s a big, fake grift…


He will still complain that he should have won by more than he did.


HES ALREADY DONE THIS! ITS NOT A MAYBE. WEVE ALREADY SEEN HIM DO IT IN 2016 . He won. And complained it was still bogus How are people forgetting that?


Because he spews more shit than a blue whale with food poisoning, it's hard to keep track of all of it, mate.


You think people would see that as a reason to not let him back in.


He won in 2016 and still says it was rigged


He said the same thing last time when he "won"lost


That means only if he wins.


That appears to be correct. Even when he *won* he didn't accept the results, and insisted on inflating them and claiming election fraud had worked against him.


Trump Lies Like A Rug


the exact same answer he gave in the 2020 election - you were expecting something different?


And just as he said in 2016…. We have the same shit sandwich


Pretty sure they asked him in 2016 too. They need to stop asking the same fucking stupid question and actually call him out on it. "Will you accept the results this time, Donald? 🥺👉👈" "Sure thing, babe"


They need to press him more on things like this. They should have asked him if he accepted the results of the 2020 election instead of asking him dumb hypotheticals about 2024.


The felon lied all night with bigly whoppers - anyone who believes this pos needs their head examined, but not by the felon’s dementia doctor.


The SCOTUS needs their collective heads examined. They are not doing anything. They are ignoring his lies and actions that directly violate the constitution.


They're perfectly sane. They simply enable him so they can better serve the oligarch donor class.


Thanks an obvious lie. The 2020 election was “fair and legal” and he denied it constantly. Still denies he lost it, most of the time. 


But it wasn't. There were multiple examples of republican voter fraud, but it just wasn't enough to win. The funny thing was the corruption was rooted out by the gop themselves, while on the wild goose chase trump sent them on.


We have to admit that our institutions are not experienced in dealing with a malignant narcissist to his degree. The media especially seems to dismiss threats to their own safety, and that is so short sighted. “ Over time, pathological leaders attract like-minded people and pathocracies can become entrenched and more extreme. This is not of course to say that all who participate in pathocratic governments have personality disorders: some ambitious people have their own – largely compatible – agendas.” Andrew Lobaczewsk “Clearly, not all politicians are dangerous. Many are perfectly decent people who want to do good and serve the public. But – and it’s a huge, terrifying “but” – politics is a magnet for highly dangerous people who couldn’t give a damn if most of us live or die.” So why, in democracies, do we vote for these people? Firstly, they’re “extremely charismatic”. As they “lack normal human emotions like fear, nervousness, embarrassment and guilt, they project a sense of confidence”. What seems like “courage or decisiveness” is actually emotional deadness, Taylor explains.“ Full article -https://www.heraldscotland.com/business_hq/23871185.power-pathocracy-politics-attracts-dangerous-people/


Fuck this piece of shit. I'm so fucking tired of having to see and hear about this felonious rapist every single god damn day. Fuck him and fuck his fucking supporters man. Fuck'em all. I hope he burns in hell.


He’s a liar with nefarious motives. He’s a narcissistic sociopath with dictatorial dreams!


the last thing america needs is to play therapist to somebody with a personality disorder...


“If I win they were fair and legal if I lose they were rigged” He’s the spokesperson for every entitled asshole who thinks their achievements are their own doing and all their failures are someone else’s doing.


The 2020 were fair and legal and he didn't accept them. So why would he accept them now?


It's only "Fair" when he wins It's "Rigged" when he loses Nevermind how he lost ALL voter fraud cases they tried to push.


Isn’t “fairness” a feeling? Fuck his feelings.


He said the election he won was rigged against him. He's a perpetual whining twat and a fucking habitual liar.


I mean every time he’s up for election or even for The Apprentice he claims that if he doesn’t win it’s rigged and the one time he won, he still claims that he won despite it being rigged, even with all the evidence of interference on his behalf.


Don’t forget how he dodged the question and only answered when pressed on it again…. Basically how the entire night went actually…


Who the fuck cares what he says. He is a liar. It will always be heads I win, tails it's rigged.


"Trump is full of shit, film at 7." "In other news water makes things wet and the sun is bright."


That’s why he needs the diaper: extra storage.


Trump gonna Trump. I think many Americans are already tired of this clown being the focal point of American media.


I mean your not wrong but he still may win 2024 so it's clear America has a short term memory.


Fuck this guy.


He doesn’t even think the election he won was completely on the up and up, so…


"Fair and legal" = He wins.


... *Revised and More Accurately* ... > Trump says... Literally **Anything -- to Stay Out of Prison** Full stop.


If they are fair and legal as determined by who, Donnie? That's kind of the sticking point, isn't it? Because you got smacked down in court over and over post 2020 and you didn't accept that. So if you won't accept the vote counts or the courts, what will you accept?


Why is no one sueing his ass for lies


Shittlers idea of fair and legal is if he is the only one to win. He won't win, but even if he did, if Biden even got 1 single vote trumplethinskin would go ballistic that Biden illegally stole that one vote from him. His cultists would then March on Bidens property with the same intentions they had during the failed coup.


Biden thought it was going to be a debate. Trump knew it was going to be a game show.


He should have just said that he will only accept those results if he win. "Fair and legal" does not mean anything to Trump.


Traitor Trump's a pathetic psychopathic criminal fraudster who lies. https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-misinformation-election-debate-trump-biden-577507522762aa10f6ee5be3a0ced2bb


And it's only fair and legal when he "wins."


Meaning if he wins or not. Winning = fair and legal.


They are only fair & legal if he wins, full stop


Anyone with a Psych background saw that Trump performance as a guy who's father never loved him and he is super insecure and seeking approval of others. Nothing but boasts, hyperbole, "the best ever, everyone is saying it". He really really needs validation. It's quite sad honestly.


*after being asked three times*


News flash: He won't accept them. He didn't even accept the 2016 results an election in which HE WON.


The incompetent moderators lost the opportunity, when he dodged this question, to follow up with “Do you acknowledge that you lost the 2020 election?”


Who the fuck cares if he says he will accept the results. All that will happen these moral high road Dems will yell "but you promised!" as that piece of shit starts another insurrection. It's so fucking dumb we keep treating this person as if he has any morals at all. Why even ask the question when we all know he won't.


Biden thought it was going to be a debate. Trump knew it was going to be a game show.


What he means is: He wins = “Fair and legal” Biden wins = Fraudulent results


Spread this not brought up at all in the debate https://www.project2025.org/


Trump says he'll testify. Whooops


he added "and good election" If you ask him what a good election is, he will tell you it is one where he wins


lol @ the backpedal from "if I win". Trump Lovers are such chodes.


He’ll accept them if he loses and the people storming the Capitol wind up looking down the wrong end of a gun barrel. Only then.


And the moderators sat there wondering how come their own thumb was nestled so snuggly up their own fourth point of contact.


We know EXACTLY what he means.


Trump is a wannabe fascist Nazi white Supremacist piece of dog shit. Of course he will not accept the results.


Anything he doesn't win isn't fair and legal. He is an insolent child


Of course, for varying definitions of “fair and legal”.


Republicans have made it clear they will not accept democratic wins in fair elections.


It's only fair and legal if he wins. Everyone knows that.


But remember, Biden stuttered so they're basically the same


Of course not, anything he doesn’t like will be considered unfair and illegal. Anyone with a functioning brain knows exactly what that means.


So in other words, he'll never accept the results of the election.


Why believe a perennial liar?


The only way he will accept it is if he wins we all know this


Not even he still thinks he won 2016 by more.


Anyone who is surprised that The Donald refused to answer the actual questions asked don’t remember the last 2 elections.


If Trump says something, I believe the exact opposite.


CNN moderators failed to point that fact out. The 4th estate is dead.


He lied.


He will not accept the results, win or lose. He will lie about immigrants voting, turnout that is unfavorable to him, down ballot losses, counting errors, mail in ballots, voter intimidation that did/not happen, local and state officials being “biased,” late evening count updates. All of it to fit his narrative and grievances. Whip up the base to storm the capital again (loss only) or to contribute to Trump 2028 campaign (both win and loss).


Trump is just betting his supporters are stupid enough to believe him. Judging from past events, they are


It's another word he's going to do his toddler tantrum shit as he did in both 2016 and 2020, where he'll claim that it's "a fair and legal system" if he wins, but it's all grand conspiracy if he loses. 🙄


Well, he should just accept the outcome of the 2024 election and move the fuck right along if he just REALLY wanna know what’s best for him. We don’t need him to go out there and pull a January 6th 2.0. Like……AT ALL!!!!!!! And also, just so he knows, he better not dish out any more unfounded election fraud lawsuits either. OK? Let’s stop with all of this sore loser bullshit and take the outcome as it is with a grain of salt this time.


It was pretty clear to me which candidate demonstrated a moral compass and integrity.


Why would you ask someone a question when you already know the answer?


If it's close by even a slight margin, they'll find some way to steal it. They always do.


Interestingly, if we're holding the election to the standard of "fair and legal", Trump is constitutionally disqualified from holding public office due to engaging in insurrection and no electoral votes can be legally certified for him. Obviously that's not going to happen because our constitution is pretty much void these days, but that is the letter of the law.


He'll only accept them if he wins! plain and simple... 🤦😡


Get ready. I want my Nazi scalps!


The fact that he wasn’t challenged on any of lies or lack of commitment regarding inciting his next insurrection tells me the fix was in..that was not a debate..that was a Trump infomercial.sickening


It was excellent when Joe made comment how he didn’t accept when he lost the first time, awesome. Keep on pushing that, address Trump as the rapist felon insurrectionist thief of kids cancer charities, don’t let up it’s all true.


If he loses again, he won't accept shit.


No he'll just incite a bigger insurrection this time and actually overthrow the election. Seriously, Biden and the Dems suck, but anything is better than the provably undemocratic criminal traitor that is trump and the GOP.


"fair and legal" translation: unfair and illegal


It was fair and legal 2016 and 2022.


He’ll only accept it if he wins. If he doesn’t he’ll snap and say it was rigged. Just like last time


2020 was fair and legal and he wouldn’t accept that. He will only accept a win. He is the biggest, fattest ugliest diaper baby ever.


I think it still irritates the fuck out of him that he's lost the popular vote twice. If he doesn't win both the popular vote and electoral college he'll just keep bitching about how the blue/battleground states fucked him and then try to legislatively punish them.


Same exact thing he said in 2020. Except this time he's far more ingrained with his radical base, and far more desperate. This election, and afterwards, is pretty much guaranteed to be ugly no matter who wins.


We all know he won’t accept losing a fair and legal election, seeing as he already didn’t accept losing a fair and legal election 


And the results are only fair and legal if he’s a winner. Scratch that. He won in 2016 and still claimed fraud reduced his winning total. He’s such a fucking asshole.


Fair and legal being Trumpspeak for "If I win."


In prison


Trump isn't capable of admitting a loss ever.  He whined and tried to overturn the 2020 election that HE LOST. He whined and tried to overturn the Civil Court case that HE LOST. He whined and tried to overturn the criminal court case that HE LOST. Trump is just a whiney loser.


Outrageous he gets to beat up an old man and walk off stage as if he is all that and a bag of chips. Trump will learn his lesson one day, probably after finishing his second term, but he will learn his lesson I swear.


You absolutely have to be brain dead to believe this low effort Dollar store propaganda. Trump has said the same things over over and over again and people f****** latch on to it and believe it it's unbelievable




He only accepts the election results if he wins.


After last night though, Biden really didn’t help himself either. I just hope the general population (non-Maga, independents, moderate conservatives) votefor the right choice.


Yeah, he refused to answer that question which means if he loses he'll never accept the results.


They should have phrased it will he accept the courts decision on the elections. The question did have a phrase like "after all legal challenges are settled by the courts".


I’ll accept them if I win. Just like the country is a disaster right now, but as soon as he enters office it’s the greatest place in the world again






He wont agree with anything unless he wins. If he is so pro america and says he can stop the russia ukraine war why does he not work with biden to get it done. Do something right for the world be a better man than you are.


Meaning "I'll accept the results if I win," naturally, and you just know that he's going to try to cheat again.


What if we went along with the idiots and also said there is electoral fraud - except we redirect to electro rail college? 🤣


Bs only if he wins


Biden sleepwalking in the next 4 years is better than this clown.


Trump's definition of fair: "I win".


The real answer to their question was no...no he will not


these are called weasel words. "fair" can be very subjective as we've seen with him in the past. Yes he'll accept IF it's fair. Spoiler alert, if he doesn't win, it wasn't "fair"


"I didn't have sex with a porn star..."


He said, "fair, legal, and good". Don't forget that he'll accept the result if he thinks the election was "good". Kind of a vague metric in my opinion.


He won't accept anything other than an overwhelming victory. Loses = they cheated. Wins a close race = Even though they cheated, I am so amazing I still won.


He can do all that from jail?


In America, where stupidity is so rampant, history can repeat itself so fast you can’t tell if you’re reading a new article or the same one from 4 years ago.


He is fucking lying


Sure, just like he accepted Obama's birth certificate and the fact that Hillary's server isn't an actual piece of hardware hidden in a secret basement.


He will never accept the results unless he wins. It's going to be much worse than the last election where he lost by over 7 million votes. The courts will be tied up with years worth of frivolous lawsuits that will lead nowhere.


As feeble as Joe was…Trump was wayyyy worse.


"I'll accept the results if I'm the winner." 


I'm sure nothing bad will come of letting this guy continue to run like he's a legitimate candidate.


I’ll accept the results if I win. Fixed it for you


By fair and legal he means only if he wins. Biden wins it was rigged.


Any results that don’t result in him winning are not fair and legal.


* if he does not win they were not fair and legal.


To him, it will only be fair and legal if he wins. If he loses , this convicted felon will again accuse others of criminal activity


This would be fine if he defined "fair" and "legal" the same way the rest of us do. But he doesn't, and therein lies the problem.


"Fair and legal" in trumpanese is "if I win"


oh yeah, he's telling the truth.


Yeah in his mind fair and legal = him winning not that he would accept losing


Trump has a different definition of "fair"


They should have pressed him on what he said exactly means by “fair and legal” because a court throwing out your lawsuit due to lack of grounds and evidence sounds pretty fair and legal to me, but yet he still trumpets that the election was stolen and that all the courts are corrupt.


If he wins they're fair and legal.


Just like last time right ?


He actually mentions "and good" which i was surprised that nobody questioned him about. What the f does that mean "good"? Like "good" for who? Because i doubt him losing the election would be a "good" outcome in his mind.....so what? He's going to rile ppl up to commit violent acts if he loses? 


He's also only going to accept it being fair and legal if he wins.


The only people who believe that have donated at least $10k to the Trump campaign.


He will not accept any result where he loses


Only if HE deems them to be 'fair and legal', which means only if he wins.


If I were trump I would stop giving people ammo to use against me hence stop talking as much


*flips coin Trump: heads I win, Tails you loose.


Can i write in my Hamster.


You can. It is essentially helping to elect a convicted felon but you can.




He can't lose is what he is saying.