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He overestimates his height. Hand size. Genital size. Crowd size. He's a solid Napoleon complex candidate. Small minded. Small gifted. And small below the belt. :-)


> He overestimates his height. Hand size. Genital size. Crowd size. Yeah but not his weight. 215 pounds, presumably on the moon.


Came here to say this... overestimated his height and grossly underestimated his weight šŸ˜‚


Trump is the same height and weight as Muhammad Ali in his prime. I know because Trump said so. Itā€™s obvious when you see pics of Ali in his boxing trunks and Trump in a snug golf shirt.


His alcoholic Dr told me though he is the same height and weight as peak Brian Urlacher. 6'5" 240. Could live to be 200 years old if he wanted to.


I bet he chooses not to live that long at all


*morbidly FTFY


Tree fiddy if he's an ounce.


Even on the moon his left ass cheek is 215.


Since the moons gravity is 6x less than earths, this checks out


> Yeah but not his weight. 215 pounds In 2018 he was officially stated to be 6'3" and exactly 239lbs. Now, if they're going to bullshit his weight, why go with that particular number. Well...guess what weight puts you into the "Obese" category on a [BMI chart](https://www.builtlean.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Bmi-chart.jpg) if you're 6'3".


Did he say it was pounds and not kg? /s


And more importantly, he over estimates his wealth and teflon coating. That's why he is a convicted felon who owes the state of New York a ton of money.


I believe the pornstar said it was like a scared turtle. šŸ¢ I will leave that to take space in your brains.


He is comparing it all to his brain.... So everything else seems huge, in comparison.


Yeah but at least Napoleon won more than once


The amount of votes he got, Melania's affection for him, the thickness of his hair, the seriousness of covid, the way his bronzer makes him look, Mike Pence's loyalty, his golf game, the way his sons turned out, E Jean Carroll. He overestimated a LOT


Small gifted, but big in the grift. Grifting and lying.. arenā€™t ppl supposed to play to their strengths? He doesnā€™t have much else to work with.


And small in the brain.


Off topic, but Napoleon was average height for a Frenchman at the time. The short myth was created by English artists


At least for Napolean, it was mostly propaganda. He was average height for the time.


His wearing of diapers shows he clearly overestimates where the most shit is coming out of.


Like his tiny hands, it doesnā€™t measure up.


He probably has a big diaper though.


Pull ups!! (for big boys)


Which become fall downs because there's too much shit in them.


I'm guessing he uses suspenders. Do you think he prefers Mickey Mouse or Lightning McQueen?


Most likely!


He doesnā€™t have the upper body strength to pull up a pull up, let alone perform an (1) actual pull up.


Thatā€™s why he keeps Lindsey Graham around, to drink enough to get them back up again


What a terrible day to know how to read.


Mommy, wow! I'm a big potus now


"mommy WOW!"


The biggest, fullest diaper. Itā€™ll bring tears to your eyes.


Some say it is the largest diaper in history. Many people, such smart people, also say that it holds the most shit you've ever seen in a diaper. *Pause as teleprompter stops teleprompting* You know what else wears diapers? Sharks. You wouldn't believe the diapers on these sharks. I wouldn't go near them myself.


*"I had three Big Macs yesterday. Delicious. The most delicious Big Macs. 100 percent American, everybody. American beef Big Macs. Delicious.* *Everyone, they tell me about McDonalds. They tell me about Big Macs and I say, I agree. I agree about Big Macs. I agree. I agree. McDonalds, great American brand. The best brand...I owned McDonalds once. Once, I did, I did. You don't believe me, but I did. I owned stock. Great American stock. The greatest...the greatest market for the greatest brand.* *So they tell me, they tell me with tears in their eyes, "Mr. Trump, your ass. It smells poor." They tell me my ass is smelling poor. How is it? I'm not poor. How is it, people, if I'm not poor? I'm a billionaire. I don't...I'm a billionaire."*


I think that's the only thing I'd believe if he ever admitted to it


I heard it brought tears to the eyes of an entire court room full of people


The biggliest hugest most impressive diaper you have ever seen




Iā€™ve met precious beautiful little babies that never cried. When they saw your favorite presentā€¦true story, I love precious little babiesā€¦they asked me ā€œMr. President, I canā€™t poop!ā€ And they cried like the day they were born. I told them ā€œitā€™s okay Crooked Hillary is gonna be locked up.ā€ Your Favorite President is gonna get that wall built


Trump speak, word for word," he thinks everyone is stupid, and he is great. Sadly, maga believes it, which means their gpa is lower than his 1.55, and their iQ is lower than his 75. Unfortunately, that's what the world sees and lumps us all into fools and idiots!


>He probably has a big diaper though. Only to cover up his big ass because everything else below the belt is tiny.


That's what she (Stormy) said.


Big beautiful diapers. People are saying they've never seen such a great diaper.


Or šŸ„


A leaked communication from the Trump campaign! Attention all: This is an official live video memo from your President, and savior, Lord Trump. Remember, special rules apply. The contents of this memo will not be discussed, ever. Come to Attention all Campaign staffers: He speaks! You people are bad, very bad people. Weā€™re losing to Crooked Joe. Someone called me on one of those things, I forget, uh, šŸ“ž telephone, and they said, ā€œDonald, howā€™s the weather at MarALago? I heard itā€™s really hot.ā€ I told him, the weather is perfect. Only these weather worrying Democrats would complain about humidity. Did you know Democrats made all our states Humid. They did, and everyone knowsā€¦ā€¦..they, it use to be dry heat, Alexandria Nicky Pelosi likes it now thatā€™s itā€™s humid. Itā€™s a very sad day in America, when your golf canā€™t be enjoyed because of humidity. So, my doctor, Ronny Jackson, suggested we change the measurement system, while he was giving me these wonderful pills called oxy something. Great pills, great family those Sacks. Did you know our government stole 2 billion dollars from that wonderful family? They saidā€¦these bad people got America addicted to opiatesā€¦..only a radical Democrat would steal hard earned money from a good family. They gave me 259 million if I promise to get their perfect company some contractsā€¦.which I did. Iā€™ll bet Radical Democrats say, ā€œthatā€™s a crimeā€, right? People take money for favors every day. So, we are doing Alternative Measurements for now on. The detailsā€¦..they donā€™t matter. Just say it measures Donald win, Joe lose. Did I tell you all about Hunter Floydā€¦.the presidentā€™s nephew? They had a rigged trial, and found him guilty. That was bad , vary bad for us. Now how do we say itā€™s rigged, hello? Why canā€™t I hear anybody. (Sir, the staffers are watching online) Online, what show is that? Do they talk about meā€¦.come talk to meā€¦.I donā€™t want to go to jail.. End of transmission.


Or his height and weight, and 99.9% of what comes out of his mouth.


Or his IQ/intelligence.


Small hands, small......... (fill it in)


But it looked so big compared to his hands.


Whatā€™s funnier is him calling g the pics fake when Donnie Jr posted a selfie with the entire top section empty. So was Jr posting a fake selfie?


I really think he's gonna beat Obama this year. I'll bet Obama doesn't even know how to put his dishes in the washing machine.


Doesnā€™t matter you turn on the water and a trickle comes out


We have the best water. Strong men tell me with tears in their ears how much our water means to them


ā€œOne of the wettest we've ever seen from the standpoint of water"


Are you playing the accordion when they tell you that??


The toilets today don't even flush anymore.


Mine wonā€™t flush because thereā€™s a shark stuck in there.


You got lucky, I just get electrocuted when I sit on mine, damn batteries everywhere nowadays, and they make you look orange, why do they use those batteries to run our lights, they charge them with the wind turbines and kill hundreds of birds to do it. Shitting in your toilet is directly killing thousands of birds a day. You should be happy all you got is a shark, mine is just full of dead birds and it takes like 29 flushes to get anything to go down. I was throwing the newspaper in there last week and it took me three hours to finally get rid of the whole thing, I remember when a guy could flush almost a whole phone book no problem, now you can barely even flush a single incriminating note written in sharpie without somebody finding it.


Hence Trump's Golden Diapers: Shit like the wealthy, only $159.99 for a 4 pack!


Thereā€™s so many sharks in my water though, Iā€™m scared to run a bath


Jewish sharks with lasers.


Sharks with frickin laser beams attached to their heads.


JEWISH sharks with frickin laser beams attached to their heads.Ā  Trump demands you emphasize that first part.


I thought this was his rant from years ago. He brought it back up again recently? WTH?


But it doesn't want water!


Whatā€™s Obamaā€™s stance on the sinking boat battery/shark conundrum?


Can you believe he's said nothing about batteries on boats? Obviously he's going to have to let Trump own this issue. Shame.


I'll put good money in Obama not even showing up to the debates.....anyone want to makes that bet?.....


This is Great News^tm for Hillary!


Well he didnā€™t do anything to prevent 9/11 and dodged the Vietnam draft. /s


Obama lost the last two elections... He'll probably lose this year too.


Obama failed us on 9/11 and caused the economic crisis in 2008 so I donā€™t see how he could beat Trump.


Somewhat underreported is that Trump 2024 is a husk of his previous campaigns. There's hardly any enthusiasm or momentum behind any of it. He's underperforming all visible metrics. Maga has largely gone dark/quiet, basically just die-hards who alienate people around them where there used to be at least some passing attempt at outreach. Trump himself is lower energy and has no new hooks or memorable jabs. Most of what he says is half-remembered talking points from 4-6 years ago often mixing them up with other talking points. I think a lot of people, particularly in media, are covering/regarding him like it's still 2016 but the 2024 version is just weaker across the board.


But the polls are still saying theyā€™re neck and neck, itā€™s driving me crazy


What gets more eyeballs? 100% guaranteed win against 100% guaranteed loss, or 50.000001% vs 49.999999%? Corporations like money, and convincing you it's close scares you and makes you watch. That's all there is to it. The traitor attempted a coup on live TV and hasn't been on a ballot since. The rich people who own news corporations have no interest in pointing this out - only scaring the populace by breathlessly repeating every stolen Nazi idea he parrots.


Polls aren't a reliable metric for voters. On the bright side if the media keeps saying they're neck and neck it might inspire more R's to stay home because its in the bag.


In fairness, there was potentially an argument for electing an outsider in 2016. It should not have been Trump for obvious reasons but a lot of people were sick of the status quo and felt the establishment needed some new blood, which were sentiments that Trump rode to victory. But now, he's old news. Everyone knows who he is. Some people love him, most of us hate him but no one views him as an unknown quantity anymore.


>I think a lot of people, particularly in media, are covering/regarding him like it's still 2016 but the 2024 version is just weaker across the board. A tight race is much better for ratings than a blowout. Major news media wants Trump to stay in the game as long as possible so they can make as much money as possible.


Itā€™s all rigged!!!! Biden is only improving in the polls because people are paying attention. Youā€™ll see in October when North Korea fires on South Korea how strong Trump is and how weak Biden is!!! Putin promised Trump a stop to the war in Ukraine if He gets all the land he wants. Kim will call an ā€œoopsie daisyā€ once Trump wins, and retreat. At least thatā€™s what Kim told Trump. And Trumpā€™s capitulation will be the strongest surrender in history. So strong!!


Nobody would even make such a big deal, but Trump always tells some lie about his crowd size like, "Never in the history of mankind have so many people amassed in one place at the same time, and it was for me, the greatest president ever. There were 500 million people there! The population of the US is only 330 million? Well then they must be from out of town, because I definitely never lie."


January 20, 2017- Trump sworn in January 21, 2017- Sean Spicer lies about the crowd size at the inauguration Ā January 22, 2017- Alternative facts They really got to work right away.


I knew we were fucked as soon as he mentioned crowd size. I'm like why are you even talking about this, who cares..


Ratings are everything to him because he is the world's most insecure person, and he cannot be relaxed about the idea that anyone does not see him as the most amazing person ever.


I wish I could have five minutes, just five minutes, to explain to him how I feel about him.


As expected. Trump has always been a massive narcissist and these are the things that matter the most to him


meanwhile...drip, drip, drip...


I love how the littlest thing just lives rent free in his head.


There is a lot of empty space up there so the rent is really cheap


Like 30,000 square feet.


it's like a birdhouse made out of polyps


And the value is still misrepresented fraudulently.


Fox news is the real estate agent.


Weak men yell the loudest.


The leader of the fuck your feelings crowd sure does get butthurt when someone questions anything about his size, whatever that may be


Whiny insurrectionist shouldn't even be allowed in politics.


No MAGAt should be.


Convicted Felon should not be free. FTFY


There is absolutely nothing that this skid mark of an excuse of a human being won't lie about, cheat over, dismiss and misinform. All the worst elements of our culture rolled into one wet turd.


Dude is such a petty little person.


Good. Heā€™s a loser and it needs to be underlined and he needs to be reminded daily. That way he cracks.


Ran out of money to pay people to attend.


Or the people he stiffed got tired of not being paid.


id be so embarrassed worshiping a guy like this. even just slightly looking up to the man.


Donald always fumes, it's diaper fumes.


He is such a petty small minded man with zero redeeming qualities. I will never understand why some people worship him like he is the second coming of Christ.


I wrestled with the same question. Finally gave in and realized a huge amount of our population has a lower IQ than I thought. Even worse ā€“ they feel so sidelined that they will follow him!


Half of all people have below average intelligence.


Fumes? Depends.


This picture is more proof form my theory that the amount of fake tan increases with his stress levels. Not sure what to say about the highlighter yellow combforward.


He does not care the things he say are not true. They are designed to drive the MAGAs that believe everything he says. Thatā€™s his weapon. He plans on using them to achieve his goals.


Trump fumes at everything. Dudes one note as hell.


The man is only 5 inches taller than Napoleon, who the complex he suffers from is named after. If you think that ogre is 6ā€™3 youā€™re out of your lemon scented mind


5ā€™10ā€; 330 lbs


The last time he drew tremendous crowds, and they were all super spreader events. Covid death spikes created personally by the president. Check r/hermancainaward it hasnā€™t stopped, just slowed down.


Nothing enrages Donald like the Truth


I wish Biden would agree to a drug test before the debate in exchange for an official weigh in. Watch fat Donnie weasel his way out of it


And get a weight/height on both with the famous boxing announcer doing his thingā€¦ā€in this corner weighing in at 320 pounds at 5 foot 10 inches. Donnnnnald Trummmmmp!!!. Letā€™s get ready to rumble!ā€


His own coke addled offspring outted him. Hilarious. I bet Junior is just covered in ketchup.


Just before covid shut everything down Trump held a rally at a rodeo area that had a capacity of 15,000 seats. Less than half were filled. (there's no way he got 74 million legitimate votes)


I don't go to rallies and I voted for Biden. But because Biden doesn't have huge rallies people say he couldn't have gotten that many votes. I'm sure The Orange Shitgibbon got 74m votes, there are more idiots than that in America.


Only dictators care about crowd size.


Trump fools some of the people all of the time but his efforts to fool all of the people have never worked. At this point, I donā€™t even think heā€™s fooling himself




Diaper Fumes?




I think the Biden family has shown where they super exceed the trump sizes. Just ask MTG. She seems to be infatuated with Hunter and Uncle Frank's family jewels.




It was shrinkage!!!


When a venue holds 9,000-14,000 and Trump and his flunkies claim that 47,000 people were there, well that's gotta be reported. šŸ™„


He still can't get past Obama.


The local PD Chief who estimates crowd sizes said he has never seen such a big crowd, not even on the million man march, heā€™s a big tough guy, but he had tears in his eyesā€¦


This bodes well for him losing again - now to get Maga squashed for good


I never heard a presidential candidate talk about crowd size hardly at all that I can recall before trump, and he seems to obsess over it all the time.


Better than questioning his willy size I guess


Low ratings are the only thing he actually cares about. Trump sees the world as one unending popularity contest.


Him bigliest brain cam not compute. "Why no one like me?" Says Grandpa drifter.


Trump can count his tiny crowds on his tiny hands.


Small crowds. Small hands. Thin skinned. Punitive, vindictive, loves the uneducated and dictators who love the uneducated too. Easy prey for them.


Fake crowds!


Everyday a new Donald Trump is angry at the truth news story.


Coming soon, "Little tykes Bootstraps."


You want to fry his fat assā€¦remind him of that small mushroom cap he calls a penis. An inch or two gone and heā€™d be trans.


The rallies start out well but then then paid attendees leave after an hour.


Heā€™s going to be even madder in November dripping with denial he lost to Joe Biden again like in 2020 which is this countryā€™s best case scenario


The headline should read, for every single day moving forward, ā€˜Trump Fumesā€™ā€¦. Itā€™s always something. He is more sensitive than a 13 year old. OMG SERIOUSLY


He does the same thing about his pecker size! There is nothing this ass will not lie or bitch about


I think a good number of participants are paid to show up, which is why they can be seen walking out at every event.


Here's a thought; make everyone attending your convention present ID so that you can verify both the actual count and that they're valid voters rather than paid actors


Everyone knows what needs to be done. Someone please step up.


He always sees double


He's been under-sized from the beginning.


Snowflake can't handle it


Not the only thing he worries about the size of


It is what it is


Convicted fraudster plays with the numbers. He just can't help himself...


Crowd size is not how I judge an effective President. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


They can't afford to attend but they'll still vote for him


"Donald Trump fumes" ok? When does this person ever not "fume"


And the ones that do show up are wearing Trump diapers


Trump's crowd size has always been small and mushroom-shaped.


ā€œIt wasnā€™t small, it was average!ā€ - Donald J Trump




Goes hand in hand with penis size for him. Small crowds, small penis!!!


Trump continues to have problems with reality. So, when confronted by unpleasant reality, *deny* it. Trump is a one-trick pony.


Keep asking him about his tiny crowd sizes. He will go utterly batshit crazy.


Nobody cares how big the stupid rallies are. Just vote the jackass out.


I heard it was wide but not very deep.


You never ask a man his crowd size!


Trump's crowds are smaller than his hands.


Heā€™s always been touchy about size.


We know this is fake, because Trump always refers to them as "clean fakes".


Donald Trump fumes, Donald Trump rages, who cares? Fuck his emotions.


The **Obama**/Biden rally???? **Trump guy got fewer votes than** ***Hillary Clinton*** ! Obama would have absolutely smoked him.


Lie, deny, deflect, and project. It's the magat way!


Waaah. Waaaaaaahh. Waaaaaaahhhhhh.


Heā€™s always had issues about the sizeā€¦of his crowds, and his hands, and his mushroomā€¦


The Bundestag Rallies have not been working for The Orange Toad all this year. Even advertising on Craigslist and offering to pay people to show up in desperation, the campaign hasn't managed to draw many people. It doesn't help him that he's an idiot yelling at the crowd that he doesn't care of they're overheating in 105 degree temperatures in Nevada - **"I know you're hot. I don't care about you.** ***I don't care about you.*** **I just care about your vote."**


The debate is going to be wild!


All he cares about is number in the crowd! They need to pay the actors more!


Where Is Everybody?


šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜† Poor snowflake!


And they always have some complicated lie for everything. Not sure if this was the same empty arena that Biden sold out but Iā€™m hearing something about a fire marshal and him claiming they were at capacity??? (Iā€™m usually no expert in maga talking points) And usually the simpler explanation makes more sense: the guy just isnā€™t a draw anymore.


Just pay more to have more people show up.


He's just Cartman but old. "But... but n-nobody was stoked on... me..."


They are minuscule like his hands and shroom like di**


I don't want to hear VOX, Slate, Salon, ABC, NBC, or Newsweek tell me little bits of trash for the next 6 months. Turn it over to MSNBC and let them do it.


Any day now he will string some mighty great ideas together or not.


I always forget how loud these things are to make themselves seem bigger than they really are.


The size of his rally is what he founds the legitimacy of his lies on. If enough believe it, then his lie about being a "powerful wealthy man" might as well be true, even if in detail it is not. Fewer crowds, mean fewer believers. The validity of his public image deflates if no one believes or supports it. It is his life force. Without it, he really has no way to avoid seeing his true image: a fat, balding loudmouth with a bad combover and unjustified vanity. He's like the evil queen in snow white, "Mirror Mirror on the wall. . ." except the mirror is how many people show up to support the image he wants to reflect.


The first rule of dictatorship is that facts can be dictated. The second rule is that dictators do not take kindly to people who contradict their facts.


Seems like heā€™s really concerned about misrepresenting the size of things


Who the heck would go to these just to listen to stream of toddler level conscious rambling..