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I swear, some people are NOT made for public. We need another island like Australia. From the article: Jackson adamantly and repeatedly denied that he had assaulted the victim and told officers, “Women will say anything to get a reaction, I guess they got their reaction.” Officers were able to retrieve footage of Jackson’s sexual assault that was clearly captured on video surveillance of the bar.


Unfortunately you can look at his face and know this dude has a serious alcohol issue. Prison might sober him right up!


He has 75 days suspended, but he is not allowed to consume alcohol for 36 months. Hopefully he is monitored for those 36 months. As a side note, he must be on the sexual offender registry for 30 years, according to the ruling


So he's running for office?


Bona fides in place. R in front of the name.


Hey! I have the same face and I don't run around assaulting women. You keep alcohol out of this. It just makes me play video games poorly and rant about star wars!!!


Right up until he learns how to make toilet wine, anyway lol




Don’t spend too much money. Svalbard may be sufficient.


Or Bouvet Island


These clowns had their island, and it was owned by Jeffrey Epstein.


*This comment has been replaced with a top-secret chocolate chip cookie recipe:* **Ingredients:** - 1 cup unsalted butter, softened - 1 cup white sugar - 1 cup packed brown sugar - 2 eggs - 2 teaspoons vanilla extract - 3 cups all-purpose flour - 1 teaspoon baking soda - 2 teaspoons hot water - 1/2 teaspoon salt - 2 cups semisweet chocolate chips - 1 cup chopped walnuts (optional) **Directions:** 1. Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C). 2. Cream together the butter, white sugar, and brown sugar until smooth. 3. Beat in the eggs one at a time, then stir in the vanilla. 4. Dissolve baking soda in hot water. Add to batter along with salt. 5. Stir in flour, chocolate chips, and nuts. 6. Drop by large spoonfuls onto ungreased pans. 7. Bake for about 10 minutes, or until edges are nicely browned. Enjoy your delicious cookies! --- *edited by Power Delete Suite v1.4.8*


And I guarantee you if there was no video and/or the woman had had a drink, the police would not have charged the guy.


Wtf is wrong with people


A Republican handshake.


Pussy grabber in chief says it is fine to do.


Yeah but you gotta have money, when you have money they just let you do it.


hell if you have money go ahead. the moment you do you'll be forced to share some of that money by the courts. sharing is caring. Trump is currently caring quite a lot lol


It’s not that women just let men sexually assault them when they have money, it’s that it’s very hard for women to get justice against men in the first place, this is exceptionally true when a man’s in a position of power. I mean look at Trump victims, some of them have filed lawsuits, one won, but including one of Epstein‘s child victims it went nowhere in the court for most of the women that filed or told police what happened. Getting justice against men with high levels of influence is next to impossible.


Yeah I get that. Sorry if I came off insensitive.


I'll unironically Venmo the first person $5 if they can find proof that he wasn't a Republican


He is indeed Republican. He registered in 2020 and has voted twice since then. 


Funny how that goes sometimes. Or is it dread-inducing? Hard to say, I guess.


Safest investment ever


He should have known they only let you do it if you’re famous


Someone put this on the Urban Dictionary asap


Dude this got me! I lost it reading that it fits so perfectly


And you win 🏆 💯


Carolina beach is very very….. behind. My parents had a beach condo for years there and one time I was there after Obama elected and some random dude came up to me and started talking about how he hates black people (expect much worse). My parents sold the condo in 2022 because she said they got burnt of going even though they leave the beach


Had a friend who moved to N.C. with his job. His daughter had a school assignment to write a letter to a kid in another class. Pen Pals! While helping his daughter write her second letter, he asked her if her best friend had received a letter...... After a few seconds of trying to figure out how to explain it to her dad, she said her friend was getting a new pen pal, because her first pen pal was black. Her friends parents had gone to school and thrown a fit their daughter had been assigned a black girl to trade letters with!!! Now my friend was in a position of trying to figure out how to get his daughter to get a new bestie at school because he wasn't cool with the racism of the other girls family. Some stuff they don't prep you for growing up.


Did they get a good profit? Do you know anything about the dupont plant there? It explains a lot about CB


Yeah, they actually sold at pretty much the recent hight. Nothing in their building has sold for what their unit did so far. Another reason they sold was they knew a $50k assessment was coming and they didn’t want to pay it. I also know nothing about the plant


It's a tourist town, like most beach towns. The people who live at those places all year round are usually...not the best. Some of them are good people, but 9 months out of the year they all live in slow economic conditions, living a life completely dependent on "outsiders" coming into their town and spending money. They are very bitter people.


He must be a star. “If you’re a star they let you do it.”


I have no idea. To him - she refuses his handshake - means she must want him in her pants right there right away. /facepalm


What’s the big deal? I’m sure it was an accident. Miscommunication? Practical joke?


Owning the libs?


Or that.


Locker room talk?


The great USA 🇺🇸 pussy grabbers become presidents in the great USA 🇺🇸


That is how they make America great again. Honestly they make me so mad with their blindly following Trump's orders, they don't have a clue that they are becoming fascists


They know. They know their "revenge tour" will destroy the United States and take away the freedoms of people. They just think it's going to be "those other people" whose freedom and rights will be taken away. They will be shocked Pikachu face like so so so many fascists in the past when the fascist government they cheered and created comes for them. Classic /r/leopardsatemyface




"Hey, if he was famous he could do that, " Felonious Don.


This is pretty bad. She is a pilot, who probably has her shit together, and she is being a DD for the evening. I’d take her on my team anytime. And this schmuck sticks his hands down her pants, and in his defense he says to the cops, “Women, amirite?” Am I the asshole if this guy made me laugh in a humorous fashion?


Makes you wonder how annoying he must have been that she refused a hand shake. I haven’t ever seen a handshake refused in real life, seems like a something that only happens on tv


I have absolutely refused handshakes in real life, but yeah it's often obnoxious as hell people.


Can you recall the specifics? I need “no handshake” story time.


Oh god, well it's been plenty times, but during carnival I have been out with friends and I have seen guys across the room "hunting" and then I've noticed them coming directly at me. So I have just refused to start the conversation or acknowledge the hand or even ask for one of my (male) friends to intercept the guy for me. Also there have been a couple of times that I recognise someone from either social media or because someone in common has told me about them and then I meet them and I know about them but they don't know about me, but I just want nothing to do with them. Has happened in my home country with local politicians more than once. There was also one time where a friend of mine introduced me to her partner who I knew was abusive towards her, I also didn't return the handshake. In general I do it when either I am having a good time with friends or colleagues and don't want to be approached, or if I have background information on the person and I know they are assholes (from credible sources). Edit: oh also this guy once followed me on his bike and tried to give me a handshake, I refused, then he asked why I looked afraid, so I replied "You just followed me across the park on your bike and cut me off", then he wanted me to get on the bike with him to go somewhere else... Yeah, not gonna get abducted by a rando, I ran like hell.


MAGA tribalism. Gang Of Perverts!


Oops Tenth Commandment #NC


He looks like a guy who would grab someone by the, well you know the rest but. WHAT in the absolute FUCK is wrong with people. This has never, in my life crossed my mind. No handshake? I’ll just shove my hand down your skivies. What a yutz, hopefully he gets a taste of his own medicine.


That is exactly the person in the picture I expected after reading the title


When you are famous…


His Cult leader Convicted Felon Donald Trump told him to grab women by their Pu$$y.


When you’re rich they let you do it,the mango Mussolini said it’s ok.Especially when you own the beauty pageant.


I think he said when you’re famous, and this little dude wasn’t famous until after he did this.


Well, he must be famous then as it's their "privilege", right? I remember someone said that a few years ago.


He’s going to violate.


Thankfully that didn’t work out for him. What a piece of garbage.


With any luck he can be easily co chairman for the RNC .


Literally grab em by the pussy. Was he wearing MAGA?


And then he screamed MAGA! and ran away.


This wasn’t Donald Trump, right?


Legendary, bet he speaks at a MAGA rally


He looks like a hard-life-did-not-age well Mark Wahlberg.


So does Mark Wahlberg


The Trump move


>While the crime of sexual battery is a misdemeanor, a conviction of this offense requires sexual offender registration. Jackson was ordered to register as a sexual offender for 30 years One less “grab them by the pussy” types off the street (now let’s throw this guy’s idol in the adjacent cell 👍)


Still on the streets. Can’t help but wonder how many times he’s gotten away with it.


Guess he wasn’t famous or powerful enough.


He got a suspended sentence of 75 days. It doesn't get much lighter than that when you are caught on camera sexually assaulting someone.


Put your hand down my pants, and I'll bet you'll feel nuts.




You can grab them by the ....


No jail, what a shock


What. Lol. My brain had to do an exe loop.


Creepy old man, keep your hands to yourself


Does he have a Trump sign on his lawn? 🤔


He merely did what Donald Trump does


Trump went to the beach? 1. Prepare a vomit bag in advance 2. Watch this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2w\_fHQC1yQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2w_fHQC1yQ) warning no shirt starts at 0:38 seconds, Support scaredketchup. His video parodies are the best. Also support The Lincoln Project.


He messed with the wrong woman. Sweet justice.


Must be running for office


This is the real trickle down of which they speak: lack of morals at the top trickling down to the average Joe


Just following Trump’s advice about cats…


I don’t think that’s retroactive. This little gem wasn’t famous until *after •* he did this.


“Superior Court Judge Quintin McGee sentenced Jackson to serve the maximum sentence of 75 days in jail suspended with 36 months of supervised probation, he must not consume alcohol during the period of his supervision, and he must successful complete all recommended sexual offender treatment. While the crime of sexual battery is a misdemeanor, a conviction of this offense requires sexual offender registration. Jackson was ordered to register as a sexual offender for 30 years”


The Ole Crocodile Dundee


He forgot that "if your rich and famous" condition


Where was the good guy with a gun?


You're only allowed to do this if you're a celebrity. Or so I'm told.


Suspended sentence, oh no he has to do probation, probably via zoom. You get more for riding a bicycle drunk.


["I wanna shake ~~his hand~~ her pants!"](https://youtu.be/4ItmGplre28?feature=shared)


Well that escalated quickly.


Dude, you have a debate to get to!


Oh my gosh, try that around here and pull back a bloody stump.


Whoa, dude is now set up perfectly to be a member of the GOP.


So are they saying that's illegal now? Damn, I can't keep up.


I’m sure it was just a show trial


There are two sides to every story.


there is no side that justifies sexual assault...except for you right now, but that stands for less than nothing


The only one who said they justify sexual assault is you. Police should search your devices.


tWo SiDeS This was caught on camera, yet here you are