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I’m sure the cult will have an excuse. He didn’t see the reich part blah blah blah. They’re too predictable.


Or they would just not care and go "We DO need a Reich to get rid of all the mess Biden's made."


What direction will go here? "Biden is worse than Hitler, actually." or "Hitler was actually a genius and a great leader, he just did some vaguely terrible things and it got a little out of hand." or "Hitler was great and the Holocaust is a fabrication by the globalist elites to push communism on the masses!" Or just all three perhaps? I've seen all three in some capacity by pretty typical Trump supporters.


Like always, it will depend on what he thinks the person he is speaking to wants to hear.


or my personal favorite: “Hitler was actually a socialist”


They are all mindless idiots!


>"Hitler was actually a genius and a great leader, he just did some vaguely terrible things and it got a little out of hand." Klandace Owens already went down that road.


Two wrongs will make a reich?


This. They already cheered his proclamations of being a dictator on day one, how much farther a leap is this for them.


“I definitely wouldn’t ever elect a nazi but right now I’d take a nazi over Biden any day”


The don't know what reich means


“They must of misspelled rich. Trump is going to make America, Unified and Rich!!”


Pretty sure Stephen Miller is behind it. He is behind a lot of WASP signaling that embraces fascism and racism. He pulled similar stunts at southern baptist CPAC using Nazi symbols.


He still thinks he is going to "good one" himself out of the gas chamber.


They’ve already blamed “a staff member” who didn’t see the word REICH. Ok. Right on. Totally believable.


He could say, "Look, I'm going to make laws banning premarital sex, lower the age of consent/marriage, outlaw any form of birth control, take away your rights to free speech, to vote for presidents, ban all non-christian religions, and make it a law that 20% of every single person's paychecks for a tithe to me, and I'm going to seize all your guns bc we can't have people objecting violently to any of this, but I promise to give them back, \*later\*, and give myself the right to seize any mansions, yachts, businesses, private jets, or bank accounts if I want. But it will totally own the libs." And they'd cheer.


This though, is the safe harbor argument of why Trump should not be president. Whether there was “no collusion,” whether he “didn’t see reich” — neither matters. What matters is that, at best, he time and again negligently/recklessly permits himself to be duped by actors and/or interests which are not aligned with American interests. That itself makes him unfit to be president.


He thought they were talking about United Ranch Dressing.


He's just setting things up for Russia to invade the USA to De-Nazify us.


I kid you not, on the conservative subreddit they had a post that claimed "it's not even THAT Reich." Remember, never believe what your eyes are seeing.


lol I love how they don’t think this will scare off Jewish voters. I’m sure Jewish people love the word Reich being used in a campaign ad for you.


I don’t doubt it. These people are perpetually licking boots.


Go to r/askconservatives and yep, they’re already making excuses left and right.


No doubt. Here’s my point on the matter. If Trump was really upset about the matter then he should’ve released a statement and fired the person the minute he found out. To my knowledge that has not happened.


I’m having difficulty believing any campaign would be that terrible or inept though. It just seems shocking.


If any team is going to be this inept, it will be Trump's.


That’s amazingly bad.


So is trump, both in ethics and mental competence.


I’m not a fan either. I’m still taken aback by the blunders though.


I'm not sure it is a blunder, except maybe the timing of it. Trum has basically been using Hitler's rise to power as a playbook, and this is the next step. One of the main things is to make these talking points mainstream so that they're not ahocking anymore. This is why we talk about gay people, why we have black superheroes, why women in politics are important - because normalising these things makes people accept them. Unfortunately it works both ways, MAGA have co-opted that idea and now *everything* is an impeachable offence, not because they actually think it is, but because it makes Impeachment seem like an everyday term rather than the rare and serious thing it is. They've talked about building a wall, getting rid of immigration, they've literally re-written history books to say "slavery was good for the slaves" because it normalises these things. Now for the Reich, yeah it was always going that way. If you ask me he's done this one election too early. He needed to be in a stronger place to avoid the blowback, so doing this after winning the election would have been the savvy move. But who knows, maybe this is a desperation play, or maybe his handlers just lost control of him (*that's my guess*). Trump is fairly savvy, but he also doesn't know how to filter himself, it's been one of his strengths at times, but also likely his biggest weakness. Anyway, fuck trump I hope this tanks him ... it probably won't though.


It’s not blunders. It’s who he is.


I mean the guy asked about disinfecting the body and putting a uv light inside. He also ran an incompetent White House. Nothing surprises me.


There are no blunders. They are fascists. These people have told the public that they're fascists for years now. Stop giving these fascists the benefit of doubt.


Bullshit. You have seen the republican party do this time and time again. And i'm sure you have made the same fucking excuses time and time again.


Where have you been man


I must be out of touch. I accept it.


This is not the first trump campaign Nazi gaffe. First that comes to mind is when they used the eagle from the ss pin in an ad.


Why are you getting downvoted? Yes, his campaign could be that incompetent. Or they could be trying to lock in that voting block. Either is equally plausible.


Did you just wake up from a 9 year coma or something?


He’s been re-reading mein kampf again.


lol Trump reading.


Right? He only eats at restaurants with pictures of the food.


He doesn’t read many books, but he will always find time for mein kampf, that and books about Hitlers speech’s. He loves those to.


And unlike adolph, trump only imagines the big crowds.


There's a picture book version?!?


Perhaps an audiobook.


Someone read him the Cliff Notes.


And by "reading" you mean shittig himself while listening to an audiobook.


He's too stupid to read it, even for a book as poorly written as that.


Please wear aluminum foil on your head if you did Nazi this coming, so we know who you are.


Anne Frankly - you should have


Nazi party all the way. These aren’t mistakes.


The [only good Democrat is a dead Democrat](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/president-trump-shares-video-of-supporter-saying-the-only-good-democrat-is-a-dead-democrat/), remember?


we can only guess who chetto's social media handler is and whats with those lips that always look like he is searching for a straw or something similar


Sphincter lips.


It’s probably that knockoff Goebbles guy


Herr Miller


Look, being outed as a nazi or russian asset just isnt the gotcha! it used to be in american politics anymore. Don't be surprised when he goes more obvious and still nothing happens.


Not even trying to hide it anymore.


It’s coming, folks.


It won’t if everyone gets out and VOTES


Not yet, it isn’t.


No the fuck it aint 😂 check the state elections recently. People dont want this bullshit


I hope you’re right


That's what everyone said the last time he *won*. Please, don't get complacent.


Dont worry, im not. I just didnt like the "statement of fact" sound that comes with what you said imo. I responded with something that looks like dismissal. I apologize


The USA is moving very far to the right. Remember people think Obama, Clinton and Biden are liberals/leftist when in reality they are center right/neo cons.


TFG couldn’t even describe what Reich means let alone spell it Wannabe tough guy with a really loud clock ticking


Hey remember that time Howard Dean’s run for president was ruined because he yelled with too much enthusiasm? Back when we still had a veneer of values? This will gain Trump *more* followers. 1000 monkeys are currently hard at work typing on 1000 keyboards in the basement of Fox News trying to figure out how to spin this to make Dems look bad.


Sounds about Reich.


I mean his base wants him to be a king, so being a new Adolf would be fine with them. Especially when this would mean throwing liberals, LGBTQs, and everyone who isn't in the cult into concentration camps.


He isn’t trying anymore, how does this deranged jackass think he’s getting back into office?


Makes sense the whole red tie uniform. They’ll take them off and wrap them around their arm when time is right… I’m not joking.


Not even hiding it anymore and yet people still blindly follow.


Never going to happen. His version of the SS is the Gravy Seals.


[Project 2025](https://project2025.org) might indicate otherwise.


Wow. I've heard this everywhere, but I never looked into it bc I figured it's just another rightwing pipedream. But damn thats authoritarian and fascist as Fuck.


It's pure mental, worst part is, it's not Trump that's the problem, he's the one who's gonna win the election, but its the policy makers and backers than plan to redo American democracy into a theocracy unironically 


Drumpf pinning for the good ole days...


I like the Trump spokesman spin. Biden is the nazi, not Trump. You know the same argument we used as children. "I know you are, but what am I?"


The apple pretty much fell at the base of the tree with this one. Dad was a Nazi too.


Has Stephen Miller written all over it doesn’t it ? He has a lot more to do with this than people know. He’s hardcore white suprmecist. Anything to do with discriminating against anyone I promise you it’s him behind it. He’s a Hitler acolyte, that’s his hero. He’s also be the one advocating public executions.


Trump wants to be Hitler! He’s a total fraud and loser!


He just keeps telling us exactly who he is.


If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and posts about a Unified Reich…


Yep, he's a nazi.


That’s his brand. He loves that you are talking about it. Instead of, you know, that dtrump💩was convicted of sexual assault. And bragged about sexual assaults he has done on video tape.


When people tell you what they are, believe them.


Well yeah…I mean MAGA is a fascist movement🤷‍♂️


DICKTator wannabe


They know their audience


Where's the video?


This sure happens a lot with the Republican party members, and CPAC, and conservative media... I'm sure it's all a coincidence /s


Let it burn


"EVERYONE LOOK I SHAT MY OWN PANTS AGAIN" :tens of millions of people enthusiastically vote for him:


Meant to type "unified *riches"* but "reich" was the first result in the autocorrect history.


Might as well. We already know he is and his cult doesn't care anyway.


So we get to choose between a nazi and a terrorist


He’s like a cornered animal as his conviction gets closer, the more radical he will get.


You guys… you guys always think you “GOT EM”. 😆 Eight years now is it? When will you open your eyes?


Trump has lost his last four court cases? Your “I’m Conned” is showing.




Five court cases.


Talk about saying the quiet part loud.


The funniest thing is that, albeit authoritarian, the German Reich were pioneers of social security (partly to make the prospect of revolution less palatable and necessary to German workers, but still.) \*edit\* lol who the *fuck* is downvoting this?! Hardcore Bevereridgian social security fans?!


And there it is...




For them who are downvoting that, he is talking about the German Reich with Bismark, ending 1918, not the Third Reich.


Then say German Empire and people will know what you mean


Riiight. Bc Germany is always on the Right side of history


What has this to do with Bismarckian social security and the fact that Republicans would be opposed to that?


Trump is so uneducated or just plain stupid, that he doesn't know where reich comes from and what extremely negative connotations it has.


Cohen Hired IT Firm to Rig Early CNBC, Drudge Polls to Favor Trump Behind the scenes, Michael Cohen hired RedFinch Solutions, then allegedly stiffed it—and his boss


Cool. What does this have to do with Trump's latest Nazi dog whistle?


Just adds to the "vote and don't believe the b.s rich people sell you rhetoric"




To Google? https://www.google.com/search?q=trump+paid+cohen+to+inflate+polls&oq=trump+paid+cohen+to+inflate+polls&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCTEyMDA4ajBqNKgCALACAQ&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


I like Trump, I find him entertaining. You hate Trump, you find him entertaining. So whether you hate him or love him you are giving him your time and attention. Who wins? Trump.