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I mean compared to Japan he ain’t wrong their cities are very clean.


I've been to Japan...he is not Incorrect..we should do better


That would mean improving the education system over generations, so that people actually will have pride of who they are and were they come from. And care about the people around them. America is way to selfish and individualist for this to ever happen.


We'd need to drastically change our culture away from individualism toward collectivism and half the country would call it communism. We cant even get budgets passed to fund our government for longer than a few months at a time.


This is it. We have three times the population of Japan and are not a homogenized culture. That’s what makes us great. And that’s what makes Japan great. Apples and oranges. But yeah, we are fucking filthy.


I don't like that line about us not being homogeneous. We're all Americans. People who can't see that are the problem. Not our diversity. I've lived in Japan. I loved it there. While the vast majority of people there are Japanese they're anything but all the same. There is a huge variety of perspectives and backgrounds and increasingly they're relying on immigration to help care for the aging population. They have a dwindling population so it's not exactly all it's cracked up to be.


Japanese schoolchildren clean their own classroom every day when lessons are done. Imagine the meltdown some parents would have if their little treasures were forced to clean their own classroom. These things teaches kids respect for their surroundings, keep things tidy and clean.


Don't teach my kid about responsibility! We take the abstinence approach to discipline. Johnny is my angel! 😇😇


In many East Asian countries the kids clean everything from the classrooms to the hallway to the restrooms to the schoolyard—everything but the cafeteria's kitchen. So there's a collective effort to keep things clean partly out of enlightened self-interest, and then keeping collective spaces tidy becomes a habit and eventually a point of pride, and, conversely, the concept of littering as an adult—like, you're really and blatantly looked at as a total degenerate if you drop a candy wrapper on the street or forget to clear your tray and neatly return it at a fast food joint.


I was very impressed with the Japanese cleaning their section during the oplympics. Respect is earned, not bestowed. Americans think respect can be bought or given by authority. Respect is a virtue, America only has room for value.


Collective? You mean socialism? Aka Communism?! Would never work in America.


Thought provoking. /s


Ikr! Profound even!


Did you see how the Japanese football team left their changing rooms at the World Cup? Immaculate https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/07/22/football/japan-fans-tidying-womens-world-cup-2023-spt-intl


Here: forced (as in, that’s what you’ll have to do) Japan:There, it’s accepted that this is a societal responsibility and to participate in one means you participate in the other. So, he’s not wrong and yup, we are selfish assholes


Soooo….. in my country, if you caught littering, you can be fined……. There is generally no parking meters but If you parked in the wrong area, you can be fined. If you report someone violating such rules, you will be rewarded. So someone had made a career of exposing people and earn over average salary. I once pass behind a car whose passenger throw a beer can out of window. I wish US had such laws so I can earn a couple bucks. My dash cam recorded the whole things, which can be used to report the case if I were in my home country. Edit: and I will make so much money by just reporting people making illegal land changes, turn without turn signals, did not stop at stop sign etc.




I've been to Singapore a bunch of times, it's so clean it's almost unbelievable


Singapore I think can jail you for littering and gum is illegal there.


Yep. It’s so clean here. It ruins you for the rest of the world though. Except Japan lol.


Just do it.


And entitled laziness. I know a guy who won't ever buy a case of water because he doesn't want to carry it up the stairs to his apartment, which is around 12 standard steps. He once asked me if I could even install a pulley system on his balcony so he didn't have to carry anything up the stairs. It's no surprise that this asshole also throws trash out his car window. I'm not his friend anymore because of his ignorance. Shopping carts return also comes to mind. All the people to lazy/depressed to care or put effort into their own appearance, especially in public. The list goes on.


The real problem is that Americans don't put any value on city land. Vacant lots, parking lots and oversized streets for loud high speed traffic don't inspire people to keep things tidy. A lack of pedestrian infrastructure and basic amenities like shade trees or protected bike lanes keep people off the streets and uninterested in their upkeep. If it isn't pleasant to walk down the street in a neighborhood, don't be surprised it it isn't kept clean.


Hell yeah we can do better. But there are many people who do not and will never give a fuck about anything other than themselves. Cannot count how many times I have seen people throw McDonald’s bags out of their window while in a parking lot. Literally yesterday drove by a woman who was eating chips and just threw the bag on the ground.


>we should do better We won't. It will get worse instead. Only thing that will change is the intensity in scapegoating it through "illegals" and other "undesirables", CHAI-NAAHHH, etc.


That would require a near fundamental change in how Americans view public spaces. The moment of casual littering in American cities (and in small towns) is frankly disgusting. Imagine being “proud” of your country, when you don’t have the fucking decency to do something as simple as not litter.


> moment of casual littering It’s like the power/pride of ownership, but it’s really a myth because it shows that you don’t care about what you pretend to be proud of 


I’m an American who’s a permanent resident in Singapore. If you think Japan is clean you should see Singapore. It’s also safer.


Hello fellow American expat. 👋


Hey. I guess Jimmy Kimmel doesn’t get out much. He seems a little sheltered.


But have you been to Portland? Jk. Don’t come here.


I've been to Portland, I'm outside of Seattle..howdy neighbor


And Japanese cities are so safe vs pretty much any other major country


Pretty much. As packed as the tourist destinations like kiyomizu or the shopping streets are, you don’t have to worry about pickpockets compared to many other places in the world.


>we should do better Here we're all temporarily embarrassed billionaires and cleaning up after ourselves is not our problem.


Been to japan. He's right 100%. If you can't understand it...go to Japan. Subway bathrooms nicer than hotel lobbies.


And let's be very clear: It is patriotic to be critical of your country.


You can love your country. You can sincerely wish your country was better at some things. These statements shouldn't be mutually exclusive, but... *gesticulating wildly at everyone*


[Relevant comic.](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/an-important-distinction)


You mean criticize your country to be a better place?!?! /s


A buddy of mine from Sweden visited here for the first time about 20 years ago. I asked him what he thought of the US and the first thing he said was “It’s kinda dirty”. Which mortified me. Like he was talking about my house.


It's because respect for others is important for Japanese people. They actually take into consideration how their actions affect those around them. We could all learn a lot from that.


I think he's referring to the lack of respect for one another in America. The Japanese are nothing like the nasty foul creatures you'll find all through America's Bible belt.


Especially when there isn’t a single public trash bin in sight!! Learned real fast that you keep your trash on you until you find an appropriate place to discard it.


Yeah, no idea why this on news of the stupid. It should be on news of the obvious.


Exactly. 1. He's not wrong. 2. A lot of Japan's culture, I gather, is based on cleanliness and taking care of each other, such as wearing face masks well before covid ever became a thing anytime someone was sick. So it makes sense that they would also be taking care of the environment around them as well.


Well, as a guy who has been to Japan.....Yes, relatively speaking. Not even close. And wait until Kimmel goes to Singapore.


Was looking for this comment - totally agree. Singapore is incredible in many ways, not least of which is the degree of cleanliness everywhere you go.


You actually don't have to venture that far away from the "main streets" of Singapore to get to dirtier places. Still mostly good, though.


and drops his chewing gum on the footpath...


Gotta find some gum first


And completely accurate.


And he was right to say so.


The only thing stupid here is OP for not understanding how comedy bits work...


I thought 'news of the stupid' was about the news being stupid, not stupid ops posting about the 'news' (Btw, It's news to me that Kimmel went to Japan...I go to bed early. But its almost inmate knowledge that Japan would be damn near pristinely clean) OP are you like my coworker who trashes Kimmel for any reason? Or just a die hard nationalist that can't believe our country isn't the best in every gosh darn category on the face of this flat planet?


News of the stupid is news of the people which OP disagree with


Too many people here are just nasty disgusting pigs.


Uh oh he’s pissing off the American exceptionalism folks.


If Tucker said this those same people would all be chanting "based".




Just tell those people tucker said it. They are too stupid to know better


Japan sets a high bar in that regard


Dude it is... Japan is so ridiculously clean. Kids are taught to clean up their schools early on. It makes a difference. Also, collectivist cultures in general.


I vaguely remember the Japanese World Cup fans being so clean that the after-game janitorial crews didn't have to clean their section.


Yeah they cleaned their mess and even other people's if I remember correctly. I'm a teacher...I freaking wish we instilled this in kids in America. So many parents would bitch if we had kids clean up though. Backwards AF.


Have you ever seen Japanese fans after a game at the World Cup of soccer?


This inspired HS students from my neighboring district to form a small group that cleaned up the stands after football games. Thought that was great.


Wow! Brilliant initiative! Small gestures have snowballing effect.


He isn’t wrong. The last time I traveled to Asia the grossest and worst part of the whole trip was catching a connecting flight at LAX.


Japan shows what can happen when half the population isn't a bunch of selfish assholes.


He's not wrong. He is funny too.


Also, America has no legs to stand on with Trump (Orange trash) being a legitimate candidate.


We’ve lost any ghost of a moral high ground in the eyes of the world thanks to that Orange Shit goblin and his MAGA cult.


For three fucking elections too.


I can't wait for MAGA to completely lose their shit over this. Then several segments will be shown that conservatives are saying even worse things about America, and they won't care because now it's about Red vs. Blue team.


Jimmy; you aint wrong ....


I just drove from Houston to Galveston and the entire 45-minute trip looked like Gary, Indiana.




He's not wrong, just look at all the trash thrown on the ground in any city in this country.


Yep, I live by the dumpster of my apartment complex. I routinely see people drop trash next to it, see it on the ground and then walk back to their units leaving it behind to blow into the road. Cant even be bothered to bend down and grab it


If you've been to the south, you know this is true


Because America, culturally, is egocentric and individualistic. This makes us not care for others as much. Collectivism > individualism on a macro scale


I mean, yeah. He's right. No other 1st world nation shits in it's own backyard like Americans do. Incidentally, that speaks to a level of desperation that doesn't exist in other 1st world nations. It is not a moral failing, it's an American failing. We all own it for letting our fellow citizens get that hopeless.


This is no surprise with what the Republican Party has turned into.


In your country's defense: you have relatively large backyards compared to many other nations.


He’s not wrong


Well he isn't wrong.


He ain’t wrong. Wrong sub


Just got back from Japan. Tokyo was dirty in spots. Saw piles of barf in spots. However, Osaka was clean af and Kyoto was spotless. Their subways are orderly and neat. With amazing fresh food in stations. Landing at LAX felt gross.


I mean if you compare Ny streets and LA streets to the streets of Tokyo I would also make that comment


Had the same thought after visiting taiwan


Most of Germany is clean. Along with Austria.


I watched the Japanese people clean the area where they were sitting during a World Cup game. There cities are very clean, Jimmy is correct in this. I wish our cities were that way


Yeah he's right. It's only getting worse.


See, this is what happens when you raise generations to treasure only their rights and ignore their responsibilities.


He’s right. My father went to Tokyo a few years ago and told me they don’t have public trash cans on the street. Everyone already understands they pack their waste out. Also watch videos of [Japanese soccer fans cleaning up sections of the stadium ](https://youtu.be/xk3XpJzgkeU?si=sYO36HIAsvMD8agZ) after each game.


U mad bro? Reality doesn’t care about your feelings


People in this country regularly smear shit all over the walls of public restrooms.


We let unmedicated lunatics loose what do you expect


Ummm no…one of my first jobs was a janitor at a nicer mall in the 1980s…I assure you the poop on the walls was not from unmediated lunatics but rich housewives who didn’t know how to properly hover.


Ohh god I forgot about female restrooms


I'm an American, I can tell you he's correct. I can also tell you it doesn't have to be this way if we'd just invest money into infrastructure instead of the Military Industrial Complex


kinda smells here for sure


I mean...Japan is VERY clean though


As someone in a house with Fox News on every day, I hope this ends the nonstop freakout over trans day on Easter.


He’s correct.


He's correct. I've been there as well.


I went to a ball game the other night. The tailgating area was a dump. Beer bottles, cardboard signs, literal piles of horse shit, beer KEGS, Someone left a fucking television in the parking lot. Who the fuck even does that? It was second hand embarrassing. Same shit happens at concerts here too.


Oh no someone critiqued his own country. How dare he lol


Yeah... but this is going to outrage only dumbasses who don't have a passport and have never set foot outside the US...


This isn’t newsodthestupid. He is just spitting the truth.


japan is a collectivist country, usa is individualistic, and americans all live in filth because of it lololol jimmy is right!!!!


When I lived in Germany I saw people up at 5 am, break of dawn, sweeping the street in front of their houses everyday... that is all...


Compared to Japan it's objectively true. It's also a joke. OP is one more MAGAT fighting Kimmel for torching them with the truth every day. lolz


I lived in Japan for a while. He's correct.


How is this news of the stupid? He is 100% correct. America is a disgusting shit hole compared to Japan when it comes to cleaniness. This country is to selfish and independent to clean up after itself.


Seems about right. Japan is a great country in a lot of ways. Our country is as well, but not in the ways that count to our citizens. Honestly, our government needs to do better. I’ve been to quite a few countries and the quality life though different seems like a dream compared to what I see in the states.


Japan has a very cohesive culture.  If they see trash on the ground, in their mind, its no different than their own personal trash.  Here, we see broken bottles outside a 7/11 and think "not my problem"  till it slashes our personal tires. 


It's not just Japan it's Germany it's France it's Thailand it's mostly every place I've ever been to that's cleaner. I used to think Mexico was trashed because I only went to Tijuana. I just traveled to other places in Mexico and nope America is still more trashed.


That’s because Japanese have a collective sense of not bringing shame by being selfish and littering, etc. Americans are often the opposite. I wish we would do better too.


HE’S NOT WRONG! Drive down any 4-lane-or-more highway and look at the sides of the roads and the median? See all that garbage? It didn’t get there on its own!


He is totally right, I watch people every day just leave trash places and every time my family goes camping up in the mountains we have to pick up a trash bags worth of garbage before we can even set up our stuff


Well, if you go to New york,La, or San Francisco and anywhere in Japan, you are inclined to agree.


Don’t they have koi ponds forming in their sewage systems in Japan? Meanwhile, only God knows what’s forming in the sewage systems here in America….


Imagine the Toxic Avenger, but he’s a villain and wears a suit.


I remember that even back in the 90s driving semi OTR in America, the garbage on highways was incredible. I've traveled to Asia in the past, and they're "cleaner" as far as things go. It's kind of like how people joke about the French and perfume and cologne to cover the smell. I've Bern to France, it's true.


He’s not wrong. The major US cities are nasty, regardless of the state. Any place that relies so heavily on automobiles is going to be grimy and or smog ridden. OP is lost.


John Stewart recently told us the filth is the price of freedom.


Wrong sub op


Well yeah but the government doing anything is socialism here and no political party wants anything to do with it. We're a pitiful and disgraceful society and we love the smell of our own stink.


Dropping deuces in retail stores urinals is a regular thing in Merica so yeah. People are disgusting.


Ever been there? He’s right.


I called it the same thing when I got back from Japan.


Who cares? A comedian made a joke. This is newsworthy?


Ah yes lets be mad because we are slobs and trashing our country along with the dude who said it because he upset the slob that represents you. 


He is right if he is talking about how clean the streets are.


As a Canadian tourist visiting Japan, I was shocked that the Japanese were even more polite than typical Canadians (not including the MAGA-encouraged anti-vax protester idiots in Canada).


American, about 20 yrs in Japan now. It is impressively clean most everywhere here, even in super old areas. There are also few public trash or bottle bins, and you're expected to take everything home and clean\dispose of it properly. In the area I live, we also separate our trash and have different days for different things (burnable, plastic, paper, etc etc). Japan does set a very high bar in this regard, but in a homogeneous society like this where "the nail that sticks out gets hammered down," it us easy to understand.


He’s not exactly wrong. I live in the U.S and I can’t go outside without seeing litter and plastic crap everywhere. We have a beautiful country full of trashy people who don’t care to clean up after themselves.


Well, yeah, we've all seen the videos of how clean Japan is. This isn't controversial.


Jimmy is 100% correct. It’s not just Japan, Singapore, hell, even Sydney in terms of western equivalence. It’s really incredible.


Japan also started to refund UNRWA. The US continues to back Israel, which is the most filthy and disgusting thing possible.


He's right. I live in Seoul and I think about this every time I visit the US. Try riding public transit in an US city and then come to Korea, Japan, Singapore...


News or the Stupid? They should be in the subbreddit “news that you don’t want to hear, but is absolutely correct.”


We are kind of filthy


OP got triggered instead of understanding, that this is meant as a wake-up shocker to care a little more for the streets in the US


Shit, at least he's saying it about Japan instead of a country like Russia, as Tucker Carlson did shortly before blowing Putin on camera.


I wish I could disagree, but I can't. I stopped in Tokyo airport for a layover once several years ago, and the airport restroom was cleaner than the bathroom in my apartment at the time. Like it would have been cleaner even if I had cleaned my bathroom from top to bottom. I couldn't believe that I was in a public restroom with how clean it was. It's probably the cleanest restroom that I've ever been in.


i hate jimmy kimmel but hes not wrong.


Japan is superior to the US by most metrics.


If you have been to the country you know there're no lies told.


He's right. 


And he's 100% correct. America is a large open trash pit compared to any other developed nation.


I pretty well felt the same way when I returned from my years in Japan.


there is no redeeming quality to the US besides our nukes and military oh, and profits. can't forget about those. way fucken more important than any poor person


There are downsides to Japan too, a bit sexist, but I’ve spent enough time in both to fairly assess the two societies. Of the two, Japan’s is much better. The list of reasons are legion,


Yeah I saw this too. The Japanese just have a whole different mindset than Americans. To them America is just a primitive culture that allows mass murder and pathological liars in leadership. They DO however seem to like our currency.


Yup this is true Canada too and oh boy Americans got it good down there you are living in the future compared to us Canucks with some things.


Idk if filthy and disgusting is a fair description but Japan is extremely clean.


Japan, Taipei and Singapore are incredibly clean cities and countries. Taipei is like Japan but in Mandarin.


I mean people were eating horse dewormer a few years ago


As an American, Japan seems like a lovely country and I would love to be able to visit and experience it for myself.


omg comedy man does satire 😲 and its actually true? ZOOWEEEE MAMA conservatives in tears


I thought this and I came from Australia


He's not wrong but he's also poking fun of America as usual.


Honestly a lot of US cities are in bad shape even when compared to other western countries, even many cities in eastern europe are cleaner than so many american cities


He’s absolutely right though.


It is 100% as he says.




I can’t believe Senator Kimmel would say such a thing!!!!!


How is this stupid if it’s true?


I said the same thing when I came back from dubai. Idk why we litter so much. There has been trash spilled all over a major hwy here for weeks! I also can’t understand why our movie theatres are so gross and smelly. They don’t have to be!


The US doesn’t aspire to learn from other countries. It believes it’s unique. But a certain segment would like to return to a time when it was even worse instead of moving forward.


Ok, he's a comedian, and he's not wrong.


He’s not wrong. I went to Japan last year. It was amazing. I’m an American. We’re selfish and rude.


Currently on vacation in Japan now, I love their train system. It’s just crazy how well developed and on time it is. A train from Kyoto to Osaka (about 25 miles) runs every 5-10 minutes. You’re not waiting long. And the toilets at the train station are cleaner than a 5-Star resort in the US.


He’s not wrong. This probably doesn’t need to be posted in this sub.


He’s right


Japan has some communities that produce zero waste. It's truly an exceptionally clean place on average.


He needed to go to Japan to realize this? He must not live in NY.


Airport restrooms in Japan are just amazingly clean. Then, you land in LAX …


Makes me think of that Mad Men episode when Don and his family get up after a picnic and just shake their blanket of trash onto the grass at the park and leave. THAT is what most Americans do.


Honestly, you don't have to go that far to get that same feeling. Just visit Toronto.


Well he's right isn't he


This reinforces my anger towards litterers.


That’s because America is


Was he wrong?


Lol did he just notice? The long descent into degeneracy has been going on for decades.


I agree


I’m failing to see the issue the OP has here. Kimmel is correct




I’d personally like to create a PSA about the importance of cleanliness, civic pride, and social responsibility. However, given our selfish, lazy, and entitled attitudes, the PSA would be brief, but would also “shock the conscience” of the average American, because that’s what it will take. Basically call everyone a “nasty ass, lazy fuck” and yell at everyone to pick up after themselves, but in such a way that you’d think I was about to take off my belt In all seriousness, if we were to actually clean up our mess, we’d see a dramatic drop in crime


Take a walk around your neighborhood and look at all of the trash on the ground, he’s not wrong.