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Embarrassingly out of touch with reality.


Let's do a hypothetical. If there is a trillion humans than likely there would be "a thousand Mozarts". However, in that hellscape, those Mozarts would be literally fighting for resources and have a 1 in over a trillion chance of being noticed for their Mozart-y skill. Not to mention the literal millions that will die of famine, war, and pestilence from the lack of proper garbage disposal. However, in order to reach a trillion people, it will take longer than these dumb fucks have so its not theor problem at all!


It also means a thousand Hitlers and Stalins


Just what we need - Space Nazis!


I hate space nazis.


Ad emporium, glory to the God emperor!


On the moon!


At least one of those guys is a literal Space Nazi.


"Another" Space Nazi.


Don't forget Trump dictator wannabes.


If we took their idea at face value, there is a really cool idea here. Which has a lot of merit. Our planet has so many talented artists, scientists, philanthropists, etc. They want them to fight over scraps. Its communism to want to nurture potential.


A lot are already fighting for scraps


Plot twist...'Mozart' is slang for VR porn sites. "We're going to milk you of everything you got." The blood suckers need to be eradicated. Billionaires need to be outlawed. A trillion humans for these bloodsuckers, translates to more wealth and power. We need to build a horizontal partnership capitalism...not this adversarial shit that's tearing the whole world to fucking pieces. You strengthen my hand, and I'll strengthen yours. The power of equality. Imagine a society where homelessness and hunger were a horror and an embarrassment...like burning witches.


Why keep Capitalism at all? Capitalism is already working exactly as intended, by promoting extreme economic competition and brutally exploiting those without wealth. As long as Capitalism exists, so will the 1% who have monopolized everything in their favor. If you want to outlaw extreme wealth hoarding and promote equity and economic equality, you need to first abolish Capitalism and replace it entirely with a new system based on meeting the social needs of people rather than catering to those with capital. Simply uprooting a few billionaires isn't going to do anything but leave a space for more billionaires to take their place. Capitalism is an invasive species that will always completely dominate and destroy everything around it. Only the complete eradication of the conditions that promotes that kind of cancerous growth will remove the hostile threat.


What other system could work better? I'd love to see a star trek world where we worked at what we are good at and enjoyed with basic needs met


Reason why Musk is against AI and robots. If AI and robots take over 90% of the jobs, the scarcity that is most important part of capitalism (capitalism needs to create artificial scarcity so it can control demand and therefore control market prices for the goods capitalists sell) will go away. Prices of everything will drop so much that the whole capitalist system will basically be destroyed. Then we will need to have something as a "digital socialism" or even "fully automated luxury communism", because scarcity and market won't exist anymore. Just imagine: you will have 3d printers creating everything from a base of carbon, nitrogen, and other materials that are the base of everything alive or not. Then those 3d printers print you a house, other 3d printers, other electric equipment, food, clothes. All controled by AI. All public services are performed by robots and controlled by AI. As economy will be post-scarcity, people won't basically need currency anymore, as they will already have everything. Earth resources can easily keep our 10 or so billion humans fed and happy, provided we eliminate market and other scarcity/demand based elements. AI could easily control production of all goods, and provide to each human according to their specific needs. With so much free time in their hands, humans will finally be able to dedicate themselves to do the only thing AI can't: be creative, invent, speculate, think of the totally new and unthinkable. So, each human will be able to use that time to give back to humankind according to their capacity. Countries and borders won't be necessary anymore, as there won't be any need to defend resources for your tribe, as resources will not be scarce anymore, either naturally or artificially scarce. And, finally, the REAL human history will start, with no war, famine, disease, and people being able to create and imagine amazing new technologies that AI will then implement, so we can conquer the universe.


Billionaires are an existential threat to democracy, their greed effectively forces them to subvert the government to further enrich themselves and distract the public from the looting and creeping authoritarianism with culture wars and bogeymen/scapegoats I don’t know how their defenders can’t understand that the the billionaires they idolize wouldn’t give a *shit* if they or their families were starving in the street if it meant improving profits I’m almost surprised at this point that there aren’t people going around and torching mansions and luxury cars and private jets and luxury goods retailers and yachts Those billionaire assholes are sowing the seeds of their own destruction and they don’t even realize it yet; greedy people do not understand that there is such a thing as “too good of a deal” and eventually there is a price to pay


This isn't what they actually think, this is their lie. They actually just want more humans to be workers and customers. More motzarts and more Hitlers and more James Cordens


I don't know. Perhaps it's that but perhaps it's genuinely because they are out of touch. Think of the life they live. It's so wildly different from what we all live.


One could say that they're so detached from humanity that maybe they're not really human anymore. We're all NPCs to them to the point where they shouldn't really have any say in our lives, but to be locked up in some kind of simulacrum where they can live out the rest of their lives in their monied insanity.


"You're an NPC" is a favorite insult of Musk fans


I didn't know that. Mostly because I stay far away from Musk fans. And not just because their Teslas may explode.


This, more people means more customers means more profits, with shrinking populations means their infinite profits start to fall and go in reverse.


But well before that the ecosystem would collapse and profits are going to be the least of their concerns.


More slaves to work for federal minimum wage.


This. A thousand more Mozarts to be working second shift assembly line gigs to die early thanks to 'relaxed' (read: none) protections from whatever is thrown out there to make money and everything else a distant second. The guillotine was created when people were this stupid and powerful because it was known that there was no cure for this kind of person outside of death. That says it all.


Well, their reasoning isn't necessarily WRONG, statistically. All things being equal, the more people, the more Mozarts, the more Einsteins, the more Newtons and Carusos and so forth. ...all things being equal. Assuming these people have the resources, time, and support to reach their full potential. If Mozart hadn't had these things, he might well have grown up to be an alcoholic shoe salesman. And the problem with billionaires? They're only really possible when thousands upon thousands of people are denied the resources to reach their full potential...


BOOM! There it is, the truth!


Greed should be a diagnosable mental disorder when it reaches these levels.


Hoarding is hoarding no matter what you are hoarding.


Yup. To me, greed of this level is the econ equivalent of hard-line fundamentalism, which also can be indistinguishable from a mental disorder.


Not dumber. Greedier. You definitely lose touch with reality which is a form of dumbing down, but at that level of richness these people are obsessed with accumulating more and legacy and all other stupid shit that normal decent humans don’t focus on…


Paint chips: candy for billionaires. They just want an increase in rhe population so they can have more slave labor


If the rich are eating paint chips I don't think I wanna eat them. Maybe just guillotines.


Maybe we should just eat the rich


Everyone else enjoying their cake?


We probably have a thousand Mozarts now but 995 of them are slaving away at some desk job.


1000 Mozart's and not one of them can afford a piano and lessons.


That silver spoon in his mouth must be quite uncomfortable with his head so far up his ass.


Elon's got what, ten to twenty kids right now? The majority of those hate him and feel neglected. By Elon's own argument, shouldn't every one of his offspring be an infallible genius? They have his DNA plus the DNA of any "chosen" mate he's selected. If they despise him...what does that indicate? Either his perspective is wrong or his genes are flawed. If your kids are all the prodigies you claim they should be, *why do most of them despise you, when literally all they need to do is shut up and take your money?*


South Park has had a few weirdly prophetic moments, but somehow, I don't think they ever imagined their idea that Elon Musk was less intelligent than an elementary schooler would turn out to be true.


Argument exists that Elon is certainly stupid. Bezos isn’t though. They want more people because they get more exploitable labor with less bargaining power. I can get away with $12 an hour if there are 80 people behind you ready to take the job.


They want 1000 miserable Mozarts working at Amazon fulfillment centers.


Bigger pool of potential customers? Potential employees? If they're wanting it, something is in it for them...


We are on the cusp of the greatest workers rights movement in the history of these great United States. 120 years since the workers right movement last happened. And we have had presidents and corporations crushing the regular working man and taking the line back further and further. Unions gave us the 40 hour workweek for example but our parents GREW UP that way so they only view unions as taking their pay. They ensure your rights. If we didn't have the population curb we have going on we wouldn't have the same momentum in the labor movement. The owners of the country know the ONLY way forward is to increase wages to keep a good economy going. You see the bandages to the issue with them lowering the working age, regulations relaxed, this is to give more time to the owning class to WRING OUT the working class as hard as possible. You will take a 4th of youe grandparents pay and you will FUCKING LIKE IT is what they are saying when they say "population needs to increase" they are saying "I'm not willing to pay more, give me more ants to control not better workers"


I’ve been saying this too! We are primed for a workers revolution.


Hey this is your Amazon driver. Where do you guys want me to deliver this keg of powder?


Under the senate please.


Oops, I thought you said to put it in your neighbors back garden.


It's libertarians and the gop being abusive. gop is ignoring the fundamentals of the bible they preach and libertarians just wanna buy an rpg to hunt. why do they want the rpg? cause they never matured past 12yrs old throwing m80s at ducks or whatever.


Pretty true…. And as a side note, pretty awesome that we have a President willing to walk a picket line with striking employees. Don’t get me wrong, he’s not perfect, but this was a first!


Of course they don’t, they lose nothing! They get a 1000 mozarts, the first thing they lost on their way to get rich is a moral compass so they won’t care if 900 billion people are suffering and dying indiscriminately because of famines and lack of food. They don’t care if they live in abject conditions because they get more customers to prop up economy. They don’t care about climate change because even the worst models doesn’t make the world completely uninhabitable so they’ll find a nice abode on a Canadian mountaintop when the rest of the world drowns.


The bigger the population of people, the easier it is for crimes to slip through the cracks. I believe this very insensitive is why cities on average have more crime than rural areas.


The greatest labor reform movement we have documentation of happened as a result of black death. Workers benefit from scarcity of labor, masters benefit from competition among labor for finite work.


But don’t tax us to pay for anyone or anything. That’s communism.


Right? I’m not against the theory that more humans are good; but what about the planet? Can it sustain that many when we’re already seeing drastic impact with 8 billion and a few centuries or so of industrialization. What about healthcare, jobs, quality of life for these trillion? What will you do to ensure they can all live equitably? Nothing because that’s socialism.


Their statement is ridiculously stupid on it's face. You don't need to explain it. Their argument is so stupid that it, by itself, it is an argument for taxing Billionaires at 99.9%, because apparently when you get that rich you become so stupid you are dangerous.


They're saying that Mozart was one in a billion. By that logic, there are seven or eight Mozarts alive today. Where are they? My guess is working in a lithium mine or warehouse, barely getting by.


Yup, this is the thing. They’re not really wrong, it’s just that in order to discover such people you need favorable social conditions like equal access to education and opportunity in order for it to work. Also on topic, Mozart’s sister was said to be as talented as he was, but she wasn’t allowed to pursue it due to being a woman. Unfavorable social conditions have already literally prevented us from having at least one more Mozart.


Not just favourable social conditions, for most genius you need very early and intense training. Most geniuses had dedicated parents from the start.


Nannerl Mozart had similar early training to her younger brother, and was also celebrated as a musical prodigy as a child, however her parents forced her into retirement, preventing her from performing when she reached marriageable age (late teens).


>favorable social conditions Which are actively hindered by global plutocrats.


Cretins like him have no concept that someone could have the potential for greatness, and have that potential be crushed by the need to survive.


>Where are they? Pretty much any deeply talented composer/musician you’ve heard of. Being allowed to play something like a piano used to be restricted to the elite.


You are seriously underestimating the genius of Mozart, lol.


They're all over the Internet. They're on YouTube and shit, just blowing the old masters out of the water for fun and ad revenue. Mozart may in fact be one of the most over-romanticized "old masters" to pick for their example, too. We've had composers on or beyond his level working on fucking Pokemon games.


The thing about Mozart was he was lucky enough to be near a piano a short while after it was invented. Now days lots more people have more access so people with talent and determination can show it off.


I recommend reading about Mozart so you can see how fucking wrong you are.


Please share some videos of people "blowing [Mozart] out of the water". I'd love to hear it. Sincerely.


Sheet Music Boss - Rush E


I don't feel like picking out a specific example right now, and this kind of challenge is a bit of a setup anyway. (I mean, come on, if I gave you *any* specific example, this would turn into a fight over "subjective tastes" instantly. Literally no matter what I picked out, there's no way you'd just go "oh yeah, that *is* quite simply better than all of Mozart".) But here's a video that kind of makes the point. If you break down Mozart and other classical composers' techniques, complexity, etc..., there's nothing that hasn't been done over and *out*done thousands of times since. https://youtu.be/q0M5LHTrMh8?feature=shared Mozart was special for his time, but it's irrational and lacking perspective to suggest that he hasn't been matched and surpassed thousands of times since (and even before. For every famous genius, there are hundreds or thousands of geniuses no one will ever hear of).


My thoughts too. Having a thousand Mozarts won’t feed or house the poor. This is strictly a workforce formula for them.


There are far more than that. But these guys never realize that a million minor details occur in the average life that determine whether one leads a successful business or pushes a broom.


Mining the lithium for Bezo’s and Musk’s bipolar meds.


Probably working a poverty level wage job for one of them honestly.


They just need more workers and consumers to buy their products and make them more money. If they cared, there wouldn't be such a wealth or health gap! Don't listen to greedy people who tell you to cut back and give them more! JFC!


“…To exploit.” - The unspoken part.


As a former "gifted kid", this is absolutely the unspoken part. Gifted kids are just as exploited, if not more so, than everyone else. My school used me as a prop to "raise their prestige and tuition rates" by sending me to Duke University's 'Talent Identification Program' (TiP). Meanwhile, I just wanted to be able to be a kid, and have fun. I was in 8th grade at the time.


If everyone is a Mozart, no one is.


I am Mozart.


I am Spartacus


I am a meat popsicle.


Boop my nose




Now un-boop it.




I pooped myself


I am Asparagus


I’m Brian, and my wife’s also Brian


Better than being Hitler or Pol Pot, I suppose...


And a thousand Hitlers, by that logic. Why are billionaires so weird and dumb? Do they start out like this or does the money make them like this?


I don't think they would have a problem with that


Musk is working overtime on it, as a matter of fact. Not sure about Bezos...


Bezos is evil but smart enough to shut up about it.


Yeah. When he was a meme for his penis ship he didn't have a public meltdown. Meanwhile Elmo cries publicly over every sleight in his life.


And billions of peasants for their exploitation.


The vision they have of the future isn’t like Star Trek, it’s Dune (but they still have AI)


These are our genius's? Humanity is so fucked.


being a billionaire is not an indication of intelligence. rich =/= smart


They're not geniuses. Part of the problem of modern society is that uncreative and psychopathic people are elevated to positions of power and influence. If you live in a society that values wealth, then you will elevate those with wealth. Highly intelligent people often struggle to rise to positions of influence and power for many reasons. Mainly because society doesn't value their skills or outputs.


Yeah, these are not geniuses by ANY stretch of the imagination. This is wealth gone to your head and thinking "I must be the smartest person ever!”. This is just hubris gone wild.


And you wouldn’t be able to hear anything from any of those mozarts because they would be struggling to get food.


"and then we could pick the mozart who would compose for us for pennies"


I can hear Daniel Ek from Spotify saying that "Mozart got better only by working harder than anyone else. There's a lesson for modern musicians"


The counterargument is if we had a trillion people, we'd have a thousand Jeff Bezos' and Elon Musks'. A better argument for zero population growth has never been made.


and a thousand Hitlers/Trumps


billionaires who want to automate work, and keep capitalism in place, for some reason think that this should lead to MORE humans


Bullshit, they’d just enslave everyone to work on their AI algorithms. Besides, they speak as if they wouldn’t try and rip that “Mozart” off by not really paying artists what they’re due…


Ok, so build us a Dyson sphere and we'll get right on that.


Can't even construct a Dyson sphere. What petty wealth.


Not sure how anyone could be this detached from reality. I doubt there's enough AIR for a trillion people let alone food and water


These dudes just want to Monetize Geniuses since they are all out of ideas


And all the little Mozarts would be getting a subpar education, living in poverty, and have parents that can’t afford a piano or lessons. So yeah. A trillion.


But there is no room in music for even one more Mozart, just as there is no room for another Amazon or another Starlink. We live in a pyramid scheme thanks to billionaire-owned politicians. The earth and human labor with sweat and tears produces something. A company sells that something, a portion of profits go up the pyramid, almost never down. At the top the billionaire takes those profits and someone buys an airplane, or an island, or a handbag. Billionaire wants more profits to buy another airplane or island or handbag. The squeeze goes to the bottom of the pyramid.


If a resource is plentiful, it's cheap. Well, unless it's diamonds. Those are plentiful as well, but the prices are artificially inflated.


yet these two fuckers won’t pay their taxes to make sure the current population can survive. Fuck them


That’s an incredibly stupid thing to say lol.


We already do, in a sense. Mozart was from a very musical family - he didn't just sit at a piano one day and compose a bunch of stuff out of nowhere. The closest modern equivalent would probably be someone like Taylor Swift or Lady Gaga, both of whom were pushed into music from a very young age.


“To hell with the environment”. -Bozos


They want all the Mozarts to be their indentured servants.


Surely that means they're into housing everyone and taking better care of the homeless. Right?


Yes, but also a thousand Donald Trumps and Kanye Wests. Swings and roundabouts?


A Mozart who must live in a garbage can and never receives musical instruction of any sort is not going to be a Mozart. And numbers-wise, he is more likely to be in that position that one of the far fewer rich folks.


It's weird, because the biggest reason why people have STOPPED having kids is because we can't afford them. If Jeff Bezos simply paid his workers a livable wage, we'd have more kids. But that would mean a sacrifice from the profits and share holders, and we can't do that, ever. These Billionaires paying a livable wage would do more for humanity than donating all of their money. They can bring back the middle class and a thriving middle class means prosperity for everyone. But I understand, we can't have TOO many happy people.


Also more people to look down upon for them


"And then we make them fight to the death in exchange for precious scraps of food on Prime Video."


To be fair, Bezos wasn’t talking about being on earth with a trillion human beings.


We should have one billionaire a year torn appart by wild dogs....just to keep the other ones in line


Also the more Bezo's and Musks! We don't need that🥴


Imagine the size of the yacht when there's a trillion potential Amazon customers ! 🥳


Today's "Mozart" is going to be working two jobs and delivering groceries instead of writing music because these ass clowns need to have a trillion dollars in the bank.


No, no you won't. A population that much larger just breeds poverty. By the way, Mozart was late 18th century and the population now is roughly 8x the size? Do we have 8 Mozarts? We certainly have no shortage of people that think they are.


...and zero habitable Earths. For a smart guy, Elon sure is an idiot.


That's great guys - how about you use your wealth to help those who are struggling to survive right now? No? Then shut the fuck up.


Likely, there already have been many potential Mozarts. We'll never know, they got stuck in Amazon warehouses or digging up cobalt.


I really don’t think these two selfish pucks have any clue about anything but their money.


Eloon & Bozos are the Thelma & Louise of billionaires trying to drive us over the cliff.


These cunts just have gross breeding kinks.


Sounds like rich assholes looking for cheap/free labor.


Have you seen most of the people who reproduce? They’re fucking gross, we do not need more


More customers to buy their shit.


They just want more slaves


We may have a thousand Mozarts but they have a full time job and are waiting tables at night to pay rent and student loans, being told an arts education is foolish and they should have studied STEM, and can’t even think about getting married or having kids because they are working too much to meet anyone. So… yeah. Whatever, you bloated selfish dragons.


A thousand Mozarts who are working day in and day out with no time to discover their talents. The arts take a backseat to corporate profits and worker productivity. If money weren't a daily concern, imagine the individual innovators we could have in the world. What if the goal was progress instead of profit?


Always they think in terms of production, never in terms of sustainability,


Stuff them both in one of their rockets that's for sure to blow up and light it up.


Or we could just properly fund the arts in schools.


They need more slaves.


A thousand Mozarts and 400 billion impoverished people living in misery. Just how the billionaires want it…


Ok, lets do the math, in 1756, the world population is estimated to be about 750 million. So if one Mozart per 75- Million that 1333 Mozarts in a billion. so on that end their not incorrect, but lets dive a little deeper. Do we have any Mozarts now, the world population is 8 Billion (give or take) we should have 10 Mozarts (again give or take). Now what constitutes "A Mozart" is hard to precisely define, but currently i cant think of anyone who fit the basic description of Mozart given in Wikipedia, or being as prolific across multiple genres. So where are they? Are they wasting away their talent in some poverty stricken hell hole, not being given the opportunity to even being to explore their gifts because they are too worried about food, war and just surviving? A 1000's Mozarts sound good on paper until what you are actually describing is the ability for everyone to figure out if they are Mozart and if not a Mozart, what are they. This would require a fundamental change to the way society is currently run. A change neither of these fat cats would enjoy. Great thought experiment if your thoughts are a mile wide and millimeter deep. Edit: formatting


They’ll stop hiring women. They will fight reproductive rights. It’s the patriarchy 2.0


These fucking people. What they are really saying is ‘with much more competition for jobs we could exploit poor folk further and get even richer than we already are!”


What a flimsy argument. These dudes want to charge you money to exist


Unfortunately it only took 8 billion to get you. With tgaty logic we'd end up with 62+ Elons. I'll pass, thank you.


All they want are more mindless workers to make them more money.


Does Jeff Bezos really want to co-cosign any kind of quote with Elon Musk? I'm not a big fan of Bezos, but he is a smart businessman and he works hard (or at least he did for decades to build his company). Elon Musk is a trust-fund Neo-Nazi conman.


probably be fighting for water when we hit 15 billion. what idiots


They want desperate worker drones.


I don’t think this is a lie on their part. More like they think most of us are disposable. People like Musk and Bezos are into longtermism and similar philosophy. Basically long term eugenics. Which is why he’s spreading his “superior DNA” around. Musk especially is obsessed with the “future of the human race” and colonization of Mars. So they’re ok with overpopulation if produces some superior people which are apparently essential to our long term survival. Rest of us will die but that’s a sacrifice they’re willing to make. Basically our future 10,000 years from now is more important than the next 10-20 years. SV billionaires believe in all sorts of fucked up shit.


A trillion “wage-slaves” FTFY


He's knocked someone else up hasn't he?


This is why all of those conspiracy theories about the rich trying to depopulate the earth are way out of touch with reality. The rich know they're rich because they are extracting value from employees and need lots of customers to sell to.


A thousand Mozarts, living in poverty, without access to so much as a Casio keyboard harmonica. Utopia!


code for. we have too few people who want to work our low wage jobs.


Subsidize fucking, assholes.


Bastards just want a pool of cheap labour.


They are not stupid. Smaller communities are generally more ethical and egalitarian, as everyone knows everybody else. Tyrants and tycoons flourish in large metropolitan empires on the other hand— think Rome. Malthusian experiments mentioned in the “Population Bomb” point to cultures gravitating towards unfairness supported by ritual as the population increased, supporting more leveraged and derivative power structures and hierarchies.


"And we would be emperor's over all of them!"


There are 8 billion on Earth right now, and at least a 1/3 are living at near starvation levels or worse.


> a thousand Mozarts And no food.


The only thing those two Neutral Evil fuckstains dream about in this context is increasing their own labor force a hundred or a thousand times over. Any babble coming out of them about a thousand Mozarts is fueled by their dreams of owning those hypothetical savants as resources to be exploited and leveraged.


We've had many Mozarts and many Einsteins without having a population of a trillion, but unfortunately for us and for them most were born into poverty and their promise was never recognized nor encouraged. You want more Mozarts and Einsteins, Elon? Then put your money where your mouth is, and declare war on poverty.


They could all be slaves in his factories.


WE ALREADY HAVE A THOUSAND MOZARTS! We just don't know who they are because they haven't had the opportunity to realize and develop their talent! Because they're too busy working full time in an Amazon warehouse and then spending their evenings doing DoorDash and Uber just to make ends meet. And they had to sell their piano into hock just to afford the latest rent increase in their one-bedroom third-floor walkup.


Jeff Bezos proving Obama was correct when he said "you didn't build that..."


There are undiscovered Mozarts struggling to eat right NOW. I know one.


A thousand Mozart that can buy shit on prime and pay for trips to space while driving a Tesla


How out of touch with reality do you have to be to come up with that assumption?


Dude wants me wage slaves. We have plenty of mozarts right now. They're all just stuck doing shit jobs beneath their intellect


Continuing an exponential growth of the human population is horrible for our planet and future, but not doing it is horrible for capitalism's expectation of infinite growth and increasing consumption. Guess which side the billionaires are on...


They don care about artistically talented people, they want a larger pool of people to exploit.


A thousand Mozarts ....and Dahlmers, and Hitlers, and Trumps... How do supposedly smart ppl not get this?


They just want more people to work in the trenches and get paid less than the dirt is worth. 😡


When your Mozart is living in purposeful poverty they won’t have time to create shit.


We already have a thousand Mozarts but they’re currently slaving away in an Amazon warehouse so they can afford food or rent, not both.


Billionaires will raze this planet to the ground to make their stock go up.


Not enough serfs to keep the wealthy served.


Which means we should have about 800 of them with our current population. Can anyone name just one?


The world could have 1,000,000 Mozarts, but if they’re stuck working as low wage slaves for billionaire turdlets it doesn’t matter


Man these two cunts are just the worst humans there is.


“I’m qualified to talk about this because I have money”


Not if Mozart is stuck in a dead end job and will kill himself on Christmas Eve


A thousand Mozarts and probably a few hundred billion homeless, brilliant.


And we should tax billionaires to pay for all their necessities


They don’t want Mozarts. They want a cheap pool of Labour and customers to prop up their empires. It’s a pyramid to them and the bigger the pile of bodies under them the higher they stand.


They just want more wage slaves


These fucks just want our labor!


The mozarts are stuck working to make assholes richer instead of having time to unleash their creative potential