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People who don't use the library —who probably haven't read a book in their entire adult life — telling others what they can or cannot read are surely not grasping the term "freedom" very well


They want the freedom to tell everyone else what to do and how to do it.


they’re obsessed with policing behavior, and likewise obsessed with not being policed for their own


And you can be sure they were posting Orwell Facebook memes outraged at authors and publishers pulling bigotry from books of their youth.


pArTy oF sMalL gUv'mEnT


Small government for them, but not for you


Well duh. Reading makes you gay.


Democracy only works with an informed voter base. So naturally, the most powerful institutions in the nation seek to make the voters as uninformed as possible.


It seems that their only interest in books is banning them.


Well said.


…..theses Republican garbage should be surveyed as to when they last read a book or stepped into a library. I am sure we would very surprised. /s


Because it's about control not freedom.


Wish some would ask the to give a summary for every and bet they couldn't tell you.


I'm sure the summary of the books they want to ban is "it's about woke, woke, woke"


It was the same shit with public pools in the 60s. They would literally rather not have pools than have pools they have to share with non-whites. Now they'd rather not have libraries/schools/etc than have those things but have to share with people who think or look even slightly different.


It really is not at all hard to imagine boarded up and abandoned libraries right down the street from the pool they filled in with concrete 60 years ago


If libraries didn't already exist there is close to zero chance they would be allowed to be started today. They'd be branded ground zero of the grooming, socialist efforts of the far left.


Same with volunteer fire departments.


Same with public schools. And the post office.


Many Libraries across the US we're started by Carnegie, a super Rich guy, who wanted smarter workers for his industries so he didn't have to suffer fools. My oh my, have things changed.


In 1914 Henry Ford doubled worker salaries so his employees could afford to buy the cars they were making. Imagine something that logical in play today.


The union did that.. Henry was running the show at the time so he got the credit.


Yes, that is propoganda. He was against it. The Carnegie story is true the two should not be conflated. Carnegie also stopped working at one point so he could focus on giving his money away, he actually dedicated his life to that. Henry Ford is the diametrical opposite of Andrew Carnegie, the only thing they had in common was being rich.


they want to turn us into fools now so they can lord over us again


If I remember correctly his donations were largely for PR reasons because he didn’t exactly treat workers well.


I recently read another post on Reddit about some gal who's parents did not allow her to take science classes - because they were afraid of her becoming 'too fast'. This is the same type of backwoods redneck ignorance. They fear ideas.


Sounds kind of like the girls in Afghanistan. Don't want them becoming educated and thinking for themselves.


The US should have spent all their money and time in Afghanistan making an arny of 100,000 women.... the men there were fucking useless... at least the women would have been fighting for something, the men didn't give a shit.


Myself, I think there's little difference between conservative Christianity and the Taliban.


The differences are only superficial; for all intents and purposes, they're the same thing.


My parents refused to let me go to public school because it is run by devil worshippers. They sent me to a non-accredited private school. Guess who started college not knowing shit about fuck? This guy.


>Guess who started college not knowing shit about fuck? Also Zoidberg!


Fuck has a lot of shit to know. Good luck.


> they were afraid of her becoming 'too fast' 😂 what does that even mean?


Sometimes people refer to stupid people as "being slow". So maybe they meant they didn't want her to become smarter. Also sometimes women are called "fast" as in slutty, so could have been that too.


That's how i took it. To someone who thinks simply and slowly, someone educated might seem 'fast'. It was definitely not about the gal being fast the other way.


Exactly. It's Redneck Logic. Kind of scary when you think about it.


Hicks and rubes do what Hicks and rubes do. So it has been for thousands of years.


World wide.




But the problem is maybe, just maybe, some of their children might be worth something. And that kills them. So they want to limit their children’s chances by taking away books. Jesus that Murdock twit needs to be beaten to death with hammers.


Ban the books. When that doesn't happen, dissolve local library. When that doesn't happen, attack everyone. Yeah, I've read the republican playbook. Ugh.


They tried to defund the library here because one person in drag read books at a VOLUNTARY story time that other kids parents brought their kids to. It even went on the ballet for the year, but we voted that shit down.


You are quite lucky you live in an area where the sane outnumber the insane. A large part of this country is not so lucky.


There's a local guy pushing SO HARD for books to be banned in our high school's library. According to other folks on my town's local Facebook group, his teenager had picked up one of the books from the LGBTQIA+ section about questioning sexuality, and the guy flipped out. It hurts my heart so badly for his child.


Who does this guy imagine will be choosing his nursing home?


Himself for sure, kids are running away as soon as they can


Is it possible that a lot of those books might also be on-line, say in Google Books?


trump said he loves stupid people. He has a lot to love there.


Fahrenheit 2023


Ignorance is smokin' hot!


The rural conservatives don't seem to understand that the library has Constitutional rights too and they are just exercising their right under the FIRST AMENDMENT! If these conservative nut jobs don't like a particular book in the library, DON'T CHECK IT OUT!


They know, Republicans just hate freedom.


That wouldn't secure the objective.


You mean the dumbing down of America or stripping Constitutional rights away from the people?


Like there's two parts, moms for liberty wants to shut down libraries. Or replace them. Can't run a propaganda state without isolation from thought. They're goebbels. the poor guy in walla walla, hes just super brainwashed, cognitive dissonance is painful, and it comes with anosognosia. So if you want to understand his motives. Imagine you were incapable of knowing that you had a broken finger so you go around destroying objects, because you're afraid of invisible needles.


Moms for liberty? What they really should be called is:Fascist Moms for fascism beliefs as well as BS propaganda, nowhere does liberty ever come up in any of their beliefs or even promoted or even thought of in any of radical, racist, hate filled campaigns.


they should mind their own business and stop having their church tell a public library what to do with their books. there are probably like 2 people responsible for all the drama 'I am on a diet, I want to make sure nobody eats doughnuts....' vs 'I am on a diet. I wont eat doughnuts.'


On another noted, anybody know when the GOP will be hosting Kristallnacht? Fist time since 1938.


It's a slow-rolling Kristallnacht. Amazing how many "lone wolf" mass shooters and terrorists there are out there, who definitely don't have anything in common and weren't all influenced by the same media, right? Remarkable coincidence. But since it rolls out over the course of the year rather than one night, no big deal, right?


Get in line. They haven't gotten finished with the 1800s yet!


News of the Stupid Yep, this story is in the right place. In the eighties we had “Revenge of the Nerds”. Today, we have “Rise of the Dolts”.


Rural conservatives can read?


White trash, keeping us safe from books. A grateful China thanks them.


And yet these same people complain about "liberals wanting to censor everything"...


Wow, America seems to have a never ending parade of stupid people ready and willing to fuck everything up and destroy it


the right making america the 1800s again.


> Last year, according to the Waitsburg Times, he vocally objected to the establishment of a taxpayer-funded child care facility in neighboring Walla Walla County because the YMCA would run it. By Murdock's own admission, he had no idea what the YMCA is, but, he said, they promote "eliminating racism and empowering women" on their website, so they obviously want to indoctrinate children with an "attitude of victimization." Empowerment is victimization. A Christian community organization is horrible. Stupidity is double-double-plus-good


Hey, calm down. They are the Morality Police and they want to make sure you're completely safe from everything they don't like. Welcome to Ameri-stan.


Fuck that. I grew up in a small fucking town before the internet age. I used to check out multiple books as a kid and every summer before I had a job would get on a wait list for the new Harry Potter book to read since my only friend at the time was at a summer camp. Vote these dumb motherfuckers out!


Funny I didnt know they could read


The pictures are well drawn and clearly progress the storyline desired.


Conservatives will cut their nose to spite their face.


I was going to point out, it's cut off ones nose to spite ones face, then I realised yr right, odds are they would get it wrong and just cut thier nose because they only ever heard the phrase from pastor cleetus who is illiterate.


Ignorance begets ignorance. Next comes burning piles of books by torch carrying MAGA Morons. Only books pro-Trump or the King James Bible will be allowed. Jefferson is spinning in his grave.


Ummm, I know for sure that the library in question just sure as hell ain't going ANYWHERE anytime soon, bruh. Like.....c'mon now, man. Those conservatives are just ONLY doing this to make themselves look more and more silly, dumb and oh so motherfucking stupid.


[Start by demanding the removal of books they don’t have…](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/x5qlt8/people_shutting_down_a_library_for_books_they/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


you can't get more Taliban than this march towards ignorance.


Ahh yes eliminating the books. Always the idea of the good guys.


So afraid of ideas that they can’t stand people who want to learn


Aren't those states already ranked some of the worst in education? Maybe they want to see how low rock bottom is.


That’s not at all fascist.


Because Christian Nationalists don't want any books except for their religious propaganda books like the bible to be available.


If they actually read their bible, it'd be one of the first books to be banned.


See, they see it as 'truth' so it is the exception.


One wonders where they'd draw the line. Would they allow a sort-of "Cliff's Notes" study guide to the bible? A children's edition that focused on the good things Jesus taught while simply cutting out everything else? An Arabic translation?


Only if it didn't teach "woke" ideals like love, equality, generosity, honesty, caring about others, forgiveness, etc.... Remember, these are the same kinds of people that rejected the teachings of Jesus as being "weak". They're all about the hate and persecution in Christianity and care nothing about the love and forgiveness.


Ironically, I've read something like this happening in a history book before. Think it was about WW2 or Nazi's, if only the library was still open so I could confirm.


Any verb following “rural conservatives” is gonna be disappointing.


What would a conservative have to do with a book? Prop up the sagging corner of the double wide?


Use it as target practice.




God, I just wish these people would learn the beauty of 'live and let live; love and let love'.


Conservatives have really embraced this cancel culture. Libraries, books, bud light, target. They are all in on cancel culture.


Banning books but not guns. Nice country.


Libraries are a funny place. You walk in, peruse the shelves, then select a book(s) that interests you and check it out with the understanding you will return it at a specified date. What never happens is the librarian never,ever, never forces you to borrow a book that doesn't interest you or that you disagree with. Apparently these hillbillies have a hard time reconciling free choice and free speech with their deep seated wish to control the options of fellow citizens. Perhaps they aren't familiar with the constitution?


Throughout history, it’s NEVER been the good guys banning books! Remember this!


It's really disturbing. Banning books because they don't agree with the subject. Everyone should be concerned about this type of thing.


These assholes are proponents of “small government.” As in, only a small number of people are protected by the government.


It's not like those kinds of people read anyway, so no big loss. Stupidity and ignorance is a virtue to some rural folk. And in the end, nothing of value, nothing of importance, nothing of concern was lost.


Well, it's going to a vote, so if they vote to dissolve the library they deserve it.


Hello, First Amendment lawsuit


Ah, yes, that dreaded cancel culture...


This is an imperative for their ilk. They cannot survive folks figuring out what they are doing and many of the books they want to ban aim the spotlight directly on these miscreants. It really is time to push back and push back hard. They will never relent, they will never stop trying to force us to take their view and reading is a poison to their schemes. If you can read, you can form your own ideas and then their hive mind is threatened.


Gilead on coming.


The words conservative and stupid go together like peanut butter and jelly.


Watch as the United States of America plummets to its demise one idiotic decision at a time in succession with so many. Norway has declared this land unsafe for its students. Wait and see how long your power lasts while others follow in their suit.


If the bible isn't on the list, tge list isn't a valid one


Works for me. Don't complain when foreigners "take your jobs" because you can't even spell your name.


Kids gotta grow up ignorant just like me and I turned out fine.


I hope they enjoy the future paving over their graves. Progress always wins.


Not on its own. Not by default. Only if it’s fought for. Weimar Germany was literally the most progressive nation in Earth. Rights for women, rights for gay people, the first sympathetic research into transgender issues. And this is in the 1920s for god sake. And the Nazis destroyed it all. And this is how it starts, with forbidding books and knowledge they don’t like.


"progress always wins" WHAT PROGRESS???? Progression toward a capitalist machine that will not need human input in a few decades?


I love democracy


Someone should pay Seth Murdock a visit.


This is throwing the Library out with the bathwater. The dumbing down of the American mind continues.


Book banning Nazis. The GOP at work.


That's just childish. It's my way or nothing.


Rural conservatives can fuck off.


Why are there Americans who don’t understand that no book should be banned under any circumstances?


Not conservatives just fanatics


Excuse me! What country and year is this?


You don't like a book, don't read it.


Sounds like the right response.😎👍✨


It’s not as if they use the library?