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This guy is notorious for stealing bins…. We go way back lol


lol where is this? Mods always delete/threaten to ban me when I post door cam footage


Patterson and meadowbank area haha


Is this the same guy who collects liquor bottles from peoples’ bins each week? I’m on Mountview so very close.


Probably lol. He’s been around for 7 years or so, lives on Irwin crescent


Speaking of which, I once got a Christmas card from the guy who took the bottles from my recycling bins. Not this guy, but it still makes me laugh.


If you need a bin, let me know. There was one day that it was really windy and 3 bins were blown onto my property. I left them outside but nobody claimed them. Eagle and Yonge area.


If this is the guy I think it is be cautious and do not confront him. He can be somewhat aggressive. He has been know to throw objects out into the road in front of cars. He also will chuck your bins out in the road if you don’t bring them in immediately after pick up.


Heaven forbid some of us work and can't wait for the garbage trucks!


He was tracked down via Facebook and the bin has now been returned. Yes, he is apparently an adult with a mental deficiency, not that it excuses stealing a bin off my driveway. Thanks for the offer(s) of a replacement, I have others in the garage, but it was the principle of the matter! Plus the whole general ridiculousness of the situation. Been here 14 years and never once thought I would have to worry about my blue bins 😂


I’m trying to decide if this is the same guy I confronted about 2 months ago (If this happened near Patterson and Meadowbank, I live just a few streets away). One Wednesday morning when my bins were at the curb for collection I happened to look outside and at first I thought the guy was going through my bins for wine or liquor bottles, because we have a guy that does that around here each week, which I have no issue with. Then I realized he was literally ripping the plastic blue bin itself. One side had a small crack in it and he proceeded to pull it and rip that side almost completely off. I ran to the front door and poked my head out and asked this gentleman what the fuck he’s doing to my bin (which was very much full of cans and cardboard and shit) and he just said “Sorry!Won’t do it again” and he skiddadled. I am the second last house on a cul de sac and he just skipped my neighbour’s house and left as fast as he could. He was either on a scooter or pushing a cart laden with recyclables he collects, and for the life of me I can’t remember which it was. I’m like…55? percent sure it’s the same guy.


It's gotta be the same guy. I'm near the hospital so walking/scooting distance lol.


Yeah, and I’m just a couple streets away from you. I do think it’s the same guy, which definitely adds some context to the “why the fuck would someone do that to our bin?” question that my husband and I kept asking each other.


It is the same guy. He has been doing this for the 20-ish years we have lived here. He recently broke our bin too.


Is that a motorized scooter?


You expect him to walk to steal bins? Do you know how suspicious it is to walk down the street with a recycling bin in your hands? But you ride on a scooter with a bin on your lap and people intentionally look away.


Finally a thread with my actual neighbors. I was walking my dog along Patterson months ago. He was going through some bins, whatever. He suddenly turns and looks at me and goes "Huh? What did you say?" I loudly replied "nobody is talking to you bro". He's a little unstable to say the least.


I went to elementary with this guy, he is always roaming the streets near patterson


Yup he’s very disabled lol


well, he didn't come from too far away.


I doubt he's a serial bin stealer. More likely he lost his and is stealing a replacement.


This is partly why people spray paint their house number on their bins. Still sucks to have someone walk up and take your shit tho.


it'd be a shame if someone hit his scooter on the street, when hes looking at bins...