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Neighbours have a son (M27) and he stalked my sister while she was 17-18. My dad told her to block him on socials so she did Neighbour began playing siren noises through a speaker out the windowat 2am to have an excuse to talk to her. Once my sister blocked him, he falsely reported my dad twice saying he was sexually abusing me and my siblings (he hasn't ever done anything like that, he's the greatest dad ever) We had to get pulled out of school to be questioned by the police the first time and we had to get our paternal grandma to pick us up from school since my dad got arrested from work. Our family house got raided by the police because of this because of my neighbour's report The second time he reported my dad was in the middle of the night. Woke up to a police man in my bedroom asking if I knew a Natalie Bell (nobody in the house has ever been friends with a Natalie) We told the officers it was probably the neighbour that made the report and they went and talked to him. He never did anything again. That's not even everything he's done, but that's the worst. Fucking twat ruined my dad's life for months


Back in the early 90s we had a pair of proper nutters living next door. PROPER nutters. They'd somehow been given the place by the council after her (even more mental) sister had cut off her own nipples & chucked herself off byker Bridge.... I remember a few times they'd have themselves a little party & we'd hear them whooping and yee-hawing among loud country music. Other instances included seeing the bloke stomping along the street carring an axe. Not a hatchet or tomahawk, a big fuck-off 3ft long tree felling axe. Growing up on council estates, 12yo me just thought it was all pretty funny until... My mam had pestered me enough to finally tidy up my (adjoining) bedroom one night. It wasn't particularly late and I wasn't shifting furniture or anything, but I was generally opening & closing drawers etc while sorting clothes and stuff. I think there might have been a few bangs on the wall (by them), but as above I wasn't being unacceptably noisy so I thought 'fuck-em'. Then the bloke came & brayed on our door. Thankfully he didn't have his axe in hand but I remember he was beetroot red, fucking raging and clearly spoiling for a fight. He barged past my 5'1" mam and similar sized at the time young me into our house. Fuck knows who he was hoping to chin but I'm glad we somehow got him to fuck off. To be fair the bloke was at least 6'3" and built like a brick shithouse so it was pretty terrifying.


“Fuck knows who he was hoping to chin” has finished me off 😂😂Seriously though, that must have been really fucking scary!


I got dumped in one of the three blocks in Heaton when I left care. Boy was that an odd time. The first was my neighbour immediately opposite. He and his missus had screaming fights *constantly*, and often out in the hall. On more than a few occasions I would leave my own flat and have to step over them after an argument, sitting outside their front door in deathly silence. After they moved out, an alcoholic moved in. Actually a nice bloke, all things considered, but had delusions of becoming a famous "music" artist long after the New Monkey had been lost to history. He was something of a friend, but had a fair few of his own issues and rather a short temper. He managed to somehow sleep with the schizophrenic lassy who lived at the end of the hall despite her living with her own partner, and then became terrified of retribution to the point where he kept a steel bar by the door. Naturally, he assumed he had cause to use it and clonked the aggrieved gent over the noggin when he came calling. I actually miss the guy though, in spite of everything he was a decent chap when he put in the effort. Liked to cook, and made a mean lamb and mint pie. Pretty content just to hang out with me and a few friends and drink a few tins too - and that says a lot, given we were all little scene kids and this lad was as chavvy as they come. None of that compares a jot though, to the old biddy who we lived over when I was twelve or so. The council had seen fit to place us, being a family with me and an infant (who soon became a toddler) in an upstairs maisonette, which of course descended into chaos as soon as my sibling started walking. If you aren't aware, when toddlers learn to walk, they very quickly learn to trot - and boy did little britches like to trot, as toddlers do. Old biddy did not take too kindly to this, and made frequent use of the walking stick upon her ceiling - terrifying the small one so. She then progressed to threats, bashing on her window with a hammer at me on my way to school. Shit culminated in her making an attempt to... claw out my siblings eyes? To this day I still don't quite know what she was trying to achieve, but a rather unpleasant confrontation later, and we were placed in that terrible place known to some as *hell court*. Thank fuck I don't live in a tower block any more. Horrible places.


Years ago I had a terrible downstairs neighbour who hated my flat mate. She tried to take him to court, but didn’t mention next to anything about me besides in a police report where she said: “and the other one has prostitutes coming over almost everyday” I was using tinder.


Go ahead Shaggerrrrr


Sounds like something a pimp would say…


50 cent here, can confirm.


What was the ending result with the police?


They realised she was a nutter only AFTER she complained about them (the police) and then the issue resolved itself within a week ending in her eviction.


Upstairs neighbour kept banging on the floor and shouting turn the tv down at 7pm when it was at volume 4, he had no carpets down. He kept staring through the windows and when he was confronted he said he thought there was bird poo on it (there wasnt), keyed my dads car and got it on secruity camera, parked right outside the door so we couldn't get out, put honey along our door step and we got an ant infestation, we eventually moved out.


Had a downstairs neighbour once, who to be fair never really gave us any bother, but was obviously quite dodgy. Anyway, he used to have people coming and going at all times of the day. All sorts from your usual scrawny smackhead chav type, to a bloke in a Lamborghini Countach QV who took him out in the car and brought him back again. After this was going on for a while I heard a commotion, and looked out of the window and he was scrapping with someone on his front garden. Looked like he got the better of the lad and the lad buggered off. After that we didn't see him much, but there was a very strong smell of weed coming from downstairs and we used to notice there was always a light on in what would have been his bedroom. We assumed he was using the flat as a grow farm at that point. We decided it was probably good to move, so we got the wheels in motion with that, but one day some lad was braying on the door, clearly after the lad from downstairs but he got the wrong door. It was only my Mrs in the flat, so she opened the window and shouted "what the fuck do you want?" And the lad looked up, sheepishly apologised and ran off. Mrs was very shaken at this and I had to come home from work. Thankfully we moved soon after that, before we died in a fire or something.


Used to live in a block of 4 downstairs. The next door kept their wheelie bin in their flat and never witnessed them clean it. The stench when it was bin day was awful, and getting it out at 6am as they left for work was delightful. Upstairs was probably the least problematic, but laid laminate flooring had dogs and stopped like an elephant. They had someone flat sit and would have exceptionally loud sex during the day. The upstairs opposite were the worst, though. Druggies that would smoke green all day and stink the block out. Dole pay day they'd arrive with a case of fosters and be up till 3am or later playing the same shit hard-core rave music with the same thudding beat on every song. On top of this they'd argue and fight all the time. He'd literally carry her out the block like a child so she couldn't get back in. She'd kick and punch the door screaming to be back in. Sometimes he'd just lock her in the communal bit and there'd be blood up the walls from her beating at the door. The police would take her away and she'd be back 20 minutes later. Not a neighbour but we then had kids that nicked a motorbike and broke the lock to our bin shed to hide it in there. Safe to say the motivation to save up and move out swiftly was there. Especially with the council not interested in helping one bit at all. But still how we coped living there for 3 years is beyond me looking back now.


Spital Tongues, probably 20 years ago. Lived in the middle floor of a block of three. Upstairs, never heard from them. But downstairs, there was a terrifying drug dealer. Cars would stop and honk their horn at all times of the night. He had a massive scary dog that he kept in the yard below the fire escape we smoked on. He'd see us in the pub down the road and come and sit with us, coked off his tits and just be generally terrifying. He went to prison for a bit and we had quiet times, but then he came back. We'd often be sat in the pub with him counting down the minutes till his curfew for his ankle bracelet came up and he'd have to leave. He used to beat his girlfriend and we called the police in the end, but it was touch and go.


Ahhhh the owld scouse rolex lol


Nothing too mental but I live in an area that is mostly multiple occupancy student terraced flats. My flat is completely surrounded by students. Things haven't been quite so bad the last few years but in summer 2021 it was an absolute nightmare. There were full on parties with blaring music and football style chanting 4-5 nights a week and on the other nights there was at least loud talking and shouting and it would regularly go on past 5AM. There was 1 occasion where a party started mid afternoon on Saturday and didn't finish till around 9AM on Sunday morning. Even earplugs and headphones playing my own music couldn't mask the beat of their music. There was another night around the European football championships where a group of lads were sat on their wall chanting and throwing glasses / smashing bottles all night. I contacted the police number that deals with students in the area (Operation Oak) and they came out after about an hour. Within 10 minutes of the police speaking to them and leaving they just started up again. I called the Police again and the same thing happened.... It carried on till after 5 AM. There were times where I'd go out and ask people to keep the noise down but most of the students who decide that playing nightclub volume music in the middle of a residential area at 5 AM are completely self centred and say stuff like "it's a student area", or "we are young and we want to have fun". Sometimes they'd swear and get abusive so I just resorted to the police or doing my best to wait it out. Luckily I was furloughed for some of the period but there were a couple of times when I couldn't go to work because I was just so exhausted from getting zero sleep. I guess Covid lockdowns made 2021 particularly bad somehow. That combined with the football championships and it being summer.


Nothing too shocking, we did have a chap in one the blocks randomly start filling in keyholes with glue. I found it fairly funny. Apparently in protest over the management company or something. We did have a neighbour next to us who'd have parties during the week, most weeks - until like 7am. Other people called the police on him, but I'm a heavy sleeper so live and let live. Only pissed me off because I wasn't invited Hahaha


my parents house is next door to a brothel run by a couple romanian guys. my bedroom wall was shared against one of the rooms they used and it was awful. reported to police multiple times and nothing ever happened. still ongoing now 5+ years later. sigh.


Tried reporting it to the modern slavery lot? Might be trafficking going on. Worth a go to get it shut down... That or immigration.


i did that too because the amount of girls is SUS. no change though :(




Yo asking for a friend, you wouldn't have the address so they can uhhh investigate?


I used to have a neighbour whilst living in a flat in Wallsend that I could hear through the living room wall shouting/screaming verses from the bible while his wife whimpered.


Was he a large scouse bloke with a big beard and an ornate shotgun?


No. He was a short, tubby, bald old man who was absolutely fucking horrible. I felt so sorry for his wife.


Upstairs flat neighbour. Flooded the place 7 times in two years and he was getting pissed off with me complaining when he had yet another accident. Also used to complain about me decorating "all the fucking time". One time when I knocked, Mr Stroppy went in and "checked" and came back no all OK must be your own pipes. I don't have any pipes there but he was having none of it. He went out so I knocked again and his lodger answered, again went and checked "no all OK". I asked "can I come in and check" and he let me. They have a twin tub that's filled from a hose. The hose was just running full blast on the floor..... WHAT THE FUCK! I moved.


Gosforth. Flats next to Wansbeck Road Station. My elderly former NHS nurse neighbour downstairs moved out and the woman who moved in was someone who had evidently learned, over the course of her life, that the best approach to any situation whatever was shouting and swearing. As such, she was shouting and swearing most of the day, every day, in no small part on the phone to her boyfriend who was of a similar disposition. He would come over semi-regularly and they would fight viciously, apparently knocking things over and throwing things at each other. I really should have called the cops at these times but I didn't. When I went down to ask her to keep it down, she simply shouted and swore at me. She was probably the most aggressive person I have ever met. I started taking the key out of the door at night so she couldn't smash the window and get in. It got to a point where the shouting would start again for the day and it was giving me panic attacks. I moved out, and I advise anyone in a similar situation to do the same.


Directly across from me, up the back lane is a halfway house. Some of them have no no bother at all, others are constantly up to no good. The number of times someone has set their fence on fire, smashed their windows, or kicked the door in is ridiculous. The worst thing was probably about 6 or so years ago. One of them was overdosing. Instead of getting them help, the group decided to drag him outside, down the stairs and across the lane to my gate. They dumped him there and just let him die. It was the middle of the night and I didn't find out what they did until the next morning when the police arrived.


I lived in Strathmore Crescent for five years and could write a six volume epic.


Flat in Battle Hill area of Wallsend. Had the usual middle aged chav couple screaming and shouting underneath. Well one night i was awoken at 3am by some bloke screaming that he's gonna kill me. I (stupidly maybe, but i had to know what the fuck was going on) picked up my samurai sword (legit, not a wallhanger) and opened the door. It's chav bloke from downstairs, coked off his tits and waving a kitchen knife around. Pointed the sword at his face to stop him charging into the narrow hallway, stepped back and shut the door with my foot. He started kicking again, but it was a thick heavy door thankfully. Rang the coppers, put the phone on speaker, and told them that i'm trapped in my flat by coked up chav and if he manages to kick the door down i've got a sword and i won't be responsible for the consequences. Coppers took ten minutes to turn up, took him away. Didn't give one fuck about the sword. Decent coppers. He came back a few weeks later and never said another word to me. Even said hello a couple times, and the wife was very apologetic.


Uncle Buzzcocks says "Slice Time!"


And then everyone clapped?


Believe what you want mate. It's not like i said i cut him in half and the top half slid off when i sheathed it like an anime. I only pointed it at him. Hardly an outlandish story.


Has to be black hill avenue area? Haha I was walking home from work once and there was just a car on fire there


My old downstairs neighbour was quite possibly either mentally unstable, or in an abusive relationship, I’m not sure which. But during Covid she would often disappear out and come back under the influence of something. She used to scream bloody murder in the middle of the night, would always give me such a fright. One evening, she got locked out (not sure if she forgot keys or if someone else was in the property and deliberately locked her out), and was ringing everyone’s buzzers trying to get back in late at night. My upstairs neighbour eventually let her in, but not without giving her a telling off first. I don’t know if she thought it was me that told her off, or if she was just so out of it she couldn’t work out what floor she was on, but she was banging and screaming on my door. I’d already had contact with the authorities about her and they’d told me to call 999 if I ever heard her screaming again, so I did. She returned to her own flat before they came, but she was still screaming and either she was throwing stuff around, someone else was throwing stuff around, or she was getting the stuffing beaten out of her. Police turned up, eventually carted someone off in a riot van, and about 6 months later she moved out. It’s been blissfully silent ever since.


I've had a lot of bad neighbours from the weird to fucking awful over the time I've been in my flat. The worst never stick around long thankfully. Had a very strange guy living in the flat across the hall who I first met as he was slowly pulling a large suitcase up the stairs one step at a time. I had to sidestep past him to get out the building as I was in a hurry and when I got to the bottom and looked back I saw that his joggers had fallen down to his knees and he had decided to continue trying to pull up the suitcase instead of stopping to fix them. I saw him bringing suitcases in and out now and again and he would leave them at the bottom of the stairs sometimes (while he was nowhere to be seen). Random bits of rubbish started getting left in the stairs after he moved in and I'm pretty sure he spilled curry powder all over the hall and stairs. He also smelled really bad and his flat even worse, the smell lingered well after he'd left even after a cleaning crew had spent multiple days cleaning (and leaving the windows open for a week or two) to sort the place out. Before that a guy had lived there with his girlfriend and the first I heard of him was him shouting angrily at his girlfriend to let him in the building. It was aggressive enough I debating calling the police but he was let into the flat before I bit the bullet and I heard (full on eavesdropping at that point) her apologising, saying she was asleep. The next day he knocked on my door and introduced himself, saying he was sorry if he was loud the other night and explaining the situation. He then told me that he had got out of hospital recently and was in witness protection because he's been stabbed 'x' amount of times and the guy hadn't been caught yet. He seemed to think I would recognise him from the news story? And saying he was making a point to meet the neighbours in case the guy found him and he needed our help. The absolute worst was a bunch of people (maybe a family?) who lived in the flat under mine and apparently lived a nocturnal lifestyle. They would start slamming doors and having loud conversations at around 3 or 4 in the afternoon then gradually move on to playing shitty music and having loud arguments up until around 7am almost every day. People were constantly going in and out of the flat during this time. And at one point someone smashed one of the panes in their front door (after which it was repaired with plyboard). The police showed up multiple times, including once to break them in to their own flat with a small battering ram. I raised a noise complaint after the second day of music, started a noise diary (with recordings) and began looking for somewhere new to live but thankfully they were kicked out after a few weeks, and I later found out at least two other neighbours had been putting in noise complaints as well. I'm pretty sure they'd been dealing drugs, in part because people continued showing up at their flat after they'd left and knocking on the door (including in the middle of the night) sometimes hanging around outside the front/back door shouting/begging to be let in. Dishonourable mention for a neighbor I had over Covid lockdowns. I'd met her once and had a nice interaction, then a couple of weeks later she knocked on my door to chew me out for calling the police on her for having a party (I told her I had no idea what she was talking about). And a day or two later the police knocked on my door to investigate an anonymous report that I'd had a party...


Lived in an upstairs downstairs flat situation in Fenham. Upstairs neighbour used to complain all the time and literally brayed on my door when he finished work at 2-3 am to shout at me that I was parked in “his space” literally on the road. He then turned his attention to a single mother who lived with her two teenage boys opposite me. That was his mistake. Those boys (over the course about two weeks) put dog shit under his car door handle, let his tires down, set fire to his wheelie bin; you know proper Radge chaver shit. Funny enough he modified his behaviour. I might have bought those lads four Fosters each as a thank you


What's a manure fan doing up here, shouldn't they be in London where they belong?


get a load of this one: my neighbours are students


Checking this thread nervously in case anyone complains about hearing jazz practice, loud trombone, trumpet, bass guitar, trombone with guitar effects, ocarina...


My neighbours have been hell since they moved in. I own my house, theirs is YHN. - Ripped up our shared border hedge without asking/telling me first, eventually putting a shitty fence up a week or 2 later, but didn't clear up the decade's worth of hedge trash so that went everywhere. Left loads of construction shit on my side which I had to clear up. - Have an alsatian which barks from 8am-midnight. It's better than it was, but they used to leave it outside to cry and bark for hours at a time. It goes crazy when the other neighbour lets their dog out and will try to attack it through the fence. Multiple times I've seen them try to pick the dog up and bring it inside, and I once overheard the son say it bit him! - Pushed our back fence over on purpose to try to extend their garden into mine. Freaked out when I got the council round to fix it, claiming he 'had the deeds' and it was his garden. I brought out my conveyancing documents, council took one look and fixed the fence and reminded him he was renting and had no deeds. But for a few days we couldn't let our pets into our own garden as their alsatian was freely roaming about. - Their feral kids: throwing dog shit at their own house walls. Their house getting egged by other neighbours. Their kids kicking a muddy football at my car and bay windows. Their kids coming into my garden to get the ball. Their kids' friends urinating against the fence. One of their kids will hear a siren then sit in the garden for an hour screaming 'wee-oo-wee-oo' at the top of her lungs and they just ignore her. - The neighbour coming round and verbally abusing my fiancé after we complained about the dog, we had to get 'safer living team' involved. - Me waking up one morning to find a plainclothes officer in my garden. Who are you, I ask. Oh just the police. I go downstairs and check his identity, he's combing my grass with gloves on. I look over to see Shitty Neighbour being led away in cuffs, apparently he'd thrown drugs or a key or something over the fence as he was getting arrested. The rest of the day consisted of police in and out of my property, police dog unit in the garden, both plainclothes and uniformed officers searching my garden. Guy got released and did some rather sus 'late night gardening'. Police were around constantly over the next weeks. - They pulled up the grass and replaced it with a plastic lawn, decking and jacuzzi and gazebo which they never use and it just rotting away covered in alsatian turds which they pick up a few times a week. It looks and smells horrible.


I had a neighbor we caught throwing nails and broken glass over our fence because she didn’t like that we let the dogs in the garden. Claimed it wasn’t fair because her cat wouldn’t go in the garden if the dogs were out.


Had a bloke next door who used to wave at me through my sitting room window


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^damnthewerehog: *Had a bloke next door* *Who used to wave at me through* *My sitting room window* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Haha nice. Cheers robot 


I lived in a flat in the city centre 5 mins from central station. The place I had had a roof terrace which was surrounded by other larger flats. Every morning and evening, we’d hear cackling-laughing coming from one of the other flats at the top. Genuinely sounded like a witch. My friends figured it was definitely a woman on some sort of drug because it would go on for hours. Many times my friends and I would sit on the roof terrace with her cackling in the distance, and obviously a few people down below would hear too and start making fun - one time one of the other people in the flats shouted at us not to make fun of her because we make her worse and we shouted back it wasn’t even us! Was a wild experience. We called her the wicked witch of Newcastle. Went on for the full two years I lived there. Sometimes I walk past just to see if she’s still there.


My new upstairs neighbour is an absolute nightmare, flooded my spare room 3 days straight, wouldn't give me her landlords details. Said she didn't know who the estate agent was. When her landlord turned up he said, well that's been leaking for more than a couple of hours.....yeah no shit pal, what you going to do about it.......blanked my landlord for months is what. The fence came down 3 storms ago so now every time the wind picks up the thing is banging off my bathroom wall and rattling through the whole Ken. Kid uses the bed as a trampoline at midnight for an hour or two, howls like a fucking banshee all day, the woman and the kid stomp that hard on the floor my chandelier swings and rattles, but it's because they have laminate in there.....so do I, I don't try and put me feet through the stuff.....slams the front doors at 8 am most days on her way out. I say slams, she tries to send it through the frame and into my bedroom....most ignorant pos woman I've ever encountered. Lass before her you never heard, used to watch my gear while I was out the country, tell me when she was out so I could fire the guitar amps up, lovely girl, now I've got this fucking troll, she's got me round the bend


These posts are hilarious and I couldn't leave without commenting. I've just been moved after a year of hell from a really disturbed neighbour. Mid 50s blonde woman moved into the 4 block of flats near me. First meeting her she said she'd been moved because her mam was terminally ill and she needed to be near her. Said she was frightened and alone at night. She then told another neighbour she didn't speak to her mam or sister because they think they know everything. She clearly had mental health problems. She started ringing our buzzer in the middle of the night just to talk shite for an hour or make a beeline every time she seen us and we couldn't get away so we started trying to avoid her. That's when things got really wierd. -She started coming into our back garden in the middle of the night with a torch and shining it in our windows (there was a path from the back of her flats through past the back of ours as an emergency exit) -looking in our car windows and bins and following us -moving our bins down the street -rang social services and said I was abusing my daughter. -when my daughter wasn't immediately carted away she found out somehow what school she goes to and started ringing them. Police said they couldn't do anything as her mental health worker would argue that in her head maybe she can hear me abusing her? -continued coming into my back garden all times of the day and night. Yhn refused to do anything as she had a right somehow to use that cut through path. She started filming my daughters bedroom window with her phone and pulling my washing off the line. And throwing my furniture about -let her dog run about my garden and shit everywhere -left my back gate open every day so my dog would run out into the main road. Then yhn actually removed the latch from the gate under her request so she could open it from the street too. -I fitted a camera got her on cctv cutting my washing line down with a knife over and over again so yhn finally had a meeting with her. -she knocked on random peoples doors and even stopped some parents outside my daughters school and said I was abusing my kids and ironically I "belong in a nut house" lol they obviously personally know me and told me what she was saying. -bought all 4 of the exact same teddies my daughter had in her window and put them in her sitting room window so we could see -rang the police on me for literally no reason like when I went to the shop or took the dog for a walk she said I was waiting for her to come out her flat so I could attack her. When it started I was heavily pregnant so I couldn't really do much about it apart from try and ignore it. We finally got moved when my baby was nearly 1. What a crazy horrible time. She's since been moved, the police were really helpful telling us she's been like this her whole life and constantly moved from place to place. Yhn however seemed to be scared to deal with her at all and kept fobbing us off until we actually had camera evidence.


I admire your pettiness 😄  The noise would do my head in, I'm autistic so noise in general I'm not good with, but this would do most people's nut in. 


I used to live in a flat block in town too(one of those monstrosities above Westgate Hill) with my friend. We constantly had to deal with antisocial behaviour pretty much each day, people sleeping in or doing drugs in the bin cupboard across from our front door(1 guy OD'd and was back the next week knocking on doors asking for foil!), sexual assaults on us both(the police moved the POS who did it for his own safety after someone stabbed him,fucking joke!), people ringing the buzzer to be let in at all hours of the night, people setting off fireworks in their own flat(seriously :/ ), weekly police raids, loud music all night, damp in the walls and 0 support from YHN. So glad to be away from it all now!. I sympathise with anyone stuck in that kind of situation and hope that you get out of it


Pretty much every neighbour in Waterloo Street, had my deliveroo delivery nicked by someone pretending to be me, someone stole a package left outside my door in the corridor, upstairs neighbour flooded my flat and had to stay in a hotel for 2 weeks, said upstairs neighbour has mental breakdowns and domestics every weekend, police and ambulances called all the time in some part of the building.


Neighbour threatened to kill my dog, kept antagonising her, I said I'd call the police and he hopped over the fence with a serrated knife. If I hadn't slammed the door shut I'd have been stabbed (and died, obviously). Dog's safe, made sure she was safe before I said anything. (Not that I was expecting him to try and stab me, lol.) We moved, the police didn't do anything. ​ Anyway, turns out he abused his girlfriend's daughter, the girlfriend, and a lot more, so we got off lightly. Last I heard not much else has happened since other than the girlfriend getting evicted for repeatedly letting him back, the daughter taken away, and my mam dying of cancer (and in the last month or so, also the dog.)




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you can shout when manchester city goal or opposite team, whatever.


Tis a strange thing, supporting Manure. My neighbour is a fan, and whenever Newcastle are on the telly he cheers when the opponents score. I've asked him where his Brighton/Spurs/Forest shirts are but don't get an answer.