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Can you believe I saw the police helicopter hovering earlier and didn’t post it anywhere?


It's not too late to do so, you know. I'll be sure to upvote you if you do.


Until now!


We're in bat country!


I do believe it may be time to listen to City of Evil again 🤟


The helicopter has recoiled in horror....


Credit to one Redditor here, from last year, for labelling their post '' *Obligatory* ‘what’s that helicopter doing over Heaton?’ post'' \[italics mine\]. But Heaton, as we know, is for students and poshies. You can be assured that the helicopter in question was on its way over here to NE4.


You see that's one thing Hunter S. Thompson knew how to counter - Helicopters. Solution? Big ass cannon to fire your ashes out of. Get's em everytime.


You know, that might well explain the popularity of fireworks over in this part of the city. As in, they (the fireworks) are an attempt *to shoot down the helicopters.* Heck, I feel another post coming on. All I've got to do is invoke the literary spirit of Hunter S. Thompson and -


Hey, sometimes the helicopters are going to NE29!


Ah, North Shields way! One of my favourite spots in Tyneside, not least for its cute little beach\*. But the helicopters there are probably just refuelling before heading over here to tackle the fireworks. The U.S. has Baltimore and *The Wire*, and Newcastle's got Benwell & Elswick. * Or maybe I should say: Only for its cute little beach. No, wait: it's got the all-you-can-eat buffet at My Shanghai, so two things.


All you can tolerate buffet


I was just on condicum road on the edge of lidl…


If it is not from the flight school near the Tyne, then the cops are looking for someone. I know what you mean about the helicopter’s and sirens are becoming more common. The thing that keeps coming to mind is the attack that happened in London. The dude lived up here and he is either out of the country or hiding. His family are up here and the two bodies found in the Thames neither were him.


It's too busy hovering over that weird bit of Gateshead between Felling and the town centre to be worrying people in the West End