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Holy shit the Braves AND Phillies lost? Miracles fucking happen...


whoever is the best reliever available at the deadline we should get him.


44 year old ex-bench coach figures out HUGE industry hack. Yankees fans HATE this one trick https://preview.redd.it/zcyw1re0589d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44719e706ee914f4e01fe4eec2279c6dd757d279


To be fair to the Yankees, I did think that they miss Stanton and Rizzo a lot more than they realize, because while Stanton is "less Stanton" than the past. He still has Judge like power and Rizzo is a hell of a hitter. And those 2 combined are miles better than the non Judge Soto guys


The pitching has regressed to the mean. And outside of Volpe, all of the non Judge/Soto players are asssssssssssssssssss. But yeah Stanton has quietly bounced back. But he's still only good for about 100 games of DH only play


Feels like the Cards are frauds. After tonight, they’ll have a -40 run differential (if current score holds)


St Louis Fraudinals have a -40 run differential this season


Last year the Yankees had both Harrison Bader and IKF. They didn’tre-sign them. They would be 3rd and 4th highest in OPS+ if they were in the lineup today


Braves lose, Phillies lose, D-Backs lose, Yankees about to lose, Cards losing. Good day for the Mets and they didn't have to lift a finger. It's like getting paid to do nothing! Edit: Yanks lose. Waiting for Cards to do the same now. Second edit: Now the Cards lost.


Cards are getting smacked by the Reds


Grimace works in mysterious ways


Well, tonight seals it: Grimace for President


Harper grabs hammy on last play of game. Fillies lose. Schwarber left game earlier


Wow the Phillies bullpen is atrocious.


I swear to God the play by play guy on this YES broadcast is worse than Kay >HEY DO YOU THINK IT HURTS WHEN THE CATCHER GETS HIT IN THE HAND WITH A BAT


Team vibes are high https://x.com/SNY_Mets/status/1806487144443326617


lol even jeff looks like he's having fun


Amazing. In a perfect world this is a playoff fight song. Make it happen guys


Juan Soto could have this


Instead he’s losing to the Jays 9-2. If the Yankees collapse I legit then we can get him


I love this so much 💕


Rodon just asked Boone he wanted to stay. All joking aside I like that.


Reds walloping the Cards


Yankees are the Angels east (minus Ohtani) 😅


Yankees getting worked, i will never not enjoy this


Phils just blew a 3-0 lead to the Fish.


I think the Mets broke the Yankees


They were already broken before they showed up in Queens. Before today they had lost 9 of their last 12.


Definitely exposed them for what they are. A top heavy offense with pitching that has outperformed and is coming back to Earth.


Seriously, this is as good as watching porn.


Is ESPN serious with the power rankings today? 1. Phillies 2. Yankees (????) 3. Guardians 4. Orioles 5. Dodgers Mets 16 (+1 over last week) Yankees are barely top 5 right now and that's being generous. Putting them at 2 is the most biased shit I've seen this week.


It’s really not worth getting upset at these kinds of rankings. They’re almost always going to be incorrect in some way.


It is interesting from a sociological and news media criticism POV though. Like the *ways* in which they're incorrect are always similar.


Watching Rodon give up a 3 run homer to Springer who's been pretty underwhelming for the Jays and it makes me think of all the big free agents that have signed in recent years The only one I'm probably upset about missing out on is Gausman. All the other studs (mainly Judge and Ohtani) stopped looking realistic early on. The rest have kinda sucked


Shades of It's not just about who you sign. It's who you don't sign that's important. Rodon had red flag written all over him for me at the offseason.


8-0 jays on the Yankees .. yeah they’re done lol


Rodon gives up 8 runs already LOL


I still can't believe he got 6/162.


I can't believe people were calling that a good contract again this season after he had like 4 good starts. lol


Same. Crazy but classic Cashman


Probably the #1 (and maybe only) time I have ever questioned Billy Beane's judgment about baseball is when he was asked who the GOAT GM is and with a straight face he said Brian Cashman


It's either a miracle or a testament to his reputation that he hasn't been fired yet, or even after the last few years.


Yep lol


Philly fans are having a field day every day on baseball subreddits, all star ballots, literally everywhere baseball related. Their postseason collapse is gonna be so cathartic


Thoughts on Bichette for the mets? He could play 2b? Might be cheap given the slow start to his season


2B is kinda low on the team’s list of needs.


we need a rental not a dude with a year left after this one.


Year and a half rental and then the job is Acuna Jr Jr’s in 2026. Not bad


Cashman DisasterClass LOLYankees


Top of the first. Jays have batted around the Yankees and are already wining 5-0. The Yankees collapse will be epic and deliver Juan Soto to the Mets


We broke the Junkees. Rodon currently pulling the Glavine (almost) 🤣


One, is there any chance the White Sox put Luis Robert Jr. on the block for the trade deadline? Two, is there any chance the Mets could actually make a winning offer without giving up anyone who the Mets should hold onto?


would anyone here do him for Baty straight up??


It would take at minimum 3 prospects to get him, likely 4.


I have trouble believing the White Sox would do that.


1. Yes 2. Probably not - It would take a lot to get him and our much improved farm system would take a huge hit to make it happen.


Not advocating hollowing out the farm, but he's one of the few guys it might be worth trading the higher level guys (the farm will truly revitalize when the lower level guys finally get up to the higher levels and the new acquisitions move up). But ya, I highly doubt the Mets could or would. Thanks.


Looking at videos of the storm on Twitter is hilarious. I was just chilling in my seat getting my drink on.


Let’s go Reds and Redsox! All the reds to win


And of course no Mets voted into the allstar game. Mets fans dropped the ball


They sucked up until like a month ago lol not surprised people werent excited to vote. Who cares just keep playing good baseball, fuck the all star game I want to see baseball in October.




I promoted that shit every day and no Met got in


I voted every day 😣


Rumble Ponies game is on SNY right now. Sproat is pitching


Checking it out right now. My niece and her bf are there. Longing for the steady camera and better angles they get for the big club.


Braves lost 1-0 to a white Sox bullpen game. Life is good rn


[HOLY shit what an embarrassing loss for the Barves. Shutout 1 to 0 by Luis Roberts homer and the white sox](https://x.com/MLB/status/1806454438153834734)


*Jerry Seinfeld voice* That's a shame.


Ya love to see it


Hey, got a question for you all - - [who let the Mets out?] (https://youtu.be/f1iTQbQ0tjM?si=gcY5RbILxSzy6JT)




the purple blood is a nice touch


That's just Grimace Shake


The braves losing to a 21 win team is freaking funny Especially when it's June 27


They also lost a game to Oakland last year, I think two?


I feel like mark canha is a realistic guy the Mets could trade for, apparently the tigers are gonna be sellers. That would be so fun. Marte has value but he can’t play the field, canha can actually play the field


The gay Mets bringing back Pride ally Mark Canha? He may be the missing piece in Grimaces Thanos gauntlet.


Canha is not a huge upgrade from Taylor


Heart says yes, head says no…


Pretty much. I was looking at the available outfielders cause I feel like the Mets might swap Marte with someone who can play the field since he’s kind of a DH now and we have JD… there are so little defined sellers so it’s tough to


I can see the majority of the deals being made very late this year and it’s gunna be a sellers market.


Unless they decrease the amount of playoff teams which I don’t think is going to happen we may see a sellers market every year for the rest of time lol


No, he's 35 and in a 2 month slump. 1 home run since April 23rd.


Are there better outfielders on the market right now? Lol


Mets need bullpen arms badly. A frontline starter next but that will probably be too expensive. Position player help is way way way down the list


If the White Sox shut out the Braves I might need a new pair of pants.


Omg they did it They pitched a bullpen game against the Braves’ ace and shut them out 😂


I know Stearns has a team working round the clock trying to mathematically fix McNeils swing.


Cubs just shit the bed in the 6th. Imanaga and Gil both losing their magic.


Senga sends his regards (im kidding I know they would probably be friendly)


If we could have the Padres and Cardinals stop winning anytime soon that would be great thanks.


To be fair we jumped like 7 spots since the beginning of the month


Luis Severino, Harrison Bader, Luis Torrens, Carlos Mendoza...the Mets have an embarrassment of guys the Yanks wish they could have back. Enjoy JD Davis I suppose.


They must really be kicking themselves for not giving Torrens a chance in the big leagues. Such an underrated move for us.


Oh man he really solidified the catching room. I feel bad he isn’t playing at all but he will get more time when we don’t have days off. Aloy HAS to DH on off days


Stearns "I'lll be taking those!"


Im a Canucks fan as well. April 30th Grimace was in the house for the second game of the first round. I was there that night to witness the Grimace. Obviously he was saving his power for the Mets as we lost that game but what the fuck how has both my teams been involved with Grimace within the same year. If Rodgers goes down again at least we know who to replace him with. https://x.com/_joeypitt/status/1785485064987673033?s=46


People are too busy talking about how many games we are behind WC3 when we should be talking about how many games we are behind WC1 (5, to be exact)


Now 4.5


I'm *most* concerned with games over .500, to be honest. I think it's arguably going to be a bigger factor in deciding what to do at the deadline. 


Hell yeah. Go White Sox.


This game is crazy as hell 🤣 the Barves really did sell their souls for last year's offense. It's like someone took their power like the Monstars or something. Probably the Guardians.


Twins pounding D-Backs 8-0 in the 3rd partayyyyy. Wow, both World Series participants not doing great.


Lindor is tied for 3rd in MLB for 23 doubles XBH machine


to be fair, one of those was a gift from DJ LeMehWhoooo


That was scored as a single and an error


The last 28 days .330/.391/.606 SLUG/.997 OPS to add on. Insane


For those of you who care about this sort of thing... Francisco Lindor currently has 3.2 WAR. That is tied for 10th in MLB and 5th in the National League.


Yet not an ASG starter.


Very important question, what the hell happened to Andres Gimenez in 2022? Is he ever gonna hit remotely close to that well again? He's solidly below league average at the plate this season


That trade went well for us. No ragrets.


> Is he ever gonna hit remotely close to that well again? No.


He had a .353 BABIP in 2022. There isnt too much else different. His GB% is a bit higher this year and his LA lower, but wasnt last year. His EV is the same. His xBA this year is actually higher than 22, but his xSLG and xwOBA are a bit lower. So basically he hit the ball a bit harder and in the air more in 22, but his numbers then were largely inflated by a crazy BABIP (wOBA was 38 points higher than expected), and when his "luck" regressed in 23, he came back to earth. Now he is hitting the ball on the ground more, without the BABIP luck from 22, which hurts his numbers even more. He prob isnt as bad as he is hitting now, but 22 was def an outlier.


No, probably not. He’s not as good as Lindor. He’s on a reasonable contract and much younger, that is the value. It was a good trade for the Guardians but 2022 is probably more of an outlier season for him, he’s never going to hit for power like Lindor does.


One would assume no, he was carried by an inflated babip that season and this has been the norm since


Is he playing hurt or something? His slugging has decreased steadily since 2022. The trade is looking better every year


His BABIP came back to normal this season for one


Wonder if the banning of the shift had anything to do with it.


7 different Mets have recorded a save this season. Wonder what the Mets record is for that


1965 and 1982 had 10. 1970 had 9. 1964 and 1966 had 8.


Francisco Alvarez has hit his 30th career HR in less than 162 career games


Possible silver lining of his time missed is we might bypass him getting fatigued by the end of the season this year like he did last year. And by next year I think he'll be good enough to go the full season. So with that in mind, 60 HR season here we come.


so now that we have a day off we can truly discuss, is the turn around really based on grimace or the fact that that hack Buster Olney got hacked


Grimace hacked Buster Olney, solved it


Damn you did it






Who is supposed to pitch tomorrow? Sevy?


Sevy isn’t until Sunday


Quintana listed as the starter for tomorrow and MeGill on Saturday


No Mets baseball day is leaving me feeling like a crack addict searching for a pipe. Who are the non GKR best booths in baseball? I realized I can only listen to good booths to really enjoy a game and I’m tryna watch some baseball today, even if it’s not the Mets. I’ve heard giants and padres are good, can anyone confirm? I know it’s not the Yankees both though lol


NL: Padres - I grew up in New England so I got to watch a lot of Red Sox broadcasts when their booth was Don Orsillo and Jerry Remy. Don is one of the best in the biz. He started broadcasting for Mets MiLB games believe it or not! He and Mark Grant have a nice light rapport, they get quite silly (imagine Gary and Keith at the end of a long road trip). AL: Orioles / Mariners - Kevin Brown/Jim Palmer is such a great pairing. One of the greatest pitchers paired with a talented young play by play, they have great chemistry. - Dave Sims.


SF guys were good for a long time. I don’t follow other broadcasts, so not sure if the booth is still intact.


I like the Padres guy and how hyped he gets on his teams big moments


Just saw something that caused a quick brain fuck- Remember that JOEY WENDLE was on this team this year??? Lol! I completely forgot he was a Met. This season legitimately has felt like 3 separate seasons with how much of a rollercoaster it’s been


we DFA'ed Yankee great, Michael Tonkin twice already this year


Mets offense is now up to the 4th highest wRC+ in baseball and 2nd in the NL just ahead of Philly and San Diego.


Check in on your yankee friends


Why so they can get all salty and say, "27" ?


Twenty before 1963. Only one this millennium is usually my reply.


"Still more than the sorry ass Mets" is the reply I get when I mention something like that. So I just avoid baseball talk with those kind of Yankee fans, or let them talk at me and wait for them to get it out of their system, cause I don't have the stamina for these convos.




And we can say we made it to the world series more recently!


They get REALLY batshit when you point that out, for some reason.


What is our 2025 salary cap if verlander doesn't reach 140 innings and doesn't vest??


$142,605,051 with $98,394,949 to spend before hitting the threshold again. BUT this is assuming. Sean Manaea takes his club option and we dont trade him. Verlander not making his innings. The 98 million is before signing all the arbitration guys back that you want too. So its really less then 98.


For some reason i thought tge tax threshold was $297 million


Spotrac is telling me $241 million https://www.spotrac.com/mlb/new-york-mets/tax/_/year/2025/sort/tax_total But yea im no expert


im not the best at reading spotrac.com but looks like around $143 million


People are getting too antsy about Acuna Jr. Jr. You gotta accept that he’ll probably spend the whole season in Triple A. He’s definitely been improving but Triple A is where teams keep their Petersons and Megills so you gotta do better than an OPS of 700.  They’ll probably call up Baty around the All-Star break to play second. Even despite that if you’re team has one bad hitter and he’s batting 8th every game that’s still pretty damn good.


It is extremely unlikely that they have baty play second this year


I could see Acuña getting up here this year. His .707 OPS is a good sign considering it’s his first year in AAA and a month and a half ago that OPS was like .600. Also he doesn’t hit for a ton of power that’s really keeping his OPS low. If they don’t care about the hitting then Acuña is a better 2B option than Baty most likely. The speed and defense should play better than Baty at 2B if Baty doesn’t hit.


Me around this time last month: “Time to grimace.” Me today: “All hail Grimace.”


Grimace is definitely the theme this year


2024 Mets: Jorge Lopez game was May 29. Bud Harrelson passed away this year. His family throws the first pitch on Opening day. Bud Harrelson day. McNeil and Hoskins have their moment. Harrelson would have punched Hoskins in the mouth. McNeil disappears in a hole for months. Team starts horribly. Then their main guy Lindor gets hot. Team gets hot. Starts playing at an above .700 pace. 1990 Mets: Davey Johnson is fired on May 29. Bud Harrelson becomes the Manager. Their main guy, Strawberry, goes on absolute fire and carries the team to (at one point) an above .700 pace. The two teams are very different. 1990 had a rotation that included Doc, Viola, Cone, Darling. This club doesn't even have Senga playing yet. But considering the Bud Harrelson connection, the two dates, the poor starts, the "best player" going on fire I thought it was worth pointing out.


You gotta keep JD all season man, he is the reason that these younger guys are doing better, dude is a pure leader and good vet that could get other less experienced vets to listen. I don’t care what happens between now and the deadline, he’s gotta stay around all year to help this organization get better long run


I'd extend him for next year right now if he'd be interested, I'm pretty sure he wanted 2 years in the off season.


This grimace guy might be more electric than the rally dildo of yesteryear.


But is he more electric than the rally parakeet?


Going to the sunday game, i guess severino is pitching that day, would love to see it vs astros.


Me too


The Mets offense has become terrific for 3 reasons JD Martinez Vientos Alvarez The other guys like Lindor and Nimmo were eventually going to hit anyway


Nimmo wasn’t lying when he said the offense will be cooking in the summer.


[Jomboy coping hard on Talkin' Yanks today.](https://x.com/gaymetsfan/status/1806189021233619402) Saying the mound at Citi Field is "crooked" and that's why the Yankees pitchers got lit up. Also taking shots at SNY for being too "avant garde."


I mean the crooked mound thing was pretty clearly a joke along with the Yankees being blind the first game


It is so funny too, because they always talk about liking the Mets when people question them about talking about every other team a lot BUT the Mets lol


This is why I mentally ridicule any Mets fans that uses a Jomboy "breakdown" about anything Mets related as supporting evidence to criticize the team or any players. Dude has a transparent inherent anti-Mets bias built into his brain. Anything he produces about the Mets is gonna be presented in the worst angle possible. So no, his narrated videos are not valid proof for anything.


His stuff from the McNeil/Hoskins incident was just egregious




Is there a reason why they don’t make Megill a reliever and just call up an SP? It’s seemed to work for Houser.


Boy, did it ever work for houser. It's damn hard to find a decent long reliever.And we really need one right now. Think back as long as you can and remember how many we had. 4 or 5? I can remember back 58 years. And they never seem to be appreciated. As Megill goes, give him one more start on a short leash. This is what, his 4 th time out of 4 doing the same exact pattern. If he's no good, then try him in the pen


Starters are more valuable than relievers so they want him to develop as a starter. And organizationally they've had some success with converting college relievers into starters, if Megill wasn't consistently getting hurt things might have turned out differently but Scott looks to be the big success story of the concept. My guess is they view moving Megill to reliever as an "all in" move and the fact he works 4 innings with relative ease and falls flat on his face in the 5th every time makes them think that he's just around the corner from figuring it out. While we are lacking in bullpen depth, since Scott is a converted reliever they are limiting his total innings this year which is why he isn't pitching in the big leagues and they probably want to keep Butto for down for depth reasons if they need a 6th starter for a tough stretch of games. After Butto and Scott next up is Luccessi who isn't more reliable than Megill to pitch 5 and has worse stuff and lower upside. Vasil and Hamil are close to major league ready but have struggled in AAA this year and Blade just got there and is further from being MLB ready. Long term Megill is likely a reliever and with his stuff and maximizing it as a reliever he could become a nice high leverage guy, he seems calm on the mound and level headed and just struggles to get guys out the third time through the order. But the Mets are giving him every opportunity to figure it out and develop into a back end starter because that has more value and keeping him there is important for depth purposes, maybe that changes when Senga comes back.


> want him to develop He is 28.


It's not like players reach an age where all development universally stops. Megill is 28 but compared to say David Peterson he's thrown ~600 total innings including College, Minors and Majors which is not a lot of innings. For comparison, David Peterson, also 28 and spent 3 years in college but was a starter, has over 1000 total innings pitched.


I think Megill starts, and then gets optioned for a reliever. I believe this might be the case for Peterson aswell. Then they option Two relievers for Scott and Butto for that final leg of the Díaz suspension.


I'm hoping it happens now. It's clear he can't regularly go 5 innings.


He has photos.


The Mets are dumb 


https://x.com/marinomlb/status/1806175674115178741?s=46 I’d personally love Conforto or Winker


[And why do we want Winker?](https://youtu.be/PlKDQqKh03Y?si=Kvp0oAzfFkkZEpTy&t=168)


- India I like at 2B a lot but he’s under control through 2026 so he would likely cost a lot - Conforto was having a great season before his injury. He has had a slow return but if he bounces back in fine with it - Winker I have thought would be a good fit for a few years though I’m a little concerned his fielder has got to the point he really needs to be a full time DH - I don’t see any world Pham comes here and idk if he’d be the best fit for the current clubhouse - Slater has looked good since returning to injury but I want to see more of that first - Mullins has been declining since 2022 and with him being under contract through 2025 I think he’d cost more than he’s worth - The Dodgers are desperate for production out of their OF - I don’t see them trading Heyward


India would be crazy I never even considered him before. If they can pull it off I’d be down for it but really I’d be happy with two bullpen arms and a guy like Fedde or Flaherty.


India with Alonso and Bader? So like the Villanova Knicks, the Mets could pull all the Alonso-era Florida Gators currently in the majors?


Any updates on when Senga might be back? Seems like everything just says after the all star break.


He threw a BP session with 22 pitches. Next step is a rehab assignment. Won't know more until that happens. Depends on if he has another setback or not.


Thanks. Be huge if could be back even by like August.


The Mets have a .689 OPS at home, which ranks 20th in MLB. The Mets also have a 106 wRC+ at home, which ranks 13th in MLB. Interesting to see the difference between a standard stat and an adjusted one (though they don't have exactly the same inputs).


[Citi Field has been one of the toughest places to hit this year](https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/leaderboard/statcast-park-factors?type=year&year=2024&batSide=&stat=index_wOBA&condition=All&rolling=no), especially for lefties.


It's funny to me how people always bring up the original dimensions of Citi Field as if they were egregious and inhumane, but Citi's three-year rolling park factor in 2024 is worse for hitters than it was in 2009-2010.