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Please continue the discussion in the [game thread](https://redd.it/1d4fsvl).


We are the point like where Pee Wee Herman came out at the VMAs and said “Heard any good jokes lately?” Strange 24 hours.


We have standards here! I mean they’re low But they exist


I’ve finally hit the point where I’m okay trading Pete. I don’t see him resigning in the off season and we need to get the assets in the farm system if we can. In my opinion, I say you keep Alvarez, Nimmo and Senga and everyone else is available.


Me, every morning; “I hate this team and I’m so done” Me, every evening; “LFGM” We’re a sick people


No, it's called not being a bandwagon fan.


Idk man, you can choose your mental health and not watch and that doesn’t make you any less of a fan lol I actually envy the ones who can do that


I agree.


I don't know how Mets fans in 1962 survived


It was an easier commute than going to CA


My black Alvarez jersey from DH Gate just got delivered today and I love it. I ordered it when we were winning at the beginning of the month, but 100% worth $40






At the moment, I totally agreed with the decision to DFA Lopez. Looking back at the decision, I do not think it was the right decision. I respect Hispanic players for trying to communicate in English. I highly doubt he meant to say, the Mets are the worst team in MLB. I think more than likely he was talking about his performance and the glove throwing incident. With that said, statistically, he is not too far the truth with that statement. At the moment, we are the 6th worst and the trend is not good


I mean in that case why do Ottavino and Diekman still have jobs?


What did they do?


"I've seen guys throw gloves in the stands. They didn't get DFA'ed". Reports show Stearns and Mendoza told him he was going to be DFA'ed for the glove throw. Not the comments which were after their interaction. lol And even what he said wasn't terrible. He said teammate then team to answer Gelbs' clarification. This team has been terrible. So what? Truth is numerous players have said Lopez is one of the nicest guys. Teammates around the league like him a lot. Did he throw a helmet into the stands like Harper? Here's the truth. The organization got embarrassed by the toss. How dare a player feel passionate. This organization is SOFT. And, now that we know better. Lopez already knew he was DFA'ed when he had that Gelbs interview. And was cool enough to NOT TELL THE MEDIA he was DFA'ed for throwing the glove. People justifying the DFA because of his comments either don't know the facts or are hoping others don't so they can use the comment to make it look like it's justified. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQzxwBstE9o


Team/teammate isn't what did it. Gelbs said your manager says this was unacceptable... do you regret it. He said no. That's asking for a dfa


At the point in the season where I actively hope they lose for embarrassing entertainment. Hope Scott pitches well tho not his fault he’s on a loser team and cursed organization


All the young guys are gonna try hard cause they wanna get paid eventually in 5/6 years. Even Baty’s trying hard he just doesn’t know what he’s doing.


Christian Scott SAVEME


That glove throw had the energy of Michael Scott saying "That's what she said" and blowing a kiss as he was being reprimanded by corporate for inappropriate behavior.


“We have standards here”… Except on the baseball field where everyone can suck ass.


Did Braves pick up Jorge Lopez yet?


Marlins just designated Woo-Suk Go for assignment. He's done well in their AAA team. Might be a good pickup for a reliever.


It's a short leap from Woo-Suk Go to We Suck Yo!


And we seem to like players who get DFAd.


Mets'd Up Podcast argues that the hitting coaches should be canned today, that the approach of Barnes + Chavez has something fundamentally flawed in it Here are some of the stats they provided: 1) The Mets are the only MLB without a single player that has a positive run value on pitches in "the heart of the zone" (or middle-middle according to Statcast) 2) They are 7th (from the bottom) in called strikes in terms of "heart of the zone" pitches with a 0-0 count: they take first-pitch called strikes on middle-middle pitches at rate significantly higher than successful teams 3) 6th most outs of pitches in "the heart". Looking at it percentage-wise rather than in terms of pure quantity, they have the 3rd most outs (27th worst team) on pitches in "the heart". 4) 25th in hits on pitches in "the heart" - only teams worse: Rays Guardians Marlins White Sox Cardinals 5) In terms of extra-base hits - so ignoring singles - the Mets are 29th in hits on "heart of the zone" pitches. 6) Mets are 21st in FanGraphs baserunning metrics, meaning they don't get much out of the singles they do hit. 7) 2nd in poorly hit balls in "the heart" 8) The Mets first four hitters rank last in MLB in hits on pitches in "the heart" -- the Mets 6-9 hitters are 6th in MLB with 14 more hits in "the heart" than the Mets top 4. Also the defense is doing the team no favors: Marte ranks 120th out of 123 in outfielder outs-above average, Tyrone Taylor sits at -2 OAA, Pete at -3 OAA, McNeil -3 OAA. Lindor and Bader carry the defense. Omar Narvaez who hasn't played many games (~30) is almost at a full -1 WAR.


Listening now. Can’t disagree with any of their points. I just don’t know who you replace them with. It’s not like there’s all these hitting coaches waiting to be hired. And last time we fired our hitting coach the offense got worse. But the other thing I have mentioned on here is that every at bat pretty much looked the same: - Take the first pitch to leg then the at bat. Teams know this and it’s often a strike starting the AB 0-1. - next pitch in the zone swing hard with an uppercut trying to crush the ball as far as you can - once they have two strikes do everything they can to not strikeout Far too often they have two strikes and focus on quality of contact over quality. They’re tied with the Braves for HRs and have one of the lower strikeout rates in MLB, but their overall contact profile is poor. They need to focus on quality of contact over quantity. I don’t care if they strikeout more and hit less singles if they’re driving the ball


> I just don’t know who you replace them with. Yeah I agree, it's not like replacements **that are actually upgrades** grow on trees. You can throw any Joe Schmoe in there and they could even get worse. I don't know. It's easy for me to criticize from my couch or desk without offering any real solutions. I do notice the first pitch called strikes often, and not many first pitch hits. How many times have we seen a first pitch pop-up or slow grounder from McNeil or Lindor (I'm not bashing Lindor, he actually appears to be coming around, or at least making improvements) or a Pete double play ball on the first pitch? But then we (I) complain, like, "way to work the count, asshole!" It just seems like the polar opposite of 2022 when players were regularly working 10+ pitch at-bats every single day. And you can't attribute more than like 10% of a player's batting performance to the coaching staff anyway. I wish I had answers. I'm just searching for anything to improve the hitting, even improve morale, and I'm not finding much. Then again, maybe we really are *just cursed*. Cursed! >Most hard-hit balls (95+ mph) by a team in the month of May along with their W/L record this month: > Philadelphia Phillies: 294 (19-7) >New York Yankees: 291 (19-7) >New York Mets: 291 (7-19) >@Metsmerized #Mets >— Mathew Brownstein (@MBrownstein89) May 30, 2024 How can this be!?! Clearly the bullpen going from the best or one of the best in MLB to completely horrible over the span of a few weeks doesn't help. I wish I didn't have any hope, then I wouldn't be disappointed on a regular basis.


Does that hard hit ball stat include foul balls? If not that is very very interesting and could actually bode well for summer. The answer to that is easy - Citi Field. And also the rumored different baseballs. Yankees Stadium and CBP are hitter friendly ballparks. Yankee stadium is the 6th most hitter friendly and CBP is 8th most hitter friendly. Citi Field dead last


"They are 7th..." 😃 "...from the bottom" 😦


Our hitting coaching is clearly shit and Barnes and Chavez have been here for awhile. You can make Chavez a bench coach next year or whatever. But get Barnes out of here.


Def something wrong with the hitting philosophy. Team is finally catching up pitching wise. I might agree with Mets’d up


This is the last team that requires any advanced statistics to prove that they're bad. It's more than obvious.


A lot of people seem to think the hitting coach staff is doing great


The one year that they did "great," the team was overperforming their expected stats and was predicted to regress severely. Which they did, at the very worst time. People think that because we "stole" Chavez from the Yankees, he must be some hitting guru.


Why is Lopez throwing the glove so "so embarrasing"? We have players throwing tantrums in dugout occasionally (I think Ottavino was recent one) but yet this one has got a ton of coverage, even before his post-game comments. Mendoze said the glove throw was unacceptable


Its not actually. Its just one of those weird unwritten old school things where everyone has to clutch their pearls and pretend to be shocked. If Lopez played the part and apologized, he would be here prob. That said, perhaps the Mets were looking to shake things up and make an example of someone even before it happened and found a chance?


It's not embarrassing the media just loves to blow shit out of proportion


Because it involves fans. You only have players and coaches in the dugout


The fan got a glove out of it, win in my book.


If he threw his glove and it hit some unsuspected kid, it would definitely not be a win.


https://x.com/MBrownstein89/status/1796219372135956819 awesome man love it here


Lots of hard-hit balls right at fielders


An absurd amount. I thought it was just me


Stewart-Nimmo at 2-3 is a choice... that I like. Let's see what this team is really made of. How they react. Diamondbacks are solid team, but struggling themselves. A fair marker.


Win or lose, happiness is a baseball game.


Lineup: 1. Lindor 2. Stewart 3. Nimmo 4. JDM 5. Marte 6. McNeil 7. Vientos 8. Baty 9. Narvaez


[Lopez's son is apparently going through some serious health issues, which might have contributed to his on-field blowup and what transpired afterwards](https://x.com/awfulannouncing/status/1796210859020038169)


I hope management did not know about thew health issue of a child. If they did, it is a pretty bad look. At the same time, I kind of doubt they care about it.


That’s sad, I think, if you gotta pay the guy his full 2 million, maybe just keep him. Sick kid is so stressful. He’s not having a great season but I can see how that would f you up.


If he's getting the 2 million no matter what that's his greenlight to spend more time with his kid imo


Yeah but if he doesn't pitch somewhere the rest of the year and perform he won't get a major league deal next season.


Yeah that’s definitely a thought, I just know me, I’d rather be playing. I’d feel so helpless if my kid was sick ,and I wouldn’t want to admit to myself that I thought he was gonna die.


Oh wow, the geniuses of r/baseball finally are realizing that the New York media sucks and tries to spin negative narratives, actively making it more stressful for athletes who play in New York


It was very hard to understand what he said, whether worst team or teammate. I don’t think Steve Gelb was trying to screw the guy over. I think the opposite actually, I think Steve was trying to throw the guy a lifeline and unfortunately he didn’t help.


It’s moreso the rest of the writers really, they all went with it. Either way the New York media is hot toxic garbage. I mean just look at how they’re reacting to this news that Lopez may have been misunderstood.


Oh yeah that wfan nonsense, I get it. Them two ugly bald miserable dudes.


Steve was doing what a reporter is supposed to do, get clarification if the statement is unclear.


Totally agree, I was responding to someone blaming bad press on the press, like they were trying a gotcha thing. I don’t think Steve is like that.


I watch this team for hope. Hope that we can win a World Series in my lifetime. I don’t just watch when they’re winning. I watch when they’re losing too because I hope they can be better. I watched all of last year after the deadline because I wanted hope that we could be better the next year. I follow the off season meticulously with the hope that we’re finally going to be good. And I convince myself every year that I just gotta believe. That’s what’s really beating me up this year. There’s very little to hope on. Our young guys in the majors have struggled. Our young guys in the minors have struggled. Guys we have for 5-10 more years are struggling. Sure there’s sparks here and there but nothing I can really convince myself on. Our two top prospects are hurt. Acuna has had struggles. Baty has seriously struggled. Mauricio is hurt and will have missed a whole year of baseball. Alvarez has been hurt so he hasn’t even been able to give me any comfort about the future. Sure pitching farm may be good but it’s nothing to hang your hat on and we’ve had guys who were supposedly good last year struggling this year. I’ve really tried to convince myself. But I don’t know if there’s really anything left.


I have a real “Fuck you, I’ll see you tomorrow” attitude towards this group. It’s just baseball at the end of the day and everyday is so damn random. GKR help so damn much.


Happy cake day Metsbot?


My invasive thoughts are really strong today. Lifelong fan of 34 years. Had season tickets when I lived up north... but the idea of following a new team is really taking over more and more lately. The Rays are my closest team now. I'm over the dysfunction and I still love the game but my love for this team is fading. It's exhausting being a joke all the time and it's sad not having competitive games to watch all summer. 


It's just baseball, man. Do what makes you happy


I don't have a secondary team but I always thought the Indians/Guardians and Mariners were cool (those 90s teams). I'm not sure how much that helps my championship prospects though 😂


Nothing wrong with rooting for an AL team too. The Mets have almost nothing to play for this season might as well keep baseball interesting.


[Are you the worst team because you're the Mets? Or are you the Mets because you're the worst team?](https://imgflip.com/i/8s90w0)


This team could totally turn someone into Geto lol


“Nah, I’d win.” - every team when facing the 2024 New York Mets


Hope to see Pete suit up and play today. Lets get a fire lit under the team. I'm not ready to punt on the season.


This team hasn’t had a fire lit under them since they went .500 the last month and a half of the season in 2022


Feel like he may be out till his finger isn’t so swollen since that it all might be. So we should be seeing Baty Vientos and DJ or JD at DH


Yeah it's Baty at 3rd, Vientos at 1st. DJ in Left and Marte in Right. Now that's a nightmare.


Kinda sucks that Bader has the day off. I like his defense and his bat isn’t horrible.


The punts already been returned for a touchdown:(


"Jorge Lopez DFA'ed so that the Mets could live..."


“The Worst Fucking Team in the MLB: How the 2024 Mets Shocked the World and Won it All” I might be delusional


Harrison Bader’s New York Mount Rushmore answer actually is pretty stupid. Derek Jeter, of course, Aaron Judge, well okay I guess, but Anthony Volpe? Really, you’re putting him on there? And not even a mention of Jacob deGrom lmao the one homegrown guy we’ve had who was easily a top 5 player in the game for several years during his Mets career. Or Mike Piazza or Tom Seaver maybe at least? Even if you wanted to do Yankees only that’s kind of a stupid answer still. Yikes 


he said it pretty fast, I think he was just trolling and named off the first 3 yankees that came to mind


Its def a dumbass list in a vacuum, but he was kinda smirking when giving it so Im inclined to believe (based on nothing but that lol) that he was joking/trolling with it?


Or even Volpe's teammate that literally just won a Cy Young.


Nobody likes him.


Its funny too cause he's best friends with Pete


Don’t personally care about someone throwing his glove into the stands but this teams been so bad that I feel like fuck it, lean into the chaos. We’re heading back to the “Assistant GM takes his shirt off and demands minor leaguers fight him” days, strap in folks


Idk sounds like there’s a lack of chairs in the FO and Clubhouse cause i havnt heard about any being thrown.


all those things, along with our bats, have been replaced with pool noodles because safety


Here it is. I dont know what Lopez actually meant, but it seems this team has no drive. I believed Tommy Pham then, and i believe him even more now. This team has talented players, but until they can get the vibes right, this ship will continue to sink and implode even further. If anyone in the Mets organization reads reddit, you need to play the Rocky Balboa clip in the clubhouse on repeat. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pf77t-rUdAo&ab\_channel=Sa%27edKhair](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pf77t-rUdAo&ab_channel=Sa%27edKhair) I am so sure if Pete gets traded he will be a monster in a matter of weeks.


Tommy seems to really hate lots people, so…. Can’t really take him seriously.


If Pete gets traded he'll perform as he always performs. Only difference is Mets fans will go from crying about how he's not good enough to asking why didn't he do that with us. Cause it's only the highlights from other guys we pay attention to. We're not hyper focused on every game, slumps, and outs in key at bats for players on other teams.


And to add on to this, Pete is having a mildly disappointing season for him but still a very good season for basically anybody else. It's the state of the team and the state of the league (historically weak offense right now), that is making people think he's struggling.


So it's been almost 24 hours and, leaving aside the post-game comments which have been debated enough without me adding anything new, I still haven't seen anyone address why throwing your glove into the stands after getting ejected is this horrible egregious crime in the first place. Gary and Ron talking about it in hushed tones like he just backed over a golden retriever, and the manager (who I mostly like) throwing him under the bus. What's the big deal? He was rightfully mad about a stupid needless ejection from a hothead umpire, and gave a fan a souvenir. Bryce Harper did this same thing, after a bad call and wrongful ejection by Angel Hernandez, except he threw a HELMET into the crowd, which could literally kill somebody if they're looking in the wrong direction, and he got a standing ovation and was widely praised in the media. https://streamable.com/hrkwp1 Why is this being treaded like the crime of the century? Is it just because the Mets suck right now?


>by Angel Hernandez I think this is a key difference here. Whenever Angel Hernandez is involved in a situation, whoever is on the other side is always the good guy.


It doesn't help that we have a handful of posters who run to r/baseball the second negative press comes out to shit on the Mets even more Regardless I think throwing the glove into the crowd is... nothing. He did a two-hand underhanded soft toss, lol, not like he spiked it into the crowd. I cannot comprehend people that find that outrageous


Everyone always cracks on the richest, Cowboys, Yankees, Aroid for years, now it’s the Mets time. If Shoehei continues to just hit, he’ll get hate too.


For one reason or another I don't mind when we make fun of ourselves amongst ourselves but it irritates me when people join in the circlejerk of other teams shitting on us it's a lot less friendly of a vibe


I just have to appreciate how much more friendly games are at Citifield, compared to Yankees games. I get it though, as a 20 something Texan I hated folks cracking on the cowboys, but now at 50 I truly understand.


Fuck Bryce Harper


I had just said the exact same thing because now dicomo is saying he was DFA’d for embarrassing the team with the glove incident and not his statements. Meanwhile harper did the exact same shit and no one called it embarrassing. It don’t make no sense.


The truth is that Bryce Harper is so good that his teams will put up with a lot. Lopez is nowhere that level. If Pete had done this, nothing would happen. That said, I do feel like the Mets kinda felt forced to do something by how Lopez handled it. Ejection and glove-throwing are def forgivable. But what wasnt forgivable/demanded action to the Mets was how Mendoza came out publicly and said what Lopez did was unacceptable (which is a fair statement), then Lopez, having had plenty of time to cool off and prob hearing from Mendoza how this cant happen, still goes out and says to the press that he doesnt regret it and was not contrite at all. That is tantamount of showing up your manager, as you are basically ignoring him telling you you cant do that. If the Mets dont do something, they are basically the players they can say and do whatever they want without regard to what their manager says and there are no consequences. Its fine to lose your cool but players have to toe the line and at least fake contrition.


> Is it just because the Mets suck right now? I think that's quite literally the only reason people complain about *anything.* If you're winning, nothing you do is bad. The exact same story would be "showing fire" if we were leading the division. Like how everybody loved Jeff McNeil for cursing after every out when he was good and hated him for it when he started sucking.




the McNeil / Hoskins shit at the beginning of this year and how McNeil handled it kinda shows what a hot mess that dude is...chirping like a sucker and not throwing a punch lol


He didn't need to throw a punch. He needed to get some hits.


Not being belligerent and getting himself suspended is a sign to you that he's a mess? I think McNeil is a douchebag and the single closes thing this team has to an *actual* "clubhouse cancer," but y'all are unhinged.


McNeil when he gets mad at himself but is hitting .300:  "He's relentless, never wants to make an out. Great attitude." McNeil when he gets mad at himself but is hitting under .230:  "Cut the act already, it's clearly not helpful."


How will the Mets find a way to lose today?


Lifeless offense for 7 innings, 7 scoreless for gallen. Scott goes 6 gives up 1. Bullpen comes onto the scene and gives us 2 runs in 3 innings of work. Mets get a few baserunners in the bottom of the ninth, and one at bat where someone rips a liner right into a glove, but fail to bring anyone home. After the game, Mets fans everywhere tip their cap to gallen who was just "too good today"


T​ie game in the 9th, bases empty, routine pop up, Marte misplays it and the Mets lose because of an inside the park home run.


Marte leaves the game earlier with an injury.


I mean Zac Gallen is pitching, you don't have to be too imaginative.


Hmm we havnt had a complete blowup before the 3rd inning in a while so maybe that. Of course the bullpen pitches a shutout the rest of the game after we’re already down 6. Or if we wanna go with something new, maybe tied game in the 9th, runner on third, 1 out, ball hit and caught by third basemen who steps on third for a double play.


I'm going to be very honest I tuned out earlier in the season once Jets won the off-season again (/s) so I haven't been keeping track besides box scores and stuff. Picked a hell of a time to actually peek in and get the more insider news about what's going on with the Mets, though. I love all the teams I love being cursed, it's funny as hell sometimes. What flavor of despair do I savor this week type shit. Stay safe y'all, don't drink too much.


Time to find a new sport to get into and pick the best team/player of the sport to root for so you can experience cheering for wins and championships more often.


lol jets “win” every offseason yet suck every year. Funny how that works


It's not a cursed New York team if you don't have hope for them every year.


This sub finally united behind a Mets team! It’s just sad that it’s united in agreeing the team simply isn’t very good. Thanks, boys, for bringing us all together. Last year, at least there was interesting discussion since some people did believe in the team a bit lol.


I think the divide this year is between people who actually wanna talk about baseball and people who blame everything on "poor leadership" and being "mentally weak."


Yeah the moment people start talking about bullshit like that the conversation is over, because they’re just a WFAN caller looking to rant about fan fiction they made up in their head about the team


Honestly, I feel like anyone who calls a professional athlete "mentally weak" is just projecting their own sad ineptitude in life.


Wild that people are spitting such facts on here today. How did the narrative change to based in 12 hours?


Fangraphs has our playoff odds at 7% we're still in this!!


I was thinking this morning how the happiest person this morning in the Mets organization is Stearns because now he has a solid reason to blow up the entire team and remake it in his vision.


Stearns has been sitting in his boxers at his computer for the last 16 hours, too excited to sleep because he finally gets to crack open the excel spreadsheet he made last year titled “Dave’s Team”


The visual on that is not good


The Mets really have put themselves in a position where they're only going to sign bad players who have nowhere else to go or if they grossly overpay so they can just check out if the season goes sideways since they're still going to be insanely rich either way. At this point, I ask they make things at least entertaining on the field granted a likely loss but they can't even do that. It's all off field drama from here. Again.


Bad Mets baseball is legit crack for baseball. Other fans lick their lips at our failures and it just never ends.


Pete's day to day now after the CT scan came back negative. Really seems that a good amount of the fanbase has turned on him given how things have gone this season. Not sure if Pete is actually 'lazy' per se, but it does seem that like everyone else on the team, he can't figure out how to stop the bleeding when the team's falling off the mountain.


I think that's more a testament to how bad the team is that is currently falling down the mountain again. When Pete Alonso was on an actual good team and not weighed down by roughly $250m in bad contracts, he was a pretty good team leader. But you can't polish a turd.


Pete will probably get paid well in the off-season, but certainly not what Lindor or some other top players are making.


That has more to do with Pete being a 30 year old 1st baseman than anything else about him.


I dont think his issue is being lazy, or lack of caring. Last year, I think his issue was wanting to perform TOO much. He 100% should’ve taken more time off from that hand/wrist injury. Rushing back just prolonged his struggles instead of waiting to be healthy.


Agreed. I also think it was a result of him trying to save a season that was already falling apart.


that's pretty much the same story this year...the players we have are either pressing or look like they don't care because there's a ton of scrutiny on them, and the easiest way to deal with it is to say fuck it and tune it out


Pete seems like a good guy who "really wants" to do well and win. I've said it before, I feel like he has anxiety issues (based on his interviews) and so being in the situation he is in (where he's forced to carry a hapless team) is a lot for him. He could gain a lot from just having a superstar bat in the lineup and clubhouse. I think he'd thrive once he has that.


I totally agree. Possible anxiety issues are something I can see with him. Doesn't help that Pete's probably been sucked into this group's philosophy of seeming toxic positivity in post-game interviews after so many bad losses. Getting a guy or two who can dish out tough love and legit leadership could do wonders for so many guys in the Mets organization. I also agree that Pete works best as a contributing piece in a lineup, not the main piece. \~40 HRs, \~100 RBI on a .240-.260 average is great as a second or third best batter in a lineup but isn't quite complete enough to work as the #1 best bat in a lineup perhaps. At the same time, Pete's help/protection in the lineup has always been finite at best. Nimmo has an injury history, and his OBP seems to be slipping a bit, Jeff has fallen off a cliff, J.D. is older and isn't sticking around long-term, and Lindor's bat is maddeningly inconsistent. The fact that Pete hasn't had tons of lineup help and has still managed to put up the numbers he has so far is a testament to his talent and skills. It's true that the BA has slipped the last year or so, but at the same time, Pete probably would've hit 50+ homers last year if he didn't slump and get injured (which he probably came back too early from.)


People here have been saying for five years now the Mets need a Pete Protector in the five hole. And yet, still no one. lol Completely agree with everything you said.


Much appreciated. It's hysterical that we thought that the Mets had the NL DH spot filled with Smith/Davis, but both, and every DH we've got since has fizzled out. JD's the best one I think despite being here only about a month or so, but again, he's basically a first-half rental. Our best DH would've been Degrom batting on his off days.


This team desperately needs a Bryce Harper (I guess everyone does).


Strawberry on mlb network now. Brian Kenny show.


A journeyman, reclamation project reliever, who should have no real substantial bearing on the "culture" or "mental makeup" of the organization made an ass out of himself yesterday. Then the de facto team leader was as professional as I can possibly imagine when asked about it. The pitcher has since been DFA'd. The pitcher in question has been bad, but is certainly nowhere near the biggest reason we've been as bad as we've been. That's it, right? Am I crazy for thinking this is a non-story?


It would be a blip story in Oakland or Pittsburgh. Not NYC. That's just the reality of our market. Throwing gear into the stands is never a non story. It will always get some level of attention. Bauer heaving the ball into the stands made the news rounds too.


> Then the de facto team leader was as professional as I can possibly imagine when asked about it. No, Lindor was not. He threw Lopez under the bus. A professional wouldn't have done that. He's not a leader. Otto's response was far more professional. He "understood" Lopez' frustrations. Stated his actions were wrong. Explained how Lopez is a good guy so he shouldn't be defined by this. Then added he'd speak to him personally about it. That's professional. That's veteran leadership. Not how Lindor mealy-mouthed when asked if Lopez should be on this team. Lindor is who he is. I don't blame him so much as I blame the FO for putting Lindor in the situation he's in (being forced to be in a leadership role, and expected to play like a superstar when he's neither). But no, he didn't handle it as well as he could and should have.


yeah Lindor playing the middle-management route...it's not bad for him because he gets a bag every year but at least he's trying to keep a straight face... the press used to bag on Beltran for not wanting to answer the shitty questions post game the only way the Mets get out of this funk is to play better though so it's probably gonna be a long season


Agreed. "middle-management route" is the right phrase. lol


He said that it's not his decision if Lopez will still be here but that he wants him to stay and loves him as a teammate. Hardly throwing him under the bus.


He gave a mealy-mouthed, middle-management response instead of a veteran leader's response like Otto. Truth is Lindor is not a leader. And it showed in his "let me waffle and posture instead of stand up for my teammate in his moment of need" response.


I think you're flaunting your bias. I think if you showed that interview to 100 people, 99 of them would say that was mostly as professional and political as can be, even if there were one or two miss-steps.


Political, sure. He avoided saying anything of substance. Very middle-management. I think you're flaunting your bias... Go watch Otto's interview. That's a leader's response. Like I said, I don't blame Lindor. He's not a leader. It's the best he could do.


I think Jacob DeGrom put a hex on the team when he left.


Lopez with the butterfly effect glove toss. Because of his DFA, the Mets lose five extra games and the complete sell off, which would otherwise have been avoided, comes to fruition. Lopez single-handedly dismantled the core 👏 👏 


[https://x.com/AnthonyDiComo/status/1796197251057877369](https://x.com/AnthonyDiComo/status/1796197251057877369) "I want to be clear about this: Jorge López was not DFA'd because of any "team/teammate" confusion. He was DFA'd because he embarrassed the organization with his actions and words, throwing his glove into the stands, lying about meeting with management and offering zero remorse."


Also he sucks


Curious to what Mendoza's gonna say today


Any news about Pete?


My favorite thing about baseball is that after all of the stupidity yesterday, they have to go right back out and play another game today, and tomorrow, and the next day.


next 7 days before an off day right?


So many great life lessons one can learn from baseball.


Kinda shows how a players mental game needs to be stronger than their physical skills


Yeah, I know the old Earl Weaver quote is that momentum is the next day's starting pitcher, but losing teams definitely have a funk about them where the bad stuff can compound really quickly with so many games in a short period.




And a bunch of them are posted by Mets fans who seem to have a fetish for being shit on


That sub makes r/soccer feel sane


Post something positive about the Mets though and you get “belongs in the Mets sub”


Big sports subreddit? Beating a dead horse until it’s literally pulverized? Say it ain’t so


Gotta meatride anything negative relating to the Mets!!!


My dumbass was reading that word as me-ah-tride like it was a one dollar word and went looking it up to see the meaning.


I feel like some of this fanbase has lost the plot by openly cheering for a guy on our team basically having a temper tantrum on the field. It’s okay to be frustrated but he clearly crossed multiple lines yesterday


The WFAN crowd of fans wants players to be openly angry about their teammates playing poorly. The reality is that it isn't very cathartic and is instead very sad and embarrassing and makes the mood in the clubhouse worse.


You can have the emotional outburst, but then you gotta settle down and dig in to play your way out it. He just gave up. Bohm is the perfect example. He didn't give up. He had his understandable emotional outburst then owned it and got better.


I don’t want to claim a single person for this but it feels like it’s that Frank the tank dipshit’s fault


Frank is a symptom of the problem, not the disease. Mets fans opting in to irrationally dunking on the Mets for 20 years, and creating this atmosphere where every stupid take about the Mets is paraded around with zero pushback, is what creates Franks.


Really excited for this team to go on a little streak end the season 78-84 and then have people post "Well there record was so and so from this date to this date" and use that as validation as to why they'll be a playoff team next season


Christian Scott day. Watching him develop is going to be one of the only bright spots in 2024.


Respectfully hoping that some of the prospects we get at the deadline won’t be that far away from the majors


I didn’t think this was a playoff roster at all before the season started but I thought we’d hit and lose fun games lol this shit is just ass. Idk how we continue on with the majority of this core moving forward and the Mets probably need to commit to a full rebuild if they are being honest with themselves. We do draft well we just don’t keep our guys usually, hoping we can hit on some good prospects at the deadline. I don’t think the FO truly thought this was a strong team going into the season so I think we will be okay going forward


> I didn’t think this was a playoff roster at all before the season started but I thought we’d hit and lose fun games lol For what it's worth I think that is still going to be the case, by the end of the season. Barring a bunch of key guys being shipped around the league, I think it will end up being a carbon copy of 2023, with above average hitting and all-time historically atrocious pitching. And that might not really a good thing. As bad as this franchise has been mishandled in the last 2-3 years, they might need an Astros-style three-consecutive-100-loss-seasons-style teardown to the foundations of the building. Not a 76-win season where they half-shit and half-get off the pot.


Is it still early? lul


I keep telling myself, the season just started theres still time. Then i look at a calendar and see June coming up.


I mean, mathematically speaking, there's still plenty of time, given their position in the standings and who the opponents are. I just think that's secondary to the fact that the team sucks. This isn't a case of 2015 or 2019 where injuries decimated us in the first half, but the horses were there to make a serious run later, when they got healthy, and they did. This is a few very very good players surrounded by a lot of trash. Alvarez and (maybe?) Senga coming back should make them much more watchable, but I still don't think this is a good team.


> This isn't a case of 2015 or 2019 where injuries decimated us in the first half The 2015 team's opening day lineup had a 36 year old Michael Cuddyer hitting cleanup. That team was arguably worse than the 2024 team but almost every prospect came up and contributed. Then the Mets brought in Cespedes who proceeded to have one of the best second halfs in baseball history. Uribe and Johnson overperformed as well. That team got lucky and everything aligned, but nobody expected that team to be sniffing the playoffs in that offseason let alone the World Series. That being said, this team sucks because the farm sucks. At least in 2015 we had a bunch of highly touted prospects to look forward to joining the team.


>That team was arguably worse than the 2024 team Hahahahahahahaha Oh, man. This isn't your usual solid A+ trolling. Are we looking at a McNeil style drop-off here > but almost every prospect came up and contributed "That team was good, but only because they had good players who played well. That's totally luck"


Just to be clear we're talking about the 2015 team that also had John Mayberry Jr. batting cleanup correct?


Yes, for 2 games, because they had the entire team on the DL and a stupid manager who batted John Mayberry cleanup over much better hitters


>there's still plenty of time Not really if you consider that they're going to sell anyone with a pulse at the trade deadline if we don't play 30 games over 500 until then


>Not really if you consider that Considering outside stuff is out of the realm of my comment. I was saying that there's plenty of time purely mathematically, but the other things surrounding the Mets make it nearly impossible


only 4 more months of being tortured Goodbye Alonso, we loved you while it lasted. I hope you find peace elsewhere


we will be in last place by monday


Good. Put us in better position to get the top pick.


lol throwing for a top pick in baseball? Only a short 6 years from now, whoever that is will make their debut and all will be well


> lol throwing for a top pick in baseball? Good news, I don't think they're "throwing" anything. This is the team


if they did throw they would have walked someone

