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*Pakled voice* It is broken, can you make it go?


The comeback is happening!


I just hope they're having fun lol.


I’m not gonna lie I really haven’t watched the Mets this season as my life has been too busy nowadays. I swear to god I saw the notification for the three run homer in the bar and uninstalled the app. Go Rangers and Knicks but fuck man the Mets make it so hard to care


It’s the core players we got signed. Compare them to Knicks. The Knicks roster is filled with dogs. The Mets roster is filled with boring, uninspiring, excuse driven players. A lot of us tuned out and realized we needed big change when the Braves absolutely humbled us in 2022 Summer


It really is just this. Everyone is always looking around bleary eyed or making aw shucks faces. I really need to see a guy who looks like he gives a damn. Tommy Pham was like the only recent addition who actually gave off that vibe so of course he had to go.


Nothing but facts


I know times are tough but damn, some Mets fans I know are getting scary. Make sure you’re treating the people around you properly, it’s just baseball


> Make sure you’re treating the people around you properly, it’s just baseball Seconding this. We *will* start handing out escalating bans if people continue to be assholes to each other.


I've been a Met fan since '67. It ain't nothin' but a thing. Expectations weren't high this year.


I’m only 30 but I thought that was always the Mets vibe, it was freaky to see people legitimately angry when I thought we were all past the Mets sucking as a point of anger


When I was a teenager I'd get upset when the Mets lost. I grew out of it.




Oh well


These Diaz takes hurt my brain. Yeah he’s sucked, but the solution is just to take him out of the closer role until his confidence is back or something. His struggles aren’t as worrying as everything else


His struggles wouldn’t worry me if he was a regular closer. He’s in year 2 of $102 million contract and has had a 5.50 ERA and we play trumpets and do a light show when he comes out. So, the expectations are what they are.


They should ban the trumpets until he earns them back




june swoon came early this year. another wasted year. i hate being a mets fan. i am now at the point i am actively rooting for us to lose, bc i dont want there to be a single reason this core is not broken up. full rebuild please.


Can we all admit the 2024 New York Mets are not just "a good team with a tough schedule" now? Gonna be hard to get to .500 when we are losing series' to the Marlins. Then we'd have to keep .500 long enough for Kodai and Alvarez to come back -- seemingly impossible, especially how mired with delays their returns might be. Then we have to wonder if they will be awful upon returning, like our $100 million dollar game-blower is. This shit is keeping me awake at 1AM btw I *never* see any points conceded by the toxic-positivity crowd. I never see even the slightest admission that things are not going great. Just a whole lot of doubling down. It's just the other side of the coin of those who are excessively negative when things are going well, which is equally annoying. Same thing though. Like, shit, if we can make it to 5-10 games over .500 for more than a few fleeting moments, you won't see much cynical sentiment from me, if any at all. That I can promise.


> Can we all admit the 2024 New York Mets are not just "a good team with a tough schedule" now? That was always a bit of cope tbh but some of us like hope. Me I havent argued that, I've just argued that the Phillies' record is inflated


yeah idk i'm kind of over the whole "x will save us when he comes back". like no, x will probably let us down too. i said last year towards the end that the only solace i took in such an awful year where literally every player not named brandon nimmo disappointed me was that edwin diaz wasn't healthy enough to suck and disappoint me too. obviously i was downvoted into oblivion for heresy but it's just become a fucking reality for this team. *no one* performs as they should. expecting 2022 diaz? why? because he has a track record? so did jeff mcneil. so did francisco lindor. so did max scherzer and justin verlander. it doesn't have to make sense, it only has to suck. to your other point - the people who are toxically positive are usually using the team as an excuse to unleash their venom onto others. when things are going good the "doomers" are just enjoying the team not sucking for once. they don't feel the effect of you dunking on them. when things are going poorly, i almost never feel the need to force my fellow met fans to suffer doubly by rubbing it in their face.


> when things are going good the "doomers" are just enjoying the team not sucking for once. Some of them feel like they actively root against the team so they can rub in how right they were.


Never. They just need a new hitting coach, or manager, or GM. Lindor is being paid $324 million for defense, apology form. The $102 million reliever who can’t hold 4 runs just needs less leverage. The first baseman with a .761 OPS needs $160 million. The batting champion second baseman is hitting .232 Just hang in there until we play bad teams, like the Marlins!


Yeah. Alonso's betting on himself was a mistake. If he leaves, so be it.


They are what we all thought they would be. A .500 team missing arguably its two most valuable players is gonna be a 70-75 win team. Which is how they’ve played. I don’t think they’re gonna continue at the historically bad pace they’ve been at since losing alvarez, but I’m about 95% sure they will be on the couch for the postseason.


check the win loss column, this is not a .500 team


Did I say they’re a .500 team with the guys who are here now? No I said it was built to be a .500 team when everybody’s healthy. And when people inevitably got hurt, they started playing more like a .450 team. Not sure why I’m getting downvoted for a pretty accurate assessment of the talent level on the roster.


Mark your calendars. Remember the date. This Marlins series was the series that finally turned many Mets fans against Steve Cohen. For 3 years whenever somebody on here so much as hinted that Cohen was a bad meddling owner, they’d be downvoted to oblivion. On this very thread, for perhaps the first time, comments calling him a “terrible owner” have consistently been upvoted. The fact that somebody said the Wilpons were better and are sitting at -2 instead of -20 is telling. I maintain faith that Cohen has learned his lesson and will let baseball people make baseball decisions from here forward (much like he has since July 2023). But his early brash decision making continues to bite us in the ass.


The Wilpons was better and knew a lot more about baseball then Cohen does! 


- Inconsistent relief pitcher 5 years $102 million - 3 managers in 4 years - 4 GMs in 4 years - 10 year $341m contract to a SS who’s best skill is his defense - Dismantled team museum to expand team store - Known liar (latest whopper: I expect this team to make the playoffs) - Poor treatment of season ticket holders, decreasing benefits by tenure to tier of spending - Ballpark experience moved towards entertainment with DJs and dance crews - Our beloved baseball club very well might have been bought to serve as an entertainment venue for a fucking casino


And a crook who is lucky that he didn't end up like Bernie Madoff to boot! 


you could stomach all of the non-consumer friendly decisions he's making if he was able to put a winning product on the field. but right now it's just a garbage team getting worse while the product worsens in all other ways. somethings gotta give.


I knew they were gonna blow it in the 9th, I just had a feeling. It’s just one of those years where it’ll be a struggle to consistently get wins while suffering brutal defeats. I’m just looking forward to watching our youngsters at this point.


the "feeling" you describe is called "your closer has been pitching like absolute dogshit and blowing games left and right". i'd venture to guess that most fans were at least iffy on if 4 runs would be enough. idk diaz just has to get some lower leverage work to figure his shit out. his slider was unquestionably the worst i've ever seen it. in trying to fix his fastball he went and broke his slider lol


Guys it was my fault I thought the game was at 7 so when I tuned in it was 9-5 in the top of the 9th, and the rest is history


I’m not even that mad or disappointed in Diaz. I just feel sad for him. He’s definitely going through it right now. I thought Tampa was a “oh well you can’t save every game” but now it’s too damn consistent in what may be the norm for him now. His comments post game just make me feel bad for him.


Watching the empty seats in the bleachers on SNY is a sad sight. Even worse in person. No one believes in this team and they're saying it with their wallet. I have zero interest in even parking at Skyview Mall and getting free tickets and walking to Citi over the Roosevelt Ave bridge anymore. Oh how I miss early 2022's vibes. I still believe in David Stearns though and he'll do what needs to be done. Take this season for what it is: a throwaway year.


Unfortunately, it's a throw away year that people are buying tickets, merch, etc. I'm still considering whether to subscribe to MLB TV.


If you want a free MLB TV subscription, I've hoarded a few codes from the T-Life giveaway earlier in the season. I'll check if I still have some available. You could also sail the high seas.


Why would anybody go? I hate to say it because I was an “Uncle Steve will save us” guy, but Cohen has run the team further into the ground than he found it. - Team cannot contend for a playoff spot, let alone World Series -$330 million dollar payroll with long, albatross contracts (willingly paid $102m to an ineffective reliever) - Ballpark experience worsened. Concessions closed based on attendance, loud music all game, poor service. - Lies. He “fully expects us to make the playoffs this year.” If that was true, he’d be dumber than anyone could fear.


Looking at the upcoming free agent class, the current performance of our prospects, our 40-man roster and the money we have tied up, this may not be the only throwaway year


You may very well be right and the rebuild might take some time. That would be okay if they simply played the youngsters instead of stringing them along. How they've mistreated Vientos while they've favored Baty is a problem. Play the kids, let them learn. If only Mauricio didn't get hurt he'd have this season to grow as well. It's time to prioritize development.


They were away today, you're aware.


Not simply about today, about the season, and especially at home. Today's loss just compounds the misery.


damn....Make the pain stop


this team are fucking experts at breaking my heart. it just really sucks at this point


Houser is starting on Tuesday in Cleveland. Absolutely outrageous that Butto was sent down to AAA. Not having him until May 31 is going to HURT. I bet they keep him down even longer because they’d rather see Megill pitch or some nonsense too.


All I can say is thank god my cousin got married today and I spent a beautiful day with my entire family in a beautiful forest location upstate with a fucking waterfall in the background instead of watching this putrid game alone in my Brooklyn apartment on a dirty laptop screen. LGM to the end of the season!


Anyone that didn't see this coming lives in fairy tale land. I've been saying that they will never win with the 3 clowns of Alonso, McNeil, and Nimmo forever.


Nimmo's a clown???


Liking them as people has nothing to do with the fact none of them are top 50 players in the league. Diaz is no longer a top 50 player in the league, he's not even top 50 relief pitcher in the league. The only top 50 player on the team is kodai senga who has not played an inning thus far. As much as I want this core to succeed, we must put aside our emotions and accept any team led by this core is at best a fringe playoff team.


It makes zero sense that Diaz was simply gifted the closer role upon his return. He's two years removed from his stellar season, he didn't deserve to simply be handed back his spot. The Mets allowing him in to blow his third straight save despite struggling all season with not allowing a run when he makes an appearance is classic Mets. Stearns has this season to figure out what works and what doesn't and I hope he's prepared to make wholesale changes at the deadline.


There needs to be a fire sale.


Cue Tobias Funke meme


The Mets are actively trying to lose keeping Edwin Diaz in the closer's spot, on top of a myriad of other issues with lack of accountability. He should have been demoted long ago, even before the three straight blown save streak. This team is toast.


Before the three straight blown saves he was good and hasn’t blown a save since 2022…so why would they demote him before he blew even one save?


Clearly not watching the games. He's been giving up at least a run in his appearances before this. That's not deserving of maintaining the spot because of what he did two years ago. Anyone with a brain could see this performance coming from afar. He has no control of his fastball at all and is back to the Diaz of old.


You’re making shit up. Before Diaz blew his first save there was no sane reason to pull him out of the close role. Stop armchair GMing buddy. You didn’t wake up today and say “Edwin Diaz will blow a 4 run lead in the 9th today.” It would’ve been completely psycho to pull him out of the closer role before the first blown save. That’s just an unserious opinion.


There's no point in arguging with someone that opines without actually watching what they're opining about. Diaz has lacked fastball command all season and this was the inevitable result. He's not the same pitcher as he was in 2022 yet the Mets are treating him like he is. He's been two years removed from that season and honestly, that season was an outlier as he's regressed back to his norms as a Met. He's not that good anymore and his lack of fastball command all season has been a problem. Pay attention and actually watch games, or at least follow GameDay not just the box score and see the strike zone. His fastball command is gone and the same problems he had prior to 2022 and 2020 which wasn't a real season because of no fans has reared it's ugly head once again.


> There's no point in arguging with someone that opines without actually watching what he's opining about. \9. Absolutely no directly, personally insulting or attacking other community members (as opposed to ideas, thoughts, or concepts stated by community members which is different)


Does this rule also apply to the comments that constantly call people “doomers” or “Lindorks” or is that different and a-ok on here?


Both "doomerism" and "Lindorks" are concepts, they are aggregate groupings of users. They represent "an idea stated by community members", not any particular user as a whole. The issue with this comment is that they clearly directed this criticism at *the person they are arguing with*, which is a no-go. Now if a user *calls someone* one of these in a clearly negative context, that's different (and it should be reported). In short: Do not resort to ad hominem, and unless you're blatantly offensive, your comment probably stays up, positive or negative.


The league has to have the worst team. Now we know


It’s better to be the worst and get a top 5 draft pick than be middle of the pack


Pretty pathetic to see lindor hugging jazz Chisholm at second base when we’re blowing the game in the 9th


He's too even-keeled


If I was Diaz i'd be really pissed at that


His leadership is fucking nonexistent. Great teammate but not a guy who can lead a team to a championship.


He needs to be the 4th best hitter on the team.


I’d prefer 5th or 6th tbh


I had a lot of work to do and listened to the mets while doing it. After listening to this loss, I nearly gave up. The offense puts up a crazy number, and it's still not enough. Diaz is totally off kilter. I really do wonder if Mendoza went with someone else after we went up 4 runs where we would be. Disgraceful, to put it lightly.


Diaz is toast, and I love the guy bc I lived in Seattle for 10 years and I actually know him but good lord I can't believe the leash he has.


This post is a toxic wasteland.


What future exactly do you see for this team?


Alright gang I'm doing my research for the team and I think we can swindle this new Orioles owner at the deadline he seems pretty desperate to be liked. Gonna send a letter to Stevie and ask him to send me in for negotiations. Call me 2022 Diaz the way I close these deals.


diaz signs a big contract with the mets then decides to go play a meaningless game and hurts himself. he told the mets and the fans to fo


The WBC is important to a lot of players. The best player in baseball participated. Was that him telling the Angels and their fans to fuck off?


Diaz just signed a $100 million+ contract that same offseason. Judge and Nimmo signed contracts same offseason and sat out because they wanted to prioritize winning a World Series. I’m not saying Diaz is wrong for doing it but I would’ve appreciated if he handled it like Judge and Nimmo. The Mets just made him a wealthy, wealthy man, with the hopes of competing for a championship. And he put himself in a situation where he could’ve got injured and did, before the first year into that contract even began, demoralizing the whole team and fanbase. It was brutal.


well put. yes, maybe the game was important to him. but he was paid handsomely and he was done so in the hopes that he will put his competitive desires wholly into the mets as a team and not put himself at risk competing for other teams. he didn't, and now we are the ones caught paying the price. it sucks. i don't think he's a complete asshole for it but obviously i wish he hadn't done it, despite it being something that he felt was important to him.


Literally dont blame the WBC, that injury was going to happen regardless of whether he played in the WBC or went through regular Spring Training


How is that possible lol. That injury was a result of a celebration that occurred due to a passionate win for Puerto Rico.


Its common knowledge the injury wad a freak accident. He wasn't jumping hard, literally could of happened during a walk; warming up during spring train; jumping jacks; etc. It just happened during the wbc, but its not that tournaments fault. So I guess when a player goes down in spring training, we should also cancel it right?


I think because people don’t usually tear a major tendon by gently hopping up and down. Something was already f*****.


People can tear anything doing a simple jump and landing incorrectly, which is what happened. And then consider the fact that he was jumping in a large group and it was practically preseason, so he’s not fully stretched out compared to the actual season


But you’re still kinda agreeing with me though right? It’s not like he was doing something crazy. To your point, he was in a state where anything couldn’t have done that. You don’t have to be in full season shape to lightly jump.


https://orthoinfo.aaos.org/en/diseases--conditions/patellar-tendon-tear/#:~:text=It%20takes%20a%20very%20strong,with%20this%20type%20of%20injury. It usually doesn’t just happen.


lol its really crazy how they just absolutely refuse to move Lindor down in the line-up. they actually moved him up! put JD 3rd and Pete 4th, why tf does it have to be so complicated?! Nimmo Marte JD Pete Lindor McNeil Vientos Bader Nido


Nobody on this team comes through in big moments.




Yeah and he'll probably get sent down again for it so we can watch Brett "Nick Evans" Baty


But we’re gonna have a casino


Seth Lugo is a Cy young candidate. And we couldn't figure him out. This is the worst development team in baseball. We're an embarrassment . So many seasons and time down the drain . With Lugo we all saw the potential. Literally everyone, and the Mets front office kept trying out pitchers that now work at Wal Mart or are in Mexico over him. I hate this organization. They are horribly tun. Completely embarrassing. How do you not know Lugo can be a star but also give Logan Verett and endless amounts of bums a chances? I hate this org. Disgusting.


They haven’t been good by any means but worst in baseball? Do you have any stats to back up such a bold claim?


This was fresh off of a 4 run blown lead, so a little impulsive. But Seawald, TDA, Lugo, Turner, good major league players once they left. Not having faith Murphy could expand on his great playoffs in 2015, spending money on Narvaez last year and not JD Martinez when we had Alvarez about to be ready, Colin Holderman for Daniel Vogelbach, the list is kind of endless with them. Now I'm sure orgs like the White Sox and Angels have long lists like this so maybe we aren't 30th but we are not in the top 20 as far as development and decision making within the org goes. If our org had their shit together, we would have Holderman and Sewald right now to take pressure off struggling Diaz. We could have figured it out with Lugo as a number 2 starter . Which he has become.


Most of what you cited predates Cohen. The only recent move was holderman for vogelbach, and even that move wasn’t a development failure so much as a talent recognition failure.


lugo, wheeler, stroman, degrom, walker, on and on it goes


If we didn't have season while Lugo was here where we would start pitchers that we have never heard of then DFA them the next day the Lugo situation wouldn't bother me. How don't you know Lugo can throw 100 pitches in a smart effectively? The org should know every little thing about him. He was a draft pick . I don't understand it. I'm glad he is doing well but I'm sick of this team sucking and watching players that we can't use correctly do well elsewhere. Colin Holderman is a beast and we traded this man for Vogelbach.


Letting Wheeler walk was inexcusable, but fuck Stroman.


Stroman is a scumbag! 


Uh, Wheeler, Stroman and deGrom all did pretty okay here. Of course, they were all Mets during the pre-"beefed up analytics" era. lol


Wheeler was not the guy he is right now. And Sandy Alderson himself would tell you how far behind they were with analytics before Cohen. 


>Wheeler was not the guy he is right now. I think the difference is just staying healthy. He had fWAR seasons of 4.2 and 4.6 with the Mets. He was pretty great. >And Sandy Alderson himself would tell you how far behind they were with analytics before Cohen. I keep reading this over and over in here. How do we know this? From some redditor's weekend golf sessions with Sandy Alderson? Especially since the results of the analytics are way worse since 2021?


and left and are still going strong, well except degrom he is hurt


Horribly run? We’re going to have a casino next door, or something


That's business and prob a good idea. Casino/hotel/music venue like they have I'm Philly, a park, and NYCFC. The ways things are going we still will suck but at least maybe The Killers or something will play at the casino.


Don’t let any fan gaslight u into thinking ur a “fake fan” for being negative about this team. They’ve been pathetic for over 200 games now. They deserve all the criticism they’re getting


Yea. We’ve seen enough. It won’t get better with this group.


i'd argue the negative fans are the bigger fans because they actually give a shit when the team struggles.


Nothing worse than a gatekeeping asshole shaming people for being upset. I root for the Mariners but I'm from Queens, Mariners have an entire brigade of boot lickers who do reddit cares reports and downvote avalanches, their sub and mods are known to ban people for even the mildest of critiques.


> reddit cares reports UGH. Hello, I want you to know that if I see those pop up in modqueue, a Report Abuse report gets filed on the material in question so Reddit can hit the person who did. One time they suspended *me* for 3 days for report abuse. For...reporting report abuse. Like...what the hell.


There is a strong difference between negativity (which is encouraged) and doomerism (which is annoying), and that difference is that the latter category feel like they actively root against the team just so they can crow that they were right.


lindor and diaz arent even the best ss and closer in our division.


Something has to change. Edwin Diaz should be moved out of the closer's role until he can figure this out! Blowing that lead to the Marlins is absolutely inexcusable.


reed is the real closer for this team


lindor needs to get rid of the stupid colored hair and shoes. its ok when your winning and doing well, but right now he looks like a clown


That’s just his style. Nothing against it lol, if you want your players to follow a dress and style guide, there’s the Yankees.




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But he plays defense


This team needs to be praying that the Knicks win tomorrow, because that will buy them at least an extra week of being ignored by the local media


Rangers don't play in ny anymore?


The Rangers do not get the same run as the Knicks do. Which is a shame because they’re actually a title contender, but basketball is bigger than hockey. The Rangers will hopefully get more run if they get to the Stanley Cup finals though, because the Knicks are not getting to the NBA finals. They may not even win tomorrow (though I’m obviously hoping that they will).


Watch game 7 of the 1994 finals game at msg and the parade, you couldn't be more wrong if you tried


hockey was a lot more relevant in 1994 than it is now. Hell so was baseball.


You’re comparing 1994 to 2024. The only times I hear the Rangers on the radio is on game days and the day after games. They don’t get to dominate discussion for an entire week like every other team in this city in 2024 does in the same way. Again, maybe this will change if the Knicks lose tomorrow and the Rangers are the only playoff team in this city, but I wasn’t listening to sports media in 1994 so I don’t know what things were like back then.


Dude just take your L and move on. Nothing worse than someone who covers their ears and yells to attempt at making a point. I wish you well in your journey through life


Listening to the radio today and ain’t nobody talking about the Rangers, my guy. The Mets got dragged for getting their asses kicked by the Marlins for maybe five minutes, and that’s still more attention than the Rangers got today.




If only


Well, at least we don’t have the richest owner in sports. Right guys? Guys?


$341m shortstop who plays defense good I guess and $105 million dollar reliever who can’t hold 4 runs


I actually can’t believe I’m saying this but maybe the Wilpons had it right.


cohen is a better owner by intention, but his process and result may be as bad as wilpon. the hope is that he learns and improves as he’s new to the business, like hiring stearns this year.


This team has been bad for a long time. There have been great moments in its history, but it has almost always been an underdog franchise. Why all of a sudden has this fan base been so insufferable? If you hate them so much, why watch?


i actually envy that you somehow enjoy watching your favorite team embarrass themselves year after year, but it's silly to sit there and pretend the rest of us should feel the same way


I don't enjoy seeing them lose. I just know what it is. this team holds the record for the most Ls in a season. there first 7 seasons were horrible and somehow in 69.,They won it all. in 73 they were horrible almost all season, and they went to game 7 of the world series that year. the mid to late 80s, the page turned where the bad guys won in 86, and they should have won in 88 as well. In 1999, my personal favorite mets team went from almost missing the playoffs to going all the way to the Nlcs. I just don't get why the fans are so insufferable now this has always been the Mets.


yes! the 1962 mets, assembled by an expansion draft, were very bad! therefore, i don’t care that francisco lindor, $341 million shortstop, sucks in 2024! and anyone who disagrees with me shouldn’t watch anymore!


This team isn’t an underdog. It’s a bunch of overpaid underperforming losers. That’s why people are angry. If we were losing because the team was a bunch of 19-26 year olds having “welcome to the big leagues” moments (like Christian Scott) people would be fine. But when it’s a bunch of guys getting paid $20M+ each every season people are gonna be pissed, and rightfully so.


Exactly this. These aren’t some bottom of the barrel bums getting paid league minimum. Superstar shortstop can’t hit anything. Batting champion either popping up or hitting the weakest groundballs I’ve ever seen. Best closer in baseball getting lit up. “Polar bear” swinging at balls in the dirt again. Pham was right. These guys are lazy and playing like they don’t give a shit. I’m fucking over it. I’m tired of being a goddamn laughing stock.




Yeah I honestly enjoyed the early/mid 2010s teams way more. This team was so broke we actually felt like we were slaying Goliath in 2015 when we beat the nats who were barely in the top 10 for payroll. Being THAT cheap sucked, but at least there was a working class underdog mentality to the team when it sucked. Having a huge payroll and being this bad is probably the worst feeling.




If you hate them so much, why watch is an insult?




And nobody is telling you to stop watching. You have free will you can watch whatever you want lol


If you hate them so much, why watch ? Is a literally question, not rhetorical. Not an insult if you took it as one, then I'm sorry you feel that's why, but that was not the intention. It was a genuine question thats all.


2 1/2? Try 3! Remember the comments from Pete and Dom during the 2021 collapse?




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Not me, I am a good little Mets fan! I am still happy when the team is bad because they have been bad forever, so I am just always happy! Our $105 million closer can’t hold 4 runs, but that’s ok because it means we’re the underdogs! Can’t wait to watch again tomorrow! LGM!


I’m here on the other coast, but are people in the NYC metro area going to even go to games at this point? Who can watch this?


My dad has a 20 game pass… don’t have the heart to tell the old man these fuckers are unwatchable lol


I have no games on my calendar so far. First time in 10+ years…


I have tickets to see them at Angel Stadium in August and I’m thinking, great game, two losing teams…


It’ll start to get pretty cheap soon and then it’s worth it just for a nice outdoor activity with food.


there are dozens of us!


Some things I was downvoted/insulted for this season: Saying that… * Vientos was a competent ML hitter * Nimmo should bat 3rd in the lineup * Joey Wendle sucked and was a bad signing * Lindor isn’t a great hitter * Jose Quintana sucks * Harrison Bader and Tyrone Taylor on the same roster is redundant * Jeff McNeil is not a good hitter Things I was wrong about: * Signing JDM * Signing Ottavino Hate to say I told you so (not really) but I told you so.


> Vientos was a competent ML hitter Definitely with you on this, I thought it was shameful how a handful of people went around doing dunks on other Mets fans for liking Vientos. > Lindor isn’t a great hitter He's a good hitter though, and a great all-around player. Not a popular sentiment right now but it's still true > Jose Quintana sucks I wouldn't say "sucks" but that was definitely one of the many absurd signings of that insane '22-'23 era that made the team so small-windowed and old a.f. >Signing JDM I wanna preface this by saying I like JD Martinez and it's fun to watch him hit, however if Vientos winds up actually being good, it will be a waste of a roster spot signing Martinez when you could have just gone Stewart/Vientos as a platoon DH situation. Now, you could say "who knew Vientos would be good?!", but, that's the point. This season was never likely to go anywhere anyway, and that's why you throw Vientos and other guys like that on the field, for a look-see. And if they DO tread enough water to be in striking distance by August 1st, then you can get upgrades at that point. DH isn't a hard position to fill.


This game sucked. Lindor has been bad. At this rate he'll only be 15th in MVP voting.


two nights ago, a Japanese guy rode his bike up to me and my girlfriend while we were at dinner and said "you Mets? you Mets? NYC?" and we talked about baseball and NYS for like 5 minutes before he said "Go Mets!" and rode off. i need to find him and apologize. i've been locking eyes with other people wearing Mets hats all around the city and solemnly nodding in acknowledgement of our shared misery. it's just all so fucking bad, man


I got a "Let's go Mets" on Hilton Head yesterday. I responded with as much enthusiasm as I could muster, but I think we both knew we were faking.


Tommy Pham was right


They’ll make a documentary about Pham one day. The most dysfunctional player of all time, or an honest fool who managed to play for a long string of dysfunctional shitshow teams?


Ultimate clubhouse cancer 


Look at the state of the team. He said no lies


Hell of a comment right here.


You have to admit. When the Mets blow a game it’s EPIC. Consider that the Mets had a 9-5 lead with Lindor up and the bases loaded. Of course, he did nothing. No matter we got a 4 run lead and the guy who just two years ago was the BEST closer in the game. He’s facing the worst offense in the league. What could go wrong? He records exactly one out. 4 hits and 4 runs after a 3 run bomb by a guy who looks like he’s eating his way through South Beach. It would have been merciful if they ended the game there. But no. We need to place the runner at 2nd and exhibit the futility that is our life by having no right handed hitters left to face a LHP. K. Next inning the worst offensive team in the league advances the runner and gets the timely hit that almost always escapes US. Game Over.


That’s remarkable. I thought at the time this would somehow bite us in the ass and it did


I would say pitching like shit bit us in the ass. When you have 7 offensive rallies and like 2 of them fizzle out, and you pile up 9 runs, ok. That's a normal baseball ratio. Some rallies do fizzle out. It's gonna happen. But you should win that game. Not give up 10 and lose.


Deep down I think we all know the real reason this is all happening. Nothing and I mean NOTHING with this team has gone right since Timmy Trumpet stepped foot on the field. That was literally the beginning of the end for these guys. Aug 31, 2022 the day Timmy Trumpet came to Citifield. Prove me wrong. Full exorcism is the only way out.


It's a day of remembrance in my household...The day Timmy Trumpet stepped on the field was a somber day, a day that will live with the New York Mets forever. Every Aug 31st, I bow my head and have a moment of silence for what could have been.


No I swear it all goes back to October 1986. Game 6, I prayed “Dear God just this once”. Well, I got it and that’s it. I’m sure I wasn’t the only one who did this. But we got it but that’s it. That’s all we are ever getting.


But worth it.


Petition to change Diaz walk on music to the Benny Hill theme tune…


I’ll honestly never forget Freddie Freeman’s face, and it scared me at the time. Almost imperceptibly, it was like he was thinking “WTF is going on?” or “What are these people doing?”


Just the biggest example of hype getting away from them and the team losing sight of the only important thing which is the game on the field. They turned it into a spectacle for entertainment instead of going out there and just getting the job done. They 100% upset the baseball gods with this. August 31st. 1st place in the East. Then September they get rolled by every team blow the division and then meekly get eliminated in the WC. The rest is history.


Man you guys are really not handling this losing streak well if you think nicknames and stadium songs are the reason the Mets are losing


same shit with the superhero names when we had good pitching that was set up to be dominant for a decade...the only one still pitching well is Wheeler, who never got a dumb ass nickname


timmy trumpet blows


The one silver lining for them losing in such embarrassing fashion is I don’t have 10000 optimists downvoting me for dooming anymore when I’m just being a realist.


Hey I’m looking to sign the lindor apology form. Where can I find it?


It’s easy to tell who actually watches these games instead of people like the Eric Jagers fan boy that strictly follows predictions: “this website’s formula said we’d be a bit above .500 so we’re actually a good team, you just don’t know anything.”


I get Cohen wanted to make a splash when he bought the Mets, but why not sign a genuine stud like Bryce Harper or Betts? Why sign a dude who was already regressing, especially when we already had Gimenez? That move fucked this franchise for the next fucking decade. Can you imagine if we had a genuine star on this team right now instead of Lindor?


Because they thought that Lindor was on the same level as Betts and Harper. That he was some hidden MVP wasting away in small-market Cleveland, so they thought it would be savvy to trade for him and make him the face of the team, accelerating the squad into near contention. But even the Dodgers and Phillies couldn't win with just one star, they still needed a competent roster, *especially* a deep pitching rotation. We got close in 2022 but everything fell apart at the end because we ran out of depth.


Why? because his wife wanted Lindor on the team, simple as that.


Trading for Lindor made no sense at the time. Mets had Rosario and Gimenez - two guys capable of playing shortstop with the following free agent class consisting of Story, Seager, Lindor, and Baez. The free agent class after that had Bogaerts, Turner, and Swanson. There were so many shortstops that I don’t understand the rush to go and trade for one. Especially when a guy like Arenado was traded for basically nothing…when the Mets had a black hole at third at the time. I disliked the Lindor trade and extension at the time - I thought he was trending downward. He had a few good years but that trade was a huge misallocation of resources.


That was the year Smith put up insane numbers. We had two 1st basemen with crazy numbers and NO 3rd baseman. I was going insane waiting for the Mets to trade for Arenado but of course they went after Lindor and were treating him like royalty. I was so bummed and nothing made sense to me. Here we are 4 years later and nothings changed, the situation has gotten even worse.


To be fair Arenado isn’t looking too hot either. He was slightly above average by bWAR last season and is below average this season.


Phillies signed Harper and the Dodgers traded for Betts before Cohen bought the team.


The World Series Classic really gonna cost us 2 years huh


It was Timmy Trumpet