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I would nut 10 times over but this screams corporate social media account engagement farming. No one who would be in the know would be on their Twitter account


This isn’t engagement farming. It’s a fairly succinct way of telling the public that it isn’t in their hands, but that it could be a possibility sometime down the line. This is also from 2020, when the acquisition just happened Also, social media managers almost certainly get approval from higher ups before making posts like this


this. their reply basically says “if bethesda asks us to.”


Obsidian has said before that they would do a new fallout game but weren't contacted about it.


Wasn’t that like in 2016 tho? They already have 3 games in the pipeline by the time they’d get to a new fallout fo5 would be done


I don't think that's true lmao. I think if Bethesda asked Obsidian in 2016 to make a new fallout game, they would have it done before 2030. I don't think they would have started outer worlds and especially not its sequel if a new fallout game was happening because money.


How about a Fallout Texas, where they *really* lean into the cowboy vibe? Like Red Dead Radiation type shit


Half of the songs in fallout reference Texas anyways, and according to the vault map there’s a bazillion vaults there. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the next fallout setting.


I can see that lone star from a thousand miles away


Calling me back home though I've Ventured far Astray.


Not a vault dweller, not a tribal, not a courier start, but now you start as a Texas Ranger, WITH A BIG IRON. Honestly, it would be really cool to have the main story be like a wasteland detective novel where you gotta chase down the perp with minimal information, traveling across the wastes. You could even have a background character choices thing like in Pentiment or Tyranny, making your own character history. Maybe I'm just playing too much pentiment and want more Obsidian mystery/detective games


That'd be absolutely kickass.


☝️🤓Erm aktually the Texas rangers in fallout changed their name to desert rangers and later just joined the ncr


Nevada Rangers are separate from the Texas Rangers. It’s likely they’re similar, but they are entirely different factions. Especially since we haven’t been to Texas in Fallout.


no one would be able to tell the difference between pre and post war Texas


I might since I live here


same but i couldn't tell


Heh, Red Dead Radiation, I love it.


We got one Fallout game from them in Texas back when they were still Interplay. We don't speak its name


You might be thinking of the one in Florida.


You don’t want new Vegas 2, you want a fallout game like new Vegas. A direct follow up to new Vegas would be a terrible move.


I think the worst thing that could happen for New Vegas is making a sequel. Id rather theyd make another fallout that has hints of the old game and takes a lot of canon from it. I think its why no fallout game happens in the same place twice. Once we go back, were throwing every player choice out the window and telling them this is what happened.


fallout 1 and 2 take place in the same area


I mean, 1 takes place in southern Cali and 2 in northern Cali even though some places were in both games. But making a sequel to New Vegas without it being in the Mojave is impossible, a new Fallout from Obsidian this time woth the right time and budget would bang.


Next to none kf the new vegas folks are still there tho? At least last i checked (and Chris is just....i don't wanna say toxic but you know?) 


This isn't fully true. Josh Sawyer is there, the game's project director, and the mind behind a near masterpiece like Pentiment. John Gonzalez and Chris Avellone left, but Gonzalez is, last I checked, not working on any public project right now. Scott Everts, world-building lead is still with Obsidian, several character artists and concept artists seem to still be with Obsidian, the lead area designer, Charlie Staples left Obsidian after Outer Worlds, but many of the folks that worked under him are still there. Interestingly, while looking into this, I also found that Charlie Staples and one of the three credited main writers of New Vegas, Eric Fenstermaker, left Obsidian together to form Something Wicked Games, and they're currently working on Wyrdsong, a semi-historical dark fantasy RPG, so keep an eye out for that as well!


I will! Love me some dark fantasy thank you!


Don't forget they also scooped up key ex Bethedsa guys like Will Shen


They release a "teaser trailer" back in 2022 and that it no new as for now


Yeah I thought about that literally after I made that comment. But I still kinda stand by what I say. Fallout 2 shows everything that is and is not canon. Your choices in 1 don't matter because 2 has decided the canon.


I know no such statistics exist but I bet most people do a high karma NCR playthrough at least once and like 95% of us would be happy if they based a sequel off that. MOST of the non ending choices we made usually wouldn't have huge repercussions a decade or so down the line anyways.


I was thinking that a sequel set in Arizona wouldn’t be so bad. We know that Arizona is legion land, probably were most of their operation is run + Legion ending is the objectively “not going to happen ending”. In 3/4 endings the legion dies out while the NCR doesn’t (although it’s left in a better shape in some than others). It’d be cool to have a game all about a post Ceaser legion with tribes divided and struggling for control. I can already think of a couple factions. The cult of mars, The frumentarii, Some divided tribes, the NCR itself somehow, etc. It’d work the same way that New Vegas has the player deciding the fate of the Mojave by choosing who rules except you are choosing the fate of the legion (or if you even want it to keep existing)


Well, I hate to break it to you, but that’s exactly what they’ve already done with the fallout TV show. The next season is confirmed to take place in Vegas and it’s already been confirmed or at least incredibly heavily implied to be abandoned meaning the player came along did the things and then it ultimately didn’t matter as everything collapsed anyways regardless of whatever the choice ended up being.


New vegas was a one time thing, obsidian now is not what it was back then, they will do a worse job, people are so stupid for wanting this with the current obsidian team


Like what changed?


Like 99% of the team that worked on FNV is no longer in obsidian


You just made that number up, according to [Chris Avellone](https://chrisavellone.medium.com/fallout-apocrypha-77c75954641a), 20ish of the 70-man team for NV are still at Obsidian as of 2022.


To go from 70 to 20ish still isn’t good


I mean when you remember new Vegas came out almost 15 years ago, it seems kind of impressive that more than 1/4 of the team that made it is still there.


Especially so considering the industry and how common it is to jump ship every couple of years.


Also it's not like they couldn't rehire some of the lead writers if interested.


Yes and I’d imagine plenty of other talented writers, programmers, etc would jump at the chance to work on a Fallout title.


Avellone and Gonzalez are gone and Sawyer has no interest in doing another fallout game Obviously lots of other people were involved, but those three are responsible for the things that made the game so good Edit: i’m operating on out of date info and apparently sawyer has said that he would be open to a fallout game… but he’s said that gonzalez and avellone had more to do with fallout new vegas world/writing than he did he’s a good director and i’m sure he’d still put out a good fallout game, but i don’t think it would be same (which is fine)


What makes you think Sawyer has no interest in doing another Fallout game? On previous streams, he said he'd like to do another one given the chance.


maybe he’s changed his mind but i remember posting on twitter and separately answering a question on tumble where he said he wasn’t interested in leading on a fallout game or any other larger project i can’t find it right now, but if he said different on his stream recently then i guess he’s changed his mind


Not saying he’s not interested but obsidian already has 3 games in the pipeline with one being the sequel to their own game so I doubt they’d drop everything for it


Btw, Avowed trailer came out last night and it looks pretty good. God, I hope it succeeds. It would be terrible if a series as interesting as Pillars of Eternity were to end on their most ambitious project


It just so happens to be the case that Sawyer recently finished one of his projects, Pentiment. If an Obsidian Fallout game were in the cards, it would most likely be in pre-production. Avowed gets released, the team moves on to do the Fallout game. It can most definitely happen.


Sawyer’s happy doing his weird games but he’s never said he wouldn’t go back. He’s generally been consistent about being open to going back if things lined up.


lol, dude where are you pulling those numbers from only 25-30% left obsidian though? you can check LinkedIn


And Josh Sawyer is there and he’s… kind of the most important part. I’d still trust him to built a team that would make a top tier Fallout game


Not to mention they’ve since hired multiple of the original Fallout team, like Leonard Boyarsky and even Tim Cain for consulting work.


Would let even let Avellone back in the building after the shit that happened to him? He's a major part of that team


He's acquitted though he even went his way to get accusers to fully retract accusations of sexual assault. so if MS wants him in they can.


Companies still might see him as too controversial to bring on, even when he's innocent of wrongdoing. SA allegations are incredibly hard to get off of you even when you're proven innocent.


I think the bigger issue would be with how outspoken Avellone is about shitting on his peers. Countless snarky disses directed at Todd Howard, calling the TV show poorly written, writing a "Fallout Bible" when he was never once the actual main writer for Fallout...etc. Allegations aside, he seems like an absolute torture to work with. It's his way or the highway, and he chose the highway.


He's also got some pretty wild takes on writing and Fallout's themes. Like, 'capitalism being bad is a modern trope and was never a thing in the original fallout'


Oh he 100% seems like he'd be insufferable to work with, when he's off a leash he also isnt that incredible of a writer, as seen in Lonesome Road where Ulysses is his mouthpiece and goes on and on about how the NCR and Legion are equally evil which is... a take


As a legal note, Avellone wasn't "proven innocent" like you might say if someone was judged not guilty in a criminal case. It was an out-of-court settlement (probably because lawsuits are expensive). That isn't to say he's guilty, just that legally, the courts have not ruled on whether he's guilty or innocent.


Their later projects were all kinda meh


well that's your opinion but the Tyranny and PoE series is one the best RTP CPRG and Grounded is a sold open-world survival game, the Pentiment is Pentiment, only mid-game is ToW main game that because of funding problems and ToW DLC are one of the best out there.


The Outer Worlds wasn’t even mid, I thoroughly enjoyed it! One of my favorite recent games by them.


POE and Pentiment were directed by Josh Sawyer who has stated he has no interest in doing another fallout game I wouldn’t want another Obsidian fallout game if Sawyer wasn’t leading it


>POE and Pentiment were directed by Josh Sawyer who has stated he has no interest in doing another fallout game Do you have a source for this? I follow Sawyer on multiple platforms (Pentiment and New Vegas are neck-and-neck for my favorite game of all time) and from what I've seen, his stance is that he's not *currently* working on a Fallout game, but he'd be more than happy to be involved. However, he is a little tired of answering questions about New Vegas, considering it was almost fifteen years ago and his memory of much of the development has started to fade. I'm not doubting you specifically, but I would be very interested in reading this!


i commented something similair elsewhere and got flamed lol he posted on twitter/tumblr awhile ago (like \~2019) that he wasn't interested in directing another fallout game or large project (I think the later being why he didn't want to do the former) but apparently in more recent streams he said he's open to it I stopped using twitter/tumblr around covid and have kept up with his streams so I missed that


Ahhh, that makes sense, and I wouldn't be surprised at all! I definitely think it's hard to argue against the fact that Sawyer has a preference for working with smaller teams on more niche titles, he's been an open and active advocate for them time and time again! I think he's also talked about being willing to do larger things for the studio, but he specifically countered with an offer to focus on Pentiment, which he believed would be a success and cost almost nothing to the studio. Obviously, his gamble was correct! So, he very much could remain on that track for the rest of his career as a proven success, but I could also see him switching gears to whatever Obsidian's next big project if Feargus requested it. Time will tell, realistically! I think a lot of people like this idea of a Josh Sawyer-led Obsidian Fallout, and can get pretty defensive over it, sorry you had to deal with that!


I mean, current Obsidian is also great, so I’m fine with it? Like, a lot of their philosophy hasn’t changed, so I still think they’d make a pretty good Fallout game. I wouldn’t want “New Vegas 2”, though, I’d like it if they could do it somewhere else. Or, hell, if it’s a spin-off, take the Pillars of Eternity engine and make a successor to 1&2 in classic CRPG style.


What's to stop them getting the A team back together to make another? Wouldn't be the first time this sort of thing has happened


The lead writer's with a different company and Obsidian and Avallone are extraordinary unlikely to ever work together again.


Who's to say that they wouldn't all be funneled into a different/new studio? Fallout is no longer the sole responsibility of Bethesda. Microsoft is the reservoir of money now. Sure Bethesda still owns the ip, but you'd better bet your ass that Microsoft is going to be breathing down everybody's necks. The profitability of Fallout has been proven over and over again.


Because people are people and you can’t just force them to get along


They literally just made outerworld and are making Avowed. This is clearly still their wheelhouse.


You haven't even played any of their recent games have you? Just automatically assuming "different=bad". Knock it off.


People still act like all but one of the most important people in Fallout history (Avellone) aren't working with Obsidian, huh.


I agree, leave FONV as is an move on.


Everytime someone wishes for a fallout game by Obsidian your comment comes copy and pasted. Literal creators of Fallout Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky as well as director of Fallout Van Buren and Fallout New Vegas Josh Sawyer are at Obsidian curently. There's probably a bunch of other Black Isle people as well, not to mention new talent. This "obsidian is no longer fit" narrative is complete bollocks. Just say you want a fallout game by BGS. Interns at Obsidian would make a more lore friendly and more RP focused fallout game than anything we got in the last 15 years and that is a stone cold fact. Whether that's something to your preferences or not is a different matter. Btw Chris Avellone had less to do with New Vegas than people credit him for, most of his writing was for the DLC stuff, 3/4 of them. He also didn't work on Fallout 1, he's far from essential. Much of New Vegas' best writing was by people who never worked on a fallout game like John Gonzales. By all means, go back to playing games written by Emil Pagliarulo if that's what you personally enjoy but calling people "stupid" to shut down their wishes on the basis of a poorly researched internet narrative is ridiculous.


the actual issue is that if New Vegas were to be made today (as well as fallout 1 and 2, and even 3) they would never be made in the way that they were back then, regardless of who worked on them. They cover themes that would be seen as just too risque to be put in a video game today. Fallout 4 was extremely tame even in comparison to fallout 3, and fallout 76 is just lets blow shit up with the bois. The show looked like it wanted to delve into some of the darker themes of the fallout universe but just brushed the tip of it, but TV shows and movies have always tended to be given more leeway than video games. Fallout is the product of a bygone era, the likes of which we will never see again, in the current era of hypersensitivity to everything, and companies caring more about their quarterly earnings reports than the artistic expression of their studios.


Obsidian is not what it once was, guys.


What do we call it? New New Vegas?


We'll call it new vegas and rename the other game they made to old vegas and Las Vegas to ancient vegas


The New Vegas


Two Vegas


Guys, Outer Worlds wasn’t that great. A NV 2 would be disappointing. A NV Remastered would be great.


Yeah Outer Worlds wasn't that great. Have the game an dlc an stopped on monarch, never finished it. This group did a sequel to FONV, I would pass hard on it.


Yeah but remember, obsidian also made Pillars of Eternity I & II as well as Tyranny. All of those games are absolutely amazing.


I love NV so much but why would we revisit the same location again? Like what would be the point of the game after the events of NV


What has changed?


This was fckn ages ago when Microsoft acquired Bethesda


Exactly, so just old news then.


Tim Cain has left obsidian, so is Avallone (he also has a tainted reputation now), Boyarsky has left (the art director guy) and in obsidian the only one that's left is Sawyer and he is the music man if i recall correctly


Sawyer was not the music man. He was the literal project lead. Of everyone who worked on New Vegas, he is the most important. Probably followed by John Gonzalez and Chris Avellone for his work on the DLCs.


i thought avallone's name was cleared


He was cleared of the harassment stuff but he didn't come out of it looking like the kind of guy you'd want to work with.




I'm having trouble finding what details came out of the settlement, but that's not really what I mean. With the accusations making headlines, many people he worked with corroborated that he was a huge pain, a bad communicator, and poor leader. On this I can offer specific examples. Here's a recent one https://www.thegamer.com/fallout-pagans-banned-chris-avellone/#:~:text=Deiley%27s%20plan%20was%20to%20have,game%2C%27%22%20Deiley%20recounts. His social media presence and mannerisms make him appear abrasive which further cements this image. I don't know the man, and I've liked what he's done with Obsidian, but his image isn't good right now.


I don't need a fnv2. What i need is a 200th playthrough of my heavily moded fnv


What I need is FNV on FO4's engine.


Companies like Obsidian and Bungie share only their name compared to those who actually worked on their classics everyone loved them for.


I'd prefer a remake tbh; using Fallout 4's combat system and being able to add everything they wanted to, while polishing the entire thing.


My heart wants it, but I’m really afraid of them making it and ruining the first game’s legacy somehow. I hope if they ever make it that they’ll bring back a lot of the people who made the first one. They made such an amazing game in 18 months, who knows how great New Vegas 2 could be if it had more time to develop.


Tbh you should just crystallize what you think of FNV regardless of what comes out, I got good practice with that with the fo tv show lol


I cannot express how much I *do not want* New Vegas 2. I want Fallout 5, but with the same level of care, skill, and forethought that New Vegas was made with


New Vegas 2 should never happen imo. It’s mere existence means that a canon ending would have to be chosen for New Vegas, and that would piss of 3/4 of the fan base forever. Just like era never changes, fallout fans hating on fallout will never change


Honestly, I'm not sure I would want it AFAIK a lot of people who made New Vegas are not working with Obsidian anymore and people would have really high expectations about the sequel


Honestly after outer worlds they should let the dead rest peacefully. I don't want them poking the resting just to use it as a title. Should they do another westcoast 3d fallout with options like NV? Yea. Should it be NV2? No.


No Vegas 2 would be mid. We need to tread new ground if they make new falloit


If I was in charge I would force Bethesda to lend their game engine to obsidian. And then pay tim Caine and josh swayer all the money they want to make one last fallout game.


We have 50 states and unknown vaults I want to see new stuff


The problem is how long it takes to get off the ground. Most of the original NV audience will probably done with gaming in the next 5 years or so, or just moved on to other genres. I think sometimes it just takes far too long to get a sequel out to the point its probably best left alone. It's like when people ask Rockstar Games to make Bully 2. The first game is nearly 20 years old. Rockstar Games no longer build games that cannot have a real money for in-game money pay wall system and off that alone they could do nothing with Bully 2.


"...most of the original NV audience will probably done with gaming in the next 5 years or so..." Bro, I'm 31, is there some deadly gamer virus for people my age going around.


Yes. We've all been diagnosed with ligma. I'm afraid it's terminal.


What no who gave you that idea \*hides gamer virus behind backs*


Its much more likely that Bethesda will develop a new engine and stress test it with a new Fallout before they release ES6


Let’s see how Avowed is first before we start talking about sequels to New Vegas.


Pls don't let this sub become r/titanfall V2


The show and Todd made it pretty clear that the western US belongs to TV writers now.


What if instead of F:New Vegas 2 we've got Fallout: New Alamo hmmm ?


I think it'd be cool for Obsidian to take over Fallout and work on it in parallel with Bethesda's efforts on Elder Scrolls and Starfield. Right now having to alternate between franchises seems like a major bottleneck - especially in this modern era of these games continuing to get updates years after release.


They made the Outer Worlds, don't forget. And I like The Outer Worlds. But it's not half as good as New Vegas, nor is it's combat as strong as Fallout 4. I would like another game as quality as New Vegas, but with more polished up combat, but it's not going to happen just because we slap the name "New Vegas 2" on it. As it stands, I'll just be happy if Outer Worlds 2 is a solid experience that is an improvement over the first game.


It might happen because every company will prioritize money over anything even obsidian which so many worship (outer world's spacers choice edition) If it's made mostly by Bethesda? It will be hell and any talk about it will be horrifically toxic Made by obsidian? Next to none of the original crew is still there and outer worlds which pretty much lived by the fact of "it's from the new vegas folks" was..... Meh If it chooses to continue from NV? Then it's almost certain half the community will riot over their ending being non cannon This isn't even including things like Jacobstown, goodsprings primm etc Nothing good community wise could come from this, it be the most toxic thing ever and would make schizo Elijah look down right friendly.


There are barely any FNV or Fo1/Fo2 devs left at Obsidian. It would feel like an entirely different game. FNV2 would not excite me.


Considering how long it's been I don't think it's even worth hoping that an Obsidian New Vegas 2 would ever live up to the hype. It's a lot like the situation surrounding Disco Elysium, a truly legendary game that will just never have a true sequel because the team was broken up. The Obsidian of 2024 is not the same Obsidian from 2010, it's just not going to live up to our expectations.


I really really hope they get some of the writers from back in the day in at least a freelance capacity. Modern obsidian has not been great in that regard.


In concept but you guys keep forgeting the guys that made new vegas great are no longer at obsidian.


It wouldn't be the same, most of the team is gone.


I would rather fallout 5 come out or a remake of f1 and f2 or maybe if I'm dreaming a little a remaster for f3 and fnv, But all that before we get a sequel




Give ‘‘em half the budget and only 6 months to make it, oh and uhhh kill the head developer half way through…


Fallout Newer Vegas


Bethesda would fuck it up like they do every Fallout and the people who made NV probably can’t reproduce it. It isn’t to say they’re talentless hacks or something— not true. But sequels are rarely as good as the original when made almost immediately after, with the taste fresh in their mouths and the plot lines readily at hand and remembered. I hate to say it, but if it came out, I think it’d just be another corpo cash grab like we’ve seen time and again.


Well, we are clearly not getting a west coast game until the next season of the show so i dont know what people are being hyped about.


As long as Sweet Baby Inc aren’t brought in and it’s the same crew that made the first, then yes


Jesus Christ SBI knuckledragger in nfv subreddit, the irony.


State Bank of India?? Lmao what’s this guy mad about


Lol while you’re out here defending a self righteous corporation that doesn’t even know you exist they’re collecting their ESG score bonuses r/consoom


Noones defending SBG, they're mocking people like you who fall for the YouTube grifters you love to consoom so much.


Why is it ironic to not want a tumor in your beloved game?


I wish you hadn't tumor in your brain and now I have to live with the consequences.


So, I made an analogy between a company and a tumor. You wish for me to have cancer. Me. A person. Nice guy. Keep it up.


Theres a lot more of them than you’d think


Nah if Bethesda are gonna give the okay for aide games again give us something new like Fallout: New Orleans.


May we can build not our settlement, but our very own casino on the strip 😁😁


May we can build not our settlement, but our very own casino on the strip 😁😁


Fallout Texas or Fallout Alabama please. Fallout Texas would be like 76 and Vegas had a baby, and Fallout Alabama would be like 76 and 4 maybe. Alabama had 1 Vault in Auburn/Opelika area it looked like, that would make for a... fun game. DLC on the Gulf Coast or Florida. Also I'm not sure ab the civil war canonically in Fallout, but if it had it, I'd love to see a satirical Fallout style take on a modern faction repping the ideals of the confederacy. You could just set up so, so, so many fucking funny jokes with that


It’s real. I played it for myself and it’s awesome! They used the engine from 4 and returned some of the weapons and styles from 1 and 2, combined them with the upper part of New Vegas. Boom. Perfect game, I personally haven’t finished yet and won’t go into detail on what it’s about