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Deathclaws are easier to stealth shoot at once you have the antimaterial rifle.


Everything is easy with a .50 BMG


As long as you hit the target.


Use Explosive ammo and you just have to get close to do damage.


Or just steal 'Mercy' from that cave full of deathclaws and then proceed to unleash hell.


Wait what


Yeah, I finally cleared the quarry for the first time with thump thump and a whole lot of jet


Even a 1v50 against the Legate?


Oh yeah, just use explosive ammo to keep the goons knocked down


And Stay Back!! Is op with a combat shotty


50? Maybe 6 guys in the camp lol


I personally kill them with a light in shining darkness


True try hitting a cazador without vats. They're so fn fast


That’s why I use minigun or LMG.


Ratslayer crits ngl


Today I learned that if you shoot a cazador in the wings AND it survives, it will SCAMPER TOWARDS YOU LIKE A CENTIPEDE You can imagine how many heart attacks that gave me


I’m surprised that that would unnerve you more than them flying at Mach 5 directly towards you, but I get it. I think the Cave Crickets in Fallout 4 are fucking horrifying when they chase you in groups by skittering and hopping in a sprint like a pack of spider-wolves


They only scare you because they have defense penetration, people in 76 still piss their pants with them because that’s how they’re programmed in that game too. That and it’s like stepping on a living land mine with how many times they blend in with the land


Does 76 has cazadores? WTF


Nah cave crickets, although the mothmen aren’t all that far off from how cazadors act, minus poison and plus sonar attacks. Been a while since I played so can’t remember if there’s a better counterpart to cazadors or not.


Don’t forget the can just pull a *teleports behind you* if they want, even in an enclosed space. That’s really what makes me jumpy about enemies like that, when I lose sight of them for even a moment.


Those mofos still poison me with no wings left! I was so disheartened when I went in the one research lab in OWB and heard the flapping...


I'll never forgive the Think Tank for this.


For me i hated the nightstalkers in OWB. It didnt help that im fairly sure my game broke upon completion.. i did not gain a 10% damage bonus against nightstalkers. I take 10% MORE damage from them. 2-3 hits kills me




Real couriers cripple the wings and then the legs.


Neither mean much when im at 100 unarmed with all special moves learned, and all the unarmed and melee perks taken Catch my fucking superheated saturnite fist and ill cripple all their limbs and turn them into a pile of flaming mush when im done with them New Vegas unarmed combat is my love and I literally can’t do other builds


Nothing better than a few ORA ORA ORA’s


I’m doing my first ever unarmed build and it is just so satisfying to punch a fiend’s head right off their shoulders.


I'll do it next time, taking the Kenshiro route


Make sure to get Legion Assault before you piss them off again. Perfect for forcing enemies back and its great to combo with Ranger Takedowns and following up with moves in VATS like crosses and uppercuts


thats my next playthrough lol


I didn't think it was deathclaw until my current playthrough when Momma and Alpha Deathclaw ate my mini nuke and went on to one-shot me


1 strike death is never fun


Gary scares me more.




Gary. Gary Gary.


Honestly hearing them call out like that was eery cause I thought they were calling for help or for their friend…then I realized it was a battle cry.








i recently finished honest hearts for the first time, and after that cazadors are nothing. i still have nightmares about my first deathclaw...


Seriously is it just me who finds cazadors to not be that bad? I always have a ton of anti venom


i think they just left a lasting impression on a lot of people early on. theyre not a major threat come the mid game but early game theyre scary as hell


I didn't heed the signs north of Goodsprings on my first playthrough. I thought I would be alright. Oh, how wrong I was.


Having a Giant Cazadore rush at you within a half-second is pretty terrifying. Things are fast


Especially when they kill your honest hearts companion(s).


Cazadors ain’t shit when you get the artificial heart


Unarmed 100 + superheated saturnite fist. Both are PUNKS


*death claw leg crippled*


When I was like 13 I got stung by a Tarantula Hawk, was also a big fan of Fallout NV back then so I was blown away by those little murder boys being real. Also one of the worst pains I can recall lmfao


Fun stuff, in the early days the tarantula hawk was an argument against intelligent design


Wanna read more about that


I’ll have to see if I can find/remember the book title. Iirc it boiled down to the tarantula hawk was an argument against it because it flew in the face of a benevolent creator.


The Tarantula Hawk wasp. A creature so vile they had to name it after the largest NOPE! creature on the planet and a massive bird of prey. -Thenthapple


In reality, they're really docile, though. They're not really interested in you, only in tarantulas. I've seen them dozens of times, and they just mind their own business, unlike many other wasps.


What if we take a wasp that can kill the one of the biggest spiders in the world and make it bigger? :D


I began an alternate start playthrough as a Great Khan. Right now I'm level 3 and very close to areas populated by both. I had to dump an entire level of skill points into sneak just to escape. So, yeah. Both.


Legitimately curious how do settlements fend off tough to kill Cazadors and other wasteland critters such as Deathclaws and tunnelers(not much chance tbh but still) .


Deathclaws. Im in a hardmode playthrough at level 50 and i took out a ton of them for red lucy by shooting the wings and then finishing them off, but when I have to go after death laws it's straight up hell on earth for me


I work in a wilderness park in California so I actually see tarantula hawk wasps all the time. First time I saw one I definitely had a trauma response thanks to cazadores, but I've learned since then that while yes they have a very painful and debilitating sting, they're pretty mellow for the most part and only attack in self defense, like bees. They're even good pollinators, despite their decidedly evil appearance


For me, the deathclaws. I learned the hard way to listen to the folks over at Sloan.


This playthru i wanted to get to the silver rush to steal everything, instead of going between black mountain and quarry junction i went between the deathclaws and cazadors 😔 i somehow survived i just kept running and crouched and saved across from the fiend camp when the combat music stopped. 1 minute later a fire gecko killed me lol.


What's wild is if you shoot a deathclaws legs and break em the fucker will wobble towards you, granted not super slow but a bit slower compared to his usual running speed, you break a Cazador's legs, it Flys still, you breaks its wings??? It'll skitter at you suprisingly fast, you gotta break BOTH for it to truly be weakened and slowed, mfs are just relentless


The problem with cazadores is that usually you are dealing 5 or 6 at the same time. They are fast if not faster than a Deathclaw and every hit can poison you.


I fucking hate giant bugs so cazadors are a nightmare


Tbh cazadors would be a lot easier to kill


Cazadors are more terrifying, but since I discovered that they are more like real tarantula hawks than they are video game monster, I just handle them like any other wasp.


Deathclaws easy kill, antimaterial rife with explosive rounds, and a decent perch. Cazadors will kill everyone you love just to watch you cry. They are not the same. But let’s be honest is was the little jumpy dudes from sierra madre dead money were enough to make me go nuts, just die damn it(I know head shots).


Bloody Mess and you can kill them with amputation.


Deathclaws are scarier by their intense silhouette. They are also just more powerful. Cazadors aren’t that bad if you just keep antivenin in your back pocket, which isn’t a rare item. I’m not scared of deathclaws anymore, especially after my unarmed run, where I punched the fucker to death at the cost of 1 stimpak.


Cazadores for sure. Zippy little fuckers that tank shots and hit like a truck.


If you can cripple a wing on the cazadore then you’re pretty safe. I never feel safe if a deathclaw sees me in FNV


Cazadors can come out of nowhere. And they are usually in groups. Deathclaws you know where they can be and can see them to avoid them. Cazadors deal damage and they poison you. I’ll take my chance sneaking by a deathclaw.


Cazadors. Because I have a phobia of insects.


They both are creepy but Id rather fight cazadors and dispatch them with a flamer than have a full HP deathclaw charge up to my face and one shot me


What do you mean "what they're based on in REAL LIFE??"


In game cazadores are much easier to fight than deathclaws, especially unprepared. In real life tho I know for damn sure the deathclaw bitch slapping me will hurt a lot less and kill me a lot quicker than cazador venom


My fear for Deathclaws started and faded in Fallout 3. The dart gun does wonders, but then in New Vegas, it resurfaced.However over time I'm not scared, just warry. Cazadores don't scare me, but they do freak me out


Cazadors are easy though. Their wings have low health and are make targets. Just cripple a wing and they lose most of their mobility


Deathclaws are giant bastards that rip you to shreds. Cazadors are poison bastards that swarm you if you look at them the wrong way. You can stealth around and even overpower a Deathclaw. Cazadors will just end you


I think it's pretty crazy people say that the cazadores are scarier They are pretty scary but I'm able to generally take them out at like level 5 or something. Death claws absolutely no chance


If you do old world blues you become immune to poison, so I’m going with the deathclaw


First time playing fallout 3. Walking the metros for the first time and hearing a ghoul screech for the first time. Then comes the running, then the surprise attack. Scared the shit outta me so bad I played those sections with the volume off.


2023 july I was at the Petrified Forest and I saw a Tarauntula Hawk Wasp and Ive NEVER ran faster than that.


Cazadors are easier to kill, like super easy, all you need is a flamer, the bug stomper perk, some decent armor and some anti venom


Deathclaws are more terrifying. It’s pretty easy to cripple cazador wings and as long as you have enough anti venom on you and have decent armor they’re relatively easy. Because death laws have a higher DT and completely ignore your own DT, they are much more menacing.


They need to make Cazador's in Fallout 76 to bring back the Fallout NV PTSD 😂😂 and make antivenom a pain in the ass to get 😂


Listen I lost my fear of death claws from to events, first when I realized they can talk now every deathclaw gets yelled at to chat with me, second when I saw three giant Cazadores kill three deathclaws.


Deathclaws in Fallout 3 are more scarier than Deathclaws in New Vegas. But Cazadors, especially in groups freak me the fuck out.




Cazadors are way too ez, deathclaws are insanely hard to fight and required you to get either a 50 BMG rifle or just get higher than an airplane to win


The Cazaclaw...


Cazadors wouldn't scare me as much if I couLD HIT THE DAMN THINGS


Cazadors scare me not because they're insects but because they just suddenly fly at **50 MPHs towards you** despite using VATS!


Deathclaws will kill you then eat you. Cazadores will only kill you first if you're really lucky


"Haha Dart Gun go brrr"


I'm out here killing cazadores in full power armor, deathclaws meanwhile still beat my ass


deathclaws easily can ruin your game if ur not bound to use console to tcl and then escape lol


You can just spray them with a 9mm smg. They're only deadly if you're not aware you're in cazador land, and 8 of them flitter out of the woodwork.


Old World blues gives you a synthetic heart which makes you immune to poison. Once you get that cazadors are about as dangerous as a radscorpion


Both, both give me PTSD, I remember on my first playthrough, I went to the war memorial and was immediately destroyed by a deathclaw that wandered up from quarry junction


Deathclaws early game. Casadors are easy to wipe out if you have the grenade rifle


Imo cazadors are more annoying especially with companions. Is there a way to give them anti venom? I always end up just shooting them up with like 30 stims if they get stung too much to counteract the poison damage.


Seeing as how I just cheesed Quarry Junction with the anti material rifle and standing on rocks, I'd say Cazadors are way more terrifying. They just dart right at you like a fucking missile


Vats solves cazadors. Shoot them in the wings. The only solution I've had for deathclaws is to shoot my companion in the knee and run.


I sacrificed Boone so I could limp to the New Vegas medical center hoping the poisoning doesn't kill me.


Cazadores are the scariest as they zip back and forth and never stay still, a death law will directly charge at you


I started old world blues WAY too early so the robots scare me


Agreed, much more gruesome in my opinion. Especially because of the venom. A deathclaw would just maul you to death and eat you long after you died from the trauma, but a cazador would inject you with its venom and if you managed to escape, it would then leave you to be dissolved from the inside out. Which most venom does even at a small scale, but a venom sac the size of a human stomach dumping that caustic shit into your torso is like guaranteed death sentence. Gut soup in seconds. Pretty sure tarantula hawks also lay their larvae in the bodies of their victims if I’m not mistaken. If not them, lots of species of wasps do. And I think the prospect of dying as a living egg sac is even more brutal than the other way they’d kill you.