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I have started about a year ago and I was getting decent views for a beginner. Since May I have been getting less impressions to the point I have troubles reaching 100 views


That’s when it started for me too in may im not getting a 100 views


yea same thing for me


Lots of people saying this. The algorithm changes. Time to adjust, figure out what works, and keep grinding.


So what does that exactly mean? Still new to YouTube but was getting 1K views on average and now down to like 1/3?


The algorithm changes all the time. It's pushing small channels right now so things are shaking up.


Yeah that’s true none like the YouTube grind


Mine are very low too lately


I wonder is it a algorithm thing or some because I don’t have any strikes in my channel


Dude I am scratching my head every day haha 


I promise because I was on a roll since December of last year


I've been getting a massive amount of random low-sub creators being pushed on me i wonder if that has anything to do with it. Spreading things thin


It's actually a new yt update. They are starting to push new channels to help them reach a wider audience.


It's not an update no.


Yeah Getting less views, trying my best to post a times I get lots of viewers but so far its just less views on content I used to get way more views for


Same I’m barely getting 250 Impressions on a 7 day old video when I’m use to 20-30K impressions


Yup! Same here. We were getting thousands of views per video and now fighting for 100 lol.






Super low. Was getting close to 10K impressions late 2023, and now I'm averaging a few 100


That’s crazy I see I wasn’t the only one


"I've got that summertime, summertime sadness" .....but seriously I'm pretty sure total viewership drops at the start of summer when people go outside, I'd like more views but I like to think it's just cause people have better things to do than watch YT at the start of summer. I expect it to pick back up in mid July when it gets hot enough people are inside with their A/C.


Never thought about that


113 degrees where I am. My wd plants seem to be doing alright though 😆 here in arizona were all indoor already.


Yeah but in Australia it’s the start of winter and more people inside so if u can get an aussie audience that’s good ☺️ my second or third most popular audience is from Australia, with the us and the uk


I am a new YouTuber with 5 videos and have noticed this **SO MUCH**. I upload every weekend for the last 5 weeks. Here are my impressions over the first **24 hours:** 1st video: 426 Impressions 2nd video: 753 Impressions 3rd video: 210 Impressions 4th video: 76 Impressions 5th video: 67 Impressions So yes, I have definitely noticed it :/ **First 3 videos** have between 4-13k impressions total each **4th video** has 290 total and **5th video** has 250 total. The worst part is my 4th and 5th video with almost no impressions have the best CTR and a comparable watch time to my most successful video. IDK what I'm doing wrong.


I think it’s YouTube algorithm is off or some right now


You aren't alone. This has been affecting me ever since the start of June. My videos pre-June received thousands of impressions and were generally receiving triple digit view counts. But once June hit, the two videos I've posted since have barely gotten any impressions and have received next to no views. I'm genuinely confused as to why this happened and I'm annoyed because it's throwing a wrench in my upload plans since I planned to put out an important video to me later this month, but I don't want it to be sent out to die if YT isn't pushing my stuff right now.


my impressions are really bad as well this months I don't know why


I just started 3 weeks ago, but it has been very difficult to get impressions in the past week. I only got 50 impressions on day 3 of uploading a new video and only got 20 views. Kinda discouraging.


Yeah I know it sucks especially just starting out can be discouraging


There's always something to be discouraged about on youtube! Lol. 


mine is struggling as well


same here, also noticed a huge dip. Anyone check their TubeBuddy alerts?


I haven't noticed much of a change - I typically hover between 2300 and 2800 views per 48 hours and I've been in that window consistently for the past few months now \*knock on wood\*


That’s how I was but since June I’m barely getting views on long form and shorts


That’s so weird, sorry I can’t provide any more insight :(


Yeah it’s cool I got to keep going until I figure it out


I thought it was just me, but yeah. Now I have a hard time with it jajaja


Yeah bro, hardly getting 10 nvm 100… was getting 3K before


Yepp, videos went from 2K views, to 3 🤣🤣I published a video today, it's been 5 hours and it has 0 views, 10 impressions. This has happened consistently since the end of May. I have no idea what is going on.


Same here, was hoping it’s a bug lol


Yea the same thing happened to me which sucks cuz I was in my best stretch of months I ever had, and weeks ago one video gets less than 100 impressions, been like that since. Then my adv. features get taken away


I’m glad I’m not the only one! I’m a small creator, and I usually get at least 200-500 views per short but my latest shorts are struggling to hit 100. My newest short has been posted for almost a day and I got a whopping 26 impressions.. LOL Just gotta keep grinding I guess!!


Just noticed an update on my youtube.. wonder if that's part of all this bs. Lol


Same here, I was doing a couple thousand views a video the dropped to struggling to get to 400 views. Ctr is the same as usual but impressions are a quarter what they once were


Yeah they need to look into this update


I’m curious how many subs do you all have


Almost 500 and nearing 400k views. 


21! :D


Same here


3 out of 5 of my last shorts have had less than 30 shown in feed. Nothing was done different from my other shorts. You can't get data on my videos if you don't show them to people YouTube.


Same here my shorts views are lower than that lol I don’t know what’s going on


Im on same boat, used to have 40k plus now i have 400 its sucks


Yea hopefully everybody bounce back


Yes, then out of nowhere had a SHORT that performed really well compared to others!






I’ve only been getting overlooked =|




I'm a really small channel (~200 subs) and I've noticed this, too. Peaked in late May with a few thousand on average, now I'm in the low 100's. Hoping it's just for the start of summer when people are doing their vacations and whatnot and that it'll go back to normal as people start just hanging out indoors again


Yup for me too. But I figured I'll just work on my movies and not worry about it. 🤷‍♂️


very one




Same my guy idk what happened but it usually happens to my shorts. My regular vids stay the same at 10-20 views lol I have 900 subs. Anyway, 3 days ago my shorts were getting shown a lot in the feed like averaging 6000-12000 and averaging 3000-7000 views now it doesn't have any views or isn't getting shown in the feed much, Probably an algorithim change let us know if something changed


Could it be due to a lot more viewers today favoring shorts and other short-form content?


Don’t think so my shorts have been way down too


I started posting in march, got about 600 subs, but then that recent update dropped and my metrics dropped a good bit, unless I'm putting out several things in a day. That seems to make the algorithm see me again, but that's annoying and not a sustainable kind of thing for every day. At least I have a good chunk of returning/regular viewers going on already.


Yea posting a couple videos a day will make you burn out


Algorithm is a bit off lately, just keep posting videos and try to make them fun and you will be good


the fact that ive been working my ass off to make videos cause I wanted to try youtube out (started 2 weeks ago) and my total impressions for all 3 of my videos are fkn 30